This picture is spitting straight facts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Crummy Pokemon© Creatures

how could steven defeat guy who have a water

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He can't of he's dehydrated

Why does this make me laugh so much am I autist

>spitting straight facts
Is this phrase some kind of autistic new meme?

stop typing like a twitter white girl trying to speak like a twitter negro raised by white people

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>Middle class having that much pie
This must be really old.

Replace Rich with J*ws

Also, replace pie with water.

That's a crumby thing to do

These millenials think they're entitled to a free drink. If they had an ounce of initiative, they'd also be sucking the condensation off the pipes.

These selfish entirled brats don't even think about israel and how we need to send it 6 billion gallons a year

Dude stop mods are Jewish trannies you know

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Why don't the parents just pay for tuition. I always found it weird it didn't do that in America.

>posting crummy political comics

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>/pol/ comics in Yea Forums

is this clown serious

Shouldn't it just be "Don't take out a loan, and find alternate, cost-efficient methods, of higher education."?

"Those damn kids need to learn intiative! I can't be there to bail them out of everything! Why, I remember working a part-time job during the summer that paid off my tuition!"

I'm not sure if the parents can afford to either.

parents arent the one going to college, duh. expect mom and dad to pay for everything? yeah $45,000 tuition is a lot that most people would not be able to save up (after deductibles) in over two years, but if the 18 year old has to work a few years before able to go to college at Yale for one year, so be it. I only make $20,000 a year before deductibles so if I never spent anything ever (which I still have rent and food to pay among other expenses, keep in mind), it would take me four or five years to afford one year of college.

Lol Just join the army they pay for you to go to school lol how the fuck does student debt exist.

this one makes me actually upset. Is this economy really based on spending what you don't have and having to be in debt all the time until you're retired? this is just like a mortgage but worse. If loans have you pay back interest or whatever the term is called, which means you actually pay more in the long run, then they are pointless in my opinion.

>those fuckers
>our water

my dad didn't go to Yale but he did work a job since he was 14 and working as much as he could from 14 to 19 (as much as he could during school hours, 40 hours during summer) actually did pay off his college tuition, as well as working during college too.

rich parents usually do.

If the Middle Class and Poor didn't want a slice or curmbs they would find a way to become rich. Rockefeller, Ford, Gates came from nothing and became the richest men in the world.

Either you make it or you don't.

>he thinks boomers give a fucking penny to their kids anymore
>he doesn't know that the cost of college is nearly 10 times what it was when they went to college


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This is silly Yale is uber fucking expensive. Yeah school prices have increased faster than inflation (for a lot of reasons) but if you like at a reasonable school like UDC where tuition (rounding up a lot here) is 10k for a year, and using the same math they did (365 working days, which is silly, but I gotta be consistent) , working for the same wage (7.25 (you don't actually have to work for minimum wage while you go to Uni, it's completely possible to save money working a better job like a trade to pay for school, you don't have to, and probably shouldn't go immediately after HS). To make the amount of money you'd need to go to UDC, you'd have to work 3.77(4) hours a day (minimum wage is higher in DC but consistency), and it's not even top 10 cheapest public colleges, there are cheaper private colleges, and cheaper public ones, and ones with cheaper out of state tuition

so you mean become a business owner and CEO of your own company, okay. Oil, cars, and computers, all very important things today. I wonder what I could do to make something that revolutionary just like the Amazon guy. I am stupid but I just hate your mentality, go fuck yourself

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The last panel should be swapped with the second to last

I thought his entire campaign was run on America not having to pay for shit. Why would you want to pay 3.6 billion for a wall that you have to seize private property and protected lands to build?

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Also scholarships and grants are way more accessible than ever before

They lack the funds to do so. The American lifestyle is largely financed via credit. That is to say, it's easy to get a loan to buy stuff, and then spend however long paying it off.

