Would you buy Yea Forums?

Would you buy Yea Forums?

Now I need to paint it, but I worry that I don't have enough Sickly Green 402 or Liverspot Brown 21. I could try mixing my own using Filth-tainted Underwear Yellow 9, but if I go dipping into my most used color like that, I'm going to have to just use plain white for my underpants, and I can't imagine lying so blatantly to the receiver of this depressing effigy to my grieved existence.

Attached: file.png (600x1125, 280K)

happily, yes

wuld b neat


how is agrias still single

Presumably anyone mildly interested in Agrias will interact with Ronnie at some point.

She's just a Ronnie construct

She's not exactly stable herself

Attached: 2012-04-18-The-Shipping-Has-Sailed.jpg (900x304, 127K)

>"getting in" to 3D printing
>his first printer is a Form 3

Damn i wish i had that kind of money

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Don't forget she's also super naive about the world and legit thought her weird jolly rancher shit thing was what everyone did.

Looks more like an Elegoo Mars to me.

Attached: elegoo mars.png (408x652, 70K)

she's as disgusting and neurotic as ronnie in her own ways

I still don't get it. How do you shit jolly ranchers?

Attached: 1443150593-2015-09-25-Guilty-As-Discharged.jpg (900x578, 242K)

>I'm going to have to just use plain white for my underpants, and I can't imagine lying so blatantly to the receiver of this depressing effigy to my grieved existence
Wait, this means that the figure will be undressable?

It's all part of Ronnie's degenerate masterplan of making his weeb fans post pictures of his figure naked together with anime girl dolls on the internet like the Woody figure

I'm glad no one in this thread made a reference to hot gluing a Ronnie figurine.

That means Ronnie set his own house on fire just thinking about that dream. He doesn't even want to take responsibility for it.
>Isn't that funny?

Sounds like ronnie posting

>It's a "3d-printing beardo shills being obnoxiously oblivious to your own heightened self-image" episode

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>Ronnie's not even afraid that a sexy lady might dislike him, or even find him gross. No, he is afraid that she will love him as a dog owner loves their grunting, lumbering bulldog. He might become her subhuman life companion to be presented to her friends who have each also adopted a slouching, abominable creature to parade about at charity events as a social coupon.
Too real man, too real.

Attached: 1564723553-2019-08-02-Pretty-In-Slink.png (1000x327, 220K)

This got me thinking. I sincerely hope he offers outfits with a variety of shirts such as dbz T-shirt, polo, and band T-shirt but actually have them all just be Hawaiian shirts. Would buy just for that gag.

No i'm not, but please show this to /toy/

Attached: whompcomic 2014-04-21-Let-Sleeping-Dogs-Cry.jpg (900x582, 202K)

Attached: whompcomic normalfags.jpg (900x582, 216K)

>3D printinh
Hot damn.. this gives me an idea. How tall of an object can these things print?

Attached: 8820192394.jpg (1500x2000, 1.21M)

I hate ronnie

stop projecting kiddo

shut up ronnie

>drunken ronny
>holding a bottle
I call scam. It should be either a McNuggets sauce pack or a maplesyrup bottle.

3D printing isn't meant for mass production (yet) - it's time and cost offective to 3d print the prototype, make a cast and produce Ronnies in resin.

I want to print that bunny.

Attached: 1528853462-2018-06-13-The Pen-Is-Mightier-Than-The-Sore.jpg (1000x327, 142K)

That's only the Agrias from one universe in the multiverse.


user, it's the other way around, he's all in her head.

I hate this one. Its too real. The last time I ever had a "high" of positive emotions was in a god damn dream.

he's drank before

Assuming you're using the same printer from the max print volume you will have is 120 x 68 x 155 mm. That Judy figure looks to be printed in separate parts that you clean and assemble post-production.

it looks like the kind of shit that just brings you bad luck until you destroy it