This show wasn't perfect at all, but I commend it for not force-feeding us Joker and Harley like DC is currently doing

This show wasn't perfect at all, but I commend it for not force-feeding us Joker and Harley like DC is currently doing.

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It's okay if you've already seen everything else and you want something new, but there are better Batman cartoons to watch.

It got pulled halfway through DC nation along with Green Lantern. Kind of sucks.

>but I commend it for not force-feeding us Joker
Yeah, they just turned Anarky into Joker-lite and force-fed us that while bragging about how original they are.

At least GL:TAS got to air in full. BtB was pulled at the last minute by CN and they didn't want to air the rest of it. Toonami did, but CN even sabotaged that.

It's weird because if that was Joker, it would've been a good take on him: doesn't show up too much, still being a threat, actually having presence and theatricality, etc

It's legacy will always be the ONE Batman cartoon that failed.

Like, fuck, how do you mess up a Batman show so badly it gets one season? Only the WB Birds of Prey show can challenge it for the title.

To be fair, Cartoon Network was killing all action cartoons indiscriminately. It was actually a terrible two or three years for those type of shows, and the genre never really recovered.

>Like, fuck, how do you mess up a Batman show so badly it gets one season?
They didn't, the show was actually very well received, at least by people who didn't automatically write it off when they heard it was focusing on lesser-known villains.
The problem was Cartoon Network, they never reran the show, never advertised it, only aired it early on weekends, and never even finished airing the season.
It's same thing they did to Justice League Action, except they probably aired the full season of that.

>It's same thing they did to Justice League Action, except they probably aired the full season of that.

They did. They also gave it a primetime premiere, which Beware didn't get. As frustrated as I am about how they treated JLA and how they're treating DC Super Hero Girls, it's still much better than the almost cartoonish grudge they had against Beware.

Anarky was good but mostly because he was a schmuck.

>This show wasn't perfect at all, but I commend it for not force-feeding us Joker and Harley like DC is currently doing.
It used relatively obscure Batman rogues, sure, but it characterized them as the more popluar ones. Anarky turned into Joker with a little bit of Riddler thrown in. Pyg became a Poison Ivy knockoff, just replacing plants for animals.

See, he wasn't an incompetent villain at all, but he believes himself to be a bigger threat than he is at the same time. It's a fine line to walk, but they did a good job with it. A shame his intro episode sucked so much, because his characterization was much better after that. Still not comic faithful, but much more fun.

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Magpie was probably the most original villain on the show.

100% agree. Anarky had his problems, but it was fun seeing him fill the role the Joker is usually shoehorned into.

It is pretty bad and it has hands down the worst animated Batman. I don't know why Katana puts up with him when she completely right about him.

>It is pretty bad and it has hands down the worst animated Batman. I
That's wrong.

This show didn't deserve the bullshit treatment it got.

>It is pretty bad and it has hands down the worst animated Batman

Filmation Batman exists. I'd argue The Batman was a much weaker show as well.

>I don't know why Katana puts up with him when she completely right about him.

Katana was great and honestly the only time outside the pre-Nu52 comics where they gave her an actual personality. Seeing YJ piss her and the entire premise of the Outsiders away made me mad since Beware was canned before it got there.

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Poor man's Catwoman.

redesign was still good, just needed a different personality

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He was the least moral and least intelligent of the animated Batmen.

>hurr durr the Legion of Assassin taking the Soultaker sword was according to keikaku
>Katana rightfully shits on him
>Shares his secret identity
>Next episode has Katana try to prove to Batman that she is a hero
I wanted her tell him that he was relief that Bruce is still alive and gutt punches him because everything else she said was still true.

>It used relatively obscure Batman rogues, sure, but it characterized them as the more popluar ones.
This. They aren't exactly the same but they end up telling the same fucking stories.

Also, Batman would never call a villain "honorable" especially one the uses innocent people as hostages.

>He was the least moral and least intelligent of the animated Batmen.
That is actual bullshit.

Ive always known this as banana clip chin batman

Unless you are talking about the Dark Knight Returns which a movie adapting a comic, no. He could have made a replica sword if he knew in advance and he is perfectly willing to endanger people's lives.

Beware is quite a good show now that I'm rewatching it. Hated it the first time around for some reason, maybe it had to do with the show being very visually dark and my monitor being godawful back then.

