Has there been a "Sweet Victory" moment in your life Yea Forums? If so, what was it?
Band Geeks turns 18 today!
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>Exclamation points
imagine getting triggered by a DOT AND A LINE
When Trump won the elections
not that I remember, no
My life is made up of small losses and victories, because I never bother trying
I beat Sonic 3 with all the emeralds while my friends cheered me on.
Little victories and little losses.
Never really tried anything big.
Never wanted to.
i can't believe this show is this fucking old
In groupwork in HS I demanded my group to not interfere with the project and did it alone and got an A.
I generally keep winning in life if I try so most victories never feel sweet, just okay as a whole.
not recently.
when did i become a doomer?
Nobody ever has their happy ever after. Life is up and down and you will experience some sweet victories in your life. For instance I had quit a factory I was working at because it was making me suicidal and made up an excuse my old boss called me about offering a job. I emailed my old boss that night asking for my job back and got it, I had 5 dollars to my name, rent due in 2 weeks, and I was way in debt. However I fucking hate this job and spend my time looking at a monitor 9 hours a day doing jack shit.
Day I got my all clear from brain cancer.
It'll be after I kill myself.
Damn there's more stinkers in here than a usual reanimated but some of the segments are pretty good.
Graduating high school after getting expelled half way through my senior year.
King K. Rool getting into Smash Ultimate.
Maschostic faggots
You know what means -- draw a saucy pin-up of a sexy female personification of the Band Geeks episode.
Graduating college
Getting my pitch for my school's bachelor project approved by my peers and voted to be made with me as the director. Still gives me chills when I think back to it.
Yes, diagnosed with a Supratentorial Primitivenueroectodermal tumor in my left parietal lobe when I was 9.
Usually they have a 30% ish survival rate but mine was surrounded by two larger water filled cysts which pushed my brain into the front of my skull causing me to have seizures, which tipped doctors off to the fact it was there so they got it early, before it was inoperable.
Wow, good on you user! I'm happy for you!
he's an adult.
Closest I've ever gotten was when the candidate I voted for finally won an election last year. Still waiting for my favorite sports team to come through but I'm starting to suspect it may be impossible.
the full song w/lyrics: youtube.com
When I finally beat Event 51 in Melee, though it was kinda tarnished since I had to resort to using the Master Hand glitch
That IS tarnished. Cheating isn't winning, you fucking retard. Go back, get good, and do it right this time.