Could characters like Dr.Strange or Constantine or other magic like superheroes be able to defeat or exorcise any of the Junji Ito horrors?
Could characters like Dr...
Dr. Strange easily, Constantine would have a hard time but Dr. Fate could
Could any of them hope to defeat Chicken George?
Depends on the Ito story. Some offer a clear explanation to what's going on (it's a ghost getting reveng, etc) and those would be fairly easy to deal with. But when you start dealing with the more ineffable horrors it starts getting complicated. Then there's the elder tier stuff like hellstar remina or whatever is under the town of Uzumaki
No, but she can.
Damn, Ranma's really grown up.
Theres no real rules, logic or background to most japanese horror concepts. Its pretty difficult for an investigator-type character to have much success there
Animal Man can
The smaller ones? Sure. It's only when you involve the Spiral or Lord Amagami that their chances become nil.
Sure. Itos horror is fucking low tier to some of the bullshit farting around in Marvel or DC.
Like, Strange fights Shuma Gorath and Dormammu, multiversal conquerors, regularly. That little thing in Uzumaki that fucks one town every few centuries is at best a villain arc.
Hellstar Ramina I would admit to being a full JLA event, but in the end the JLA would break it.
The weirdest thing is, the author is actually called Takahashi
Yes. Fate especially would find it catartic to beat the shit out of these Chaotic mother fuckers.
Are you the same user that insist that the fight should only be viewed from Ito perspective
Yes, Fate is a god. Strange is a sorcerer that has dealt with weirder. Constantine is John Constantine.
Zatanna... eh, she probably would just look at it with fascination but would not intervene. She was part of the witches coven that nearly destroyed the universe in that Looney Tunes and Black Canary comic.
>She was part of the witches coven that nearly destroyed the universe in that Looney Tunes and Black Canary comic.
And she was smiling and having fun seeing all her friends running around trying to prevent a genocide and fighting each other.
Zatanna is a witch alright.
>Like, Strange fights Shuma Gorath and Dormammu, multiversal conquerors, regularly.
Marvel cosmics and heroes job so fucking regularly that I'm still surprised there's people pushing for them beating anything that doesn't originate from Marvel itself.
Also, the Spiral can rather casually cause people's heads to burst into whole galaxies whenever it wants. The town is just a place where it has decided to focus its attention.
Id like to read a tomie story where she turns a sad fat neckbeard obssessed with 2d into an attractive functioning member of society.
>That time Yea Forums discussed whether Godzilla could beat Hellstar Remina
>Realized that if Remina ate Godzilla the G-Cells would probably overtake the entire entity
>Hellstar Godzilla roaming the cosmos for the rest of eternity
>The guy is so full of shit, Tomie is the one getting desperate and anxious around him.
Given the feats of Godzilla Earth, it *might* be able to stop Remina. Maybe.
Not headcanon, it's just the truth that Marvel is made out of fucking tissue paper
This is absolutely nothing like how either of these characters actually behave. What hack wrote this
Lol. Marvel is a literal machine full of programs that can be hacked and infected with viruses. The machine is literally broken.
>What hack wrote this
Starlin. It also happens to be completely canon.
Let me guess? More Thanos wanking?
Oh you have no fucking idea.
Tomie: What happens when Mean Girls crosses over with The Thing
>Try to deliberately rep the OAA as predominantly female in chosen appearances
>Also retcon them into a powerless bitchy jackass with no compassion or common sense
Do these kinds of people really not see how their attempts at representation backfire?
As it currently stands, I'm like 99% something like the Spiral would absolutely rape Marvel if it successfully corrupted one of its support entities. Something that apparently even fucking Thanos can pull off with ease.
Marvel is pretty weak.
>I'm like 99% something like the Spiral would absolutely rape Marvel if it successfully corrupted one of its support entities.
Yeah, just like Shuma Gorath does. The Spiral is a fucking town, and it had no way of affecting cosmic beings
Tony buys the Living Tribubal an all-expenses-paid vacation to the town, because jesus fuck he has a hand in every single crisis.
>Yeah, just like Shuma Gorath does.
You mean the tentacle jobber?
>The Spiral is a fucking town, and it had no way of affecting cosmic beings
See pic.
Jailbait Tomie trying to seduce and manipulate Constantine would probably be a stupid fun one-shot
wow, it affects the air around the town. Really impressive.
