Guess Dee was based

Guess Dee was based

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Do conservatives just zone out during verses?

Traditional American values? Like dying for Israel?


>I can't believe a Jewish drag queen was against traditional American values!
Republicans are too retarded to breathe

Either he's getting senile in his old age or he's afraid he'll get kicked off Twitter if he doesn't generate enough wokepoints or both.

it's pretty stupid, I mean the blue check mark crowd have never liked metal to begin with so he's not exactly going to win friends and influence anyone here

What does "traditional American values" even mean in this context?

Dying for Israel. Worshipping MLK. Celebrating Juneteenth. Cutting taxes for Google. Standing with Ukraine. Watching Marvel movies.

Nothing against The Jews, but it appears to me that every Jew who wants a job in entertainment gets one, whether it be a journalism gig, music, movie roles, whatever.

Can be summed up as being an observant Christian, supporting the military, and being a good employee.

>observant Christian
>supporting the military
I still don't get this part

My one friend who's an edgelord right-winger is the biggest Shabbos Goy I fucking know. He thinks Israel is based because le hot IDF chicks and they kill muzzies.

sounds like he fell into the Dixie Chicks trap of forgetting the people who put food on his table tended to not be Democrat-oriented

what ya mean 'was'?
hes fucking OG based
he's like the platinum meter of based

Dee Snider would be pretty badass if Twisted Sister didn't fucking suck

When Dee wrote that song conservatives were basically running the cancel culture mobs of their day and were trying to get stuff like music, movies, and books banned.

>they shocked that musicians tend to be manchildren who are mentally arrested at the age of 17 despite being over the age of 50
>they take their political opinions from popular music

holy jee bud this post is 1000% pure ideology with no foundation in facts nor reality.
your cartoon body pillow must be proud

dee is just a solid chap with a heart of gold and tight rock n roll pants

Yes, those noted Republicans Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton who were trying to ban metal and rap music back then.

oh snap thats a really good observation

a lot of people like Dee were libertarians and contrarians back in the 80s but as they got older they fell into the binary political beliefs of republicans are literal nazis while thinking democrats were pro-science and education not indoctrination

damn, this post is 7.3/10ths reasonable

It was and this was conveniently buried.Also, it was a libertarian (Danzig) who wrote Mother (it's about the parental advisory/explicit label shit that Tipper Gore pushed). I don't necessarily blame all Left for this, there are just some people who have an authoritarian personality and get off on control of other human beings, it's not necessarily a political thing.

they were but a large part of the culture war in the 80s involved Christian conservative groups burning heavy metal records or getting butthurt at 2 Live Crew, Madonna, etc. they still get butthurt at music today.

People with authoritarian tendencies are all the same. It's a personality issue, not politics. You can argue against this shit from either political spectrum. Like I said, Danzig himself is no leftist. Mother is a clever way of showing his politics. "Tell your children not to come my way". i.e. Do your fucking own job, as parents. Don't sic the state on me.

I think you may be projecting your own politics of today onto Danzig's of a different time. He has his own set of views, he's left on some issues (abortion), and conservative on other issues. Agreed it's about control, but conservatives traditionally made attacking music a cornerstone in their culture war in decades past before they imploded their moral authority stance and opted for a new platform of being degenerates while larping as trad + owning teh libs.

>Snider and his siblings were raised as Episcopalians after his mother joined the church.[6]

You think Democrats and Clintons in the past weren't as censorious? Don't be retarded, zoomer

Progressives are the new religious cult and unlike conservatives they are far more destructive.

What's next?
Born in The USA is also anti-american?

I'm not projecting anything. He's an admitted libertarian. Few of them care about abortion in the first place. I wouldn't call him a conservative in the usual sense. It's hyper-liberalism, just taken to an individualistic extent that it makes statists seethe. And sometimes leftists. There are anarcho-leftists obviously, but many otherwise leftists are extreme statists who advocate for top-down solusions and an all-powerful nanny government that runs your life.

>Progressives are the new religious cult and unlike conservatives they are far more destructive.
Destructive in what sense? Domestic terrorism statistics consistently show that right wingers kill and maim more than left wing terrorists.

>he says while leftists have been burning down the cities for months and everyone supported it
>but bunch of rednecks walking into the capitol and truckers honking for a few weeks were the worst terrorist attacks since 9/11
You're fucking nuts.

