Story time?

Is it bad form to request a storytime? I can’t find this issue anywhere and I really wanna keep up with it

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Sorry I only see issue #1

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Reminder this cool ass motherfucker is FULLY public domain so you can make your own shit with him.

Why dont you?

Because I suck and drawing and can't write anything that isn't harlequin romance-tier shlock.

Woah woah woah who the fuck is this and why does he look so bad ass?

If I can get an artist I’m so down.

This is the ORIGINAL Daredevil, Bart Hill.

Death Defying Devil. He’s a really cool hero and he’s deadly with a boomerang

Golden Age Daredevil. Used to be pretty big, but the decline of late 40s killed his title and it got taken over by his sidekicks. Matt has no relation to him.

wow such a cool character. His left and right parts are different colors, really shocking and unique, i literally never saw something like this a million times before. And he his a spike belt. Yeah, so badass, whoooo

>Is it bad form to request a storytime?

>silver streak
>is not silver whatsoever

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>Is it bad form to request a storytime?
No, of course not, user. It's poor form.

Oh thank god. Here I was afraid I was being an asshole on 4 Chan

Right because originality in comics is such a common occurrence. Every character is a rip off of someone else

Is this issue even out yet? If you can find a link where I can buy a digital copy I'll storytime it

Well I guess I’ll just feel really bad when I do it again

Yeah it came out on the 4th. I bought a physical copy but I collect them so I won’t actually open it. I found a digital link here though

Does a pdf save images? What should i download it as?

I’m fairly certain you can save PDF images. I’ve never storytimed anything so I’m not actually sure what the best way to do it is. If we figure this out I’ll story time anything I would request from now on

Figured it out. Just use sniping tool

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Ah here I almost thought it was a Spider-man rip-off, but no, its a Daredevil rip-off.

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I had plans to revamp the Wraith a few years ago.

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Why does he look like a poorly designed mix match of Spider-Man and Daredevil?

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Daredevil is a copy of him, you pisspoor troll

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Usually you can goad one of the namefags into storytiming something if you know their waifus, but yeah. Good for you for learning op.

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Not even the same guy.
>when your copy looks better than you

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Wan't me to post the other cover images? Also I can storytime issue one if somebody requests it.

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Huh. Suprisingly wholesome. I'm interested, covers and issue one.

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>storytimes a nothing comic from the middle of the run
>includes the pdf reader bar in every page he screenshots
You're doing this on purpose

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no i'm not lmao. Also you can storytime it yourself if you like, stop being such a bitch

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Thank! You are a hero!

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You went above and beyond on this one :)

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thanks, sorry about the pdf signs.

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Never fuck with anyone fighting with a boomerang. If they're confident enough to carry a boomerang into a combat situation, they're competent enough with it to fuck you up in ways you'll never seen coming.

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Go to bed Captain Boomerang you're drunk.

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I got a lot of free time today. Any other requests? I promise i'll try not to show the pdf sign this time around

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So I guess Simone's series kinda sorta ignores all the previous Project Superpowers books since Bart is still 'Devil in the 21st Century instead of the costume becoming sentient after being locked inside the urn. I gave it a shot with the storytime, but it's a pass for me. Maybe the new post-Vietnam Black Terror reboot mini will be better.

Ya know I read the first issue thinking this was gonna be a luchador comic or something but the boomerangs came out and I got invested. There is a reason this guy isn’t as popular as Marvels daredevil though. Bart is bland in comparison, but I am still having fun reading this.

artist here, what are your ideas?

I know nothing about him except for literally these 2 issues so I’d either research his past and craft a story that can fit into the continuity or just go completely off the cuff and take it out if an urban setting and go metaphysical and introspective. In real time he’ll be injured and recouping in some way so the entire comic would be him fighting his personal “demons” inside of his head. Lots of room to do trippy artwork and storytelling.

Oh I'll go...
...but I'll be back!