Gorillaz thread

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Should have stopped after Plastic Beach.

I'm surprised this shit's still going. Whatever happened to that animated series they were supposedly coming out with?

I don't know why it never happened and it makes me so god damn sad

plastic beach is my favorite album.

My ass. Humanz is some of their best work and really helped me out

This. Plus, The NOW NOW is cool as shit and feels basically like a solo album for 2-D.

the Now Now was alright but definitely 1 of their weaker Albums

The now now is better than Humanz. I definitely think it's better than the debut album Gorrilaz. Plastic Beach was the kino of the series.

>The now now is better than Humanz.
>I definitely think it's better than the debut album Gorrilaz.
This has to be bait, nobody's taste can be so shit to say the Now Now is better than their debut Album or Humanz

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Plastic Beach
Now Now
Demon Days
Self Titled
The Fall
D/G side

I legit like almost all the albums, but the g/d side albums are fuckin' eh. All I like from them is Rock It. Humanz just felt like Damen Albarn giving his favorite artists backing tracks.

I think this was peak Gorillaz.
And I am NOT saying the later albums are trash.
This record just meant the most to me.

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Worst album was whatever one had the music video with the weird haunted house

Fuck you and your shit taste

I know that collaboration has always been integral to the band, but it doesn't feel like a band anymore.
It's like a meandering showcase of temporary jam sessions.
Do you really think years from now they'll be able to get EVERYONE back to tour?
It'll all be fill in singers doing 4 parts each.

Though in the scope of human existence all music will last longer than any physical performance.
Sheet music from 300 years ago is still brought to life.

To be fair the core element of Gorillaz is Damon Albarn's voice and Jamie Hewlett's art, so no matter what as long as they're still there will still be Gorillaz.

I just want my god damn fucking Gorillaz show, even if it's just like ten episodes. Adult Swim would be the perfect host for it.

Switch Plastic Beach with Now Now and you've got it.

>Anything above Demon Days

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>Plastic Beach at the top
my man

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Demon Days was really good, but there's some songs I can only listen to sometimes, like fire coming out of the monkey's head. I usually rank albums by way of "Would I listen to this while driving?"
Legit my top 3 songs from Gorillaz are from that album (if Doncamatic can be classified as being in the album since it's in the same phase.)

After rewatching the music video for Doncamatic, I realized I wished every Gorillaz animated videos were as fluid as 2-D's movements on the screen. I love Jamie Hewlett's animation and art, but something about the hair swaying as he gets closer to the camera destroys my soul.

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t. Discord tranny faggot

>I don't like your opinion so I'm gonna insult your sexuality with no basis
Never change Yea Forums

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Almost everyone likes Now Now more than Humanz.

>liking Humanz better than TNN

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I want to fuck Noodle

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I used to be a prude and hate lood noods. But current noodle is fuckin' wew

too bad there's never any good porn for Gorillaz

Humanz was absolute garbage, but they somehow recovered with The Now Now.
That said, Demon days is still their best overall.

Humanz felt like the rush job, had bad tracks, and too much celebrity/corp in it. The Now Now was rushed but seemed to feature the better trackset, focused on music.
Demon Days is like their Abbey Road.
And the fandom seems to fill in the lore between videos and every scrap they get their hands on about, preserving the mystery and ambiguity about the band members personal lives, which is why an animated series wouldn't work, it'd make the characters too concrete, and inflexible..