Why is della duck such a cunt?

why is della duck such a cunt?

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The same reason Webby is obnoxious. The writers are desperate to prove a point.

She's literally a female Donald, and he's a dick. Do you complain about Donald being a dick?

That was 100% called for. Imagine riding a plane held together by bubblegum!

that's her brother user

But Donald is a saint in this show.

more like smella duck

She's nothing like Donald. This is a major point to both their characters. You have to be fucking kidding me.

Yes, and?

How the fuck did nobody tell Launchpad he was a bad pilot until now?

He's a good pilot. He's managed to crash an awful lot with no casualties. By that metric he is more skilled but less consistent than Della. No wonder she's ass mad. Further he fixes the thing on the cheap and it still runs. Scrooge probably has him on staff for that reason alone.

She handled him turning her beloved plane into a deathtrap pretty well, I thought.

>By that metric
user, in any sane universe (and even insane ones like DuckTales) that is a terrible metric.

Launchpad's usefulness to Scrooge is mainly his willingness to take the insane jobs that nobody else is willing to take and technically get there. But you put him on a normal "just get from a normal point A to a normal point B" job and he's an absolute disaster. That's not being mean, that's just the joke.

>that is a terrible metric
Wrong. Pilots only distinguish themselves in disaster situations, otherwise protocol just guides their hand. Launchpad is a forward thinker who crashes like a pro. Name a better metric.

how is crashing your plane everytime considered a good thing?

Pilots DO distinguish themselves in disaster situations.

But I guarantee you, in any pilot bar, they would agree that the guy who can't NOT have a disaster situation should not be considered a good pilot. It's one thing to be damn good at somehow keeping people alive while crashing. It's another thing to add the caveat that there will ALWAYS be a crash, no matter how simple the journey is.

You're unironically always safe with Launchpad. The plane crashes, sure, but there are never casualties. He can land a plane even in the most difficult of places.

Nobody dies and the plane breaks in such a way it can be glued together. That's some crazy skill level.

But the plane always crashes. Always. If it seems like it was a non-crash landing Launchpad will be standing there going "what the fu-" and then something will happen to smash the plane and he'll look relived.

It's completely understandable that Della, watching him smash the plane on SIMPLE jobs - and not understanding the context that he's useful because he does insane nobody-should-survive-this jobs and still keeps people safe - would go "oh HELL no, get away from my plane."

She lacked the full picture, and you REALLY need the full picture to think that Launchpad is anything but a disaster waiting to happen.

This. He's clearly a savant. Della is incredibly intimidated by the new pro muscling in on her hobby

All that time on the moon gave her autism
Please be patient with her

Yes user, Della's a cunt for not thinking that this is perfectly fine and not at all worrisome.

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All of Scrooge’s employees are Savants now that you mention it

I don't get how there are still people shitting on Webby.

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Webby was never obnoxious.

what the FUCK

The bias is pretty obvious. She's also the only duck with a headshot in the ED and the only other duck who appears is Scrouge in the background.
They love the fuck out of her and make her central to fucking EVERYTHING.
>gave her an 'I wanna be like mum' plot with Della
My lord why not just make her actual fucking family? You've changed everything else about her.

The strut held together with gum.

I can’t wait for us to get an entire episode of Della & Bubba bonding

>Webby was never obnoxious.

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>You've changed everything else about her.
Why wouldn't they? She was awful in the original, blubbering about everything. And that's not vague memories, I've rewatched a block recently. Webby and Doofus are probably the characters that most scream "if you're going to use me, change damn near everything about me."

At most there was a bit of her being oversaturated in the eps that were airing, but a big part of that was that Disney ran eps out of order. The staff had intended to break things up more than Disney ended up doing.

There was honestly nothing wrong with OG Doofus. He was the walking catastrophe who gave his all, despite his failings. He was the opposite of the competent nephews who always knew what to do. A foil.

Really, considering how they are going to be playing BUBBA of all character completely straight while changing Webby and Doofus completely, shows just how bizarre of a mindscape the creators of Ducktales 2017 share. Bubba is such a shit one-note character that was added into the original Ducktales for who knows what reason. NOBODY LIKES HIM.

My impression was she was younger in the original DT show compared to now seeing as she carried around a doll.I'll agree with you on Doofus, not even my little sister liked him. Unrelated, but I still miss Magica's old voice and look.
Episode order has nothing to do with her annoying and constant yelling played as quirky behavior.

I swear I read a thing about the NuDT writers making Doofus more of an antagonist because they didn’t want him to be a walking fat joke or something, so they made him an asshole. And still fat.

It was less that they didn't want a fat joke character and more that he was JUST a fat and incompetent character, and that just struck them as being worthless for the show they were making. They can do better jokes than "look at this dumb fat kid!"

>There was honestly nothing wrong with OG Doofus.

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He does it for minimum wage.

No one else is willing to fly a plane, pilot a sub, or a boat directly into danger for minimum wage.

They are the same thing as Glongolds mostly, the best of the cheapest.

