who could beat him?
Who could beat him?
Base Ed is only beaten by Sarah out of fear. No mortal can beat pebble in shoe Ed. As for SSJ Pebble in Shoe Ed, unstoppable.
Ed'd dad.
Ed's dad will just watch TV.
What happens when the cable is out?
Sarah can't even beat base Pebble Ed
Gandalf the Pimp and Gandalf the Ho, Matt Damon and the guys from Mr Show, and Benito Mussolini, and his big weenie, and Tony Curtis in a pink bikini, Robocop, The Terminator, William Shatner, Ralph Nader, Lo Pan, Peter Pan, every male Power Ranger, Keanu Reeves and Bill S Preston, Spock, The Rock, and Charlton Heston would come out of nowhere, lightning fast.
Okay so who can beat Ed with:
>Zappity Zap Zap at max
>Monster Suit
>A pebble in each shoe
either you're misremembering really hard or this is some weird parody
Oh, user. We have such sights to show you
Get a load of this fag.
zoomers need to GTFO
Sup dude, want some MCspankies?
I think I M Weasel?
Then how are you typing?
Weasels are intelligent
t. Ned's Declassified
He's more afraid of his mom.
Intelligent does not equal capable of typing in english.
Actually it means exactly that.
If an intelligent dog, weasel, or monitor lizard wanted to type up a message, how would it do so?