Do you not know what galaxies are?
I only see the illusions in the air of the town. Well, the Spiral is pretty good at creating them, i'll give you that
>I only see the illusions
You keep using this word, without any context for the situation depicted there or what the general buildup was. But I expect no less from a Marvelfag desperate to save face.
It is. But to even imply that it's not as strong as what fanboys think will get you screeched at.
To save face from what? Illusions? I told you they are pretty impressive
user, those are actual literal galaxies. You'd know this if you weren't an asspained faggot trying to downplay to hell and back because someone mentioned that Marvel isn't as strong as you think it is.
The difference between Ito's work and most of the comparisons in this thread is that Ito likes to leave things unsaid. It's incredibly unclear how powerful the monsters in most of his works are. Half the time we don't even know what they are.
yeah, those are illlusions of actual literal galaxies, i got you. No need to get so aggressive user, Spiral is a pretty good horror manga
I'm not a huge jap-horror fan, so forgive me if I make mistkaes
Ito's works include, to the best of my knowledge, mortals being driven mad by spirals and acting like retards. Mortals seeing holes in a mountain, being affected mentally, and acting like retards (then coming out the other side as slender lads). Mortals being around a pretty chick, being mentally affected, and acting like retards. But she regenerates. Cyborg fish. And finally a meteor but it makes people retarded.
I'm just spit-balling here, but how many Marvel heroes are resistant to mental fuckery? Lord knows that Marvel citizens will jump right in, but they're retarded due to the mental influence of being in the Marvel universe
Most of Ito's monsters would get shat on by John Constantine. Fate could probably banish the real nasty shit like Remina, and Strange would trick it into going after Shuma-Gorath or something and they'd tumble off into the void to spend the rest of eternity battling.
Fourteen is based.
I really adore how humanity almosts dooms itself by seducing a chicken.
Since you've decided to just go full autism, I'm just going to tell you that you have a small penis if you're so willing to continue to act like an ignorant dumbass.
>unh no he doesn't powerwank my first horror manga he is so ignorant
I mean, you are the autistic one user, since you get tricked by simple illusions
You have an incredibly small penis.
user, we need to assume those are illusions since the reporters that came to town didn't say anything about galaxies suddenly being visible. Actually nobody mentions how the galaxies are changing in the sky after that.
sure thing user, anyone who does not get tricked by illusions has a small penis
you are not very convincing user, are there any actual proofs the spiral is a cosmic being and those aren't illusions?oh i see now
get a life weeb
There's also Travelogue of the Succubus with blatantly universal-level entities and where a cult barely 10 strong summons the literal Akashic Records.
Kurozu-Cho literally ignores any of the blatantly supernatural effects up until the hurricane happens. This is a major point in the story and is discussed constantly.
Tomie would be a threat if she had ambition, but she's really just a hedonistic alpha-bitch who never dies.
See . Even if we discount the Spiral for your absolutely retarded reasoning, there's still whatever Lord Amagami actually is.
sounds like moderately cursed town with illusions to me. Strange got this
>Lord Amagami
Strange got this too
>sounds like moderately cursed town with illusions to me.
That's because you've literally never read the story. Your opinions are fucking worthless.
Tomie is immortal jobber basically
Her ability isn't meant for fighting. It's meant to spread herself, and it fulfills that role wonderfully.
Your life is worthless user. It's not my fault you powerwank a moderately cursed town with illusions
So it literally only takes one "no more Tomie" for her to lose?
This. She's no actual threat as-is, and half the time she isn't even aware of her power. She just goes through the motions of seduce-die-replicate-repeat like a natural instinct.
she also fight with herself all the time, she is jobber the character
Also notice it turns into everything except a white guy.
Doctor Strange doesn't actually use magic. It's all science that he can't manipulate if he breaks his arms. Cope.
Are you only talking about MCU Dr. Strange, he is always selling his soul and shut for power ups, isnt that magic
oh, you are also a MCU tourist
Nope, it's all science. And he can't do shit if he loses his arms.
The MCU is unironically stronger than mainline Marvel.
I am pretty sure he can fight illusions without his arms
Nope. He breaks his arms and gets his legs run over by a car after getting confused by the illusions, before getting raped to death by hobos. Seethe more.
>he didn't powerwank my first horror manga so i'll try to beat him the same way but with buzzwords
sure thing kid, i am seathing, dilating, coping, having sex, etc
you really showed me
Jesus man what’s wrong with you? Who hurt you?
