Love Him or Hate Him, Rob Liefield's Spittin Facts

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someone didnt drink their meds

how has some site like bleedingcool not figured out what happened at DC that pissed rob off

Rob had a bitch fit at Snyder saying Batman sales weren't due to Snyder or Capullo because Batman sells well regardless. Snyder then responded that it may be true they aren't the reason Batman sells but Hawkman and Hawk and Dove failed because of Rob. He's been salty ever since

Where's the book Rob? Why don't you give the people their money back Rob?

I’m not a huge Rob fan and his New 52 work was shit and he deserved to get shit on from his superiors for it. That being said everything he said here is true.

I mean it’s true. DC has been putting out almost entirely crap for the better part of this decade. If you’re a real fan you challenge them and hold them to higher standards.

He's wrong though

>to build beyond Batman
They can't even build a single decent Batman story

Remember, he pissed his tights the first time out.

He's not wrong though. He's blaming managment, not the people actually working on the books. Managment at dc is a dumpster fire. That being siad, rob is horrible at managment himself. So he really doesn't have much room to talk. Plus dc did give him plenty of chances. They let him do what he wanted but still failed to move books. His art work has actually gotten worse. His early nineties stuff was great and actually had some substance and style. His art now just looks stiff and boring.

So basically Rob pitched a Batman story and got denied, and he's been salty ever since?

It's painfully obvious to anyone, even Rob, that DC is utterly dependent on Batman and Batman-related stuff (Joker, Harley, Gotham in general) by this point.

Even stuff like Titans needs Robin - Batman's sidekick - to sell. Seriously, imagine Batman being ripped from DC suddenly or Batman-related media taking a huge, noticeable tanking in sales. Does DC have any other heroes they've built up to be as popular? Don't give me lip on popular, stuff like Superman and Wonder Woman and Aquaman are iconic. We're only now just getting an animated Wonder Woman movie. Has she gotten any bigwig comic creators to her name since her first movie? A cartoon? Anything of the sort? Certainly Aquaman hasn't either. Superman's poisoned by Snyder and they have no clear direction for who Barry is beyond the barest of characterizations, and I'm someone who likes him. Meanwhile, Harley gets to be the most recurring character in the DCAU, Batman gets the Arkham games and a new trilogy of movies, Joker's got the incel demographic down with his upcoming movie... when the fuck do we get a major and CONTINUOUS push for anyone not Batman or Bat-related? When will it feel like the Batman saturation ends and DC remembers how to write and make consistent stories and even settings for the rest of their nominal A-list, much less anything obscure?

>that reply
>you shouldn't criticize a company's business decisions because that company has (underpaid) workers who might feel bad

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Yea but DC decided back in the mid 90s to make Batman into the cornerstone of all things DC universe in any form of media. No tv series or movie franchise is allowed to go for too long without Batman appearing somewhere. Absolutely no team book or crossover event is allowed to go on without Batman being front and center. And each and every writer wants to make their own super special Gotham OC. The laziest of them just make another Robin or Batgirl. Others make daytime Batman or Manga robo Batman.

You should respond to him with that

Ahem, "iconic". But not POPULAR. Adding that to this post here.

their barry is literally a rehashed Wally. Its fucking embarrassing, Marvels putting numbers on the board and uplifting characters to Supes/Batman levels. Meanwhile DC/Warners IPs are literally dropping in popularity everyday.

Miles has completely overshadowed both Blue Beetle, Nightwing, and Static.

I don't do twitter.

He's not entirely wrong. I'm sick that anything on DC has to be Batman related.

Fuck Batman. Yeah, I know he sells and stuff, but Didiot doesn't know how to handle the company. You don't see Marvel making everything in its universe revolve around Spiderman.

> You don't see Marvel making everything in its universe revolve around Spiderman.

It's funny you say this because even taking into account all of Marvel's history in general and how Spidey's their traditional top seller and poster boy for comics and media adaptions alike, it never felt like it was JUST him audiences and company cared about - they still pushed other heroes when possible even pre-MCU. Marvel's genuinely made it so they can have a functional "Marvel Universe" in general without their poster boy - as the MCU is about to show - and meanwhile a DCU without Batman-related stuff would feel distressingly empty. What the hell happened?

