Robin is better bad

Prove me wrong

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Throwback to the Teen Tyrants threads?

It’s people like you that led to Ric Grayson.

I find apprentice Robin redundant since Red X is right there.


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Protip: I can't

They're both too similar


Acrobatic and utilizing gadgets while specializing in martial arts. Also helps that Robin was Red X. If anything, Robin is an inferior version.

Too early for edge user

With what's been flooding the board recently, a little edge doesn't seem so bad now

But could Steven redeem them?

As long as it leads to robterra, I'm all for it

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Probably not


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When has Robin ever been evil?

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Couple more images and this thread will reach its usual end as there's nothing else to post of it.

Red hood

In a Frank Castle way.

What's Raven doing there

That's Red Hood, though.

You know what they say, better dead than red, commie

>Young Justice has the best Terra yet
>introduced too late when Dick already settled down with Babs

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Don't lose hope


I can't. And the fact there will never be any official media of this team hurts me

We can still brainstorm like autists

You first

So glad to see this AU get more love

How would you write them getting together?

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Do they break off from Slade or is he in charge?

I’d say they break off eventually, maybe after he sends them on some sort of suicide mission and they decide to strike out on their own