Do you think Dr Who could take on Junji Ito horrors? Honestly a lot of Junji Ito stuff reminds me of the more horror episodes of Tenants run but I’m unsure how he could defeat them.
You're a strange sad little man and you have my pity
The Doctor has genuinely fought crazier shit.
I am yet to see a more pathetic moment on this board. And on Yea Forums bait thread as well
Really not showing anything that disproves the point that you need to cope.
everyone who dislike Uzumaki apparently
i told you i am coping already, epic win kid, you did great
>You mean the tentacle jobber?
Shuma only loses because him wining is a game over scenario.
He either warps the place into another cancerverse or just out and out completely destroys reality because the universe couldn't handle Shuma's girth if he goes in dry.
Yea but I’m pretty sure you can’t wave a sonic screwdriver and unspiral shit
>everyone who dislike Uzumaki apparently
Aren't you the guy who went "lul it's all an illusion" with no proof? It's entirely fair to say that everything Strange and the other guys can do is also an "illuaion" using that logic.
>I am gonna make an Yea Forums bait thread to discuss if Marvel or DC could beat Junji Ito characters
>I will also insult anyone who think Marvel or DC could beat Junji Ito characters
>cope cope cope
Everything in Uzumaki is an illusion, so yes he can.
The Marathon Security Officer could probably kill the fuck out of most things in Ito's works. It's only a matter of if, not when.
Can't get sick, hungry, or tired
Physically shits on everything Ito has created besides maybe Hellstar Remina.
Carries around a flamethrower, along with a ton of other weapons.
Is a Battleroid, therefore considered a WMD stronger than orbital bombardment
>"But muh eldrich horrors".
Can create time loops and hop through dimensions.
Exists outside of causality.
Has imprisoned and defeated a completely unknowable reality eater by reversing time/timeline jumping until he could find a way to win by activating a planet sized space station that created a singularity that contained a supernova, along with said eldritch abomination.
Is possibly the physical embodiment of Destiny itself. Can literally shape the way his fate goes.
Because literally anyone can make a claim with zero proof to support themselves. It's not hard.
I mean obviously not everything. There’s tangible shit going on in the manga and sure while some of it MIGHT be illusions the blood baby’s, the snail people, and all the crazier shit isn’t. And it’s not about stopping the “illusions” wherever that means, it’s about stopping the Eldritch horror inside the underground city.
That’s not good enough, why
No, literally everything was an illusion. Nothing at all was happening beyond some minor curse or shit.
there is no proof
It could be an illusion or it could be not
It could be a world ending spiral monster or it could be a moderately cursed town with illusions
there is no clear definition given in the manga
So for me the galaxy stuff is an illusion, because it makes no sense for a galaxy tier being to only care about one small town but the kid is too dumb to understand that, so he pretends that i call every supernatural thing in Uzumaki an illusion, which i did not.
What happens in the manga that was illusions and what was the minor curse?
>there is no proof
user, in the galaxy chapter, we literally SEE and get confirmation, that yes the galaxies were real, and that one guy had his head shoot off into space to become a new one.
Also, going by your own logic, there's no reason for Darkseid or Eternity to bother with any of the heroes or any planets because they're casually multiversal gods.
i told you that you won kid, calm down. I didn't expect you to be brain damaged for real
You're honestly just as brain damaged, since you're the reason this shit started in the first place, and you keep egging it on.
can we get back on track and figure out who could stop Uzumaki and how? Honestly I’m interested in what the weakest character is that could stop it. I feel like Magick could probably do something but she’s pretty heavy duty. I have no idea of Constantine would beat it, guys primarily good at talking and there’s no talking going around here
Everything in Uzumaki is an illusion, so anybody could stop it.
yes and in the end you are told no one else saw the galaxy, no one fucking else outside of the town
where is your confirmation?
nah, i just don't like this weeb powerwank especially in a questionable case like this
I wish Umezu wrote better. To this day I was only able to finish one of his manga, The Drifting Classroom. I tried four others, including Fourteen, and I couldn't put up with them for too long.
Why would you think an Eldritch Abomination couldn’t make everyone except their target prey not see them? Is invisibility not within reach of Eldritch horrors?
