I wish it could have stayed a fun action series.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I started watching this against my better judgement.

it literally always sucked

Reverse-Flash is a bigger incel than Adam.

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Dropped it after s3.

Monty dying actually killed the series. It was picking up steam but it's pretty clear after he died they stopped giving a shit entirely and just went to do their own shit while half-assing off some of his old notes.

it was pretty shit from the begin with but it has the potential to be less shit
too bad

hay retard you know he worked with others to make the story right

>i-i-i-i-i-it was always shit
its you retards that flood rwby threads is why nobody wants to talk about it on here

I dropped it last season, All my friends dropped it the season before. It's such a creative premise but the writers just have no fucking clue what they're doing.

adam fags are retarded

he along with the writers would ruin it anyway consider what we saw

Adam is just a drop in the bucket of things this show wasted. Imagine waiting for season 3 to see how this guy gets his comeuppance only for him to go out with a whimper after jobbing pathetically the season before. Honestly Yang getting her robo arm shortly after losing her real arm is pretty much emblematic of this show's main problem. Every potential interesting avenue is thrown away for the most milquetoast and predictable path and yet despite being so easily conceptualized it still manages to bumblefuck the execution.

The only good thing about the show was it's potential to be good eventually, which it achieved briefly during season 3 only to regress and never recover.

The show's been going on for 6 years not surprising.

The momentum built from V3, all of the hype and bluster that was generated from the finale resulted in a pretty mediocre three years. That finale was pretty suspect looking back at it.

Killing Pyrrha was a mistake.

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>Honestly Yang getting her robo arm shortly after losing her real arm is pretty much emblematic of this show's main problem
idiot did we watch the same show?

Monty dying is the reason the animation got better, Poser Pro sucked but he autistically insisted they use it for animating. MK taking over meant they could move on to Maya without Monty throwing a shitfit every time it was even suggested.

God switching over to Salem as the big bad was such a boring replacement too. All the expanded mythos sucks

You seem really upset. her robo arm was introduced three episodes into season 4. She got out of her rut before the season ended and it never came back up again until it was time to clumsily tie up the loose in for adam. (Let me remind you that he had jobbed pathetically and become irrelevant by that point.)

What should have been a spanning arc culminating in a character defining moment for Yang and Blake was instead an after thought long after yang and blake both clumsily finished their arcs culminating in a limp shipping moment (i.e. confirming a ship but only vague enough so that you can pretend you didn't if you get backlash) that only the most hardcore of fans (you I guess since you're getting so emotional flying into name calling over a bad show) could find satisfying.

Never cared for the show (i heard is fully SJWfied after the creator died). But i'll admit the girls were hot as fuck and i fap to their SFM porns.

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Ruby's volume 1-3 outfit was perfection, and all her outfits after have just been disappointment after disappointment.

It wouldn't have been so bad if the expanded mythos actually impacted the plot. It took 3 years for any sort of traction.

V3 was supposed to slam down the gas peddle but instead we got Salem and the baddies scheming for 3 volumes - only now are we getting a hint at 'total war'.

you sound like a retard

you guys sound like you fools are trying to hate every thing in the show just to do it

Explain, RWBYtard ? did i hit your safespot ?

you saying you can't watch because muh sjw is retarded

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>fully SJWfied
Are people really trying to make an abbreviation, of a mouthy tag no less, a fucking word that you can add suffixes to? God damn, teenagers are stupid.

It doesn't matter if the animation is better since the fight choreography sucks now.

it took her over a year to get the arm guy

Spotted the SJW landwhale. support LGBT #metoo, right ? ze coool dude !!

>the fight choreography sucks now
how does it suck

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look at the retard following what some other retard told him

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Who cares ?
The point is, your show is so shitty the only thing worth it is the porn.

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Diff user but way more motion blur, less detail, lower and less consistent showings [credit where it's due, Monty was a rule of cool chasing motherfucker but he was good at keeping things consistent.]