Then don’t use him, he contributed nothing to the original show anyways and the cast is huge enough

>Unrelated, but I still miss Magica's old voice and look.
She sounded like an old hag

...But new Doofus is a gift. We have him to thank for Sharkbomb Glomgold. youtube.com/watch?v=qn5Q0o367Ek

Shit. Ok. That’s pretty good.

I do like the take on the new Doofus Drake as a normal innocent good single child, whose inheritance turned him into a spoiled enfant terrible who just misses his Goomiemama
Okay, I'll stop doing that in the future, anyway, I do kinda hope that Boyd and Doofus will bond in a future episode, and Doofus becomes redeemed.
Also, Glomgold really is one of the best characters in the show.

But what did it mean?

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He craves salty mooncracker.

Not getting Donald Ducks dick for 20 years

because nobody likes flawless characters

An adventure junkie mom who managed to get her own let amputated because she just wanted to ride that sweet dangerous prototype rocket in a mistaken belief that she's an invincible action hero pilot who can survive everything is plenty flawed.
Also, she brought her son Dewford Deuteronomy Dingus Turbo Duck with her to a dangerous vault to impress him after the lack of mutual bonding from her decade long absence on the moon, only to then realize that she's putting him in grave peril, and ought to tone back that whole thing.

I mean you don't need that anymore, since all of the nephews are less hypercompetant.

I kinda like nuDoofus as another kind of foil, what could happen to the nephews if they let their new access to wealth go entirely to their heads, and a "rich rival" for the kid set. Doofus 100% having Louie's number every time is also hilarious.

There's a subtext here too.

Della came back to a plane that she wanted to be HER plane, her baby, and now it doesn't even have the same name. It's Launchpad's creature, as shown when Launchpad stops trying to help and the plane's quirks totally overwhelm her because it turns out the guy has perfectly good reasons for his eccentric decisions.

I dunno if it came off that well, but that was the idea behind that part of the episode at least; Della talking shit to Launchpad when really she was the one who had no idea how the plane worked.

She isn’t Webby. They don’t sugarcoat her flaws

What? She's not one,I have experience

It's a thought.


>t. Donald Duck

Try again

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She's the better pilot, but Sun Chaser is still a better name for a plane than "Cloud Slayer".

I gotta say, her voice is like a female boomer.
It's cute

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Both names are surprisingly good

Because she's a character that always has and always should have stayed off-screen and only got introduced to cheaply rip off the Gravity Falls "missing family member" plot. God I fucking hate this shitty reboot.

Launchpad literally flys a plane held together by bubblegum.

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Because she’s still a rather forced character and its still onnoxious.

>Episode order has nothing to do with her annoying and constant yelling played as quirky behavior.
Fucking finally, someone said it.

And it works

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That’s what drives her mad.

So Launchpad works in a midset of an Ork?

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Launchpad is basically just a friendly Ork.

>t. Launchpad

Hasn't gotten laid in 10 years.

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The show acknowledges that she's a bit of a cunt so I'm fine with it.

Imagine living in a marriage held together by sex

I like how Launchpad has a lot of sexual adventures offscreen.

Is she MILF material?

She's a mother.

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I haven’t watched the new show, is this true? Is he like a super ladies man?

>you can't bring your kids with you, or you're a terrible parent

Dude, you're demanding that the show be shut down. Come on.


Because Donald is getting SnuSnu'ed by moon bitches

Catfight between Penumbra and Della over Donald when?

It's a recurring gag that while other characters are having an A plot and B plot, Launchpad has a secret C plot that is not shown and he doesn't tell the others about, that involves different lost love's.

Someone make a greentext

Not just ladies, One of his conquests includes clone of himself.

It's more of a joke that when the group go on adventures and leaves Launchpad, that he has his own adventures.

Then when he takes Fenton on a date he off hands mention a bunch of his own love interest.

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It happened in both of the cousins episodes Gladstone’s and Fethry’s

Glomgold is the one of the only reasons I watch this show. And of course for Storkules.

Della raped Donald and forced him to raise the children

God: I allow it

She’s a terrible sister

Then why did she even came back.

She didn’t know taking the experimental rocket for a joyride would be a one way trip.

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The original Webby was forced. There's really no way they could have avoided using a Webby in this, and they did it better than anyone could have expected (have you watched anything with original Webby recently?) Socially awkward due to being extremely homeschooled is a good way to update what the original series provided.

Who is the father? Why don't any of the characters care?

She’s a one-target serial rapist

We saw

She didn't think of what might, and did, go wrong or her family either. Like Dewey in the first episode she walked straight into danger because she wanted to impress.

Don’t call donald’s corkscrew an experimental rocket

>Donalds shows that he has to take care of the kids
>Della wants the kids

It shows

It’s donald

>Della, I want a divorce.

>Della laughs
>Music plays

>ignores him

I can see Della going psyco, or is it just me?

She does have similarities. Like having a temper and shitty luck.

