Joker wins the Golden Lion award at Venice
Joker wins the Golden Lion award at Venice
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>he actually rose up
Yea Forums btfo
Actually Yea Forums got btfo
Who gives a shit. Awards are bullshit. Let it win an Oscar, none of us should give a fuck.
Full list of winners:
Sadly, no Best Actor award for Joaquin, but the Golden Lion is still nothing to sneeze at. Previous winners of the Golden Lion include Alfonso Cuaron's "Roma", Guillermo del Toro's "The Shape of Water", Darren Aronofsky's "The Wrestler" and Ang Lee's "Brokeback Mountain".
He's probably a lock for the Oscar now
Honestly this award standard is currently better than Oscar at this point.
So at best this DC piece of shit will be the SECOND comic book movie nominated for Best Picture behind Based Marvel with Black Panther
If it even gets nominated which is frankly unlikely
>To say I wept would be to undersell the sublimity made manifest, in this, the first work of true and lasting art to come from the superhero genre.
Based Armond holy shit
Ladderbro, you've lost, just stop. Try and redo the gimmick in 4 months for Birds of Prey or something, where you will get btfo again and at that point, I don't know what you do. You may have to go into hibernation till Black Adam, because that's like the only movie in DC's slate that has a shot of being bad
lmfao not even normies take that shit seriously after they gave a bunch of pity awards to that cringe panther trash buddy Joker will win a bunch of them but still
Don't you get tired of this? If it's actually good that just means we have a good film to watch, what you're "fighting" isn't a war it's a retarded shitfling at best.
What did DC do to Rob? I know they fired him after his shit Lobo, but at least they hired him
>the first work of true and lasting art
Fake, based Armond always loved Snyder kino as do most of kinema conoisseurs
Think I'm finally getting tired of capeshit.
DC was first one to win an Oscar, now the Golden Lion.
He deleted and reposted with Lee this time, lmao, he's been on a tear last couple days.
Think it's still just from that new 52 stuff, yeah. He shits on HiX-Men bc they didn't ask him for a variant.
I suppose that's because he failed to turn into an important figure at DC like he managed to do at Marvel and Image.
An Oscar has been meritless for years now.
Ah yes, the
>l-look guys w-we are totally not racists, see how much we l-loved BP
Wow pretentious movie wins pretentious movie award
So in a couple years Marvel will turn around and win three
Good for him.
Kevin pls
Guess we don't live in a society anymore
Marvel won't make movies that even qualify for the Venice Film Festival and they don't want to.
Marvelfags are seething. Joker is going to become a famous classic, that will be remembered for decades. While Endgame, just like the rest of the mcu, is already forgotten.
>Let it win an Oscar, none of us should give a fuck
Yeah, like when BP got some.
I never commented on the quality of the movie. Im sure it will not be very good, but if it were, thats a welcome surprise.
My point is that award shows and awards in general are useless, much like RT and its critic and audience reviews.
If it gets Best Picture which it won't even be nominated for that's all the proof anyone will need that the Oscar's are literally less than worthless
DC is actual Kino. While marvel is nothing but braindead popcorn spectacle.
And it's gone. Cracks me up when he has a weekend like this, just going off. Got into it with Sean Murphy earlier.
True. The MCU can make as many billions as they want, but in the end it is DC that abides.
>bad writer
>bad artist
>bad person
He's got everything.
i wanna know what happened because something he had at DC must've fallen out or something he's been hard as fuck on them lately.
I didnt give a shit, and no one here shouldve either. Hollywood and the oscars are a fucking joke.
Why should an award push me to watch a movie? Be it LaLa Land or Moonlight, I dont care which one deserved or actually won the oscar. They both look like shit so I ignored them.
Too late to apologize, user.
No. DC throws shit at the wall and see what sticks. They've had more flops than success. Marvel is extremely formulaic and starting to get stagnant but have had more success with their cinematic universe. Before though most of their movies were flops too. They basically found a flavour that is enjoyable to most people. But as I stated before, most everyone has had their fill. Company wars are for brain dead retards.
I thought that movie was okay and didn't give a rat's hairy ass that it won an award. I couldn't give a shit about what some arthouse fuck high on their own farts thought about it, I was going to watch it anyways.
>award bait movie
looks like we'll be getting more grimdark and depressive "superhero movies" from WB.
people who want a happy superman and a justice league movie deserve better than this.
Shut up manchild.
>I thought that movie was okay
Oh, Marvel will try to rip them off, don't worry.