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>Unironically defend SJW's favorite show.

so this is the power of rwby haters

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I know that you get told this a lot in your own life, but to reiterate: you are a pathetic joke of a human being living in terror of a boogieman that was created for you.

Don't know if you're saying

>It took her a year to get the arm, guy
it which case, it didn't it took her the legnth of time it took RWBY and pals to get half way to haven


>It took her over a year to get the "arm guy" (Adam)
in which case it doesn't matter how long it took her to get to him because Yang finished her arm related arc in season 4 and blake and adam finished theirs in season 5. So Adam finally being taken down after being confronted and taken down last season rings hollow.

>Tumblr tier insults

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its almost like she we to raven to get herself to ruby faster

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It doesn't help the "plot" after 3 is so forgettable
I literally just get in the habit of waiting until the plot breaks down.
>Oh so they are on a journey guess that is the season
>Oh they fell off the train goodbye another season
>Oh look they finally got to Atlas. That only took 3 seasons of what should have been at best one season of plot

you dont get one

No one brought up getting to Raven. Raven is an entirely different waste of potential. Why are you moving the goal post?

You can always just skip to the action scenes. Might even make the story more fun.

Thanks for mentioning me !!

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What were the travel plots after season 3? I binged the whole series and it all blends together

what are you talking about retard they where talking about yang going to raven in V4

I mean to be fair there is a lot of things that happen but they're entirely character centric. Blake, Yang and Weiss all have moments of growth but they don't really have any relevance to the 'saving the world' plot (yet).

JNR is like a hangnail. They held so much promise once but now I wonder why they were even characters. Remember Players and Pieces where they were actually cool and felt like they were their own team? Volume 4 was acceptable but 5 + 6 has been abysmal for them.



Agreed, porn is the only thing RWBY character are good 4.

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Sauce please.

Yeah but I honestly see no reason why character centric plots have to be mutually exclusive from bigger plot development.
There is focus and then there is just restrictive writing

It was mainly because the White Fang became such a passe, small deal. I remember when the White Fang were being hyped up to be major antagonists for all of the characters and collaborators with Salem.

They got minimized and it didn't traction well.

There are only two posts that reference Raven in this thread.

And then me replying to it.

Judging by your non sequiturs and poor grammar I'm assuming you're ESL and didn't understand any of the conversation before hand. I'm going to politely ask you to leave the thread until you can read at a 6th grade level.

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>rwby sfm porn
Show me one example. All I see are 2000s flash game tier animations that are shit.

Find it yourself. Good luck !!

The first two seasons were pilot tier in terms of quality. Only at the ass end of s2 did anything happen.
The show itself is awful but I binged watched it for the first time a few months ago. The later seasons are better than the earlier seasons but the mid seasons strike the best balance.
Team Ranger was what the show was always meant to be.

why should anybody give a shit about Yea Forums opinion about this when idiots say they hated it from the start

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Stay in the trash where you belong.

Fanbase is better than ever!
V7 is gonna dab on the haters.

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you go assblast man

>Killing Pyrrha was a mistake.

It really was. And I'm not actually against killing her either, but the timing just felt like shit.

I actually watched it and I can say its pretty okay season 4 kinda lost me for a second but after that it kinda picked up and kept me invested. I'm not going to lie to you all and say that it isn't waifu bait with a few cool action scenes, because it is. I'm just saying its pretty entertaining overall and Unironically Rwby chibi kinda saved it for me during the trash fire of middle seasons. I give Rwby a solid 6/10 Good if you need to kill time.

It still is a fun action show.

You do know they all worked on it. Most Monty did was come up with charecters and cool foghts. A few plot points and that's it. Kerry and Miles did the rest on the story end. Monty changed alot of things around because there was alot he couldn't do. Rwby is still very popular.

Adam got the fate he deserved of Yang and Blake killing him. You do know months passed from when Yang lost her arm to when she got it again. How is it wasted that Yang started using and training with her arm so she could go after her sistsr?

