How owuld the Daleks at their height fare in the DC/Marvel universes?
How owuld the Daleks at their height fare in the DC/Marvel universes?
Stop making these shitty "how would X fare in Y" threads
Here's the problem with Who shit; it's all very broken power level bullshit and asspull explanations you're not meant to think about too hard. The real appeal of the show is seeing the crazy wonders of the universe and wacky time travel shenanigans with a dash of alien intervention here and there. So when you introduce that into either DC or Marvel you're just going to get even dumber power level debates and a muddled plot.
That all said, Daleks theoretically should do fairly well if we're talking about the standard empire level Daleks. They've mastered time travel, have bullshit reality breaking tech, and can pretty much disintegrate most threats. The only crossover I would really care to read is The Green Lantern Corp vs The Daleks
Also this
They would fare poorly, they suck at any form of combat and could just be turned off.
That havily depends on incarnation, they were first conceived as pitiful creatures that can barely survived, then they became popular, spent some time as tanks vulnerable to regular anti-materiel weapon and being pushed out of the windows, then RTD got hold of them and took them to ridiculous power level, now they settled down somewhat reasonable so probably they can be killed unless there's a lot of them. I doubt they can kill Superman for example.
OP says at their height, so that means the full Empire during the Time War. They're at LEAST a Crisis-tier threat.
I'm really impressed at how you managed to misspell 'would'.
I've seen it happen a fuckton actually.
>The only crossover I would really care to read is The Green Lantern Corp vs The Daleks
doesn't Superman have a villain that is essentially a Dalek?
I remember a storytime once where there was this anti-Superman team, and somebody described one of the members as "essentially a Dalek".
It was some kind of mechanical mish mash looking thing as I recall, looked like a piece of construction equipment. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
COIE level at absolute minimum. Higher frankly, because they were capable of blowing up the entire multiverse with one weapon at their height.
They also had all kinds of other shit on top of that, like Void Ships to ensure only Daleks would remain once everything else was gone.
Wouldn't they only be henchmen? How would they terrorize the universe if they don't have a leader?
They have a leader
They have multiple Supreme Daleks, and at their height they have Davros (though they mostly consider him that near-senile grandparent you only bring out when you need their occasional words of wisdom).
Man he must be obscure or I have to binge doctor who right now
Davros isn't really their "leader". Sure he's their creator, but they don't listen to a damn word he says. They allow him to live because without him, they wouldn't exist. He's more like "thing" than a person to them, meant to be admired/observed than respected
In that case, would Marvel's Davros get a free pass?
Can they distinguish between Davros'?
What do you mean "Marvel's Davros"? There's only one
All you have do is find some stairs or tip the literal rolling trash cans over.
Jimmy Olsen could accidentally defeat them by himself.
I mean the character named Davros published by Marvel.
What else would I mean?
They can fly
That's "Davos", not Davros"
Not Steel Serpent.
Daleks have been able to fly for a while, user
They're not the same thing so your joke still sucks
It wasn't a joke, and what does them being the same thing have to do with it?
You know what, go fuck yourself. What a faggot you must be
Are you 60 years old and just got a computer today user
You started this conversation over the dumb assumption that The Daleks would listen to a completely unrelated character with the same name. Yes they can tell the two apart, you dumb fuck
Easily. Davros is only allowed to live and continue to support them because he allowed for their existence and because he is part Dalek himself. Even if someone had the same name, unless they are also Dalek, they must be EX-TERMI-NATED
Okay faggot let's prove why you're wrong since you fucking asked for it.
1. It's already been established that they don't listen to Davros they just let him live.
2. This would be a universe in which the Daleks and Marvel characters exist on the same plane, no such universe currently exists, literally anything we say is possible is possible.
Once again go fuck yourself.
Okay I didn't know that he was part Dalek.
If that other guy had simply said this that would have been fine.
Other user was a bit too hostile, yes.
Daleks win every time. Literally the amount of force it took to beat the Daleks also destroyed the entire universe and all of time as collateral damage, meaning even if someone in DC or Marvel is stronger than them, it would still just be a draw.
But really, this is the answer.
He's "part Dalek". Davros is a Kelad who is a race that was at war. Davros made the Daleks out of genetically manipulating Kelads, so in a way he's full Dalek and in a way he's not Dalek at all. He's "part Dalek".