Scrooge talks about it in the vault episode,
>Can you never think anything through, Della?! It's been over a decade and she's still the same headstrong kid jumping into danger or space or any other disaster without a thought of the damage she leaves behind!

Because otherwise how can she be proved wrong at the end of the episode?

Its a good premise to update on yes, but they’re far too insistent on making her a part of everything, even the Duck family plots. It’s like their either insecure people won’t like her, or are just over proud of what they’ve done and think than she could never overstretch her reach.

She would do something stupid without thinking so yeah probably if she just kept making it worse

Well she is Donald’s sister.

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>Della going Yandere over user

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"Sun Chaser" is kinda poetic, wanderlust-y. It's a great name for an adventurer plane.
"Cloud Slayer" sounds like someone wanted to be edgy. More of a villain craft, or at least the "bad boy rival".

I now want a Duck cousin episode. Gladstone, Donald and Fethry doing something together, even mundane like camping.

It’s not like Launchpad can’t help with that problem.

Sunchaser also fits in with Scrooge’s “always another rainbow” thinking.

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Launchpad doesn’t fuck dumb bitches

>My own clone!
>Now neither of us will be virgins!

>Lay it on me friend, I've been flying this Red Baby for literally seconds and it's only fallen apart about 80% of the time.
>I assume the same for you...green, goblin muscle bro.

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>Hooked up with his own clone
>Doesn’t fuck dumb bitches

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Della has a terrible temper just like her brother, and just like him, she learned to control it to a certain degree.
On the other hand, the point of the episode was showing how Della is frustrated by yet another unasked change to her usual status quo by having to endure an idiotic manchild tampering with her airplane, adding all kind of fucked up mofifications to it and crashing it all the time because he doesn't even know how to fly and she cannot understand what the fuck is going through Launchpad's head all the time.
I suppose she will end up falling for him... somehow.

>they make her a part of everything

Yeah. That's kinda the fucking point of the character: to be the main representative for women (i.e. half the human race). The books had decades to provide something to work with, and while we've gotten some kickass supporting characters, the best option to use on a regular basis would be Daisy (or maybe Quackfaster), which... just no.

In the context of the show itself, it really shouldn't be a big deal. She's basically the only friend the guys have, she has barely any family of her own, and she was accidentally there for enough Duck Family shit (starting with Dewey finding the picture of Della) that it would be hard for the boys to now start going "no, you stay out, this is Ducks only."

Just like ol Mister Mc D would say, there's always another rainbow, there's always another sun to chase.

Red goes fasta, ya git.

>not sussing tat fasta means betta.
Get a lode ahf dis Dorcus 'ere lads!

LaunchCHAD is neither dumb nor a bitch

>Yeah. That's kinda the fucking point of the character: to be the main representative for women (i.e. half the human race).
I’m just saying, if your primary thoughts when deciding when to use a character is to equally give screen time to the group they represent, as if they were members of some sort of senate, rather than if they improve the story or work better in their role than other characters, you’re going about storytelling all wrong.

Besides Webby, Definetly gets preferential treatment. She was consistently involved in both of the main plots in first season, while Huey and Louie just had a few filler episodes, and now in the second season, she’s got her own friend group to mirror the Triplets, because the show really need 2 sets of triplets to juggle.

>You'll never get to see Della and Donald team up in a pointless grudge feud against Chip and Dale.

>’m just saying, if your primary thoughts when deciding when to use a character is to equally give screen time to the group they represent, as if they were members of some sort of senate, rather than if they improve the story or work better in their role than other characters, you’re going about storytelling all wrong.

Perhaps. I would argue that it needs to be taken into consideration that the Duck comics have long been - and I say this as someone that loves them - peculiarly bad with representation for women, especially considering how long they've been around, so that needs to be taken into account, along with the way the medium in general has tended to give short shrift. At a certain point writers need to be aware of what's going on around them.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuut I'd also argue that that's all beside the point, because the ones who came up with Webby were the writers of the original series. There's just no way a DuckTales reboot could NOT have a Webby. With that in mind, rebooting her into the boys' only friend, who accompanies them because she's their only friend... kinda works. Similarly, the writers took the concept of the original, where she was going to be raised in the McDuck mansion by her live-in-employee grandma, and extended it to say that when the show opened she'd been raised there for years and had become socially awkward but extremely used to the weirdness of the McDuck lifestyle.

All in all, I think this is about the best we could have hoped for.

>C and D show up
>Donald goes ballistic
>kids think it's just a Donald thing
>Della crashes out from the living room guns blazing

because she's a female and all females are cunts that's just the way of things

I would love to see Chip and Dale driving Donald and Della crazy, but with the twist that the chipmucks have a very good reason to do this, and every time they try to explain things to the angry ducks, they end up having to run for their lives, so all what they can do is keep the lowkey trolling to try making a point.

And we've found the incel.

are new episodes actually out?

Yes... and no. You know how it is.

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Duckworth as a world war pilot could be cool. Like Alfred with a beak.