Pyrrha was made to die from the start. Hell team JNPR was meant to be killed off by Raven.

Yeah he liked poser and used it alot in his other stuff. Plus they were sponsored by posers for the first 4 years. Monty also liked it because it meant fans could use it to.

Adam vs Yang was made reusing some of Monty's old animation. Pick a different fight.

Stiff animation, animation inconsistencies from getting multiple animators to work on the same fight, people standing around talking

They were always LGBTQ friendly. Monty had set up Bumblebee since volume 2. He wanted them to grow and show their feelings for each other. Monty said in a interview he d8dnt want to make main charecters tonnage canon ships just happen unless they evolved naturally. We saw this happen with Arkos Jaune x Pyrrha and renora Ren x Nora. Only side charecters got to be gay and have that be a charecter trait. Ilia only stayed in the white fang because of Blake. Then her feelings for Blake helped free her. Scarlet was the first gay male charecter they introduced and we only know he is gay because they told us. Coco is a lesbian and they had her back round in the novel after the fall.

That's because they changed things around. Volume 4 was everyone figuring out what to do now they aren't team Rwby anymkre. Volume 5 was them becoming a team again and stopping another Beacon from happening. As well as Cinder lossing after having mastered her new powers. The relic got introduced along with Raven. Then volume 6 was their way of team Rwby getting back into team dynamics so they can save the world. They also learned more about Salem and Ozpin. They know what the relics are 4 and that the other 3 have powers that can change the world. But they don't know what Salem wants with them yet.

Why didn't he aim for the legs? All his attacks seemed to be aiming for her chest and arms.

Doesn't look cool

Because they have to be cool troll edge Lords. Since every other troll complains aboy5 the fights that means they have to to. I think the fights have gotten better but that's also thanks to Maya.

Never giving something a chance doesn't mean you're wrong about it.

How high are you the Adam vs Yang fight wasn't made by Monty. Monty wasn't going to have Adam and Yang meet in volume 3.

Remember team JNPR was going to get killed by Raven that volume. But Kerry and Miles changed it. Since Pyrrha was literally made to be killed off they used her death to help Ruby unlock her eyes and for Jaune to fully grow up.

Why are people so toxic about Bumblebee. Yes there are toxic shippers that push their ship to much. But most of them are toxic because of people calling their ship trash. It seems to me everyone can't handle the internet and take criticism. Also alot of it feels like people are mad about a canon gay ship from the core chwrecters.

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But like he had TONs of chances in those frames to cripple her and end the fight especially since he got that weird ass shadow ability and his sword is capable of striking her from 9-10 steps away and her guard is up.

Because M&K are writers not fight choreographers, classic case of sounds solid on paper but in practice looks dumb.

But Adam wasn't in his right mind. Team up with Cinder and finding out Blake had feelings for someone else broke him
His short was made to show people that be was always unstable.

They worked on Red vs Blue for fight animations

Goddamn you new post-V3 RWBY fans are embarrassing. They literally reused his animations that he planned for the Adam v Yang fight in V3 that RT scrapped after Monty died. It's been explained in Shane's letter for 4 years now

>They worked on another RT show that has gone to shit.

They forced him into being a dumbass manchild jobber so they could push a hamfisted "abusers are bad, go girl power" message. If that wasn't obvious from the way made Blake 'beat' him in V5 I don't know what is

I have been a fan since volume 1 dipshit. Fuck Shane he got himself fired from rooster teeth. He tired to take credit for rwby just because Monty had him work with them. Yes they used ideas Monty wanted for the fight. But that was a very different fight of Yang vs Adam. Animation and ideas are two different thjngs.

Monty got Shane the job at Rooster teeth and basically had to have him with him since he went a team player. Miles, Kerry and Monty worked on it together.

