Do you think Avatar is limited by it being a children's show? Would it be better as a darker, more adult show that explored controversial themes, such as rape during wartime?
Do you think Avatar is limited by it being a children's show? Would it be better as a darker...
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I think the new Kyoshi book is supposed to be the uncensored avatar universe
Stop thinking with your dick
>adult cartoons
>shown on USA
LOL. You tards can inject politics and lesbianist agendas into cartoon all you want. But cartoons will always be seen as low budget juvenile entertainment.
Oh cool this is one of those threads where you just wanted to post an image so you just type a dumb excuse you thought in 20 seconds.
korra season 3 was pretty dark. they had to take it off nick
I hate this picture and i don't much care for this thread
Why the author give mery sue power to Katara? Literally every master trained since child to control their elements but Katara become waterbender on weeks, noever aang do this.
It was a dark time that’s for sure.
it didnt make sense at all. she was slow learning on her own while ang was good since the concept was similar enough to air he could learn it fast
>Thread image
This is nothing more than OP's thinly veiled attempt at trying to talk about his cuck fetish.
Depends on the execution. It's very easy to fall into the trap of shoving pointless graphic content into a series with the belief that such content alone makes the work more serious/mature. Avatar's age limitations made it focus on the actually mature concepts of tragedy, hate and greed behind the war rather than the gore and rape, which you can get desensitized too.
Pretty much the only character limited by Avatar being a kids' show is Mai. She would have been a lot more intimidating if she were at least occasionally allowed to throw one of her knives into somebody's eye or throat.
I think you'd risk it coming across as edgy2deep4u
Raping Ty Lee
Getting raped by Ty Lee?
Pick one.
I literally had the exact same thought and came here to post this. Its amazing how many threads are like that, must be the underage or something.
You can't rape the willing.
Realistically, couldn't she just give me a tap or a slap on the side of my neck and paralyze me for an hour? Unless I'm very strong or think very fast, I'm fucked.
How uncensored are we talking?
Me getting raped. Although being paralized would probably feel uncomfortable. You kinda need to put resistance on your leg muscles to enjoy sex imo.
It wasn't limited because being a children's show allowed for a focus on elements that may not have been developed in an "adult" show. Likewise, the show wouldn't have been "limited" had it been an adult show. One it neither greater than the other. Your assumption that adult shows are somehow better than children's media is unsubstantiated.
That assumption thus makes me skeptical of what you mean by "rape". Because when tryhard edgelords like yourself say, "why is there no rape" what they mean is, "why is there no fan service where the hot female character gets railed?" This is the kind of rape you see in most Hollywood films, in cheap exploitation, in the latter seasons of Game of Thrones.
By contrast, works like Berserk or Irreversible have ubiquitous rape but it is portrayed far more accurately - as the expression of power. In the real world, it isn't just your hot waifu that gets fucked, it's ugly girls, old women, young men, boys, older men, etc. Look at the Rape of Nanking. Yes, you had the rape of young beautiful women, but you also had the rape of entire families. That's because rape isn't about sexual attractiveness, but control and domination.
So would Avatar have been improved by rape? Given the framework you, OP, and most Pedowood shills operate on, likely not. Could someone have used the Avatar-verse to deal with issues of sexual abuse? Sure. And it could have been intelligent and compelling. But that would have been unlikely.
And about your image - would the Fire Nation have normalised rape? I don't know much about the cultural practices of the countries the Fire Nation is derived from. Maybe their culture would have a strong taboo against it whereas one of the other four nations did not. Let's be creative, here.
TLDR: OP is probably a sexist creep if his concept of "darker" is "hot girl raped" and not some Battle of Suiyang shit. Why not ask if Avatar would be improved by Iroh eating some dude's face?
>that scene where her and tyle lee fight 30 guys. Mai pins like one dude to a tree and tai lee takes out the other 29 with her non lethal stun attacks.