Didio and Harras need to be fired.
Didio is responsible for Countdown, Heroes in Crisis, and Beast Machines.
Harras crashed Marvel twice.

>Based Snyder
And King has proved Snyder correct, as the main Batman title keeps dropping in sales and Hulk of all things starts topping the charts

The Nu52 happened.

Letting Geoff Johns lead the company was the most retarded move possible.
Cereal Lord doesn't give a shit about anything other than trade royalties and Hal Jordan. In that order

Holy shit, rob is based

Fucking this. On so many levels. This is why I stopped giving a shit about the DC and the DC Universe entirely. Everything revolves around five characters

Hal Jordan
Barry Allen
Harley Quinn

I can only read so many stories centered around these mary sues

This. This is why DCs far more likely to fold its comicbook publishing sector than Marvel.

he's 100% right

DC will die if they don't do anything beyond Batman and sometimes Superman

>When will it feel like the Batman saturation ends and DC remembers how to write and make consistent stories and even settings for the rest of their nominal A-list, much less anything obscure?

they need something to happen to the company. Something that forces Batman to be put to rest and the others to be used.


Rob's always been kinda based. Lazy at times, but based.

Even his art style is more about perspective and "timing" issues than anatomy. You can actually find folks like his art IRL and they, and a lot of high stress/high performance individuals tend to do lil subconscious "Checks" to avoid hurting themselves and the like. Liefield has a really good grasp of those motions but keeps fucking putting people in a stationary medium mid-"check" which looks really unnatural because they're holding a 2 second stretch or flex forever.

That's a pretty dishonest take, I must say.

Batman is pushed heavily, this much is true. But Marvel isn't as expansive as you seem to imply. Spider-Man and Wolverine carried the publisher out of the clutches of bankruptcy in the 90s, and it's been that way for a couple of decades now. Prior to the MCU, you could not find a comic that didn't reference at least one of them them, or have them guest appear in some way. Between the two characters, Spidey and Wolverine were part of almost every superhero team you could think of. Post MCU, it's Iron Man and the other mainline A-listers. But none of them have the marketing power of Batman.

AT&T gives zero fucks about DC so anyone expecting "respect" is delusional.

>But none of them have the marketing power of Batman.

they all do now. Iron Man and co are literally loved around the world. Even Thanos can sell merch and brands faster than Batman in this day.

Cool pasta, bro.

>Thanos sells more than Batman

Marvel and Spider-Man have the opposite problem. They've wasted ten years of Spider-Man on Slott that hasn't done anything noteworthy aside from kill Peter off for a while. Sidekick? Dropped after an arc. New love interest? She fucked off and never came back. Got his own company? Completely incompetent and burned it to the ground. Everything Slott set up he did nothing with it and dropped it a year later. He's managed to reset the status quo for ASM multiple times during his own run. And how had the other Spider titles done during that time? Scarlet Spider? Low selling and cancelled. Spider-Man Team Up? Low selling and cancelled. Spider-Man and the X-Men? Low selling and never continued. Miles Morales? Bendis. And what about Spider-Man's events? Spider-Island? Spiderverse? Constant Venom and Carnage events? And when it comes to the massive events like Secret Empire he's plastered front and center on the first issue and has very little to do with it.

It's just so frustrating to see Marvel's biggest character not even used that well.

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>your shit sucks
>yeah well...they're not getting paid enough to write a good story

Johns killed DC

Spidey might be their top seller, but he appeared in like 30% of all marvel comic books, included guest cameos. Meanwhile, X-Men take 40% with the remaining 30% to be split between Hulk and Avengers

What I'm trying to say, replace Batman with X-Men and you basically describe Marvel

he does when we aren't talking comics. He is a certified part of pop culture now .

For better or worse, Thanos is this generation's Darth Vader, and will likely have a similar kind of pop culture immortality.