>Oh, uh, well there are some nuts and bolts here and there, but uh, between you and me bro, this baby’s like 90% held connected by Gum.
>Oh, you guys don’t have gum? You see, it comes in little strips like these, and then *chewing noises* yough choo if upph like thfis *chewing stops* and once it’s nice and chewed up like this, you just slap a bunch of it in Between two things you want to stick and boom, you’ve got an impenetrable seal that should last at least 4-5 hours, not taking into account other extreme circumstances like stormy weather, rainy weather, extreme winds, moderate winds, light but steady winds, giant eagle attacks, and landings. This stuffs great, i don’t know why more people don’t use it.
>Uh, what’s a grot?
>Ooohh, i think i know what you’re talking about. Yeah we have something similarC except we call them “kids” here. That sounds like a pretty good idea though. Usually i have to land whenever i need to fix something. I’ll have ask my boss, Mr. McD, about that, though I’m not sure if he’d approve of me training his grand nephews to use power-tools.

Well with how thoroughly Della’s probably, i doubt it could be called experimental anymore.

This is the most likely answer

Launchpad will probably be shoved off to the Darkwing sphere eventually leaving Della as the McDuck pilot.

Everyone is kind of the opposite of their 87 elves

The triplets have distinct personalities, and are largely slackers
Webby is the action girl and toughest one in the house who can never be captured
Doofus is calm and collected evil
Gyro is an egotistical asshole
Fenton is an ineffective superhero that most of the town hates
Glomgold is a maniacal idiot
Bigtime is not the smart Beagle
Burger is the skinny one

Phooey is there.

The whole show is a cheap Gravity Falls ripoff in the first place. Not surprising

Well that's just bait.

He did have that one time when he was listing off all the various girlfriends he had in the past.

Like someone from 2007 who listens to Slipknot, Trapt, Avenged Sevenfold, and Fallout Boy? And probably still think Hot Topic and Invader Zim are cool?

They are apparently their rescues rangers versions, they mistake Donald and Dell for criminals

Uh huh.
The books had already pretty much established her as a pilot of some sort.
It makes sense to twist that so that she was Scrooge's pilot in "the good ol' days."
It makes sense that upon coming back and meeting Launchpad, without having context for him being way more than meets the eye, he would initially grind her gears something fierce. Scrooge replaced her... with a guy that can't do baby's first landing without crashing. And to top it off, he's been using her beloved plane.

>when even Lena looks down on Della for her taste in music

>Fenton is an ineffective superhero that most of the town hates
He's gotten better. Last episode was about everyone being obsessed with Gyro Duck but Fenton still being unnoticed.

Standard McDuck/Duck courtship ritual.

>Has flown a plane held together by glue and gum at 5,000 mph without killing anyone
>Bad pilot

We know that. We understand that. We GET why he's special.

To anyone wandering by, the man's as terrifying as Magica. He... he put a plane together with GUM and is flying it AT 5,000 MPH?!?!?

>To anyone wandering by, the man's as terrifying as Magica.
Does this beggar look like a threat to you?

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To anyone not in the Duck clan, yeah, she definitely is. Give her some time to prepare and she could still probably whup the asses of the Beagle Boys. She threw together a psychic helmet and science isn't even her deal.

Actually OG Webby made perfect fucking sense and served an important purpose.

She's the sweet innocent Pollyanna who's purpose is to be around when Scrooge goes full Ahab/evil. Webby's the ONLY ONE who can talk Scrooge down when he goes into evil rich asshole mode and she's so pure, innocent, sweet natured and good that even Scrooge in full villain mode can't resist her pleas for him to step away from the moral event horizon and stop being an evil cunt.

That's a really niche use though, and honestly there's no reason why the boys wouldn't be able to do it. They could pull it off (sometimes) in the comics.

Plus, if The Girl was the only one innocent and pure enough to talk Scrooge down in a reboot, Yea Forums would go out of its motherfucking mind.

>tfw no Della gf

Wasn't there also (presumably genderless) space goo?
The man seems to fuck anything willing.

>and I say this as someone that loves them - peculiarly bad with representation for women

Not him, but this doesn't matter, also being obsessed with representation is retarded.

>Episode order has nothing to do with her annoying and constant yelling played as quirky behavior.

Sorry it rubs you the wrong way, but for me it's a big part of why she's likable. She's the shut-in homeschooled kid finally getting a chance to go outside and meet other people. Everything is exciting and new to her.

Plus it makes for a good dynamic with Lena. Kinda reminds me of Starfire and Raven, back in the day.

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>people making a cartoon that already has a large cast should make no effort to represent half the potential viewers

lol, okay.

What I wanna know is what the fuck are they gonna do with Goofy

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> I would argue that it needs to be taken into consideration that the Duck comics have long been - and I say this as someone that loves them - peculiarly bad with representation for women, especially considering how long they've been around, so that needs to be taken into account,
What though? What purpose does this serve that makes it necessary. Is representation necessary for enjoyment of a story? What does filling a quota improve in a story?