Not my ideal Batman but it's a much better CGI show and show overall than the bullshit I usually see these days.

It has the most forgettable theme song.

She was basically Lady Gaga.

Did you actually watch the show?

The personality was fine. The thing I didn't care about the most was her crush on Batman, and even that was temporary.

Gordon wasn't innocent in Humpty's eyes. Remember that he had a grudge with both the mob and the police. So, it was relatively honorable.

>So, it was relatively honorable.
First, I wasn't talking about Gordon.
Second, Batman is the type to believe in things like "honor among thieves" or any of that nonsense. He believes in M.O.s.


My problem with it was that Alfred often acted like Old Bruce than Alfred, to a point where their relationship reminded me more of Bruce and Terry than Bruce and Alfred. I know they were trying to be different, but it really made Bruce seem a far weaker character than he should have been. I really did enjoy most of the show however, introduced me to Tobias Whale.

Look at the top of his head


Not nearly as forgettable as almost every modern intro theme. Not just in cartoons but across tv in general. Shit that isn't the GoT theme or the John Oliver theme just doesn't even try anymore.
imo at least

Don't forget the Redacted Tonight intro too. I like it anyway.

But yeah, it's a wasteland of show intros these days. The shitty minimalist Supernatural/Breaking Bad style intros took over so fucking fast I didn't notice until it was too late.

The thing is the intro song until BtB determined the pace of the fight.

what do you mean until?

BtB doesn't follow that rule and it is the latest Batman cartoon.

All I remember from this show was the Pyg monologue that would play all the fucking time on Cartoon Network ads

When I first saw Katana in the show I tought it was Cass Cain and my heart stopped, Alfred being bald and having a cockney accent was huge turn off, is like he is Jason Statham or something.

Oh my god, Bruce was so bad in this. He's constantly whining, judging people, he got at least three people killed while calling it a TEST to see if anyone was worthy to be around him, was easily slighted and turbo gay for Deathstroke.

>I'd argue The Batman was a much weaker show as well.
I hated The Batman intensely, would llike to see Batman DCAU to continue.

>Gordon, let me take the blame for letting Tobias Whale escape! You were only protecting your family.
>A few episodes later
>Hey Batman, came to see all of the prisoners in Arkham Asylum again?
The Batman was stupid but endearing especially how everyone inexplicitly Jackie Chan-verse. Beware the Batman has almost this level of pretentiousness.

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It didn't fail on it's own merits. It and the rest of the DC shows was literally killed by Cartoon Network on purpose

No. The Batman's was worse by far.

Are we talking the OG theme song or the shitty one from anything after season 1?

>Second, Batman isn't the type to believe in things like "honor among thieves" or any of that nonsense. He believes in M.O.s.

>Oh my god, Bruce was so bad in this. He's constantly whining, judging people, he got at least three people killed while calling it a TEST to see if anyone was worthy to be around him, was easily slighted and turbo gay for Deathstroke.
I couldn't get far enough to watch the Deathstroke episode. Tell me did giving the Legion of Assassins the Soultaker Sword bite Batman in the ass? He said that the Soultaker Sword was going to cause a riff in organization but all it did was out Silver Monkey as a traitor. The rest were still loyal.

>he got at least three people killed while calling it a TEST to see if anyone was worthy to be around him

Now you’re straight up lying.

The warden was sympathetic to Batman, but not everyone else in law enforcement was. The Killer Croc episode made that clear with Dent throwing fits over Batman while the Warden didn’t really care.

It was hideous and the world was empty and lifeless

I liked the Batman.
First episode he dislocates his shoulder fighting nobody alley muggers and just slams his shit into a wall to pop it back to to kick ass.
Was pretty Kino desu

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shiny shiny

I think the designers admitted that but it was still better than her original design

CN straight up assassinated DC Nation. They had a great thing going and just dropped it all because they didn't have all the rights like they did with Ben 10. Although Ben 10 has made them billions of dollars.

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>They had a great thing going and just dropped it all because they didn't have all the rights like they did with Ben 10.
After the Marvel-Sony fiasco, having all the rights seems essential to these big corporations.

That's why it failed. Don't do Batman without cool villains, don't make it ugly ass CG.

He practically was in some eps.