rose, or some form/iteration of, is totally gonna be the main antagonist of season 6
Rose, or some form/iteration of, is totally gonna be the main antagonist of season 6
Steven better kick her ass.
Punk diamond and pearl shpuld ve the. Ig bad for season 6
That would be redundant. Rose was already the antagonist of Season 5.
I'd like to know how after everything Rose/Pink Diamond went through and accomplished; after how much her existence alone meant to the universe, she gave it all up for a guy with a guitar.
that would be cool
too cool for steven universe
They'll find a computer or machine that can scan and copy gem information. The machine creates a similacrum of Pink Diamond from early in her history. Steven kills his reincarnated mother.
She got bored of rebellion and wanted to see what human sex was like
she'd already been having human sex for thousands of years
but gregs dick was the biggest
Super Saiyan Rosé is to good for SU
Let's be honest, Rose fucked up BAD. And after 6000 years, she really kind of understood how bad she fucked up. And it's not like she was only looking for a way out, but she happened to fall in love and humans are so big on the procreation thing and she figured out a way she could bequeath her gem to a new life-form partially progenitorred by her and her lover and yeah, the pieces kind of came into place, let's go with this.
if we're tossing out our fanfiction, then fine
I see the final villain of the show being an original Crystal Gem who didn't conveniently forget what the Diamonds did and how many hundreds of gems they shattered or ruined via fusion (maybe even losing a best friend/lover in the process)
you know, what Bismuth was originally supposed to be
she could be trying to kill the Diamonds, and Steven would have to protect them
deal with the fact they faced pretty much zero repercussions for the horrible things they did, and the only reason is "oh they're Steven's friends now so it doesn't matter"
i'm an unoriginal hack so I want new alien faction
but if not that, I want an off-world adventure. I want a gem who;s overseeing a colonization, hears the message and think it's either a fake or that the diamonds have lost it. I want apocolypse now as some despot gem breaks off and starts their own rebellion in hopes to bring back the old values with them as the new leader over the diamonds
Frankly, the Diamonds need a reason to disdain organic life.
At least hug her, first.
Look at those gorgeous fucking backgrounds
Whatever he's getting paid it's not enough
Season 6 villain will be Future Steven or some shit just watch
She's already been the villain. The entire show is Steven cleaning up after her. This is a story where the villain already did their damage and fucked off, so there's no one to fight, only shit to pick up. The infinity stones are gone.
It won’t happen but I can dream about the next season being about Jasper raising an army of gems who can’t just forgive the Diamonds for what they’ve done.
Sucrose already said the show doesn't have any villains (at least not in the traditional sense), so if Evil!Rose does show up, they're just going to talk it out and resolve everything peacefully
What the fuck was this movie. I wanted to see Jasper and Lapidot, not fucking Steg. I cringed so hard, why did he have abs???
Fuck this movie
PD/Rose isn't really antagonist material. She's just kind of retarded. I suppose she's also charming and charismatic when she's not throwing tantrums, so maybe she could unintentionally be the driving force for the REAL antagonist.
For all the flaws the show has in pacing, storyboarding, continuity, animation, etc, I would be so much more tolerant of them if Rebecca Sugar didn't have this stupid fucking attitude. It's not subverting my expectations, it's not cute, it's annoying and absolute destroys any stakes in the show and makes it hard to take anything seriously.
Have it that it was an organic race that created the gems and were even crueler than the Diamonds ever were until they were overthrown.
Gives you a reason for the Diamonds to dislike organics, and why they maintained a large army for if their creators ever returned.
That would be fucking cool desu
But user
It's an uncommon take, since most shows have a clearly defiined "good guy" and "bad guy". That one song from the movie straight up tells you the show is about compassion instead of beating up on the "villain"
Steven gets Connie pregnant and actually takes responsibility for the child, something his mother failed to do for him. They move away from Beach City and the kid grows up in a nuclear family, never being exposed to the Crystal Gems or any of their bullshit, a life that Steven himself had always wanted but did not get to have. The end.