What if she only paralyzed you from the neck down and rode your face til she squirted in your mouth?
No, even Korra kind of ruined avatar by allowing such extreme and quick forms of violence like pulling the air out of someones lungs or suffocating them with rocks, etc. It ruins the whole concept of bending because you'd just go "Why don't they all just do that in fights" no choreography, no actual interesting action.
>Do you think Avatar is limited by it being a children's show? Would it be better as a darker, more adult show that explored controversial themes, such as rape during wartime?
I do think it was slightly limited by being a children's show but I think the changes that would improve it could still be appropriate for children and that rape wouldn't improve the story. Mostly I would change little things like allowing weapons to actually be weapons. Most of the time swords are only used to cut tips off spears or trip people. The only big thing I would change is the ending where Aang doesn't kill the firelord. Not because I think non-violence is lame or whatever but because I think what the avatars are saying to Aang about the world being more important than his beliefs is much more interesting than "just be yourself and things'll work out if you believe!" which has been done to death.
I don't know about going as far as rape but the inability to have the characters kill did cause problems, sooka basically stopped taking part in combat once he got his sword and it was really obvious.
Wordy and truthpilled
but season 3 was Korra's best season.
Making children's media darker and edgier doesn't make you cool. It just makes you look like an insecure retard.
Just on the broadest of levels, the lack of overt violence kind of nerfs the Fire Nation as a whole. The entire reason they're scary is because fire is inherently destructive: it burns, it destroys, it kills. If you can't show the full effects of it you don't get quite the full magnitude of just how frightening an enemy faction full of human flamethrowers is.
I mean, fuck, the Fire Nation could basically clear villages like the flamethrower troopers did in Vietnam.
The only part of avatar that is seriously limited by it being a children's show is the ending. Having to set up a contrived way of dealing with the firelord instead of killing him harms the pacing of the final season and takes away from the conclusion.
The only time they really show how destructive fire is is during the finale when they're just burning the whole continent to the ground.
It's no necessary made darker the show, only change several things, like:
>Every nation have their own lenguaje.
>Katara and sokka actually can't read or write because they did have an formal education.
>Several earth bender and water bender work with the fire nation.
>Fire nation and their colonies are actually a good place to live.
>North water tribe is actually very primitive.
Yes OP, not the rape part specifically but I could think of a lot of other different edgy things that would have made it better.
My imagination mostly centers around villanizing the Fire Nation less though not completely changing it and making the fucking dialog less Buffy-like.
rape is about sex, you virgin
sauce? I'm thinking porn
That'd be interesting. I'm not fully on board with everything you suggested, but yes, these modifications would be much more welcome than some generic rape plot.
Thank you.
It's not, actually. Read Peter Sotos. Better yet, read any general profile about the motivations of rapists in forensics textbooks or journals.
>It wasn't limited because being a children's show allowed for a focus on elements that may not have been developed in an "adult" show. Likewise, the show wouldn't have been "limited" had it been an adult show. One it neither greater than the other. Your assumption that adult shows are somehow better than children's media is unsubstantiated.
I keep seeing this opinion, mostly on Yea Forums, and it just never resonates with me on any level especially when it comes to cartoons. Censorship and preemptive self-censorship have robbed this fucking entertainment genre of its soul. Yes you'd get some totally edgy meaningless garbage if you just let creators have a field day but overall a noose would be untied around all the creative minds in the business and it would lead to a lot of different things being made.
Money is enough of a noose on this business, or any entertainment business really, it doesn't need more limitations than that.
Raping Ty Lee would be quite the experience. Locking down her nimble limbs, pinning her down, and fully interlocking myself with her writhing, nimble body. When my dick's where it needs to be, she'll be writhing more wildly but less strongly.
I can imagine getting raped would be a good experience too. Trying to run or defend myself and getting my legs or arms disabled. If my arms were disabled, she'd interlock her legs with mine and fuck me senseless. If my legs were disabled she'd interlock her legs with my arm and sit her ass on my face until she was satisfied.