Is it necessary the find the characters relatable or capable of empathizing with? If so, the either the story has done a poor job of making the characters personalities, or the story just doesn’t to you to begin with and adding a representative character won’t change that.

Do stories need to follow suit to the social and political hot buttons of the time and serve some political or social purpose to be valid? Because if this supposed to be the reasoning, it is denying that stories can have their own merit greater than just being a tool for advancing one’s own pet politics, and i have nothing to say that would change the mind of someone like that.

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Not that user but maybe they should focus on writing a good fun show and that way to hook the audience regardless the gender or whatever rather than muh representation. It feels cheap and even exploitative in le current year. Don't treat viewers as morons and networks aren't the church or something, or at least I don't want to acknowledge them as a religion.

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When people write shows they usually think of what actually works in context. They don't go down the list of statistics in America and make sure to each percent everything is represented

Powered by a Jacked up hamster.

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Wait is timephoon releasing early on digital?

1. With cartoons you're selling a product that costs a LOT of money to make, and with Disney there's extra pressure. They have meetings about target demographics. Yes, in 1987 I do think that there was very likely to be pressure from above to do more to try and get some young girls as viewers. Do I think Webby was a good way of handling it back then? Nope. But it was the 80s.
2. No story exists in a vacuum. If you've got a story that works well with no women in the main cast, well, okay. But if the entire medium isn't doing great at representing women but still manage to have at least a token girl, and you show up without even that, you will be judged in part on what other stories are being sold. Nobody was going to be eager to be a series with a decently large cast of adventurers, even kids, that didn't have any women in it. I don't think they handled it very well, but I'm not remotely angry that they made at least some effort to update the Duck stories for a world where having some women in adventure stories had become normal. It just made sense.

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It’s usually on ondemand at around 9-10ish pacific time.


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Yeah I never got most of the hate on Webby.

I also like that without the boys, for all her eagerness, Webby won't have stepped far from home for her adventuring.

I assume she went though Gyros science trash, like how Glomgold got the time stopping stop watch. Though Magica has use technology plenty of times.

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>1. They have meetings about target demographics. Yes, in 1987 I do think that there was very likely to be pressure from above to do more to try and get some young girls as viewers.
But where exactly did this pressure come from? Are you suggesting it came from little girls who said the only thing that made them interested more barbie than globe trotting duck adventures was the lack of a female character, because there’s still a world of difference between Ducktales and other female oriented shows, regardless whether or not it had a female character. This pressure doesn’t come from people who are on the edge of watching or not who would be convinced by having a girl character, because no such people exist, because the premise of a show is a far larger factor than the cast when people think of what to watch. This pressure came from Executives, who thought they could court everyone by having characters added in for representation, regardless of balance or role, and ended up with an Emperor’s new Clothes scenario that pleased no one. People like different genres, and no one story can be everything.

>2. No story exists in a vacuum. If you've got a story that works well with no women in the main cast, well, okay. But if the entire medium isn't doing great at representing women but still manage to have at least a token girl, and you show up without even that, you will be judged in part on what other stories are being sold.
But nobody actually likes half-assed token characters. They aren’t a product you pay for, they’re an unnecessary feature. Having a blatantly unnecessary Token character is actually WORSE for the show’s reception than not having one at all

Even from a business perspective it’s stupid to chase a secondary goal of trying to “keep up” at the cost of hindering the primary goal of making a story that sells. tokens aren’t marketable, they drive people away.

Just here to remind you that Launchpad's endgame is settling down and raising a kid with Drake Mallard

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Its grating because every second for screentime she gets to show off how adorable she is comes at the cost of using the screen time of a better character, or on giving actually character arcs and development to a character that needs those things.

>But where exactly did this pressure come from?

It was a Disney show. The pressure on the people making the show to reach little girls as well as little boys came from the bosses of people making shows. DuckTales was produced in the Eisner era, where micromanagement from above was basically expected. Didn't stop people from making cartoons, but yeah, I think we can safely assume that people making the show probably felt that they should make a baseline effort to put A Girl somewhere in their cast.

>Nobody likes half-assed token characters

And nobody thinks they're putting one in. Every time someone adds one to the story they go "we're the ones that did it right."

Sorry man, you bewilder me, sitting there and getting cranky that writers in the late 80s, in a medium where nearly every cartoon managed to put in at least one girl, felt they should probably make a teensy-weensy effort to do the same.

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>where exactly did this pressure come from

What are you arguing here? I don't think the original series' writers put Webby in and didn't feel that they had to.

will we get a darkwing spin off?

No Webby means no Lena, means no Magica posing as Webby's friend, and I don't want to live in that timeline.