Yes. The entire crux of fiat currency is continuous lending. There are worse alternatives (precious-metal backing) and what China's doing (which is comically unstable and relies in the Democratic Party being greedy).

There's nothing wrong with going into debt, as in theory you only use credit to pay for purchases that will gain you value greater than the principle plus interest. Boomers didn't quite get that, however.

to make the libs cry

Posting the superior version

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That's either the most retardest thing I've ever heard or so smart that it appears fucking stupid.

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Here's my political opinion oho!

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America can recoup the cost of the wall through tariffs on Mexican goods. However, you can't exactly send Mexico a bill for the wall and demand payment before the wall is actually built. The idea of paying being something you do after goods or services are provided is for some reason too complex an idea for Democrats to handle.

that's pennies, maybe the cost of 1.5 aircraft carriers

based k-pop. fuck m*sic and fuck ug*y people

Can a pokemon creature beat a pokemon GO character?

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>wages have stagnated since the 80s
>military expenditures are nearly 1000x what they were
>comparable average wage to your boomer dad working as a frycook during late sixties and early seventies during the summer would be 28 bucks/hour
>cost of living is nearly ten times what it was in the eighties
>the requirements for "good" jobs increase every year as deregulation allows companies to make serfs out of the people
>college debt is 10-100 times what it was for boomers
>non-degree jobs fire you after a few months so they dont have to commit to the minor pay and benefits packages mandated by the state
>if some fat old fucks in congress decide to have a hissy fit then as a federal worker you lose your pay for months but are wholly expected to continue working
>unions and labor negotiation almost nonexistant
>regulations and licenses on starting a new business so multiple and costly that independent competition and startups are nonexistent
>government no longer subsidizes small business unless you're a fucking corn farmer
>if you're making 30k a year a quarter of it goes automatically to the tax man while Jeff Bezos paid not one penny

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I hate how threads like this are allowed to stay up under the guise of being comic-related.
/pol/ straight ruined this board.

ok scratch that I checked the inflation claculator
1 nimtz class from 1975 would cost $4.7bln today
the new gerald ford will cost over $12bln

america could recoup every single cost of every single proposed healthcare, green new deal, infrastructure, homelessness and rail proposal just by ending the war in iraq
560+ billion dollars (declared) a year almost every year since it began

Based post.

I'm not even in the US and I recognise all these problems. The Neoliberal marketisation of society has, ironically, ruined capitalism for the many.

So uh

Why is the butler an elephant

It looks like this boomer forgot his pills today, he is speaking nonsense

People say it all the time irl. Don't know why people go autistic for it here.

>came from nothing

It's a colored people thing.

>cost of living is nearly ten times what it was in the eighties
But TV's have gone down in price by 90% since 1980! Just don't buy a house and live on ramen and your cost of living will be basically zero!

that reminds me of how news outlets for years have been like "Kids today need to stop spending so much on toys and games it costs a lot of money"
and as the economy got worse millenials basically stopped going to malls and buying consumer toys/flashy shit that jewelry, clothing and other industries are crashing hard so the same outlets are like "WHY AREN'T MILLENIALS BUYING THEMSELVES ANYTHING WTF???"

rise up...

when will they learn

Jesus, fuck I didn't know Americans were this fucked
it's getting bad in my post soviet country too but damn...

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i dont get it

>spending money on your kid when you can spend it on a second mortgage or boat and RV you never use

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fuck the troops

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he's deflecting class struggle with identity politics
he's doing what the neolibs want

He’s a Republican stoopid

The guns are all permanently attached to the wall and the adult literature is out of children's reach

What's the problem here?

criminally underrated post

ancap niggas be like

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damn if only I didn't have to pay wages as a small business owner

/pol/ straight up ruined Yea Forums. Look at old Yea Forums threads, from before the fox news report, and now look at it. Joke threads get taken down and political threads stay up.

and also inherited several million dollars from a dead relative

now i'm waiting for you know what to show up

what news report?

