Sealab 2020

I appreciate what this is, it's a grounded educational cartoon that tells you a lot of neat information and has a spice of action and adventure that is supposed to somewhat keep you on the edge of your seat, but holy shit it's boring. I think it's played a little too straight and safe for its own good.

For the entirety of 2020 and 2021, I've vowed that I am only going to post Sealab memes on Yea Forums. 2020, itself, probably won't be all that exciting, but when we kick into 2021, that's when shit is going to hit the fan.

Attached: Sealab.2020.S01E01.Deep.Threat.DVDRip.x264-TiMEGOD.mkv.jpg (640x480, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?

Attached: 1565609777330.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Attached: Sealab.2020.S01E01.Deep.Threat.DVDRip.x264-TiMEGOD.mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2019.09.08_01.01.14].jpg (640x480, 54K)

Would you get a robot body if you could only be 5 feet tall

Top 3 episodes
Swimming in Oblivion
Dearly Beloved Seed

Sparks is bet character

Attached: DF9BDF3A-A8FA-4E17-8412-D42D01EE34DE.jpg (480x360, 17K)

let them eat corn is the best episode

Attached: 1485253097370.png (497x370, 265K)

No not realy
The soviet union and its sattelite states were pretty based

Waking Quinn is best.
>post-Murphy era Sealab episode
Absolutely garbage taste.

Attached: 43.jpg (400x300, 16K)


You mean there's Stormy?


>it's a grounded educational cartoon that tells you a lot of neat information and has a spice of action and adventure that is supposed to somewhat keep you on the edge of your seat,

It's too bad, we need more of this genre. I'm gonna binge this, Jonny Quest, and a couple of other HB shows to see if I can get a decent script out of it for contemporary kids/viewers.

Attached: 5099d39f707ab9373a3109e168cd1f6cb.jpg (900x1220, 945K)

Attached: [heavily distorted screaming].jpg (640x480, 171K)

Bizzaro is pretty great too.

Would you eat a rectal thermometer? Answer me damn you!

Alot of people died. That's called population control.

a cartoon of the generation

>Sparks is best character
That is physically impossible because Captain Murphy exists.
>No ball, no tip. I swear to God, I'll stiff ya, son!
Sparks is pretty great, though.

youre hypotheticals are getting tired zach

Ahh mercury... sweetest of the transition metals

Pod 6 is jerks!

Attached: bizarro.jpg (640x960, 480K)

dont forget captain planet

I'll be there with you. Im going to run a sealab gimmick on Yea Forums

Id be an adrienne barbeaubot

>Top 3
>Bebop Cola not listed
>Power Outage not listed

You had one job.

BASED fellow Sparks Bro.
I would add the predator episode, the time loop ep, the stuck in a cave ep, let them eat corn, isla de chupacabra and murphy stuck under a pop machine. Its been five years since I have seen any of them. I was heartbroken when they cancelled the show. At least it was replaced by the superior frisky dingo which was also cancelled way too soon, but at least we got archer.

Attached: giphy - 2019-09-08T205940.416.gif (320x240, 982K)

>doesnt like the last few seasons cause murphys va is dead
>Not showing repect to the VA son taking over
Into the trash your opinion goes.

Murphy is top 3 maybe top 2 but Sparks is the best character. He is one of three characters that display any form of intellect. Usually maintains his composure, is prone to play everyone of his coworkers against one another or use them for finaincial gains and finally we cant forget he is the overlord.

>Not showing repect to the VA son taking over
You alter your preference for cartoon episodes out of respect?


Attached: rocky-romer-njpw-ftr-011817_14qlfqfndci8k19nt9cmgrrqj4.jpg (979x552, 70K)

Not the one you replied to, but yes, sometimes.

Sealab 2020 was chosen because it was considered "the most boring cartoon imaginable".

And they took it to some pretty funny places.

No I dont drop a tv show because an actor dies. Is shanks better than murphy? No is he a decent replacement yes.
I would say the following episodes
>Chalkboard Jungle
>Let 'Em Eat Corn
>Isla De Chupacabra
>Joy of Grief
>Return of Marco
>Monkey Banana Raffle
Are great episode and in my opinion are better than
>Murphy Murph and the Feng Shui Bunch
>Swimming in Oblivion
>Legend of Baggy Pants
>Article 4
>Frozen Dinner
>7211(which is funnier than most give credit too.)


I don't fucking like this show at all.

2020 or 2021.
If 2020 ok.
If 2021 fuck off.

Ahhhh, mercury
Sweetest of the transition metals.

We could be out stormy

that was one jazzy dog



Was there a Black Stormy?


Like a Shiekrah's never seen a buffalo

Save it for Queen Doppel-poppolis!

Attached: wrench.jpg (259x194, 4K)


"The sea is like ze mother's womb."

Dig these chompers
These chompers cant be beat
Corn on the cobb is one of our favorite things to eat.


Uh Oh

Attached: Uh Oh.png (1391x967, 2.09M)

6/10 bait

Attached: XRA.png (593x403, 160K)

Black Debbie was my favourite character

Stimutacs is really hard to beat. might be the single best episode.

Attached: mardok.png (157x177, 61K)


>Well, you drink tea!
>So why won't you kiss me there?!

Remember way back when I was smokin' crack
You were workin' the corner, sellin' that ass
And I took that rusty pipe and gave your head that gash
Then took all your cash and spent it on smack?
I feel bad about that, not really, but yeah

>Wait, my guy is an egg?-ooOH MY GOD!!!

every episode from seasons 1 & 2 are gold except the one where they just redub the dialog from an old 2020 episode and have it blow up at the end

7211 is great fuck off

can you dump sealab memes so I can help you post?
Also are you planning on having a sealab weekly watch-a-long or something?
I would be down for that. Sounds comfy desu.


I haven't put a lot of effort into it, but what I'd like to do right now is convert entire episodes of Sealab 2020 and 2021 to images and then figure out a way to delete duplicate frames (and there would be duplicates because of it being a low-budget limited animation Hanna Barbara cartoon series.

>both Harry Goz and his son Michael Goz are dead
Fuck, man.

I'll probably torrent it and screencap funny images or poses or such and convert them into memes.
I wont do it for a while though I've got other series to work through.

confirmed shit taste, 7211 is funny as fuck if you aren't a pleb that needs 'lol so randum' humor every 15 seconds.

I love the normal episodes of 2021, but 7211 is transcendental in its humor, like Fire Ant on SGC2C

Eat some more pills pill head

mmmmm, now that's truly baddass

You're not the boss of Tiger-Bot Hesh!


Also the Alvis episode was the greatest thing of all time.
He killed a baby!

Attached: well.png (352x262, 161K)

I'm bizarro Stormy.
The 21 theme is so fucking cute and catchy.

Fuck Grizzlebees

thats sparkicus prime/barbobot

You're going to get that Happy Cake Oven or die trying! You hear that Stormy! Die!

Attached: easy bake oven.jpg (480x360, 21K)

I'm regular stormy.

Sealab 2021 is a strong contender for greatest cartoon ever. My childhood mind could never truly appreciate the depths of its humor.

jesus relax

>nazis commit genocide
everyone is angry
>communists commit genocide
wow commies are based

explain this bullshit to me

Only if it was robo-loli body

Going down to the fishing hole...