>The pressure on the people making the show to reach little girls as well as little boys came from the bosses of people making shows.
Exactly my point. There was no external pressure from audiences who demanded this, this was nothing more than the half-baked attempt of higher-ups who thought that a story could be everything at once and that adding things on a whim wouldn’t have any negative repercussions.
>And nobody thinks they're putting one in. Every time someone adds one to the story they go "we're the ones that did it right."
That is a blatant lie. Any writer, or even reader, would be able to ask the questions, “what is this character’s role?” “What is their personality?” “What do they contribute to the plot or their respective groups efforts?” “Should they be doing more?”. Being able to detect whether a character is extraneous doesn’t require a team of analysts or the gift of hindsight, it merely requires a bit of effort and foresight, two things which the executives in charge either lacked or failed to exercise.

>Sorry man, you bewilder me,
Honestly you confuse me as well. You keep apologizing for the producers Ducktales for not understanding the kind of product they were peddling and making a half assed addition of what they were trying to do. But what they were trying to do is something that even you admit nobody asked for, and nobody would have benefitted from. Even if they had managed to shove Webby in in a way that was good, the Girls who liked exotic globetrotting adventures would have already watched the show, the girls who were into more traditionally female genres still wouldn’t have watched, the boys wouldn’t have cared, and Webby would still just be an Ducktales OC.
>but every one was doing it
And what does that matter? They’re different, and the ones with female characters that are liked have it because they were meant to be there, not as shoehorned tokens. You don’t achieve success mere by aping others

Well like other people mentioned now that Della is back, they really don't need two pilots.

Little girls did want to see girls in cartoons though. That's not something made up by clueless executives. Source: memory.

Whether or not a cartoon had a girl character or not would not have been a deciding factor in a little girls mind when thinking about what show to watch outside of exceptional cases, only a cherry on top.
Source: memory of a child who watched cartoons

I maintain that a writer coming to the table in 1987 would have looked around at the other cartoons, and - especially since they were already trying to shoehorn in Launchpad - made an effort to include representation for girls. It's not "obsessing about representation" to look at a large cast that's exclusively guys and say to yourself that maybe you should put in a girl, especially if you're "adapting" something by already making major changes and adding/subtracting characters. For the life of me I can't imagine sitting down in the late 80s, working on a kids cartoon, and deciding that fully half the planet didn't deserve to be in the cast somewhere when the story was already being changed to accommodate any number of bizarre things.

>but it’s for representation
Then we full circle back to the original point that representation is not the merit of stories, nor what makes them good, especially not in the eyes of someone looking to enjoy stories for what they are, regardless of whether they’re being represented or not. Where are you trying to go with this?

I believe that Launchpad is a mutated 40k ork. His plane is held together with little more than belief.

He'll be such a good best man at Darkwing's wedding to Morgana.

>People talking about OG Webby

Tad Stones, story editor for DT, clarified a bunch of this years ago. The original idea was for an hour-long show half about the traditional Duck characters and half about a new character, Launchpad, having wacky adventures. But they found out that an hour long show would be impossible to syndicate, so they merged Launchpad into the duck show. They loved him too much to drop. At the same time, they cut out Donald because A. Disney didn't want to overexpose a major Disney character, and B. they thought his voice would make the show confusing. Without Donald, they didn't have Daisy or her neices. So suddenly the show wasn't accurate to the books, having no Donald and having the OC Launchpad, andalso managed to have no women. It would hsve looked like the exclusion was deliberate. Not wanting a show that looked like it had exiled an entire gender to limbo, they created Webby. May as well create someone new to replace Daisy and the nieces, they'd already deviated heavily from the books. They didn't want to have no girls, they just couldn't think of a better solution.

His attempts to befriend her really *did* look a bit like flirting.

Scrooge would gladly die in a plane crash as long as he doesn't have to pay for expensive plane repairs.

And I never said that representation itself is the "merit" of stories, just that no story is told in a vacuum and you will be judged -for good or ill- based on what's going on around you. If you tell a very good story that as it so happens is 99% identical to someone else's story, then people won't be as kind to you as they would have if your story was judged in a vacuum. If you tell a story with no girls in a medium that's already desperately under-representing an entire gender, you'll be critiqued for that too.

It makes perfect sense that the writers coming on to work on DuckTales figured that they should probably put in a girl. That seems like just a normal human reaction. "Hey, our kids' cartoon is entirely boys, maybe we should do something about that while we're tweaking other things for TV?" Getting upset at them for wanting to include a girl just seems silly. Critique them for how well they did it, sure, but the instinct to do a better job of making your story inclusive and representative of the world around you is hardly a bad one.

Well there you go.

They probably wanted to get everything just right since it was their first TV animated series.

Gummi bears came first. People tend to forget that.

>If you tell a story with no girls in a medium that's already desperately under-representing an entire gender, you'll be critiqued for that too.
But just who is judging for representation? Because we’ve already established it’s not the kids who watch the show, their primary concern is whether it’s good or not. It’s not going to be their parents, they only want to make sure that the electronic babysitter isn’t teaching their children about sex and nudity.

>That seems like just a normal human reaction. "Hey, our kids' cartoon is entirely boys, maybe we should do something about that while we're tweaking other things for TV?"
No, a normal human reaction is “hey, are these all good characters”. Asking about them all being a certain gender is a non-sequitur.