You can literally lose access to your bank account for wrong political beliefs now, the West is barely a step above China.

The trick has always been categorizing so things you don't want counted, don't get counted. It's pretty well-known that all the recent riots aren't generally filed under "domestic terrorism" despite more than qualifying as such.
Incentivizing low crime stats in police departments works like this too. Don't write it up as such, and the crime essentially never happened, right? Now give us that money for doing such a good job policing.

What "wrong political beliefs" are you referring to exactly? I wouldn't want a Nazi using my platform to spread hatred and threaten minorities, for instance.

yeah man metalheads in the 80s sure did love reagan

most of those kids grew up to be blue collar mullet dads who worship Trump. the kids who became soi-guzzling nu males listened to REM or other soi-guzzling alternative rock

Those statistics were debunked. It turns out they were using racist techniques such as math so they can't be trusted.

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>Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi
seriously when i was a kid actual neo-Nazis were such a rare sight as to be newsworthy. usually loser white trash from broken homes. now modern leftists tell you there's Nazis hiding behind every bush. in the 80s-90s it seemed we were genuinely making progress towards a post-racial society until Obama arrive and set the clock on race relations back to the dark days of the 60s.

the US (was)is a christian country, whats not to get?

i have left-leaning beliefs but I agree Dee Snider is a raging faggot. tons of guys like him used to be libertarians who regularly made racist, homophobic jokes etc until they start getting barbecued over a spit for it so I don't buy their woke bullshit. it's more of a performative "I love LGBTQ everything please don't cancel me!" bullshit

>in the 80s-90s it seemed we were genuinely making progress towards a post-racial society
lmfao, based and ignorant american retard

Yeah he's just a narcissist fag trying to get attention and saying what he thinks is the popular opinion on twitter. kind of like how Neil Young would likely react if someone brought up that 80s interview where he said he was afraid of getting AIDS from a gay cashier handling his potatoes at the supermarket.

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I mean, Jewishness is considered transmitted on the mother's side so if his mother wasn't a Jew he's not really recognized as one.

underage poster please go ask mom for big boi pants ok

How sheltered were you lmao fag

well his phrasing is a little weird (Obama set the clock back LOL) but yeah klan nazis were a rare thing to behold and made the local tv channels. of course there was a lot of racism, but racists were kinda shamed into silence and they only openly spoke their 'minds' lol when they were speeding by someone of color in a car and could 'get away quick'
unless you lived somewhere where lynching and shit still was a thing. racism was just an undertone that non-white folks and racists folks new about.

What people don't realize ITT is that Dee Snider is like famous for going to court against the censorship of music from the PMRC. He's always been "stick it to the man" guy.

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>kind of like how Neil Young would likely react if someone brought up that 80s interview where he said he was afraid of getting AIDS from a gay cashier handling his potatoes at the supermarket.
That's incredibly different though because people were incredibly ignorant of AIDS. People unironically thought they could catch it like that. Some people still think that.

yeah that's why I mentioned

All the things that radical leftists fought for in the 60s.

And in your mind, PMRC is a liberal organization?

sure the same way your mom is a homosexual

I don't see what racist/homophobic jokes have to do with anything though, or why you would accuse Dee Snider of making them just because? He fits a stereotype you dislike?

All I'm saying is getting mad at him for saying he doesn't care about traditional values is silly when he literally went to battle the people who did in the 80's. It's kind of like how people got mad at Eminem for not being a MAGA they conveniently forgot how Eminem attacked Bush when he was in office over and over again.

Dee is a good man
all you projecting dipshits need to step back and look at yourselves and pick the bridge y'all gonna jump off of

Being Christian means nothing tbb

>traditional, conservative American values
>We're Not Gonna Take It
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA why are they so delutional

>listening to verses
>in a pop song
Of course not, I just insert whatever I think it should say mentally.


Traditional values are fine
Progressive values are fine too
We all have different ways of living our lives
But the politikikes subverted these two different views on life to create the perpetual culture war we now live in...

Do you only think in red and blue holy shit nigga
Libs are currently the man. Libs forced us to take the jab and locked us in our homes, promote addiction in cities across the us.

Censoring pre-globohomo WAS the based thing to do actually.