And what the only show they worked on that went to shit was X-ray and Vav. Miles and Kerry worm on alot of different projects besides rwby. They work on Cmap Camp, Rwby chibi, RVB and gen lock. Theybalso work on other shows to. Mainly Kerry just works on Rwby but you can see him innthe credits for other things as well.

Nah they nerfed him to kill off the White Fang stuff and shut out some of the faunigger racism talk once and for all.

>He tired to take credit for rwby just because Monty had him work with them
Things that never happened
>But that was a very different fight of Yang vs Adam
It was the same fight that was supposed to go down in V3. They cut out all the action to make it more 'cinematic'
>Miles, Kerry and Monty worked on it together.
He also shared plot details with Shane and his wife. Almost everything he wrote became more obviously true as time passed if you reread it with current knowledge of the production in context

Uh no. It wasn’t being setup considering blake and sun was the relationship being built atm. In fact, yang talking to blake about her issues and helping is sorta like this forgotten thing which is called being a friend. The shippers though put a different context too it as they always do. And nowhere is it stated that monty was planning bumblebee so get out with those artifical facts.

He attacked her school, cut of Yang's arm, tried to kill Blake for leaving him, then tired to have her family killed and Blake sent to him, killed his leader because she told him no once, tired to kill everyone by blowing up Haven Acadmey and then killed all of his men blames Blake for it. Hunts her down to make her pay. How stupid are you. The black trailer shows he was crazy since he didn't care if they killed people by blowing up a train.

Blake and Yang were forced to kill Adam. If he surrendered they could have turned need him over to the police. But he couldn't accept it because of how much of a sociopath he was.

Also I don't think you know what Jobber means I keep getting a definition that says it has to do with computer software.

Let it be known that I don't consider anything past Volume 3 to be part Monty's original canon. Also Adam attacking the school has nothing to do with Blake

I never watched the show, but Adam sounds like a chad.

First of Monty shared info with them because his wife made him and shane was his friend. So he got insider info and used it in his letrer. The later was him being but hurt they fired him. His wife was a bitch who acted like she owned rwby. She caused alot of problems by bossing around the crwby, by having meetings saying she worked for rooster teeth. She would get into fights with almost everyone at Rooster teeth. After Monty's death she tired to take Rwby away and sell it. They stopped her from doing that. She also got mad they were still working on it with out Monty.

Also remember Monty, Kerry and Miles had about 12 volumes planned out. Each volume they would change things buy most of them still held the stuff they wanted to do or work on.

Jobber - A character who was established to be powerful but gets inexplicably nerfed to demonstrate how much more powerful another character is.
Perfectly sums up how Blake 'beat' him in V5 and how Yang is somehow not only faster than him but can now withstand his cut-through-anything attack in V6

Sun saw how much Blake liked Yang and choose to step aside and go off with his team. He could have had his team go with everyone to atlas but decided not to. Also bumblebee was set up for a long time. It's in a bunch of scenes like when Yang is framed for breaking Mercurys leg. The hurt Yang want through and the pain Blake was in reminded her of Yang. How depressed/angry Yang was about Blake leaving. Plus Blake blaming herself for what happened to Yang.

Black sun shippers got straight baited. Being gay baited happens alot and it's rare when a straight couple is hinted at but nothing happens.

Plus Blake and Sun's shipping moments are few.

Yes it did he knew Blake was there. Team rwby was over the news. Also Cinder would have told him. Monty wanted those things to happen. Remember Kerry and Miles worked on most of the lore.

He kind of was but worse. He lived in his own little world were eveything was about him. He pretended to be someone he wasn't to seduce Blake. After he had her, she started to see his true colors and wanted out. He convinced her to turn on her parents because they didn't want to be terrorists.