>Getting upset at them for wanting to include a girl just seems silly.
If you can’t do something well, and more importantly, won’t improve anything by doing so, don’t do it. That’s just common sense.

>but the instinct to do a better job of making your story inclusive and representative of the world around you is hardly a bad one.
Going out of your way and meddling with your story for the sake of appeasing nothing concerns is a bad inclination. Adding a token is not going to make your story more inclusive as by definition any story that is not a reader POV is non inclusive. The people watching/listening/reading it are observers, and the goal is to have them connect through empathy or relatability, which requires something deeper than sharing the same gender. And even in the case of being “representative of the world” it still doesn’t hold, because it’s not as if every endeavor in life is guaranteed to have such representation.

I know you think this is sort of thinking is harmless, but all it does it lead to situations like this in the first place, where characters are shoehorned in to satisfy concerns that the target audience wouldn’t care about in the first place.


The arc that introduced Bubba was great but the character really didn't fit the show after that.

I just wish they could have done a female lead that feels less shoehorned and more well integrated with the triplets.

Maybe she could have been adopted by Scrooge from the start or she could have been combined with Lena's character.

I get the impression this is why Gosalyn exists. She was everything that never existed in Ducktales. Female character, very headstrong adventurer, stupidly ran head first into trouble every time, acted like a kid most often.

The triplets in Ducktales were too smart, always knew how to build any trap or solve every problem. Gosalyn was more likely to hit things with a stick.

Of course Honker might as well have been the 4th triplet

i think if you go back to the cart where glomgold got the timestop watch it was on the cart... but i'm not a hundred percent sure.

You talking about the 87 or the 17 version?

>who is judging
Odd way of looking at it. The writers judged themselves, of course. A group of writers assembled to work on a show. They noticed that, due to a variety of reasons, their cast of protagonists was going to be all male unless they invented a new character or two. They'd already written major characters from the comics out of the show, were adding characters, and were making big changes to major book characters. They chose to add a girl. This... isn't strange? "Oh shit, we have a pretty big cast, but somehow no girls. Let's address that."

>Going out of your way and meddling

user, they were "meddling with the story" every week in countless ways. They cut Donald. They made Scrooge more "lovable." They added Launchpad, named Beagles, Gizmoduck, and more. The ship sailed on the whole idea of keeping the cartoon just like the books. Shit, like said, getting rid of Donald meant exiling some of the most prominent girls in the actual books. The meddling had already happened.

>if you can't do something well
Do you honestly think they didn't think they did a pretty good job? They made changes, some good. They thought Webby was one of them. She wasn't. But if you're criticizing changes period, just realize you're saying Launchpad was a mistake too.

Just so we're clear, it's not that I simply think "this sort of thinking is harmless." I think your "it was perfectly fine that an entire medium of storytelling was shit-tier at representing fully half the human race"-thinking is harmful.

And while Webby was not good herself, she was a step in the right direction. Getting things right the first time is nice and all, but rare. It's more common that you stumble before you learn to run. Girls in adventure cartoons/comics tend to be written much better these days, but it's unsurprising that the initial efforts were a mixed bag. But if everyone in the 80s had subscribed to your way of thinking, we probably wouldn't have gotten where we are.


Gyro is a genius surrounded by incompetence. He’s been justified in 75% of his assholery.

A character expecting real logic and getting cartoon logic instead is not a flaw, at worst it's a bad joke.

Keep in mind though that he's only been recently using chewing gum. At first, he probably did use nuts and bolts. Then he used superglue. And now cheap bubble gum.

So he's nikola Tesla?

Attached: 71fqFnWLhoL._SX355_ (1).jpg (355x243, 24K)

...That is not a picture of Tesla.

Huh, the Zim's thread is in for a surprise

Attached: sketch-1567998404535.png (1578x1080, 1.16M)

Don't see it

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I just want it to turn out that Launchpad is an amazing cook.

Attached: the launchpad of cooking.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Think he only knows how to make burritos.

Bet they're amazing though. With exotic spices from his travels.

>The writers judged themselves, of course.
Your previous point was about them being judged if they didn’t put her in. Now you insist it’s a personal issue

>Do you honestly think they didn't think they did a pretty good job?
Do you want to be real here? It had its moments, but There’s a reason that until the reboot was announced, No-one talked about The Old show beyond remembering nostalgia, here or else where. And between Webby, Doofus, and Bubba there’s plenty.
>But if you're criticizing changes period, just realize you're saying Launchpad was a mistake too.
I’m criticizing changes motivated by something as insignificant and ridiculous as representation. Launchpad is not one of them.
> I think your "it was perfectly fine that an entire medium of storytelling was shit-tier at representing fully half the human race"-thinking is harmful.
Then we go all the way back to another part of the original point, the idea that stories have to serve some social purpose. The idea that a story’s purpose in any regard is to validate someone’s world view, or that anyone seek such validation out of stories is far more a contemptible prospect than stories not doing so. A stories purpose is to entertain and enrapture, not be a model to base your world view off of.