>Jared Leto would have done better
He has been going hard at them lately but it's generally been the same for a while now, since that era. If you recall his going after Snyder, but I think there's more to it like them not wanting to business with him since or something (whereas Marvel keeps him in rotation no matter what he says about em). There's also a Lee angle I'm sure, who knows what personal Animus he has with him. Getting the Major X boost and Carnage covers also may just have him in a more combative mood w DC.
What's your point? I said that Black Panther was okay completely independent of some movie snob's opinion and some committee on some awards program.
>There's also a Lee angle I'm sure, who knows what personal Animus he has with him
Liefeld and Lee were part of the Image Gang. Rob had been kicked out of Image for embezzling money. Surely he's still butthurt about it?
>implying you don't think BP is a masterwork because it won some unimportant Oscars
I don't, I thought it was okay, Oscars and other awards don't mean shit, just like the Golden Whatever. I watch movies to be entertained, not ponder the deeper meaning of why toilet bowls get water stains.
>Oh, Marvel will try to rip them off, don't worry.
But how?
Oh, wait, they own the F4 rights.
Guess we're getting a solo Doom movie!
Shouldn't you be happy that Joker, a comic book movie, gatecrashed the most prestigious film festival and took the award?
I guess the clown Prince of Crime pulled his greatest trick of all - being seen as a tragic hero by the masses.
There already was plans to make a solo Doom movie before Disney bought Fox
But the script was laughably bad.
>People are already writing it off because Venice also gave an award to Polanski
God I love people
The script constantly changed in filming and, most importantly, a script isn't the whole movie
People are already calling this movie "problematic" and saying it's too sympathetic to incel culture. What's going to happen if it starts raking in awards?
Were the over a dozen threads on Yea Forums not enough for Warners marketing team? Funny. Didn't think they cared about the comics. This is goddamn ridiculous.
If your pathetic DCuck ass wants more fun and quippy DC movies make sure this makes at least as much as Aquaman
The script that leaked was from April 2018, a long time before filming would have commenced.
Then the discourse of popular entertainment and pop culture in 2020 will be very interesting.
Only the dialogue changed and even then barely
ladderbro, stop falseflagging.
i will say that "Birds of Prey" can't possibly be more of a bad idea than the upcoming "Black Christmas" remake.
Sad that even professionals in the industry have bullshit console wars mentality of a 14 year old Yea Forums fanboy.
Yea Forums is a notorious DC shithole so of course they were going to treat this worthless award like a Steven Universe movie
Mousekeeter please, this isn't a console war thread
I want to disagree with you but I saw that trailer
The DC streaming shows have a higher budget than that movie
Joker is a rarity, it won't spam a trend. Also the usual loud feel good cgi orgies are still making gorillions. Endgame opened Pandora's box again instead of closing it. Dunno what's up with Yea Forums thinking like this when normies can enjoy very different takes on characters. It's like when some guys here claimed people wouldn't bother with FFH because PS4 Spiderman was more accurate. Fucking stupid.
remind me why sjws hate the joker movie?
Money is one thing, its existence is another.
They learned the word "incel" and want to use it everywhere.
So you're admitting Yea Forums is for marvel circlejerks?
Yea Forums is where Yea Forums-tards come to get bullied and laughed at.
sweet, Brokeback mountain is the only movie ive ever seen that actually got a few tears out of me
>it won't spam a trend
Dark Knight did. look at what it caused.
The vast majority of people here talking about the MCU don't read comics and aren't here for comics and I would suspect you're one of them
This. Disney/Marvel puts profit, family friendly values and mass appeal ahead of artistry, at least when it comes to their live action stuff.
For a while it looked like fox might have filled the hole left by Weinstein and Miramax but they basically gutted the studio and only kept Planet of the Apes, Alien and Avatar.
Fox Searchlight is one flop away from being shut down too.
If by that you mean smart people enjoying movies that are actually good then sure
Is this a big deal? My dad always brags that he won 2 gold lions.
So they're the applebees of movies?
>for smart people
>enjoying good movies
Well when they can get three oscars for a movie WITHOUT having to create a brand new banner for it they don't really need to
Company wars. This is probably the most interesting thing to happen to this sub genre in years and fanboys can't see past the logo in front of the movie
>The STATE of ladderbro
livestream suicide when?
The Oscar has a very little merit and even then the Joker is winning some.
>DC is artistry
also "Turd in the Wind" because fuck Sony as well.
When Joker wins best picture. I just hope he livestreams it.
I think he is getting bitter because Lee is what he aspires to be. Lee sold his creations to DC and get a comfy job in return. Rob can't even use the Youngblood characters without paying money.
Unironically disneyshills actually exist on Yea Forums?
