Go Woke Go Broke


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Absolutely based, why would you sub to netflix when all they have is shit like nu-she ra

Are you retarded?

People cancel their subscriptions all the time. It's called churn and has nothing to do with whatever stupid political point you think you are making

No idea what the fuck this is but I would bet good money it's as reliable as cosmicbooknews

The same thing can be seen in gaming. When there was only Steam everyone used it and it was convenient. Now you need 4 different launchers if you are one of the rare people who want to play everything and it's just more convenient to pirate again.

When there was only Netflix and you could get everything with it it worked well but when you need 3 or more to get all the decent stuff piracy just makes more sense since the offered convenience is just gone.

I sure as hell won't pay just to watch Ducktales on Disney and the Dark Crystal on Netflix but I would pay for one service that has both.

The difference is that all the diferent videogame launchers are free. The streaming services actually cost money.

Shhhh be patient with user, he only watches cartoons for kids.

>One of the most high profile and financial heavy shows on netflix involved women in prison, where having sex with each other was a main plot line
>She-ra is the problem

ok captain kangaroo

>not canceling your netflix sub because you realize binge releases are a cancer growing upon serialized tv and you should do what you can to discourage it

That only makes the problem with streaming bigger and not smaller.

Even less. It's run by libertarians.

This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums, shill. That's what you should expect

That's not what Stranger Things is about and you know it.

Why are you being so rude?

You're literally on Yea Forums

>serialized tv
Outdated format only pushed by corrupt businessmen and literal retards.

How the fuck is serialized TV "outdated"? No one talks about episodic shows unless they're comedies.

This is not Yea Forums
This link is garbage and so are you


Great source there, user. Top notch. Completely flawless.


>Disney Plus losing $24,000 a year
>Netflix losing $161,000 a year
>Hulu losing 51,000 a year
>Based on people signing a petition saying they wouldn't use them because they're against conservative values

Yeah, I'm sure those massive companies will miss a few thousand people who "promise" not to use their services because a right-wing website told them not to.

Is it more ikely that people just can't afford to sub to streaming channels because they'd rather buy food or pay the bills instead?

>"For those who have canceled their streaming services and are looking for a family-friendly service that won't push socialism and abortion and other debauchery, try Pureflix."

Is this one of those conservative satire sites?

This is probably happening because netflix has been bled dry of all their content save for originals and euro animation

op is a worm

How can people be cancelling a service that isn't even available yet?

Fuck off faggot.

lol found the soon to be downsized netflix employee

The only difference between streaming and traditional television is the income source. Advertisers are the primary income for traditional, subscribers for the streaming. The idea that adds will soon be on most streaming services really points to the latter being more "corrupt". And that's if you're using a super loose definition of corrupt to include "wants the most money"

>go woke go broke
They went woke in the hope to make enough of a base to repair their anus after Mickey dick finished with it. It didn't work

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does streaming media have to do with being 'woke'?

but disney is also wokeshit

>Pure Flix (stylized as PURE FLIX) is an American conservative Christian production and distribution company founded by David A. R. White and Russell Wolfe, inspired by Netflix.[3] Pure Flix is known for producing Christian films, notably God's Not Dead (2014), Do You Believe? (2015), I'm Not Ashamed (2016), The Case for Christ (2017), I Can Only Imagine (2018), and Unplanned (2019). Since 2015, films distributed by Pure Flix have collectively grossed over $100 million at the domestic box office.[4] The company has headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona.

My elderly parents asked me to set them up with a d23 account so they could get that deal for 3 years.
3 years

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Huh, wonder why Butch Hartman didn’t partner with them...

>June 5
>Disney Plus hasnt even come out yet

Well you're half right

>Americans must put their politics into everything

Really? You fat fucking burgerclaps can't enjoy things unless it perfectly fits your political views?
Do you get made when the Scooby don't make speeches about how vital guns are when catching ghosts?

I think you're the garbage. I think you shouldkill yourself.

I'm sorry its not CNN lol

No Pureflix is real. I use it. Its not bad.

Nobody bought this bullshit article in the Dark Crystal thread and nobody is going to buy it here
Except for this retard, anyway. FPWP

Let it be known that when presented with the opportunity for counterargument you abdicated the chance and instead chose to insult instead

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Trump supporters are disconnected from objective reality.

When you come from a place where your politics actually carry weight you can talk

>PJ Media is a leading news site covering culture, politics, faith, homeland security, and more.

Do you guys just search for the dumbest sites with the dumbest articles to dredge up? This is sad now

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Yeah thats why our guy is President and Hilary is busy killing off Epstein.

Does this mean stuff like Twelve Forever and The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance have less of a chance of getting a second season because of this?

How many times are you going to make the same point? lol I'm sorry its not CNN

Eww, why do either you scum?

>our guy is President

He did a great job monitoring that Hurricane, how is Alabama coping with the weather?

Eat another burger, it should calm you down.

>I am not disconnected from reality that is why I think hillary clinton is more powerful than the entire us government

>insulting delicious burgers

Because Trump is God and can control the weather
even you admit it about yourself

>poor rich pedo is DEAD, that nasty woman! How dare she kill one of /ourguys/?!

Meh I’ll get Disney plus but I won’t drop Netflix.