>it's all very broken power level bullshit
That's half of it, the over half is
>that gets utterly trounced by the time travelling Krillin of the multiverse, who deliberately uses non lethal means to cause mass fatalities
In fairness, when he took them to that level they did become far more threatening. The Time War was hyped to hell and back simply because all the Daleks you encounter are just the war scarred survivors of hordes of eldritch abominations used by both sides
>Nightmare Child was revealed to be a Dalek 2.0 whose hunger for murder turned into literal hunger, and became something out of the cancerverse
Watch the episode "Dalek" during Eccleston's run. To put it simply, they address the traditional Dalek weaknesses.
That being said, height of their power IS the Last Great Time War, back when both the Gallifreyans and Daleks basically caused eldritch chaos that swallowed entire events in time and space.
To put it simply, the Time War would be THE big event of any comic run.
>The Lanterns go off to the fight the Daleks, become entranced with the horrors of death and war, and become arguably worse, just like the Time Lords did
>Asgardians are purged, and their relics are stolen, studied, and cannibalised for their own projects
>Kryptonians are locked in a never ending loop of their own destruction to prevent their interference
To put it simply, the Time War was so destructive that all your celestial beings and the actual Cthulu Mythos either died or left in exile out of sheer shame. It was a nightmarish hellscape that was "time locked", to make sure no one ever went there, and no one could ever leave without creating a link out of it beforehand.
Hence why Moffat got a bit of flack when he resolved a multi genocide downer war ending with "Gallifrey disappeared, and all the Daleks shot themselves by accident".
Everyone dies, bar one or two heroes, and one or two villains.
The void ships are a temporary measue that they use to make sure there's no life and that their plan worked. After that they start killing other Daleks that are deemed less pure, in preparation for phase three. Then they suicide, ending all life in the universe in the process since they're the last life. They cull impure Daleks first because they don't want any of them to chicken out and avoid suicide, since if they do that there would be no pure Daleks left to kill them. They really really want a lifeless universe.
At their height?
The daleks built a device that would quite literally cascade through all reality and tear it apart. They hid it out of sync with the universe to the extent that the doctor was only able to find it because someone on board pinged him.
Of course, physically the daleks don't really seem that impressive. They're supposed to be really hard to destroy but then also you can shoot their eyestalk and kill him in 1 go. They've got lasers that have admittedly killed just about anything they shoot at, but they're pretty slow shots desu.
Okay, I know very little about Davros.
Why rub it in?
Wow, stay mad dude. That doesn't even make sense even with combined canons. Why the fuck would they give two shits about Marvel Davros?
Oh wait, just don't know anything about Who. Then why the hell didn't you just say so in the first place?
What are you talking about you retarded faggot?
Combined canons has never happened before, there's no canon for it. You can't say something does not make sense because that would be implying a canon.
You egotistical fucking moron.
It's not rubbing it in, it's just a correction. Grow the fuck up.
That one was actually just a joke.
What is wrong with you faggots? God eat shit and die
user I understand that this is all theoretical, and apologize for earlier hostility. However, you're making a lot of assumptions off a series you've already stated you know very little about, and think these killing machines would listen to a guy with the same name. Do you see where I'm coming from here?
Jackass. I said I know little about Davros.
How many times are you going to incorrectly assume what I'm saying? Maybe it's time you stopped making assumptions? Don't you think?Since you're terrible at it?
>that gets utterly trounced by the time travelling Krillin of the multiverse, who deliberately uses non lethal means to cause mass fatalities
>bieng anything close to Krillin
The Doctor is a cosmic horror wearing a fucking meatsuit like all Time Lords. It just isn't obvious most of the time because he LIKES pretending to be an actual man.
Yeah AFTER the fact. Also given your posts , you're either new here (possibly from Reddit from the typing format), or intentionally shitposting now that you realized you said something stupid. Also what assumption did I make other than originally thinking you were trying to make a joke? Because at that time I was giving you the benefit of the doubt of a poster in this thread knowing bare bones Doctor Who lore given the relevancy. You going to continue to throw a fucking fit at me and everyone else, or are you actually going to act like a sensible human being?
Davros was an omega chad of a villain.
>I was wrong, but you're more wrong for being right at me
After what fact, bitch? It wasn't relevant until the point that I said it.
What typing format? I didn't say anything stupid, you are just being a faggot and now won't own up to your mistake.
I'm not throwing a fit at you or anyone else. You are being a faggot. Therefore, you're getting treated like a faggot. That's how this works until you stop acting like a whiny little bitch.