>And while Webby was not good herself, she was a step in the right direction...But if everyone in the 80s had subscribed to your way of thinking, we probably wouldn't have gotten where we are.
If every had subscribed to that thinking, we’d just have less shit token characters.

I don’t know where you get this idea that ‘80s token character pioneered female characters, but they didn’t. Writing non-shitty female characters has been a thong for as long as books have existed. Webby wasn’t laying out the framework, the framework had existed for years, her character just failed to follow it because of the writer’s ineptitude


Ok what the FUCK is Manny’s deal. I think I missed the episode where they explained whatever the fuck he is.

He's a horse lacking a head. He was given the head of Scrooge's statue. He then got a job working for Gyro because... he needs a job. In this economy, you take what you can get.

That’s fair. Good for him t b h

Her voice is pretty cute

I agree, nice voice.


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Launchpad knows very little about flying planes yet he has regularly been flying Della's children around. But since toonlogic it's okay that Launchpad isn't good at it since he knows how to crash well.

Maybe that will be the overarching plot focus of season 3. We're going to need something.

There’s no way they’ll touch it but the potential theories are funnier than anything they’d be allowed to do anyway.

due to time travel shark bomb glomgold is the triplet's father and the source of donald's immense anger.

>Yet Gladstone is still lucky faggot.
I bet he will slip, the pot will fall next to it, and he will notice under the banana peel there is 100$ bill.

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>Your previous point was about them being judged if they didn’t put her in. Now you insist it’s a personal issue

All of the above. I'm sure they were intelligent individuals that could spot that they'd managed to tweak the show into something with a sizable but all-male cast and wanted to do something about it. I'm likewise confident that they were aware that most of the competition had managed to pull it off.

Here you'll say "kids wouldn't care" but I'd argue that there's no shortage of folks who grew up and came into the industry making a point of saying they weren't thrilled with the representation they got back in the day. Kids may not have been able to put their finger on what felt off, but they grew up into adults that felt there'd been lots of room for improvement.

>Let's be real, DuckTales wasn't good

It was one of the best cartoons available to watch at the time. It wasn't long before DT that kids were being forced to settle for Rubik: The Amazing Cube. youtube.com/watch?v=LYs_GCy9PRk

>Representation is insignificant
For half the planet? Malarky.

>A story should just entertain and enrapture
When all the stories in a medium are noticeably lacking in representation for half the planet, it becomes less fun. It begins to grate. It gets noticed.

No story exists in a vacuum.

>The 80s token characters didn't pioneer female characters

The 80s cartoons, particularly "adventure" ones were incredibly male-dominated. The few female characters that showed up in 80s cartoons were indeed pioneering things for action cartoons. And quite honestly, for much of literary history women got the short shift in general. There were action-adventure gals in older stories, but they certainly didn't show up on a regular basis in any great number until fairly recently.

Webby wasn't great, but the instinct to maybe get a girl into the large and extremely male cast, as long as they were changing plenty of other things anyway, was a good one.

S&P disallowing deaths in a kid's cartoon does not make the guy who is constantly swan diving his planes into the ground a good pilot.

>All of the above. I'm sure they were intelligent individuals that could spot that they'd managed to tweak the show into something with a sizable but all-male cast and wanted to do something about it. I'm likewise confident that they were aware that most of the competition had managed to pull it off
You’re assuming that such petty concerns are rational or admirable.
>But I'd argue that
And I’d argue you would still be wrong. Their child selves have wouldn’t been able to say spmething was wrong because it’s not their child selves that saw a problem with it. They come seeing problems with because they grew into the world of adults where politics has to tinge everything.
>It was one of the best cartoons available to watch at the time
Transformers was better
>For half the planet? Malarky.
It could be half the galaxy and my point would still stand. The scale doesn’t change the fact the the point of stories isn’t mere representation.
>When all the stories in a medium are noticeably lacking in representation for half the planet, it becomes less fun. It begins to grate. It gets noticed.
Funny how you say that, despite admitting before that there WASN’T any external pressure, merely people iganig that this would curry favor.

Again, The only people who care about representation in stories are petty and small minded individuals who cannot overcome themselves enough to enjoy a story for what it is.
>The ‘80s cartoons
Whether or not it was new for 80s cartoons doesn’t change the fact that they had plenty of examples of properly done characters, both male and female, to pull from, and that when it comes to something as vast as the entirity of literary history, even “the short end of the stick” is enough to provide a good example for most, if not all, genres. Writing an active female adventure character was not a new frontier in character writing.


It was literally shown that launchpad can stay calm during emergency situation while della panics instantly

Attached: Everyone relax.gif (600x338, 3.1M)


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>tfw the author of Brave Little Toaster killed himself

Is Drake sleeping in a tux?

>There was no external pressure from audiences who demanded this

>It's another "user doesn't understand what market pressure is" episode