>DC isn't paying their employees well
>How dare you say DC sucks

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He's right

Doubtful because Vader kept being used in mainstream media through the years, mainly games for the longest time. Thanos is going to have to do the same and he's already coming across as one note to casuals judging by how MUA3 turned out. If they want to fix that they'd have to make him more like his comics self and I'm talking the Starlin stuff.

Casuals love thanos

that's not a reply, that was the OP.
Rob's post *is* the reply to SGM's tweet.
You can see the link back to said tweet in Rob's.

>SGM: Don't you think "DC Sucks" is disrespectful to the workers?
>Rob: I'm referring to the DC management team.

Twitter is a shit platform and screencap threads need to be banned on sight.

In the 1980s and 1990s, it would be fair to claim Marvel was mostly Spider-Man and X-Men, this hasn't been accurate for almost 20 years. Spider-Man still sells well, as do Venom and Carnage, but X-Men have been in decline for most of that time, and Marvel have pushed other brands. HoXPox is a hit, but it's too early to say if Hickman can turn the entire X-Men franchise around. Even if he does, it's unlikely Marvel will choose to start neglecting other profitable books just to focus on Spider-Man and X-Men only, they already learned how risky that is.

Thanos is going to be a final boss character in a lot of Marvel games, and what characterization there is will be based on the MCU.

Normies and casuals aren't going to tire of him because of games repeating what the movies did, they expect games to do that. Most of them they aren't going to read comics or novels to explore deeper lore about the character, they didn't do that with Vader either.

>you can't say something sucks because people worked hard on it
Fuck this cancerous mindset

>The Nu52 happened.
But... that was DilDio...


We'll see. Never underestimate the short attention span of casuals.

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Someone had to take over for Waid. Waid would later praise the Superman run and had to clarify that he was being sincere.

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Bullshit, the last knight on earth was pretty good.

>Google Major X
>blatant Red X rip off
of course

>Guys, it's because of my work on the character is why the Deadpool movies are so successful, honest!!!
Fucking hack

>Blatant rip off outsells DC character thats been a corner stone of the DC landscape for decades and has been featured in multiple forms of media

Must be horrific being a Hawkfag/DCnigger

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He would've been terrible in all of these, he's delusional if he thinks his terrible art would work in those.
To be frank that store must have a dedicated DC fanbase (one of these stores that are basically populated by the same guys always), because Marvel still has 40% market share these days against ~28% DC.

>a DCU without Batman
One can dream. Realistically though, who would take his place? I mean, as a Diana fan, I'm biased as fuck, but what if though.

Also, there was a 2009 Wondy animated film. Still kinda bullshit that Bloodlines is only the second though.

No, that reply is aimed at saying a industry professional shouldn't say shit like that. No one wants to work or be associated with someone dissing their co-workers.

>Hawkman ripp off

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Isn't Hawkman a cosmic hero of sorts? Shouldn't Darkhawk in Marvel be closer then?


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He's right. DC used to be a diverse comic company with many titles for many different audiences. Now it's just capewank.

I mean, they're releasing a GHOSTS 100 page giant this month and it doesn't have any of their noncape horror comics. What the fuck?

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Ant Man is more popular than Atom
Hawkeye is more popular than Green Arrow
Thanos is more popular than Darksied

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He's right in one thing, nobody likes an asshole.

>Ant Man is more popular than Atom
>Thanos is more popular than Darksied
>Hawkeye is more popular than Green Arrow

When Batman begins to fail to consistently stay in the top 10 for comic sales each month, then Rob would be wrong, as it is he is 100% right, Batman and Batman related comics always dominate DCs portion of the top 10 lists, and it sure as hell ain’t due to the quality of these Batman comics.


The fact that so many "pros" seem to have a problem with this is the clearest indication of why the industry gets precipitously worse at what appears to be a monthly pace.

Along with the complete fools at the top like Didio or Lee or Harras or Cebulski there is a disgustingly nepotistic obsession in which people think they should only work with palatable people they like or are friends with and it's not even hidden. "It's like that in any industry" ignores the fact that generally the rotten apples are discarded and their parents are seen as paraiahs and that family's access to easy hires dwindles. In comics (and media in general more and more) rotten apples are kept despite being atrocious at their jobs because they're nice.

