Why does Yea Forums hate carrie kelley?

Attached: Carrie-Kelley-as-Robin-from-The-Dark-Knight-Returns.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

homosexuals hate women

not canon

We fucking love her.
We just hate that she will be played by a gingerfake or a black girl in the live action

i love her

Attached: awesome.png (649x575, 725K)

this is a boy


What if she’s played by pic related?

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Strawberry gingers are cunts.
They're a shade lighter than real ginger and got more representation.
I hope this girl just goes with a dead career and will never make it to the big screen again.
And everybody will just forget her, even the pedo loli lovers on Yea Forums like you.

Is this a new type of /pol/ or an old type of Yea Forums?????

She'll probably get some love whenever her graphic novel comes out and gives her a push.

Attached: carrie.jpg (715x536, 359K)

>Is this a new type of /pol/ or an old type of Yea Forums?????
In /pol/ we call it /gingerpol/

Is that even good?

How inconsiderate.

Because she wont sit on my face

I started to read her
but DC yanked her out so i guess i wasn't allowed to read about her
so i gave up looking

Attached: carrie1.jpg (1035x1600, 394K)


God I want to fuck Carrie Kelly

Because she is a sad parody of a character who was introduced in a comic that did so much damage to Batman and DC as a whole the effects are still being felt today, Kelly is a reminder that DC still hasn’t recovered from that

Not enough porn

...I dunno, people blame Lisa Simpson for being a shit when it's clearly the fault of the show's writing going to hell and putrefying; maybe people who hate DKR/DKSB/etc. want to blame a character in the narrative rather than Frank Miller having gone insane and up his own ass at the same time.

She needs to take the bat dick in order to ensure that there will be a future generation of crime fighters in Gotham.

Attached: 1758762 - Batman Batman_(series) Bruce_Wayne Carrie_Kelley DC Robin The_Dark_Knight_Returns flick.pn (1000x1092, 205K)

can't you drag it back to hell with you? we don't want it

Nice bait, here’s a you cause it made me laugh.

gingers have no soul

fuck you

Yea Forums expected Frank's comic book to be adapted page for page?

That face is so fucking ugly.

more pls

Attached: 1320467 - Batman Bruce_Wayne Carrie_Kelley DC Rhaydar Robin The_Dark_Knight_Returns.jpg (856x1169, 236K)

Didn't know that. I remember her showing up, but nothing happened. Why'd they change their minds on it?

