Which Team is better?

Which Team is better?

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The one with Wolverine and Cyclops.
Literally who cares about anyone else?

Blue, nobody ever gave a shit about gold team

Even the cartoon is literally just blue team but replacing Psylock with Storm and having Jean hanging out with the professor

Blue, obviously.

The one that isn't lead by a woman.

better how?

Gold Team
>2 blacks
>a bipolar cunt
>a commie
>a gay
>a christfag

Blue Team
>chad leader
>5'3 gigachad
>french pussyslayer
>2 azn waifus
>tomboy thot
>blue science monkey

For the most part this, but Storm is badass and a competent leader.

>hurr durr Iceman is gay
When will this meme die?

Does anyone know why the team rosters are this way and not the original 5 plus some others and the other team be new people?

>french pussyslayer
He's Cajun you fucking idiot

Friendly reminder that:
1. Absolutely NOBODY gives a fuck about the X-Men anymore.
2. Yea Forums actively wants ALL mutants characters murdered as brutally as possible and their corpses raped.
3. Hackman's saga is gonna flop hard and should convince MarLEL to never publish a mutant character ever again.

because the original team was already X-Factor

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>having to post this all the time
>S E E T H I N G this hard
>having to add on and change it
LMAOing at your life.

But then the new X-Factor was created

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I’m thinking I like X-Force

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Whatever team Nightcrawler is on

>MCU X-Men comes out
>Suddenly everyone loves them.

Cajuns are ethnically French.

Gold has Storm and Colossus, Blue has Cyke, Wolverine, Beast, and Rogue. I think Blue has it unfortunately.

I like people ON the gold team but that composition was always so bland. Gold really does feel like Jim Lee's left overs.

No, that's just what they tell themselves

Switch out Psychlocke with Storm and Blue is perfect.

Team Magma

In actually kind of hyped, I imagine even Disney having the money to bring back Hugh Jackman

This and checked. I would switch Psylocke for Storm and Cyclops for Colossus.

Blue Team, it's not even a fucking question OP, what do you really want to talk about?

Movie people should seriously consider an X-Force adaptation. It's not some kind of embarrassing branch of the franchise like some nerds would make you think. X-Force is actually probably more adaptation-friendly because its writers and artists probably had movies on their mind when they were creating it compared to all the older material which just doesn't mesh with movies for whatever reasons.

I feel like it would just be like GotG with Deadpool & Friends but less space though, too much comedy.

How was that new Phoenix movie?
Not from a critic douche perspective but a normal fans's

I prefer Uncanny over X-Men for pretty much the entire 90's though.

Because the idea was to re-unite the franchise, and at the time there were fans who would only have bought one book if the teams were divided that way. Storm and Wolverine, being the two core Claremont characters, had to be split up. Similarly for the O5. Also keep in mind that Gambit had only been around for a year at this point and Jubilee for two, so even though it seems like Bishop is the only new character, the even split the 90's characters across the two teams.

Also X-Men was Jim Lee's book and those are the characters he had kind of "claimed" during his time on Uncanny. Specifically Gambit, Psylocke, Jubilee and Wolverine, three of which he established the classic looks for.

HoxPox is the only comic I've seen generate hype in the way that people are actively theorizing where it's going to go and how it's playing out since secret wars ended. Hickman generates hype

Original 5
White is right

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pls anyone? This seems like the thread for it.

Storm is super cool as a leader but the rest of the team aren't cool enough to beat Gold.

Wilce Portacio X-Factor
Adam Polina X-Force
Chris Bachalo Generation X
Larry Stroman X-Factor
Kinect Brothers Uncanny X-Men + Wolverine
All peak X runs >°∆


Overall probably Gold but Wolverine and Gambit are my favorites.

It was terrible


I mean the basic plot synopsis seems much more comic-faithful than the previous movies though still full of inaccuracies. Doesn't seem terrible on paper.

>I feel like it would just be like GotG with Deadpool & Friends but less space though, too much comedy.
It would be absolutely a great adaption in the movies, and it would mirror GOTG very much in that instead of being a space flick it would be a space/time travel movie

Wow, good post, thanks for the answer, peak 90s was Wolverine GambitXRogue and Jubilee.

Gold is so much more powerful that it's hilarious. Blue had my favorite characters though.


not the same guy but
Phoenix, Iceman and Storm are pretty op

I like Archangel and Colossus. Also Bishop is underrated.

Gold is the team you send in to fuck shit up

Blue is the team for more covert or street level missions

Switch Cyclops, Psylocke, and Beast with Storm, Colossus, and Bishop

the two powerhouses and two psychics on one team? all original xmen on one team when they were just already together in X-Factor and this relaunch was to integrate them back into the X-men. You crazy negro

Blue seems to be the ninjas and fighters while Gold had the power.

Like Gold is sent to go stop a Sentinel invasion or handle one of the big threat mutants. And Blue is sent to sneak into some government facility or prison unnoticed.

They did this immediately before the two team thing in 91. Original 5 were X-Factor and the giant Sized and extras were X-Men.

Blue has unkillable Wolverine and Rogue with Carol's class 10 everything powers. No one on gold could tough them.

Iceman wasn't gay until BENDIS so that doesn't count.

Jim Lee probably got to choose the characters he wanted to use first, and Portacio got the ones that were left.

If he keeps this up, Hickman's X-Men and New Mutants books should be hits, but they're launching at least four other books, it's too soon to say if those will sell as well.


This guy gets it

Taking all of the X-Men, Wolverine and Deadpool movies into account, it's not the best or the worst, probably mid-tier. Normies don't care about it because it doesn't have Wolverine, and it's re-telling a story they already saw, X-fags don't like that the villain is an OC or don't care because the Fox series is ending and they're already thinking about the MCU instead.

Pretty much this.

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young x-men

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White is generic.

>You crazy negro

It really should have made more sense for them to go on assignments with random groupings. I understand that within the context of publishing and branding, the publishers, editors and company care about keeping certain characters mainly in one book (obviously Wolverine became the exception). But even though I like my idea better, I loved Gold. Couldn't stand Blue's dynamic.

What dynamic would you be referring to?


Who’s your favorite in this list?

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The fuck is that

I want to fuck rogue and Psylocke

Rogue, then Nightcrawler
fucking pleb

Do yourself a favor and look up, then read x-statix

But they're the New Mutants. Young X-men is this Guggentrash

>dude tattoos give me powers but actually it's the tattoo artist that gives powers
>dude I'm a gay guy from before the american revolution and I've been buried ever since
>dude my codename is a homophone and one letter different from another character's and part of my powerset is my creator's waifu's powers

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Blue, always
