I don't like this... Guys this ain't right. Brad I don't want to hurt you! Stand down! Please

>I don't like this... Guys this ain't right. Brad I don't want to hurt you! Stand down! Please...

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Not a bad game, but why did you post this here?

Wrong board buddy.

Good game. I fucking hate that it keeps getting compared to UnderTale. Wrong board though.

fuck wrong board my mistake
meant to upload this on Yea Forums i'm a retard

Oh, I get it. He's facing left.

we can fix that mistake

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I'm all of sudden very curious as to what a version of LISA : The Painful starring Greg Universe would be like. Would Steven be Buddy, in this case? I guess Rose would be Lisa.

wrong board but the ending of lisa is kino

She did nothing wrong.

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Pick one and only one

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This is great, any more?

here's one

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Buddy. The rest are grown men who made their choices. She's just a kid. Though honestly I could pick any of them, all great in their own ways.

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I like this better than the actual game.


LISA: THE PAINFUL felt tryhard and edgy to me, I tried the original Lisa, where you played as Lisa and it was more "Get out the house/fucked up memories" maybe I didn't get The Painful?

Painful is "what would you do for your kid?", "What wouldn't you do for your kid?" so it is hard to get into it if you cannot empathize with that. The odd humor and surreal landscape felt very real to me. If there was only guys left I don't doubt it would look a lot like that.

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Except destabilize an entire nation and cause a civil war just to satiate her own ego

>raised and taught everyone on the earth will rape and kill her if she is not strong
>experiences that very fact several times over and has to kill several times because of it
>sees list of powerful people and knows powerful people can hurt her
>thinking she is in the wrong for not wanting to be hurt again
It wasn't for her ego, it was for her life. Being a female meant she was always going to end nations whether she was violent or not. People would die around her either way, they did. She was taught to be strong, so she might as well decide who lives and who dies.

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Not that user, but the twisted part about all of that is the implications throughout the story that Olathe is all a social experiment, and everyone there is just trapped under a painted dome of sorts.

It is not implied it is stated if you 100% both games. That is literally what is happening. Pic very fucking related.

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I hate Buddy

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Ah okay, I was just dancing around it in case I got shot down. I did 100% both games.


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Then you know a bit about "the women" and what was going on with Buzzo. No need to be coy. It is canon as fuck.

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>that point in the second game where people start fearing you more than they want to rape you since you slaughtered your way to the top of The List
Buddy was not trapped in Olathe, Olathe was trapped with her


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He's an asshole, doesn't mean the games he made weren't good.

>that point where her would-be rapists where afraid of her
No, she was trapped in Olathe. Her speech to Rando about how she is not a normal kid is the most brutal thing in that game. She is paranoid and terrified and she has every right to be.

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She hurt everyone who cared about her and got turned into super powered maniac just to not be considered a damsel in distress

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I mean maybe it's Yea Forums?

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Where my /indie/ bros at?
Ya bumping the thread on page 10?

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