>yes and in the end you are told no one else saw the galaxy, no one fucking else outside of the town
We literally have one character look into space via telescope to confirm the presence of said galaxies. Also, you're expecting confirmation from where exactly? The town is mostly cut off from the rest of the world, and people only start getting involved when six fucking hurricanes gangbang it, at which point the Spiral responds by fucking up any rescue attempt.
yeah, the character also goes insane later
it could be an invisible eldritch abomination, to bad the writing is too vague to figure it out
>yeah, the character also goes insane later
Said character also ends up becoming one of said galaxies, and the one observing at the end is one of the few who understands how fucked shit is.
It's also made abundantly clear that the town functions much like Sunnydale from Buffy. People just forget the bad shit and go about their lives up until everything gets maximum fucked.
That colony ship sure had a well-qualified security team, didn't it? "Physical embodiment of Destiny" is not something you usually see on a a security guard's resume.
honestly this user has a point. Why people struggle to accept that the Spiral has no defined power level? It's the same for Tomie
>honestly this user has a point.
Asspatting doesn't prove anything you've said. Especially when the actual narrative goes against you.
the actual narrative is vague enough, tho
And why on earth Spiral shit is treated as a single entity
You'd think turning a person into snail or (allegedly) galaxy are different things
This entier thread:
>weeb brushes off Shuma Gorath as Tentacle Jobber in favour of muh spiral and it's ok
>some arrogant user does the same to muh spiral and people go mad
>And why on earth Spiral shit is treated as a single entity
>You'd think turning a person into snail or (allegedly) galaxy are different things
The snails have spiralling shells, and the galaxies in question are spiral galaxies (which are an actual thing). Literally anything that can be even vaguely construed as being "spiral-like" falls under its influence.
what influence
The ability to cause them to literally spiral out of control and start doing paranormal shit. Like having a girl's mole literally consume her face before she succs a poor guy to death and promptly eats herself out of existence, or creating yandere hurricanes. Amongst other things.
so it's just random paranormal stories with same theme?
and people treat them like some sort of actual entity?
>and people treat them like some sort of actual entity?
That's what it actually is, yes. No matter how weird it gets, even in-universe the Spiral is considered one giant all encompassing force.
>A walking apocalypse who replicates endlessly from even the tiniest bit of her cells and can make men and women alike obey her
>Cares only about being a materialistic bitch, demanding fine food and fancy clothes from her slaves while insulting them over and over again
>So egotistical and vain that her clones will kill each other out of sheer jealousy, only to make even more of themselves
The whole concept of Tomie is total irony.
It's sad honestly
what would happen if you force Tomie to eat another Tomie
Pretty much. It's also kind of implied he didn't know that he was a superhuman cybernetic death machine until the aliens attacked.
>Hellstar Ramina I would admit to being a full JLA event, but in the end the JLA would break it.
Now I want to see Martian Manhunter phasing his way through Remina, fucking her shit up.
Probably be like the snake eating its own tail.
man why the fuck didn't they leave that fucking town,
if your stalker becomes a zombie jack in the box, a couple becomes a snake and jumps into the water and your classmates becoming snails. you need to accept that this place is way beyond fuck and get out of there.
>man why the fuck didn't they leave that fucking town,
I don't remember the explanation in-universe but they couldn't.
It´s literally a big fucking spiral creature under the town causing all the weird stuff in the surface, kinda like the spider thing in IT
Every exit out of town is blocked off by rubble or something similar. I think there’s an arc where they try and leave and shit just gets bonkers.
Not only could they not actually leave after a point (it's mentioned that before the Spiral grew too strong, people could actually escape), the Spiral seems to exert a forget-me effect that caused everyone not Shuichi to forget that anything had ever *really* happened. Kirie gets a wake up call later, but by that point, it's already too late.
More like a living spiral city. And it's up for debate if it's the actual source of the phenomenon, going by Galaxies.
IT is honestly small time compared to the Spiral. I mean you can beat IT by kumbaya-ing away.
>Green Lantern Corps: Attack of The Hellstar! aka How Guy Gardner pissed off ANOTHER planet.
You talking about uzumaki
Tthey could of early on. Main guy was ready to book it but his girlfriend didnt wanna belive it. It took her experience in the hospital to realize shit was completely fucked despite what she everything that happened before and by that time it was too late.
I listened to the horror story narraration on youtube and he was just about fed up with her shit by the lighthouse chapter.
I wanna see Mogo vs Hellstar.