>even then the Joker is winning some.
Marvel is confirmed to be for stupid retards and plebs. While DC is for chads.
Ladderbro is really mad
Impotent liberal rage will only mqke this more successful. SJW'S will reee at it harder and inadvertently keep the hype alive. Basically the inverse of what happened with Ghostbusters but the movie is actually good. As far as box office goes it's all ready tracking for 100 million and it's only go higher now.
Shame it didn't get a suicide.
Remember when you said it would flop ladderbro
>While DC is for chads.
But this is literally Incel: The Movie
some mother is going to take her kids to watch this shit and they're gonna be like "mum where's batman and robin?"
This is some weird Yea Forums cope..
But it did get heath's retard, it was a few years delayed but still
>Joker won some award
who cares? what matters is if the movie appeals ot the sensibilites of comic book fans and I honestly don't think it will. Black Panther was already good before it won the oscar awards. it had the costume, the villain with the arm cannon, the magic rock from space, the grandiose throne usurper plot and the big fight. we want Batman fighting a clown, not a movie about the Joker being sad at life.
once again, WB is embarassed to make a comic book movie, this is why they'll never beat Marvel and Disney.
wait, so that's it?
Nobody gives a shit about comic book readers, you absolute fucking retard. Comic book fans are less than a 0,1 percent of the moviegoing audience.
Hey, Marvel!
Where's your Golden Lion of Venice?
I guess they still don't have a best "quip/pun" category
I could buy one, but I don't need awards to feel better about myelf.
The only cape movies that won any oscars that matter are by DC and Sony
Stay seething, Madderbro
This, DC is finished
Has he eaten it yet?
are you the child of Emir Kusturica?
Why would I be glad about a bunch of people that I don't know that a movie I haven't seen is good? Shouldn't I be able to form my own opinion and see it first and be able to judge it myself instead of being told what's good and bad?
>CNN and The Young Turks
Whoever made this is literally retarded
Are they making new Planet of the apes films? I thought the reboot trilogy ended
It was said that one of the movie franchises that they want to continue from Fox is PoTA, even though it ended and Reeves has moved on
Three of those movies are trash, though.
What a bunch of fluffy wank. Like, the movie is probably great, but jesus christ.
Why are people like this, if the film is good then we've got a good movie to watch, it's sad that people are so loyal to companies nowadays. The desperate rush to get some attention from people is just pathetic.
Of course Yea Forums keep saying it
>it takes all the comics out of the formula and replaces it with taxi driver
Oh my, so good.
You telling me Aquaman was kino?
Making money is all that matters to the film industry. Awards are a way to pretend this isn't true.
>Why does an adaptation reinterpret a character that went through countless variations in the source material already?
Good is subjective, and most likely the critics want to gas all jews.
Damm those critics seem based then.
I mean, who doesn't?
But Yea Forums hated both DC and Marvel movies, except Shazam and Guardians for some reason
Stated that way, it's pretty wild, but Joker isn't a cape film. That's the whole thing: it took the award by not being a cape film.
Society thrives on pointless tribalism they have no stake in. Company wars, sports teams, always
>Being a unironic Mouseshill
Why are marvelfags always so sore about anything? DC does a good thing and there entire day is ruined
When it comes to franchise filmmaking like this, ideally, you want to strike a balance. Commercial success with artistic significance. There is a reason why the Lord of the Rings movies are cherished and critically acclaimed to this day, while the only time you have the industry people bringing up the Pirates of the Carribean, a similarly popular early 00s franchise, is when they talk about the CGI. It builds up credit. If people will remember Joker the same way they remember The Dark Knight, it'll be a far bigger boon to WB than multiple Suicide Squads making money and nothing else on top of it.
Yea Forums has hated GotG for years now.
Artistic significance doesn't keep the wheel rolling. Only money does. We can wax poetic about artistry all we want, but any artistry that makes its way into a movie did so because it didn't seem like it would impede the bottom line.
>There is a reason why the Lord of the Rings movies are cherished and critically acclaimed to this day
Is it because people are dumb? Those movies are terrible.
It spammed a trend within DC's Extended Universe which was mainly directed by Zack Snyder.
Plenty of other non-DC movies weren't affected by this, and on the contrary, they tried to do their own unique thing, especially the MCU and FoX-Men, so I dunno what the hell are you trying to talk about.
They know that after Endgayme that the MCU won't have the same staying power.
This is probably more or less true
>Batman comics are always quirpy and never try to tell serious stories
It doesn't matter. Art for art's sake must always exist, otherwise we live in a fascist emotionless society.