>First of Monty shared info with them because his wife made him and shane was his friend. So he got insider info and used it in his letrer. The later was him being but hurt they fired him
All of that was obvious. I don't know why you pointed that out unless you're suggesting it disqualifies their input
>His wife was a bitch who acted like she owned rwby.
Even if that's true (if so, source?) Again why are you bringing this up? None of that disproves what's written in Shane's letter
>Also remember Monty, Kerry and Miles had about 12 volumes planned out.
Source? That number keeps getting bigger everytime I hear it

>He lived in his own little world were eveything was about him. He pretended to be someone he wasn't to seduce Blake
Cool headcanon

Blake used her semblance to doge his attack and hit him in the head. Adam was out numbered and most of his men gave up. He wasn't in his right mind so he ran away.

As for the Yang v Adam fight her arm is what saved her. It was strong enough to take the hits. Yang wasn't faster then Adam. But she had a cooler head and could out think him. Even after her arm blocked his blade she still felt the blows which charged up her semblance. But like Tai told her don't use it unless you have to. Which she did by sending him flying after taking his sword away. In volume 3 Yang was in a rage state and not thinking clearly it's why she rushed in with out thinking. Adam was cool headed at that time and could have killed her but didn't to hurt Blake more.

It was shit from the start.

>Also I don't think you know what Jobber means I keep getting a definition that says it has to do with computer software.
Jesus Christ.

How else do you hear it from. As for the source it's from interviews and commentaries. Also Shane and Monty's wife aren't credited as creators or having been apart of any thing crative. It's shit Shane started to say after Monty had died. His wife was never a employee at Rooster teeth and had no clams to rwby.

Exact opposite, actually.Unless you think Kylo Ren is a chad, because that's basically who Adam is.

In the broadest sense of the word, a jobber is an individual who makes a living from commissions he/she earns as an agent for transactions between two parties. In this respect, a jobber might sell merchandise produced by someone else or hire himself out for various types of short-term work.

You are literally proving what I’m saying right now with the shipping goggles thing. The whole framing thing brought up blake’s issues with her past with adam. With how someone close to her changed which kicked it off. And of course someone would be hurt of being accused of something they didn’t commit and those close to you were doubting if you are giving a truth or a lie. And no, Sun didn’t see shit especially when he gave her a kiss goodbye which kills your statement, along with the fact they were needed back at vacuo. Again artificial facts.

>Also Shane and Monty's wife aren't credited as creators or having been apart of any thing crative. It's shit Shane started to say after Monty had died
Jesus Christ this revisionism. Shane was literally credited as a lead animator for the first two volumes. Also
>His wife
Who gives a shit? I never mentioned get

It's not head canon it's what happened. Hell Adam even said why must you hurt me by doing this. He also said you made me do.this.

Unpopular opinion: I actually like RWBY. It’s just incredibly charming. To me, at least.

>Sun saw how much Blake liked Yang and choose to step aside and go off with his team.
You people are perfect for nuRWBY

mentioned her*

Sun kissed Blake on the cheek if it was romantic he would have kissed her on the ljps. Neptune fomented on it saying your letting her go. But he was stepping aside because he knew Yang and Blake needed time together.

Lead animator isn't part of the team that works on the story. Shares letter exposed alot of inacurssys. Monty worked on Rwby with Mike's and Kerry during RVB. They spent free time working on the story and other plot points. Yes Monty did the animation himself but he had Mike's and Kerry helping him. Plus Jeff Williams helping with the score. Shares letter makes it sound like he made the shorts before getting approval of the show. Which isn't what happened.

I have been watching since volume 1. Hell I buy the black rays when ever they came out. It's to bad they switched to the blue cases that normal blu rays came in volume 3 and on.

It's a wrestling term that spread to comics. "Jobbers" are characters that exist to lose fights to make other characters look good.