These spineless, gushy fucks have ruined the industry.

>drink their meds
The type of mess you're referring to are generally pills.

there is no way this man isn't addicted to cocaine

>you can't say a company's product sucks because it doesn't fairly compensates it's employees!
What in the fuck.

That shouldn't be their decision. The company position should be work with who you're partnered with or to do a creator owned book with your friends.

>Le they hit deadlines
>Le the industry doesnt work like that

Any insta artist could hit deadlines if they weren't working 40 hours a week doing something else. And unless you're physically fighting no company should consider who you are friendly with or not. Do the work you're hired for or fuck off.

The industry has been ruined by people thinking nepotism and connections should be openly flaunted rather than a silent secret nobody mentions like in every other walk of life.

For some reason peopleblike and ever worse than SGM think quality of product doesnt matter and certainly not more than the comfort and happiness of those that made it.

You see people even ITT defending it. They truly think allowing garbage out to print is more professional than demanding garbage not be printed.

Bro he literally says Robs being a dick because people work really hard on comics.... while being paid poorly. That is literally the context.

He then goes on to say rob shouldn't be kicking at the two pillars of the industry because the roof may fall down. As if testing shitty support beams is dumber than letting them rot.

Nah, it's clearly not a "don't shit where you eat" thing. Besides Liefeld has already enough money that he could retire, and if fags are retarded enough to throw money at Malin, I'm sure Liefeld could do that too.

Hawkeye is not as popular as GA. No way.

It's not like he's producing anything of quality as of late, but he's right about DC. They've been using Batman as a crutch for the past decade.

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>hard working people busting their asses
work it work it
bust it bust it

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He’s not wrong, take away Batman and Batman adjacencies and DC would crumble within a year and be sold off to Image, Avatar Press, Dynamite, and Marvel

However I feel about his work, Snyder seems like one of the nicer dudes in the business so if you do manage to piss him off it's definitely on you, Rob

>Thanos is this generation's Darth Vader,

Thanos is barely this year's Darth Vader. He'll be lucky if he's remembered in the next 5 years. I'm amazed about how quickly people stopped giving a shit about Endgame.

Not really. People keep talking about it and posting memes.

doesn't matter how many screenshots you post, in an attempt to discredit him.

he's objectively right. you might not like messenger, but the message is still accurate and true.

>Classic Rob Story:
the X-Men were sent to find master mold in the forests of the pacific north west...the comic comes back...the X-Men are inside an abandoned mall (because rob can't draw trees)

anyway I know its hip to like him now but...he was always awful.

Based Bendis.

And objectively right here, people liking him or disliking him or any of the comics he’s drawn don’t factor into the fact

Than why wasn't Batman in Teen Titans 2003, Smallville, or Superman Returns?

Not trying to discredit him at all.

Agreed, hate his work and where yes taken DC but he seems like a good dude

Man, Rob IS an asshole and a mouthy coward. If he's talking about King he should just say so openly instead of beating around the bush and picking fights with people who are kind enough to respond to his bullshit (specially Snyder who's pretty clearly trying to steer him away from the conflict). Rob's an egomaniac whose last resource is to put it all there to get the easily baited fanbase of his to agree with him instead of addressing the main issues.

Why do you care about DC?

Support the independent Comic Creators.

Let Marvel and DC die in peace.

Teen Titans is Batman adjacent due to Robin, and while the show was airing the whole fandom was convinced that Red X was actually Batman
Batman, not appearing in a Superman movie? Color me surprised, but didn’t that movie also fail, horribly? I’m sure Batman would have sold more tickets
Smallville is actually a great example for your argument.

Based, let Rob continue to swindle people on his Kickstarter.

I really don't want to defend DC, but John Constantine isn't a cape and he's even getting back his R-rated Hellblazer book very soon

>Let Marvel and DC die in peace.
Marvel and DC refuse to die in peace. They're going down like rabid dogs.