Yonfan's animation film "No. 7 Cherry Lane" won Best Screenplay at Venice, if anyone is interested
I was gonna make a trolling shitpost about this, but that's actually cool. Yea Forums doesn't talk about animation not on Netflix, CN, Nick, or Disney so not many people will talk about it.
and the trailer
Yup. The twist this time is that it's a post-Weinstein feminist film. At least, that's how it goes in the synopsis and (as far as I know) the trailer that they put out the other day.
The animation looks awful, but at least the story must be good, so...
Can anybody pass the bowl to the mouse-cap guy? I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find him.
Yea Forums hates gotg because it's nothing more than a meme movie, and also because no sexy mask and costume. If star lord got abducted in the 80s, how did he know about current memes? It's not bad, but it isn't a comic book movie despite being based on one, it's a fashion trend movie dressed up as a comic book movie. That is what all mcu movies are, a fashion trend dressed up as super heroes with wildly out of place characterizations. That would be fine and all, if not for the changes being made to the comic books for synergy. That's where the real hate comes from. Changing the comic books for normies who don't even read them. Despite the success of all the comic book movies, comic book sales are slumping faster and faster. All because of these changes to comics that the actual demographic hates just to bait normies that aren't buying the books. It would be fine if the movies and comics were treated as two separate entities as they should be. The movies for mass market appeal and the books for the niche audience. Without this niche audience, these movies would of never been made.
Why do the mods insist on protecting company wars threads
So, will DC try and bring this Joker to the comics?
>A dark DC movie wins an award
>Fox X series are dead
The joke of this gif has changed
Very well said. It’s also cringe as fuck
Because that's all comics and animation in 'Murica has going for it now.
Yep. Disney wants to make sequels, not reboot it, continue from where Matt Reeves left things sans Matt Reeves.
>They won't let Joker in the festival, WB is stupid
>Even if it is in the festival, it will certainly be out of competition
>lol WB is out of their mind putting it in competition, the movie will get booed at the festival
>w-well, the standing ovation and rave reviews doesn't mean anything, they do that for every movie
>HAHAHA Joaquin didn't win best actor it's over DCucks
An award for "Best Film" is more impressive than awards for production, costume and soundtrack.
This. Black Panther and Suicide Squad's Oscars don't mean shit
because you don't report them.
start spamming live action threads with and start shitting up the whole board to get live action threads banned from Yea Forums like it happened for a certain small horses fandom and everything will be better
DC won
You forgot the last damage control
>they still let Polanski take part in this so it's irrelevant
Also for people who don't know this, the reason Phoenix didnt win best actor is that Venice Festival decided they won't give the same movie two or more awards. This because people bitched about The Master winning best director, best actor (given to both Phoenix and Seymour-Hoffmann) and best movie.
Doesn’t this and Shazam releasing in the same year prove DC can do both and have a wider range of style for their comic films unlike Disney/Marvel?
Oh yeah for sure. DC and Marvel do this all the time
Shazam was good but not a big commercial success. It's Aquaman's success that will really protect the rest of DC from the Joker
What's that image supposed to prove? GOTG2 had a whole scene with them talking about the size of their shit
Why don't they just let it be? It ended nicely, but i guess it's all about that money, i doubt it'll be as good as Reeves' trilogy
Fucking yikes!
Don't worry, WB and Sony will buy Marvel from Disney so you can stop seething soon
Reminder that Joker is as much of a DC movie as Catwoman
>Basically the inverse of what happened with Ghostbusters
kek this is really happening isn't it?
No. Fuck Marvel. Gimme some company wars, you faggots.
Because the main character isn't a strong black female who struggles raising 4 kids, all from different fathers, while blaming whitey for the choices she made.
You want to know the worst part about this, people will still be going "Fuck Joker, Where's my SnyderCut of Justice League?". Like Aquaman, Shazam, and this movie should've shut these fuckers up but they still stick to 1/5 of a series they're never going to see.
Actually, i say both sides lose here.
Yeah all 12 of them
Nobody lost anything. Apparently a good film was made. Unless you're an unironic companyfag you shouldn't be bothered in the slightest.
>tfw Joker makes more money then Batman
I mean, Batman's pretty boring but still.
how is ladderbro doing?
I wouldn't mind a sequel that takes place in the distant future, where the astronauts return to earth. So basically a reboot of the original PotA.
Not taking it well, as seen in the comments above. He us still mad about the whole Sony thing
Coping MCUfag
D-don't forget about me guys.
we lost
Why are you faggots so obsessed that people want the directors cut of a movie? This isn't new in any way.