Haha just kidding Steven decides life isn’t worth it and ages himself to death like in Too Many Birthdays
I get that, and I'm down for that for a lot of characters! Even the ones that are particularly antagonistic to the main cast (Jasper) or aren't particularly remorseful of their actions (Aquamarine), or nearly did incredibly an incredibly atrocious thing (Spinel). Reaching out to morally grey characters and trying to reform them, I'm all for that. But the Diamonds aren't morally grey. They're pure, unadulterated pitch black. The show really pulls no punches in showing the kind of heinous shit they do.
It feels like Rebecca Sugar wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants to have her "Keeping it Together" moments, with the horrifying subject matter, all portrayed with the sound design, direction, and writing to really drive home how terrible it is, all while keeping the same blanket "forgive everyone" message no matter the character.
They don't even have to kill them! I'm not saying that Steven should personally walk up to the diamonds and shatter them into a million pieces, I don't expect the protagonist of a kid's show to ice several characters in cold blood, but Rebecca explicitly wrote a mechanic into her world that allows for indefinite, non-lethal relatively fail-safe storage of gems. Just bubble them!
I like the idea of an organic life "dark mirror" to the gems although them being their creators works too. Have them be an aggressively expansionist form of life that scares the ever-loving shit out of the diamond authority. We already saw a serious and rigid society with the gems so they would need to be lively and bombastic. And since we've already gone with the "lesbian space rocks" angle with the gems, these guys should be flamboyantly gay space organics. I imagine Warhammer 40k orks/nids but instead of football hooligans/xenomorphs they are the Village People who want to destroy non-organic life and assimilate organics.
So you mean an entire race of Doomriders.
I'm okay with this.
They have a good out writing things the way they did. They can just say "oh yeah, Rose did some other horrible shit no one knew about" to create new conflict and it won't feel out of place.
>She isn't actually gone, it's Pink Diamond trying to cover for herself.
pink did nothing wrong to spinel.
so, shitty theory time, what if since getting reset stevens gem actually is PD again, but powering steven like lapis did for the mirror, so over time it starts acting out and doing stuff when steven sleeps, like forming the bubble and trying to roll steven into her room so she can manipulate it to give her form, then steven has to confront her about her actions, while she tries to convince him to remove the gem so she can exist again, maybe with some kooky shit about using another gem to power steven, or something, and in the end steven has to use the room to relive all his mothers choices to have him, so instead of PD hes dealing with rose, but its still gem war rose, and then he has to get her to live through all the horror stuff, then life with greg, and evetually she decides that its better to stay dead/steven, thus returning to status quo
That's a lot of shit just to retread old material and change nothing.
It really is realistic, though. Real Evil is more likely to just be apathetic about others or feel justified in its actions, not think "I want to fight and die for the Forces of Evil." Pink/Rose is either apathetic or self-righteous or both.
Real Evil usually gets no obvious or traditional reckoning or revenge carried out on them. They face no or relatively small consequences themselves. Eventually though in real life, they will die, and the people around them (lovers or spouses, followers or employees, children, friends, other citizens, and so on) do have to deal with their consequences and clean up their messes and suffer or die for them, even if they had absolutely nothing to do with it. That's just life.
She’s gone
Maybe it'll be Steven himself, slowly turning into his mother personality wise.
I saw that Ian recently liked a tweet saying the diamonds "were never actually forgiven"
So take that however you think that means
Either she's died and become part of Steven or she's hiding in Steven. (Or some other third thing)
not if its a clipshow of the history we haven't seen yet, there's still some 6000 years of warfare we've yet to see
BBEG of season 6 will obviously be Ronaldo.
...Uh... so what happened to original Pink/White Pearl anyway?
Going into the film I kinda wondered if she'd have some sort of connection to the character that turned out to be Spinel but we haven't seen squat of her in two years.
I don't even think she was aware of ANYTHING that happened after she danced with Pink at court or whatever shit went down that lead to PD being punished and this Pearl being appropriated. And the poor girl was confused as shit when White was defeated...