That took two cosmic deities to work, and required all of the kids being together in order to pull off via a highly specific ritual.
The Spiral is worse from a purely narrative standpoint, but IT is no slouch in terms of power.
I always took it that there was no way to scape, by later chapters the town was physically inescapable but who is to say that the Spiral had infected everyone but the boyfriend and make them just crazy enough so that he wouldn't leave in essence making a psychological trap so that even he couldn't scape
IT was only defeated because of help from an equally powerful turtle god.
Some of the examples that I can give you is that the girls family saw a bunch of paranormal shit and didn't scape because they were old timey and always live there, in reality they were probably just Spiral infected.
Then the girl didn't scape because she knew her parents would suffer without her, maybe die or even just miss them again she was just affected enough to rationalize her actions again
Now the boyfriend seemed to be the only completely unaffected
The thing about Uzumaki and other Lovecraftian stuff is that there is nothing out there to oppose them, so its hard to know how powerfull they really are. Even IT has other higher entities opposing it
if Shuma Gorath lived in a universe without superheroes it would be impossible to know how strong it really is.
Also I never got why the Spiral so human, he seemingly deeply cares that the only seemingly two people not in its complete control can't scape.
The spiral city at the end seem to indicate that place was or is a human curse, kinda like the sisters cursed with having shells like onions because the parent disturbed a burial place
A big part of why Junji Ito's horror is so effective is that you rarely get a clear explanation for what's going on.
If the reader knew WHY the spiral was there definitively then Uzumaki wouldn't be as scary imo
I always say that junji ito stuff is so over the top it becomes hilarious, especially Uzumaki, when the spiral tornado finds the main characters hiding under a bridge using a mirror made laugh
Yeah I agree some of it's stuff is hilarious, If I were to criticize him for anything would be that sometimes his characters are retarded in a not funny way and that the humans from his stories can look to samey.
I think the shortcomings with some of Ito's stories generally just have to do with the sensibilities of Japanese storytelling, and they're usually present in most manga anyway.
Uzumaki has a few great chapters, especially at the beginning. I think Ito is best when he's doing more down to Earth stories. Most of his stories feature normal people just going about their daily lives, and then some strange paranormal or supernatural thing starts happening to them. Its not even necessarily some high-leveled shit either, its mostly like, usually some creepy curiosity, or something weird going on rather than straight-up scary. Compulsion and obsession seem to also be common themes in his stories.
His characters seem to follow mundane routines, and then some foreign element is introduced in the form of some sort of supernatural entity or event, and the character's lives slowly spin out of control
His stories seem mostly about the new and unusual shaking up tradition and routine which is a starkly Japanese phobia anyway. Its a stupid matchup when trying to pit the supernatural elements in Ito stories against superheroes that can just eye-beam galaxies apart or whatever, because the stories are about weird, invasive things into people's every day lives, rather than a giant monster to blow apart.
Ew, go back to dbz you dumb spic.
I feel that his stories only work once.
The characters never have a chance of remotely winning.
>Muh hoplessness=horror
Yeah, that can be true in a lot of situations. But seriously, when the protagonist of a horror story actually has a fair chance of winning, that creates more tension, keeps the audience guessing who's going to win, and makes their defeat more terrifying and depressing, instead of just a boring slog to their death/defeat scene.
fucking power level faggots, i hate you goddamn double niggers
Are the Regulators the Marvel Universe Monitors?
I was surprised the guy in that fish-with-legs story made it to the end.
Less powerful, but more or less yeah.
>Just will your way out, bro.
Most of them are about exactly Constantine's usual enemy powerlevel, but he'd need rescuing from certain things, like Amigara Fault or anything in the ancient eldrich horror category. Nothing a teamup couldn't fix. Doctor Strange would be drastic overkill for the lot, as would Doctor Occult against anything that could be named. The Phantom Stranger would make short work of anything w/o a hefty power level, since he's not vulnerable to "mysterious" shit. Mister E would be more of a second problem than a solution. For a real all-rounder that wouldn't just fucking destroy everything, Madam Xanadu might be what you're looking for.
OP should have used Hanging Balloons and make it a world wide event in the Marvel. Even if the heroes win, humanity is greatly fucked. One day out of no where, a balloon of my wife came out of the sky and hanged my wife.
Could the Spiral affect Remina?
Uzumaki Sennin is canon and is a massive petty cunt.