I feel weird agreeing with Rob Liefeld, but he's definitely right. Batman's fingers are in nearly everything now, if not something bat-adjacent like Harley or his sidekicks. Look I don't hate Batman, I just hate King, and I hate seeing Bruce nearly EVERYWHERE. Furthermore, I get fed up on Batman being some sort of authority for everyone in DC. Batman doesn't like someone's methods? You'll never hear the end of it. It's like when he started giving Simon Baz shit over carrying a backup sidearm.

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Liefeld may be right about DC management but he's also an idiot, fuck Liefeld

Aquaman had his own show during the 70s.

I wish DC would further develop on Shazam, Doctor Fate and Captain Atom.
I want to see what they could with powerhouses that isn't Superman.

No he didn't...but I know who did...

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>DC makes Titans, a series that has Robin in it
>Marvel writes yet another "Doctor Doom becomes omnipotent story"

Weak bait

Robin is Batman-related and the single biggest character in the Titans franchise, and Titans made a big deal on Batman appearing in it as well.

And Bendis made sure to put in Spider-Man and Wolverine in his Avengers team to drive up sales and to be more like the Justice League. Marvel's teen team has a Spider-Man on their team, do you complain about that?

Whatever stealth marketing guy first hit on that particular talking point had better be a rich man because ho boy is that a doozy that's going to do a ton of work in corporation's favor.

>complaining about Doom turning omnipotent
>when Thanos turned omnipotent way more
>when he almost turned omnipotent at civil war 2
>when there is a story about Thanos turning omnipotent right now

In this thread: batfags bashing on Rob for saying something so absurdly obvious that literally everyone but the most retarded Batman Stan has known it for years.

Rob might as well be saying "water is wet" but fucking Batfags just fucking cannot handle it.

holy shit Snyder managed to both come out as the bigger man while also eviscerating Rob.

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"Editorial might be a catastrophe, but he my Fren!"
"You can't make Hawkman sell like Batman, you must suck!"
Yeah, he got tole alright.

This is why you shouldn't consume solely cape comics, it eventually impairs your reading capabilities. I don't even like Snyder, but he doesn't come out as a mouthy ape like Rob does.

>Disrepecting the (terrible) management is a direct insult to the wage-slaves.
Yeah Rob, by questioning editorial, you are shitting on everyone down to the interns!!

Yes, your bias is really clear here.
Rob was talking shit on the bosses, Employee of the Month pulled his nose out long enough to shoot back at him, and we have the ridiculous "By insulting the bosses you hurt the copyboys and the fans" horseshit.

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Batfags can’t handle the simple truth that without Batman DC would have been sold off to lesser companies years ago

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Hal Jordan and Berry Allen

haha no. Casuals still have no idea who these guys are. Hal maybe for the fanboys. Who gives a fuck about any of the Flashes?

To add insult to injury, this guy disses Alex Ross. Pfft hahaha.
Oh look he's backpedaling!

That probably sounded smart to you before you posted it.

"I assure you, Batman doesn't sell because it's Batman, it sells because of me and Greg"
He doesn't come across as a bigger man. He's an insecure toady, and what's worse, he's fucking delusional.

Everyone and their fucking cat hates King's Batman and it's still a top seller. It might have slipped below Hulk, but even *the most reviled Batman* is still a top ten book.

Classic dipshit move to deflect criticism; whataboutism.
Nothing going on at Marvel makes DC's leadership competent, no matter how good or bad things are at the house of mouse-approved ideas.

Is he delusional thinking he would be good on those books, let alone that they'd give it to him when kamandi had like Busiek, Morrison and Paul Pope rejected

Galatians 4:16

Look at this pile of irrational dipshits adhomming their asses off to protect precious Batman. Plus Tommy, which is really amazing.
You fuckwits will side with Didio and fucking Tommy before you allow anything bad to be said about the Precious.

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>Batfags are delusional and cancerous
In other breaking news, studies show that the intake of oxygen leads to a prolonged life, more after the commercial break

>do you complain about spider-man on Avengers?
>do you complain about bendis?
Nigger how new are you? Yea Forums has been bitching about Bendis's new Avengers for forever.

I actually hate Batman and I'm the first one you just quoted. No, make no mistake, I hate Liefeld and his mouthy, cowardly ass.