Steven Universe: The Phantom Pain
I mean, they weren't. Steven didn't want to spend more time with them than he could help. He's in it to help them become better people but they're never going to be friends the same way he is with Peridot.
>Pink Diamond, the one who started it all is the one who will finish it
Biggest plot twist the show could do is use the gem with the least selfless goal and turn them against the others, potentially putting them at odds because they want their goal over the planet now.
>I'd like to know how after everything Rose/Pink Diamond went through and accomplished; after how much her existence alone meant to the universe, she gave it all up for a guy with a guitar.
She was Escapism: The Character. That's all you really need to know about her.
As a child, she wanted to escape from childhood. So she demanded a colony, got told by Yellow she wouldn't get one if she wouldn't stop acting like a child, and then turned on her playmate Spinel to distance herself from childishness (bonus points here for the way she did that last part being to escape conflict by telling Spinel to play a standing still game so she could leave without her following).
After getting a colony she wanted to escape from the confines associated with her higher status and the rule against intermingling casually with commoners. So she disguises herself to do that.
After getting to know how the colony works she wanted to escape from the moral implications of destroying a planet with life on it. So she tried to have her sisters stop it but to no avail.
After being shot down by her sisters she wanted to escape from the conflict disobedience would create. So she took the roundabout approach of trying to cause trouble in disguise as a rebellion leader to get them to abandon Earth.
Eventually she escaped from being herself altogether and faked her to death to live as her disguise full time.
And then of course she escaped from existence itself by giving up her gem for a child.
Focus on something other than the Murdercock, user.
>Not liking Steg
So was steg basically gay incest pedophilia?
Parallel universe Diamond Authority would work well too.
I guess I'll take a crack at it.
An ancient alien race actually created the gems as servents to unknowingly clear out the galaxy for them to live in and have to themselves. They made the diamonds wan't to grow they're empire and make more gems to kill off other races. The alien race find out that the diamonds failed and decide to take things into they're own hands. The aliens point out call out Steven and the gems for being forgiving to the diamonds for they're actions and say that they are no better or even worse then them.
No that was White Diamond.
But she was always the antagonist
>"Everything with you is about time, isn't it? The past, the present, the future. You know all of it, right? And you know everything about me. About Pearl, about Garnet, and Amethyst! You know our strengths, you know our fears, you know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us. All this time, we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead. But that's not it! You don't just know what's gonna happen to us. You were there. You lived it. You remember... when you were me."
>"Like I told you from the beginning... I am the Future Steven."
Maybe it's just because we've been watching her character development in reverse for the last 5 seasons but holy fuck they must be trying to make her as unlikeable as possible for some greater purpose. There's no way they made PD such a cunt in the movie without knowing everyone would immediately hate her for it.
Rose became the antagonist of the whole series when she was revealed to be Pink Diamond.
i heard someone make the argument that they're trying to make pink diamond worse so that they can use her as the character in the backstory that fucked things up to create conflict in the present day. Because they dont want to use the diamonds because they want them to be cute allies, like "oh look white diamond is like your racist grandma thats trying to be more tolerant because she really wants you in her life" and shit like that. Seems like a plausible explanation for me.
Where is the series supposed to go since the Pink Diamond reveal neutered all conflict with Homeworld? Just endless townie episodes?
yeah they completely neutered themselves by making steven pink diamond. Not just because it just gets the Diamonds on his side because hes pink diamond, and not just becausing being one of Homeworlds diamonds gives him alot of options for solving any future conflict. But it essentially establishes the precident that you can redeem 3 hitlers at once with the power of friendship, so the show essentially can't not solve something with friendship anymore. imagine if they shattered Spinel instead of making nice with her, killing the abandoned living toy and sparing 3 hitlers would be a bit fucked. So the show really doesnt have anywhere else to go.
I've got bad news, everyone. I'm Fluffzen.
the g i joes never solved any of their problems with diplomacy. SU is to friendship what gi joes is to war.
I wonder how many narutos strong Steven is at this point?
He's about half as good pre shipudden naruto
the backgrounds are honestly the only thing that stayed consistently good about the show
even then i still miss S1's scenery in particular