>Overall the movie adds a lot of dream sequences that cast doubt on whether Arthur’s actions and real or just in his mind. On the other hand, Arthur’s scars and the orange cat are removed.
>Movie begins with Arthur in front of the mirror, forcing himself to smile (The scene was not in the script).
>Movie emphasizes Arthur’s admiration for Murray Franklin more, with several scenes of him imagining he is being interviewed in Murray’s show and being showered with praise for his standup routine. At one point he even imagines Murray saying he views Arthur as a son.
>Movie removes the sexual abuse from Arthur’s childhood. Now he’s just a victim of beatings by his mother’s boyfriend. Movie also makes clear that he was Arthur’s biological father after all.
>Zazie Beetz’s character Sophie Dumont has a completely different character arc. In the script, she treats Arthur with kindness and he believes them to be together until he walks into her apartment and finds her having sex with her boyfriend. She reveals she only treated him nicely out of pity, he spergs and calls her a whore, she cuts ties, and later watches in horror as he kills Murray Franklin on live TV.
>On the movie, Arthur and Sophie appear to actually get together. She goes to his standup routines and stays with him when his mother is in the hospital. However, it later turns out that this is one of Arthur’s many fantasies, and he actually never spoke to Sophie after their initial interaction where she was nice to him. Near the end, he breaks into her apartment and watches her sleep. She is never seen or mentioned afterwards, leaving it ambiguous whether he killed her or not.
Good thing they took away the sexual abuse, I just think it was poor taste. The man doesn't really have much going for him anyways. It would've just been incel porn.
Joseph Diaz
>movie comes out >it wins awards in everything except what matters >Yea Forums crossposter masquerade as DC fans to bombard Yea Forums with how kino it is >Marvel shills retaliate with Evans.png shitposting never before seen >Yea Forums hemmorages more users than ever because you can't go 15 seconds on this fucking shithole forum without seeing absolute garbage content screencap this
It's already won an award that matters. Don't come at me saying only the Oscars matter because they have been a joke for years.
Christian Cox
Those changes sound awful, specifically Zazie’s rewrite and Arthur’s true parents
Matthew Perry
DC was never going to sign off on that
>“It was a yearlong process from when we finished the script just to get the new people on board with this vision, because I pitched it to an entirely different team than made it,” Phillips said. “There were emails about: ‘You realize we sell Joker pajamas at Target.’ There were a zillion hurdles, and you just sort of had to navigate those one at a time.... At the time, I would curse them in my head every day. But then I have to put it in perspective and go, ‘They’re pretty bold that they did this.’ ”
WB could make a movie based on GOTHAM and Jeremiah and it’d be more interesting than this
John Long
You know I'm glad they ditched the scars. Its stupid, and kind of edgy. Joker is supposed to look nonthreatening upon first meeting him. That makes his actions all the more frightening
>Movie emphasizes Arthur’s admiration for Murray Franklin more, with several scenes of him imagining he is being interviewed in Murray’s show and being showered with praise for his standup routine. I heard people say they were going for a King of Comedy thing, but god damn this is some lazy plagiarism.