
brutal death edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

Attached: Pyrexia - Sermon of Mockery.jpg (600x600, 49.58K)

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redpill me on doom metal

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Lord Vicar is the best trad doom band around right now.

Who is your most hated poster here? Mine is Nuklear Exekution. Total creep.

how much heroin do i need to shoot to make good sludge metal

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most hated: Bongman
most loved: Bongman

I'm trying out this game. Metal for this aesthetic?

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>these are those long haired tough metal guys I was talking about

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im gonna suck scott hull's dick

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maybe being a miserable cunt with no future is a safer bet

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Negru and Bongman are tied as the constant offtopic shitposting derails threads until the one mod we have wakes up after 48 hours of jacking off to furry porn

I love 2 and 3 despite the pathfinding being utter shit

how is this nigga so good


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not trying to overreact but if scott hull was around in the 60s john lennon and paul mccartney would be flipping burgers

I forgot to back up my reviews&ratings text file again bros.

pope richard

How many times do you have to listen to an album to understand it?


my life is fucked up today because i picked him out of all potential role models when i was like 15

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less than 1

0 times.

most hated: Negru
most loved: "Fuck you stupid metalfags" / "I love you metalbros" poster

boring answer: depends on the album
actual answer: at least twice, but sometimes many more



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Kinda want to start making videos or streaming or whatever and just listen to music, drinking and talking shit. Too bad no one would watch my amazing intellect dissecting porngrind albums while drunk.

>"check out our new slam band bro we're fuckin sick"

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I'd probably watch it, but that's just because I want to make videos about my collection of stupid, edgy physical media but I'm too much of a boring bitch to bother.


Purification is a good contender as well

so how many of you are willing to pretend to like this one

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It's basically white noise. No idea why suddenly some people clamored to claim they love it as if it made them look TRVE KVLT or whatever.

Remember this is the official ruling.

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I just don't think I have an interesting personality for this to work. At least sober. But then if I drink I'd start ranting about all kinds of shit and swearing etc. no major website would host my garbage. Plus I have dignity.

That feel.
I wouldn't mind being a shitty small time twitch boi with banter, but my banter is calling everyone a fag and spicy race jokes. I'd get cancelled within seconds.
Maybe just get drunk, rant about an album, then edit it down to a 10 minute video for maximum ad-roll currency. I'd watch it as long as the cringe levels weren't too out of control.

why can't we ignore them?


the wyattxhim dude on youtube made a black metal iceberg video and had emit at the bottom of it, which i suppose lead to people seeking out the album and boosting it in the algorithm.

it's abrasive but there's basically no actual musical quality (unless your into listening to what sounds like someone trying to figure out how hammer-ons work). even shit like abruptum sounds more put together,


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I love Bongman and Negru and I hate the guy who keeps posting my face!!

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le sleepy manlet

Pretty much because of this

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based edition

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I can't get into that shit despite loving GBK. It's so fucking rough in production and the songwriting is so sloppy it just feels like an amateur thing.
At least Judeo made up for its shortcomings by having 10/10 moments where they went apeshit or having childish edgy shit like calling mother mary "Satanicunt".

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Is this counting down to Avatar 2?

New album when? Ash Borer was one of the better hipster black metal bands.

i LOVE first wave bm!!!

It absolutely blows my mind that that Malignancy album came out in 1999. So much bdm/slam these days sounds like they completely ripped em off.

I have quite a lot of plans actually so we will see. I wasted my 20s feeling sorry for myself like a fucking faggot and being a fucking hermit. Too bad there is very little time and it's impossible to do everything. We'll see.
I wouldn't want any fame or even money I just like to make people laugh.

What happened to Rise of the Northstar posting?

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Then do it lad. I'd probably laugh at it as I'm much in the same boat and seeing a fellow turbo autist sperg out over irrelevant /meal/ records would amuse me.

>but my banter is calling everyone a fag and spicy race jokes. I'd get cancelled within seconds.

it smell like BITCH in here

NYDM. Nothing more, nothing less.


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it fell

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Seething angloroach.

I like my job m8, they let me blast racist metal while I work, I can't lose that shit.

Netflix shows/movies give me the same cheap vibes that Lifetime movies or straight to dvd tier movies.

The two 14 years olds that posted them grew up.

This whole general fell for the slam meme for like a good year or two

finally the world is noticing us guys

I kinda miss it, it were simpler times.

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is there any new thrash that sounds like this? im getting sick of power trip and municipal waste.


Woah, didn't expect to see WBC here.Thought I was on /vst/ for a moment.

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>from producers of game of thrones and harold & kumar
Why did they put that there like it means anything?

>is there any new thrash that sounds like discharge?
check out lifeless dark and after the bombs btw

>corpse paint
>thrashfag attire

It means a lot to the typical netflix-browsing normie.

He's an Aura Noir fan.

Pretty sure those are all chicks

haha i do love discharge

anyways by the sounds of it lifeless dark is exactly what i wanted with some bolt thrower thrown in. thx senpai.

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>hiding every logo so we won't advertise anyone but leaving enough of it so fans know which band it is
is that an anthrax t-shirt?
literally me in the back with the basketball btw