Horrorverse Thread

Come along now, kiddos. It's that time again.

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I think your attempt to push this as a meme sucks, but you don't see me trying to get you to stop. Thanks for the bump tho.


What the hell is a Horrorverse?

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From desuarchive.org/co/thread/106091806

>Constantine and Father Ted

>Constantine chases a demon to Craggy Island, where it disguises itself as a priest. Constantine must figure out who it is without raising suspicion and spurring it to flee again.
>Father Dougal is too stupid to help
>Father Jack is too drunk/senile/angry to help
>Father Ted thinks Constantine is some kind of inspection sent by the church and is doing his best to outright avoid him.
>Constantine tries throwing holy water on Dougal. Winds up in a squirt-gun fight. Dougal keeps following him around with a squirtgun as he tries to investigate.
>Next thinks it must be father Jack. Father Jack's reaction is such that he thinks at first he called it right. Unfortunately Jack fails to dissolve and Constantine winds up in a knock down drag out with a very very drunk and very very angry father Jack.
>Father Ted winds up confessing to various incidents of financial malfeasance. Constantine splashes him with holy water in a rather desultory manner, mutters something about forgiving him and prepares to leave.
>Father Ted sees him off, at the last minute Constantine gets an odd look on his face and throws holy water on Ted again. This time there's a burning demon. Constantine storms back into the house "NONE OF YOU BRAIN DEAD FUCKS NOTICED THERE WERE TWO BLOODY FUCKING FATHER FUCKING TEDS? HOW DUMB ARE YOU ALL?"
>Dougal: "Oh, pretty dumb, isn't that right Ted".
>Ted nods.
>Father Jack shouts "Drink". Constantine sighs "The smartest one here. Drink indeed."

Fused setting of every single horror property.

what was that B movie I think its British about the serial killer dude who falls in love its like _____ 40 something and you think its a sequel but its just some solo shit


>tfw DBD is now canon to Stranger Things

gonna get drunk and rewatch this with my brother tonight


somehow more autistic than hypercrisis threads yet not as fun either

I've never played that game, do you get to play as Laurie or Ash on other levels or just the respective levels they come with (Halloween and Ash vs Evil Dead)?

They're DLC you can download and basically play forever. Don't need specific levels for them either.

K. Go back to your Hypercrisis circlejerks then.

K. Go back to then.

Nah. These threads tend to have more discussion than anything there.

i doubt that

Well you're a Hypercrisisfag, so of course you don't know anything.

Oh no, hypercrisis threads require people to actually read comics rather than use licensed comics as an excuse to hold off topic threads!
Truly, this will be the end of Yea Forums.

Never said any of that, but it's clear to me that you're some form of autistic, so I'll just leave you to it.

List of failed Yea Forums projects...

autistic Yea Forums "project" that's just an excuse to talk about horror movies outside of Yea Forums

can't be a project if there's no OC or actual works of writing beyond mere greentexts made for it
even those reverse earth marvel threads had at least one or two drawings made for them

Autism, yikes, cope, etc.

We've had some OC done. Not much, but it exists.

charts aren't OC hickman

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I honestly have no idea why you're so violently autistic when it comes to these threads. If you hate them so much, just fucking hide them and get on with your life. Stop trying to prove how mentally ill you are.

Why do you think I used "project" with quotes? They should call them horror comics discussion threads and at least drop the pretense but that would mean not being able to talk about horror shit that isn't Yea Forums-related.


What a stupid way to categorize and entire genre of fiction.

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not the same person lmao

Point still applies.

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the fuck does any of this even mean

It's a 'map' of the Chronicles of Darkness RPG setting.

Horror in general, so though it's inspiration was a bunch of Jason/Sadako fanart. And some Chuckie comics.

That's even more stupid

Most threads on Yea Forums are.


Reminder that 682 is canon to the Monsterverse.

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If you want a more detailed explanation, then you could look at some of the stuff for Mage the Awakening that details some of this. Not all of it in the slightest, but some.


Who's the chick in the unitard?

That's its name, yeah.

Actually yeah, who is that?

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Acid Angel.

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Hack/Slash does horror villains right.