>Blake used her semblance to doge his attack and hit him in the head.
Knocked down and completely winded with a single hit. Bravo. Also let me keep my sword hand outstretched in the time it takes for her to wind up a double fisted axe chop
>her arm is what saved her. It was strong enough to take the hits.
Either that sword is really selective about what it can slice through like butter and disintegrate into rose petals or it got nerfed. Also a week or two of friendly sparring with my dad after "6 to 8 months" of sitting on my ass mopping and having nightmares about him is totally enough to justify being able to now completely outpace him

It isn't the first time a word has had more then one meaning

>Shares letter exposed alot of inacurssys
Such as? On the contrary it exposed the fact that they really aren't following Monty's original ideas (e.g. Jaune being the one to cause Pyhrra's death in the fight with Cinder which would've made his personal rivalry with her make sense)
>Shares letter makes it sound like he made the shorts before getting approval of the show
It said nothing of the sort. Are these the bullshit rumors that get told about him on r/rwby? No wonder you guys hate him. Here's his letter in full

Are you not smart enough to see that when Blake hit him it was in slow motion. Also he was already rattled not winded. Also Adams sword powers down over time. He couldn't kill the spider bot in one hit he had to absorb it's attack and also focus his power into it. We don't know what Ironwood made it out of. But his attacks damage the gun function of her arm. It's why in her volume 7 outfit she has both gauntleston.

Also again Adam was unstable since Blake choose Yang over him. He was a ragging bull and not his clam killer self.

It was always fun. I don't understand why it became so popular or how come so many people seem to hate on it.
RWBY is just a nice dumb show like Red vs Blue or DBZ abridged.

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Monty had Miles and Kerry do most of the writing. Monty would still come up with ideas but they always couldn't do eveything. Originally team JNPR was going to get killed off by Raven in volume 3 in the confusion of the fall of beacon. But with Monty's death they changed it and did more of the direction they were asked to go into. Pyrrha was always made to die. Miles had a hand in keeping Jaune alive for obvious reasons. Also it was in his original letter. Have you read rooster teeth's responce to his letter.

It's thanks to the waifus and a nice simple story.

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>when Blake hit him it was in slow motion.
It was happening in real time in-universe, which means he was really fucking slow or she was much faster than him. Which begs the question how did that happen when he completely manhandled her in v3, albeit offscreen
>We don't know what Ironwood made it out of
I'm gonna go with metal. Which we see Adam casually cutting through like butter, as well as Yang's aura

>Doesn't know what jobber is

Ban all zoomers.

Did anyone else think Blake was going to Sun and Yang to date.

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We don't know what kind of metal. There are several kinds of metal. Also Blake's semblance is fast sing how she once used it to carry a passed out Yang to safety while dealing with being stabbed in the abdomen. Adam was shocked she dived in volume 5 and she used her momentum from her semblance to hit him. Which made him run away.

>Have you read rooster teeth's responce to his letter.
No as far as I was aware the company never officially responded but a few individuals called it all bullshit for obvious reasons and whoever agreed with it was promptly fired (Glynda's VA for one)

Let's be honest, as long as this garbage makes cash RT is gonna keep making it. That's how they are with all shows, doesn't matter if a creator died, they're gonna milk it for all its worth as long as it has as many fans as possible.

Yeah but what happened with her was a bit different. For years she was fighting with Burnie, Matt, Geoff and Gus as well as other people. They were happy to move her to rwby so they wouldn't have to deal with her daily bullshit.. The responce to the letter in on their forum page on rooster teeth's websute. Plus other people who work at r9oster teeth have said their responses on Twitter and other social media. But they stop get attacked by trolls or people who blindly follow Shane. Who hasn't worked in animation scene then.

>We don't know what kind of metal. There are several kinds of metal.
Yes let's equip our security droids and military warmachines with weak shit but let's make sure this little girl gets the best stuff we have while not using it for anything else
>Blake's semblance
Doesn't affect her base movement speed it just propels her in a direction while leaving an after image.

Yang's arm could be made after a new metal since it was light weight but didn't break. The spider droid was made out of a thick heavy metal. Also Blake has used her semblance for speed before. She uses it to run away and used it to save Ilia. Hell she used it to save Weiss from Jason.