> theres a gecs shill thread every day
no but i wish there was
i know dylan is addicted to making music. since we found some of his spotify nom du plumes and we found his secret youtube account, did he make another secret one to keep posting shit on? he never stops. hes already released three albums (cake pop 2, new ravenna golden, melhor cachorro) while "working" on 10000. so whats taking so long??
theres a gecs shill thread every day
Other urls found in this thread:
when is that troon gonna commit moon?
Never listened to them. Is that thing male or female?
he's a biological male and will be represented as such on his tombstone
dylan is male and his pronouns are he/him
both members of the group are male.
dylan is a dude who occasionally does gay shit for the clout, it's also clever marketing
>in a relationship with his high school sweetheart
>knows how to have fun, not obsessed with trannies
>countless projects and collaborations
>signed to mad decent
>connections in industry
>loyal to his crew back in stl, helping to lift them up
>loves his mom
>uplifts the voices of LGBTQBIPOC and makes their music not sound like complete shit
> posts ywnbaw on Yea Forums in reply to cis dudes
he has a visible beard in that pic
>gay shit for clout
he's just having fun, "gay shit" is still super trendy and like most people they find trends fun. but if you need it translated to /pol/ terms he is pozzed
>so whats taking so long??
Schizo trannies making music is what's wrong.
Some anons said the new album sounded like shit and Laura actually believed they got their hands on a leak because (s)he's a schizo tranny. The entire album was scrapped and they started over.
>connections in industry
i need to check the early life section on his parents now
>both members of the group are male.
This. XY chromosome = male
Don't confuse biological terms (male/female/intersex) with sociological terms (man/woman/tranny). Sex ≠ Gender
i actually prefer ster/lob but he him is ok with strangers.
oh shit, now you've done it. prepare for discord trannies in 5...4...3...2...
Queer baiting is very frowned upon. Dude is gonna get cancelled when his zoomer fans learn he's straight.
back when i was in high school, we'd beat the shit out of dudes for even LOOKING slightly gay. we need to return to tradition.
I'm literally using THEIR established definitions. Not my fault discord trannies don't know what they're talking about. I literally said gender is a social construct... I literally said a biological male can be a woman. Only reactionary autists will get mad.
he made his connections via the production hustle and eventually meeting diplo after dropping out of school and moving to LA to "make it"
jews don't need to waste ten years of their life producing beats for random niggers
we beat kids up for looking straight now, gramps
Unironically agree. Gay culture was cooler when it was unacceptable/anti-establishment.
how many fags does it take to beat up a single straight guy? 3? 4?
straight guys are allowed to wear crop tops as long as they dont mind me ogling. but yeah if gecs ever gets crystle castle'd we know who the fans are gonna side with.
i want to look visibly gay without straight getting triggered. because i want other gays to feel safe hitting on me
counter culture is a coping mechanism for low value males.
4 twinks, or 2 bears, or 3 lesbians (butch)
>counter culture is a coping mechanism for low value males.
Normie take. You're a tourist and cultural appropriator, dylan.
god damnit ive been browsing pol too much and idk who to blend in on this board anymore
anton if youre reading this plz tell me your opinion of the zeet dot releases
>low value males.
im the user who convinced Laura to delete the album. I literally have more value than YOU in YOUR OWN BAND.
>anton if youre reading this plz tell me your opinion of the zeet dot releases
the 2010s are over. idk if the public really wants this music anymore. we fucked up by not releasing more music during the pandemic.
YOU never did anything, dork
>anton if youre reading this plz tell me your opinion of the zeet dot releases
anton, sign me up instead. you need a sludgy/grungey indie act if you want to be relevant.
email: [email protected]
i did your dad
cont; its currently a solo project. dylan can join my band if he wants.
Very cool, Dy-lan
I’m going to crush your hand with a mallet
you won't do shit, troon
>back when i peaked in high school, I’d get beat the shit out of for LOOKING like a pedo. we need to return to tradition.
pedo/gay, what's the difference?
not much. i was hanging out with my cousin and his gay friends at a pool (ages in teh mid 20s), and they were creeping on the 15 year old boys.
they reproduce through rape/molestation. even fags admit it among themselves.
facts. said cousin was a child gymnast in denver at the same gymnastics club where that that doctor got popped for diddling girls. im pretty sure my cousin was molested by a coach or someone... i made a joke about molestation once, and he got super uneasy.
what did u tell her user?
dylan isn’t the trans one dumbass
if you unironically think this and aren’t just memeing you have never been outside and need to shower
> the public
did the public ever want this shit? (no)
and they never wanted captain beefheart, or most the things that get shilled on this board for that matter. 1000 gecs blowing up was a fluke. but i've been listening to weird meme shit i find on soundcloud for years.
in an interview dylan called their instrumental tracks "garageband naked city". he and laura have a wide range of influences and they can make some really unique, fun tunes.
no, he's male.
>i made a joke about molestation once, and he got super uneasy.
most people don't make jokes about molestation, chud....
an user made gecs thread a few months ago, i said "new album is shit", and the next day there was a thread (most likely from laura) saying the album was scrapped.
if you unironically think this and aren’t just memeing you have never been outside and need to shower
there are thousands of jokes about rapey catholic priests. what are you on?
hello faggot. you having a nice faggot day? you doing any faggot shit?
every gay guy i became friends with admitted to getting molested as a kid, or having an age innapropriate relationship as a teenager (16 and dating a 35 year old). studies on this have proven lgbt people have a significantly higher percentage child abuse victims over straight people.
i dont believe every gay is a pedo, but i believe most gays are victims of pedophilia. (and most pedos were victims themselves, so..)
he has another backup youtube channel he posts stuff on, luckily flashmemories hasnt found it yet.
is there even anything out besides mememe?
>lgbt people have a significantly higher percentage child abuse victims
*lgbt community has a higher percentage of people who were abused as children (i want to word this better so its not sounding like im saying lgbt has a higer pecentage of pedos, even though that might be true)
my "album sucks" joke was made because i thought 1000 gecs was already out. it was just a joke. the album was offically delayed a day after i made the joke, and gecs are Yea Forums fags, so... i sometimes wonder if im responsible.
t. schizo
>1000 gecs
or whatever the new album is called. im not much of a gecs fan, idk the album titles.
>dylan can join my band if he wants.
there's a lot of straight pedos too user.
>age innapropriate relationship as a teenager (16 and dating a 35 year old).
we do this because we feel alienated from our peers, due to being gay. my first fwb was ~38 and i was 19. i was horny, too shy to meet someone as inexperienced as me, and i wanted a "gay role model".
> studies on this have proven lgbt people have a significantly higher percentage child abuse victims over straight people.
post studies. not all studies are made equal.
my personal pet theory is that pedophilia is a paraphilia which doesn't really distinguish that strongly between male and female. kids dont really have any distinguishing traits anyways. so you end up with a higher percentage of "homo" pedos. /pol/tards will call it a cope, but i have a hard time seeing how being gay and pedophilia are "the same thing" when most of us are into muscled men who can grow a full beard.
fwiw none of my gay friends have ever mentioned being molested.
you dont actually think that was her right? that was literally me larping, it would be funny tho.
>there's a lot of straight pedos too user.
that's some weak-ass whataboutism. faggot pedos are the STATISTICAL majority. Get mad.
> t. schizo
umm sweaty that was me, not you
t. schizo
1) i haven't heard people make those jokes in years
2) was never acceptable among polite company
>was never acceptable among polite company
first off, making edgy/blue jokes around good friends is part of having close friends. second, faggots aren't "polite company", so of course they're gonna get butthurt when you bring up a joke laced with a bit of truth.