Manlets rise up

it's funny because your avarage midwest american doesn't have necessary living conditions despite living in a first wolrd country?

Know your place, serf
Go to a community college

>your avarage midwest american doesn't have necessary living conditions
Yes we do.

>People who already paid their dues
>Starter ups that have yet to pay their dues.

If by "dues" you mean extensive bribery, blackmail, murder and exploitation

You can't speak for anyone but yourself brainlet.

>People who already paid their dues
The rich are not people and do everything they can to avoid giving back to society unless it's via a product they can charge you for.

Eat more shoe polish cuck.

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But you can?

While they have a semi fair point, this person is forgetting to adjust for inflation.

$1 today was actually worth around $6 in 1970. So in reality tuition was more akin to over $15,700. A big rise in tuition yes, but not the massive scale they were implying.

The real crime though is how the minimum wage was in fact $7.25 in 2014, which means people actually got payed more in 1970 since adjusted for inflation they got payed around 8 bucks.

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Barneyfag was samefag the whole time. He'd post and then reply to himself.

Why do we take it? Why don’t we drag the boomer pigs out of their homes and pull their guts out while they are still alive? There is no salvation for our generation, but we can still have our revenge.

Because we still think we can fix it the nice and legal way.

i dont get it, the free market is a good thing though

Yea Forums was a weeb thing, until Fox News introduced it to conservatives in a special.

Tariffs are a tax on consumers though, they always have been. They are ideally used to prop up fledgling industries that cant compete because they are new in a nation.
If tariffs are the only way this is being funded, we are still paying for it.


Anywhere but here. Anytime but now. Anyone but me. People are upset but then they remember they got kids and they have to go to work the next morning.

Heheh, the numbers tell me i'm right and based about the free market

Two reasons
>Freedom of speech and relatively thriving economy (compare us to most other places in the world) allows for so many groups wanting different goals that it's near implausible for everyone to unify to a singular cause
>Knowledge and hindsight of history has made most intellectuals aware that revolution isn't a surefire to a better society, in reality it's the exact opposite, most newly formed government birthed by revolution actually end up worse off for the majority. American revolution was a large exception that is not expected to be the average.
Corruption isn't something that's just going to end, ever. That's like wanting evil itself to end. As long as there is a position of power, the people most willing to "Pull their bootstraps" as you say are generally the most merciless and greedy.

Why do you think so many immigrants risk their lives and their family to come here? Appreciate what you have user, you might be self-aware enough to see how bad it is here but I'm not sure if you're aware how truly grim the world in general can be.

I have neither kinds nor job. I have nothing in this world. I can start the fire, but do not wish to make meaningless sacrifice. Perhaps when the next crisis hits or when zoomer chicks hit 30 and realize they wil not be rich enough to afford kids before 70, the perhapos the world will burn all complex life will perish and suffering shall be forever eliminated form this world.

imagine being this retarded

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Drink bleach you fucking cretin

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>came from nothing

Bill Gates had a PC back when owning one of those was like owning a Private Jet. His mom was friends with a man who was on the board of directors at IBM, which is how he got a lucrative contract with them back when Microsoft was not a big company.

That's true in a vacuum, but anything Mexico makes we can go get somewhere else. That's why businesses are pulling out of China over these tariffs, because they know if they pass the entire price on to the consumer, the consumer will find a supplier that doesn't. So they just have to eat it.

tbqh if the left wasn't full of narcissistic retards that make all their points in the most insufferable, sarcastic, smug faggot way more people would probably be more inclined to agree with them.

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>came from nothing
Nigga are we talking about the same Rockerfeller?

Interstella quads checked.
The free market is great- corpocracy is not. The right-winger sees communism in it and the left-winger sees unchecked capitalism in it, and they're right, because it's the shittiest possible fusion of both.

They die for Israel and yet they have more personal agency than you lol

Come on m8, you gotta be more autistic than this if you want people to believe you're him.

whoah, mind=blown