And I'm the one that's new here. Get a fucking clue, dipshit.
I wasn't wrong, and nothing he has said has been right so far.
Maybe piss the fuck off if you won't even take time to read what happened?
I made my point poorly. My point was that despite being essentially an outcast from his people and looked down upon for being ridiculous, he's still essentially the most dangerous member of his species. Of course, in the DBZ universe, this means dick squat.
It's funny you should mention cosmic horror though, people keep drawing parallels between the Doctor and Nyarlathotep even before NuWho started. It's a potential reason RTD had a Messiah vs Monster theme that hald pushed that out of memory, and half made it much more prominent on the chaos side.
>Omega chad
Ironic considering Omega spends 10 percent of his time tempting the Doctor leaving his race to die, and 90 percent of his time REEEEEEing.
So anyone want to chime in and figure out what the hell is wrong with this guy? Because I pray to god this is shitposting, for his sake.
Dude, another user already chimed in and agreed you were being a fucking prick.
Stop playing the victim you delusional faggot.
You were wrong, get cucked and fuck off already.
>Of course, physically the daleks don't really seem that impressive. They're supposed to be really hard to destroy but then also you can shoot their eyestalk and kill him in 1 go.
Only with basic bullets, which are noted to be capable of ignoring their Dalekanium casings. Every other form of modern weaponry does jackshit against them.
Also, that only works against the Daleks form earlier in their timescale. Full Time War Daleks would shrug off literally anything short of mass-scattering the entire damn planet.
All we've really proven here is that you can't follow a discussion, make really bad assumptions, chime in on things you have limited knowledge about, and apparently throw a fit when people point this out. But do continue, because this has become more fun than the OP topic just seeing you sperg out over nothing.
He's baiting.
So those are literal all things that have been said about you.
And you're doing that thing where the moron pretends he's having fun making himself look stupid.
Does being pathetic ever get old for you or are you going to keep going?
How tf am I baiting when this guy replied to me and continues to use incorrect information about a situation that literally happened in this thread?
Read it again moron
Casual reminder to those not familiar with just how insane Daleks are that they've literally suspended several fundamental universal laws of physics because they got in the way of a new weapon they developed. More than once. They treat base reality like a nuisance in need of correction to maximize their efficiency in killing life.
I know, this is just fun to see him go.
It's okay, honey. Let it all out
Dude kill yourself faggot.
We both have the same number of people supporting us.
Your fucking fake faggot shit isn't make you look better.
They outright deleted some of them because they made killing things harder. They're absolute bullshit.
Oh so now its a contest? Also you don't think it's a bit ironic that you had a problem with how I spoke to you earlier, which I apologized for by the way and remained civil since, and yet you keep telling me to kill myself like you get paid by the swear.
Yeah I read it bud, you're either baiting or absolutely turbo retarded. Which would you rather be? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here by assuming you're baiting.
You literally called for anyone to tell how much of a great guy you are despite being a total asshole. See, here's you doing exactly that.
You forfeit your right to be treated with respect when you act like a faggot until you stop doing so. So no it isn't ironic. The golden rule is treat others as you want to be treated, clearly this is how you want to be treated for some fucked up reason.
Nice job derailing a fun thread.
Faggot, you didn't read jack shit. Go back to your lurking you pathetic little bitch.
>Nice job derailing a fun thread.
You've done that enough already.
No, you did that. My post was on topic, then you started your whiny faggot bullshit. Seriously do you have short term memory loss? It's all right there you retarded fuck
This is you two, only less awesome.
At least you brought it back on topic.
This guy just can't admit he's being petty so we can move on
I love this scene.
If you really wanted to move on, you would have just stopped replying to me and taken your own advice. But you don't really want that at all, you just want attention.
If that were true how did I make you respond to me in the first place then? Wouldn't that make you the attention whore since you responded it with your shitty attempt at "figuring me out" first? My initial post wasn't to you, was it faggot?
Really? He is like one of the Doctor's key nemesis.
Hmm. I must have missed something then.
More like you missed most of Doctor Who. Hey there's also these really obscure villains called The Cybermen
To be fair, Cybermen got a lot more screentime than Davros did.
According to this
Hardly "most" of the show.
I wonder how many people shit their pants at those words.
>also destroyed the entire universe and all of time as collateral damage
Nah, it got the whole time war and Gallifrey locked out of time / the universe.