Does love between fictional characters activate your heartboner?

Does love between fictional characters activate your heartboner?

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Marcie > Patty

A fusion would be best though.

Yes but mostly because i never experienced love as a kid and now that i am an adult i will never

Why even live user

I would kill myself but mom would be sad

If the perfect chemistry is in place and it's done right, yes.

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I would be too user. Stay alive, I'm sure you'll find someone someday!

yes and it sucks
being a shipper is pain

Patty is a cuck haba

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Close friendships evolving into a pure, undying love activates my heartboner and my actual boner.

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you're ok, user. keep on truckin, i believe all of us will find happiness someday
yes, and it's the best feeling in the world

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Keep your chin up, Satan. Improve yourself, and love will find you.

Yes. I adore that warm fuzzy feeling.
Way to ruin the mood asshole

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kind of, but it isn't my cup of tea. Very rarely I seek out romantic fiction to consume.

I also have a hard time trying to understand shippers and, before I even knew people took it as seriously as they do, I thought all the romance in non-romantic stories were just breathers from the action/drama/whatever

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>tfw i care more about the romantic lives of fictional children than my own's

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Reminder that Patty is a cuck in The Peanuts Movie.

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Very much but shit is starting to toy around
>when canonically the given love interest will grow old

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Can't Steven change his age at will though?

It’s a strange feeling, innit?

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Yes. Romance used to be the most popular genre and entire stories would revolve away one couple. Now Romance is just something that's shoved in as an extra and full-on romantic films are just anthology films/books of a dozen different couples finding love. It's a creative desert.

>shipping charlie brown with patty
>shipping charlie brown with marcie
>shipping charlie brown with the little red haired girl
>shipping charlie with peggy
>not shipping charlie brown with lucy

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If she learns that her words have impact on others and tones down her bitchiness a bit I’d be down for that. Textbook emotional abuse ain’t my thing.

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Same but my pets because my mom is dead