>Yeah, Netflix and Disney are gonna be financially suffering.
Unironically kill yourself.

The motherfucker has actual dementia going by his speech patterns and memory and a country of retards made him president.
Thank god his staff literally ignores his requests and he just forgets he even made them.

She killed him because he had dirt on all the Democrats, are you retarded?

Wouldn't it be more likely that Trump and Barr did it since, you know, they're both directly connected to Epstein and also control the US government and DOJ respectively.

>Trump complimented him on his taste in women, said they were a little on the 'young side', as soon as he's in Trump custody, he 'suicides'.
>Trump has visited lolita island multiple times
Oh yes, clearly the Democrats did 9/11

Orange man bad

Orange man good

Trump kicked the guy out of his club long ago. Epstein was a Democrat. Look at what they're doing to kids. THey're abusing them and cutting off boy's dicks and calling it a transkid. They're pedophiles.

>We stug to the libs! Sure our farm just went out of business due to tariff wars, but those libs got stug so bad!

Could Steven Universe redeem Hilary?

He was talking about Big Mouth

Liberals are literally trying to starve people out of their homes and take away their only ability to defend themselves. THey're evil and thats why they love to murder babies.

Trump and Epstein were personal friends, and Trump put the dude that let Epstein walk in his White House cabinet.

He wasn't a personal friend to Epstien. As soon as he saw he was a typical pedo Democrat, he kicked him out of his clubs.

Abortion is 99% of a time because of ho who want to be whore and sleep around with no consequences.

This is why women who had sex before marriage where punished hard and disgraced in the old times.

You know there are court records literally detailing how often Trump and Epstein talked to each other and that he went to pedo island, right? Trump kicked him out of Mar a lago officially but they were still friends. He wouldn't have nominated Acosta and defend him if he hated Epstein. Also, you know, Barr and Epstein were family friends, and Trump sure didn't give a shit about that either.

Definitely, if they have less money to spend on not so much profitable and hard to produce series, they will axe most of these kind of series.

We'll live soon in a Netflix that is going to be weak on originals and if anything new doesn't get massive attention in the first season, a second season will be almost impossible. Just like Starz or other minor channels

>all this backlash
I'd never thought I'd see the day when people are finally pushing back against SJW agendas.

Dumb ESL.

Pretty sure that's more to do with streaming now evolving to just be another cable like system but more expensive so now people are just going back to either buying DvD's of show that interests them or flatout piracy.

You posted this on the theme park thread and got btfo there and are now making it its one thread and are probably samefagging here like you were there. Pretty pathetic.

Idiot it's million. Learn to read numbers

Marvel Studios Executive Producer Trin Tranh on Phase 4: “This is the First Step to More Diverse Characters and Franchises”


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You learn to read. He was right the first time

>We replaced a white guy with a white gal, amazingly diverse!

Are we ignoring all the pedo republicans now?

Fuck off boomer.
Go complain about smartphones or some shit

When has Disney NOT been wokeshit? People are just mad now because they think identity politics are new and their nostalgia glasses fail to see that Disney's always been pushing progressive shit relevant to the times since at least the 1980s.


Can I get an actual news site, breittard?

That's all diversity amounts to. The same exact shit you've seen a thousand times before, but with a (usually white, ironically) woman slapped on.

Got an example of them being completely unreasonable with that like lately?

>Epstein was a Democrat
So was Trump back then. Why do people ignore this fact?

>Bounding Into Comics
Like clockwork.
>completely unreasonable
I bet the stuff they were doing back then would've seem unreasonable to you too. Except nothing at all right now is unreasonable either.

Yeah, randomly changing characters they already have, killing off a billion dollar franchise, shitting all over some movies' ending right at the beginning of the sequels, replacing beloved characters with quotas etc sounds pretty reasonable.

Come on, I'm asking for one example out of curiosity. Even as far as Princess and the Frog or Tangled I don't recall anything as ridiculous.

Both sides have an agenda to push and are basically zealots replacing religion with politics. Those groups are extremely vocal and the rest of us that just want to watch tv are caught in the middle.

>Fuck off back to r3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. You are pathetic.

You're on Yea Forums, you blind nigger.

Eat more Tide pods, faggot.

Yea Forums isn’t working with a full hand so to speak.

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the op is stupid and is using a site that is primarily arguing against Netflix not because of whether they are doing something like changing the race of his favorite cartoon character or turning someone gay but because they favor abortions or take the lord's name in vain or some other biblical bullshit that's a big no-no. It's essentially the same kind of site that tries to sell you dvds of tv shows with all the sex (and yes, that includes breeder sex) removed AND also the make out sessions or any kissing that's not a chaste peck on the cheek.

OP is the worse sort of moron.

>lol sorry it's not breitburt


See how stupid and imbecilic you sound?

>PJ Media is an American conservative opinion and commentary collaborative blog that was founded in 2004.

into the fucking trash it goes

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Like "I want to smoke weed and not pay taxes" libertarians or republicans in denial?

Will incels ever recover from captain marvel breaking 1 billion dollarydoos at the box office?

Where did I say that?

How many times are you going to say This? I'm sorry it's not as "reliable" as CNN lol

>durr there are only 2 news outlets - fox news or CNN

just fucking stop

sooner than marvel recovers the cash they had to spend on tickets