Methinks it's MrPotatoParty,the one who draws her with a giant horsecock way larger than her torso
>It's not, actually. Read Peter Sotos. Better yet, read any general profile about the motivations of rapists in forensics textbooks or journals.
There's a distinct difference between serial rapists and spur of the moment rapists. Serial rapists are the anomaly. Spur of the moment rapists are every day people who just lost control of their inhibitions.
Dude it's so bad.
Much worse than you make it out to be.
Even if the kiddy shit label got lifted from western cartoons overnight and they were allowed to be darker you'd have a lot of growing pains because this gen of creators couldn't handle darker stuff. Most of them would still be addicted to creating kiddy shit like a stockholm syndrome.
It will all lead to the fake-utopian dystopia of Demolition Man where everything fun is safe and sterile and vanilla if we don't go into a darker direction soon. Not just cartoons but all medium.
Oh no, please dont, I would feel so ashamed.
I masturbated enough times today, stop.
Solid bait.
You're conflating censorship with children's entertainment.
[citation needed]
The only thing I'd want to see would be a legit bending war where they kill each other.
Where exactly was yours? I don't see why he'd believe your hearsay and not respond with his own.
Darker doesn't equal better
>Do you think Avatar is limited by it being a children's show?
Yes, but limitations aren't inherently bad. Boundaries can keep things in as well as out.
The real shame is that you don't have a choice.
I'm gonna fuck your nostrils with my clit while you slurp my labia.
oh my fucking god
Not that guy but please have this non-politically charged observation of the issue that calls out the bullshit on both sides of the rape argument.
How many times?
Goddamn, that dude fucking destroyed every feminist who cried rape culture.
Best of the worst means very little. The protagonists were still awful, and it was only highlighted by the antagonist team.
>non-politically charged
God, you're stupid. See , assuming it isn't a samefag. You got any "facts and logic"?
The dude went through both the leftist and right
view of why rape was wrong. He ultimately concluded it as sexually driven. It can be non-political and btfo shitty lard whale feminists
>BTFO feminists
who that?
so everything's political in your eyes?
Kyoshi and Rangi
Waterbending already did that in the original series
I dunno, I think the show did a pretty good job of showing the inherent destructiveness of fire quite early on, and kept the implications running through till the end.
>adult =/= edgy
Grow up, manchild.
>Said the child
Sounds like a literally who insert just to make kyoshi being bi "believable".
No paralysis can stop this boner.
>Do you think Avatar is limited by it being a children's show?
no, i thik it adds to it
sometimes less is more
Oh, that's right. You had to watch the rest of it online. What reason did they give again?
An adult show implies it has content unsuitable for children, hence it being for adults.
Avatar is a mature show despite not being adult.
Was with you until you started shitting on OP. Not gonna listen to someone's opinion who attacks their opponent in the process.
Unprecedented amount of online views, enough that it was apparently profitable to pull it off broadcast. Exactly how many online views it got is unknown, but Korra s3 had ratings of well over a million when it was pulled.
The views were at the same time it's lowest point and dropping until it was taken off air. I think the explanation was that it was doing better online or something.
I wish it was allowed to show more of battles just so I could admire them from a military stand point with things like troop movement and combat causalities. After all the 100 years war must have been a meat grinder, especially at battles like the 1st seige of Ba sing se which must have been the fire nation's Stalingrad. I wish someone made a comic from the POV of a soldier during the 100 years war.
Yeah man what that show was really missing was Katara and Toph getting brutally gang raped. Felt the exact same way when I watched it. Would've really made the show 10/10.
I'm sorry he made you upset, OP. Next time, think with the big head and not the small head.
Go watch SVU.
Hentai are anime porn.
i'm surprised we got Zuko's scar and mangled ear, to be honest. It's not a cool anime scar, it's an outright disfigurement