Reminder that Rob and his friends couldn't even finish a six-issue series in over a decade, and he's only just now admitted that it's not going to happen ever.

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its all Johns fault
ruined the JL, JSA, Flash, Green Lanterns, DC's cosmos and everything else

Thanks Wallygropius, here's you're two Marvel cents and continue to defend my brilliant decisions on Amazing Spider-Man!!!

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Don't feel like digging for the tweet but yeah that was interesting. He said something like "Todd lost interest and told us he was done," which- was that the first time that's been offered as a reason or?
I'd have just liked to see Lee finish 1963

Ross drew Supreme covers

Hitch is a Davis clone but with a better sense of action, how is that Ross like at all

He's also done Deadpool on team covers a couple times

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>Bothering to even have feelings about Rob Liefeld at all
What a fucking loser. I can understand hating someone, but you're so mad at a human punchline that you're going to dogpile him with lickspittles while he points out the truth about something you also allegedly hate.

Rent fucking free.

You truly seem bothered that I don't like the guy than me not liking him, interesting.

>Bringing Reddit turf wars in here

He's right of course.

If you produce bad work then people have every right to "disrespect" you. DC doesn't care about anything but Batman because normalfgs only like Batman and DiDio constantly chases the normalfag audience. The only other successful character they have right now is Harley Quinn who's also a Batman character.

Nothing to do with a decent story. His point is that the only thing that sells for DC is Batman because everything else has been so mismanaged or poorly promoted.


why are so many retards in this thread defending Detective Comics Comics brought to you by Bendis, KSD and King

mate I don't read Batman but as a whole Liefeld's impact is ultimately a negative one in the industry. I mean, so is Snyder's, but Rob's is far greater.

Tommy please.

Oh look at this fucking walking Tumblr argument, complete with incomprehensible incomplete sentence boiling down to "nuh-uh, you"



I kind of hate how true this comic is. I like Batman as much as the next guy, but I haven't bought his books in years given the bullshit being fed lately.

Rob is this you you fucking faggot

>twitter posting
>unwarranted company wars
>Batfags unable to contain their autism

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It is only in your little circle jerk plus joker is getting far more attention now with his solo movie.

Justify your argument.
Rob's sole meaningful legacy is Deadpool, which is far more defined by writers ten or more years after he left Marvel that him himself. No one copies his art or writing, his franchises are pretty much dead, and he's not working on much if at all. He's a human punchline about a shitty time in comics.

Twitter posting refers to literal who's. This is no different than a Claremont interview in comics journal would have been or something in the old days, a legend sounding off on the business.

What's with this militant defense of Liefeld? I don't care if he's right or wrong about DC, he's not the only one criticizing the fact that DC is over reliant of Batman. Wow big news, nobody was saying it before him!
No imbecile, it's that he's a spineless, two-faced coward who throws his weight around whenever things don't go his way, and then has the gall to claim he's doing anyone a service, along with painting his negative influence in the industry as something worth respecting.
He's also taking advantage of the guys who try to keep a respectful stance on public just to lash out and insult like a teenager, knowing they would never stoop to his level while appealing to his fanbase that cheers his bullshit.

And NO before you say it, I don't care about Batman and even less so about King.

Youngblood is one of the emptiest books ever published in any format. I don't like the man, I don't wear nostalgia glasses, it was cool seeing dudes with huge guns grimacing when I was 9 but I need better shit now, I'm sorry.

Technically he's right. I mean DC is focusing too much on Batman that tey ignore the other characters. It's the main reason why DC is losing to Marvel all the time

Well lets look at the scoreboard
>DCeased- Batman walking around with Joker head
>Batman Damned
>Batman Who Laughs, METAL, and the soon to be added Infected arc
>Outsiders, babysat by Batman
>Batman by Tom King
>Detective Comics
Now if we also include extended cast/Batman family
>Red Hood and The Outlaws
>Teen Titans (led by Damnian)
>Harley Quinn and her associated books
Am I forgetting something? Am I wrong?

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The argument isn't "Rob liefeld sucks" because that's obvious. The argument I'm asking you to substantiate is "Rob liefeld has more negative impact than Snyder"; and of course, you can't fucking do it because Rob is a joke with laughable impact and tons of unintentional merit as a cautionary tale to young artists. Believe it or not, there are dumber books than Youngblood being published all the time, and like Youngblood, they don't fucking matter- they have no impact, the opinions of the writers don't shape powerful industry forces, they don't sit in planning committees for the biggest comics companies in their country. Rob is a human punchline; the fact that he drew some shit art and hid some feet doesn't mean he had an impact. How has he had a negative.. no, how has he had a meaningful impact at all? Honestly he's practically had a positive one by attaching a punchable face and name to 90s excess. A living example of "oops, we went too far for a while"

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How will DC comics celebrate Green Arrow's 80th anniversary?

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>Green Arrow

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Batman teamup and rivalry story.

>It's only okay when we do it to bash Tommy

Barely anyone who cross posts in both sites knows who WallyGropius is, and I only recognized the name because I've seen him around but I can't tell you what he posts about. This is how fringe it all is.

>Barely anyone who cross posts in both sites knows who WallyGropius is,
And people know who Tommy is?

>Am I forgetting something? Am I wrong?
Spider-Man has two times more comic books right now than Batman.

Hell, Venom alone has more books than Batman.

Tommy is a legend that transcends the self, he probably no longer posts here or elsewhere, but his spirit (geist) is embodied by many anons at all times.


sell it as as Green Arrow issue #8,000

>>DCeased- Batman walking around with Joker head

Wrong book, lad

So all the one shot / 3 issue minis, that’s what you’re using to inflate that list right? Because without them you’re left with
>Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
>Marvel Action: Spider-Man
>Miles Morals Spider-Man
>Spider-Man Life Story
And the upcoming Spider-Man 2099 and Amazing Mary Jane, as well as the now canceled superior spider-man, I’ll even throw you a bone and add in History if the Marvel universe.
Now that’s 11 titles vs 13.
But saying Venom alone has more titles that Batman is just laughable. Without Absolute Carnage and the one shots / and minis currently happening Venom has two books. I understand your loyalty to the character, but come on user let’s be real here...

DCeased is supposed to be Last Knight on Earth and you forgot White Knight, and you should really list the individual Harley Quinn titles

>guy explicate notes Liefield has problems with perspective and what part of a movement he shows.
>Posts some of Liefields most mild physiological terrors where the only actual issue is *literally what user said*
user are you actually retarded or are you attempting to support the argument.

>user calls Liefeld a "human punchline"
>Nuh-uh you're mad that I don't like Liefeld!!


How? Liefeld was influential but in this decade I don't see any of his negative influence on the industry. I see Didio still running DC and things see-sawing again like in the 00's. I see Jim Lee's New 52 designs lasting a lot longer than they deserved during the 10's. I see Bendis taking over major books and setting them in stretched-out, empty directions for longer than he should. I see new creators taking more of a webcomic-influenced style than a 90's style.

No, Tommy is very much a real, very identifiable poster around here. I suppose it's possible ours isn't the original, but we have that autistically repetitive, Doom obsessed company warrior whose subliteracy and immunity to logic is distinct from other subliteracies and immunities to logic shitposting here every single day.

This is your brain on Batman.

Liefeld is wrong as currently DC is more diverse in genres and titles now more than ever.
You have the pop up imprints of young animals and Hill House, you have DC ink and Zoom cranking out YA novels and Children's book, you have Wonder Comics and Jinxworld and the Black Label is gonna print an original fantasy series called the last god.

Look at this shill.

DC's imprints are the only remotely good thing they have, everything mainstream continuity is trash

Lol these companymen are pretty funny to see.

>this thread
>this board

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>dronie false flagging again

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>can’t even get the name right

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Is he half-Gundam or something?

Rob was about that early sneakerhead culture, see the influence on that cover.


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>giving a fuck about comic books
grow up

>Iron Man and co are literally loved around the world
no one honestly thinks this

>the fact
He's dumb and bad at his job. His FEELINGS are meaningless