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Thanks for making this thread. I have high expectations for today´s episode so I hope I´m not disappointed.
Today is Gwen´s episode.
Ha! I knew they were going Gwen's parent episode. I told you!
Episode is uploading now, will be slightly later than usual
Do we finally find out what race she's supposed to be?
ok, thanks Mega user
She's David future wife, that's her race.
My question is why the hell would the campers like a goddamn hippie. Especially Max.
I think Max was more interested in the dog.
Aww, they shouted us out at the end of the credits song
At first, I thought you misheard the "coast to coast" line, but then it clicked when he ended a line with "forum brand".
"gotta source spare parts offa Yea Forums" was the line
Reminder that this episode is the happiest we've ever seen Max.
He liked the dog more, but he's also very anti-establishment, so it makes sense in a roundabout way.
>It's a 'salty millennial writer ranting at boomers' episode
It was OK, but could've been better
Yeah, little on the nose though. Dad is write about becoming a musician in today economy, that's why most are ghost writers. And most singers are just glorified karaoke singers.
This was a pretty good episode but why do millenials make up this myth that life is harder now than it was decades ago.
Coping mechanism I guess. Some things are harder for sure but we have the internet, it's not all bad
Also I think it's a lot harder for those who fell for the lie that your dream job is waiting for you after college.
I´m glad they kinda downplayed that aspect and didn´t force it like on that christmas episode where they stopped everything to talk about climate change.
I still can't tell if they were trying to ironic with that.
It was both. They were using irony as an excuse to soapbox
I don't know which Max is better
this, it's not all that hard as long as you don't pick something that's either oversaturated or unrealistic. college isn't the go-to 'everyone that goes is successful' thing anymore. Gwen is literally the perfect example of this.
be smart with what you pick and you'll be fine.
>this myth
if it's not the great depression then things are way harder. For reference millennials in all states have to pay over twice the price for things using boomer wages because boomers got tricked into believing that wealth accumulating in the hands of the 1% assuring complete corporate control over every facet of American life was how you fight communism. Now the majority of millennials still live with their parents because home ownership before 40 is a pipe dream for normal people. It's unsustainable.
I really hope they don't start putting the :3 on everyone
it'll never happen
even if David is the best boyfriend
he's always so supportive
I guess eventually his unbreakable optimism will get to her nerves
They´re taking it all out so that they can break our hearts with the next 3 episodes
>Acts like a cynical douchebag around humans
>Goes all "goo goo ga ga" around cute animals
thanks RT, very relatable
This is probably the hardest time to be a young person since the Great Depression, desu. Only boomers and the privileged disagree.
It's not a myth. The economy is shit, open immigration and welfare have ruined the job market and the internet has ruined communication.
This show needs more Vera, the other foreign exchange campers would be nice too.
>the internet
>implying the internet didn't make everything worse
I think the eye patch is cute and she and Neil would be an absolutely adorable couple.
That's wrong but okay
>things are okay for me, so they must be okay for everyone
You know how I can tell you're a middle class American?
We're in the worst economic depression in decades, unemployment is at record highs and poverty is running rampant but I guess since it's not happening to you everything is awesome
>t. Tabii
>since the Great Depression,
I get what you, just really really really think about the context
I didn't say it was worse than the Great Depression, I said it's the worst it's been since the Great Depression.
What? My family of 6 has an income below the poverty line for 2 people.
But this is 2019, and being poor doesn't mean starving to death in most cases like it did in pretty much every generation before this one
I mean, it still does in most of the world, and the welfare bubble is bound to burst sooner or later. This is still a very shitty time to be a working adult in most instances. The consequences for being poor may not be as severe, but I'd argue it's much easier to be poor with the widening wealth disparity.
at least Trump brought back a ton of jobs
Pretty much the one thing he was good for, which is still more than anyone would have expected from a meme president elected by memberberries
with the democrates not even caring about the working class and demanding things like free med care for illegals, he's got 2020 in the bag
>Everyone shout: Yaaaaaay
Spacekid "I wasn't listening!"
I've always been proud of you
Disagree, I would most definitely call myself underprivileged (I'm not even white) but I was able to break out of my parents' cycles of poverty relatively easily by going to the cheapest college in my state and choosing a degree that was predicted to be in high demand when I graduate. I don't even have debt due to the vast amount of financial help available.
Lo and behold, my entry salary was as much as both of my parents' current salaries combined, times 3.
Don't be a fucking idiot, buckle down, get good grades. Do your research, be professional, don't get a shit degree, and you'll be fine. I mean, fuck, it's not even hard to pick a degree that'll blow up in 4 years. If I went to school now I'd go into software security, or bioengineering, aquaponics, human-technology research. If you want to go business, do global economics or communications.
Yeah, you're gonna have a bad fucking time if you choose something oversaturated like accounting or graphic design, or something fucking stupid like philosophy or liberal arts. That general shit isn't gonna fly anymore, you need to specialize.
And those are the routes you can choose if you're doing a 4-year college. The trades are way undervalued and in serious need of workers too if a traditional education isn't for you.
There are options. People are just dumb.
Super Duper Proud
True dat. Also it's always nice to keep improving your skills
Everyone and again. So you, yourself become more valuable
This is probably my favorite shot. Yeah there setting up Max for something tragic.
Fucking whatever, honestly. It's not like anything can get much worse. Might as well see if a wildcard like Trump completely blows it all up or actually pulls a rabbit out of his hat.
Gotta thank the left-wing for going so insane that the right-wing seems reasonable in comparison.
Agree, and most employers (if you intend to stay with them for a while) will pay for it, too, with a raise/promotion promised after you graduate. Hell, my workplace pays for business trips to conventions for their R&D teams, a bunch of them went to Defcon to learn more about security and picked up a bunch of new techniques. Making your employees more effective is pretty much never a bad thing, and a lot of employees are starting to get that.
Unless you settle and become complacent in a dead-end job, you should be looking for the places that do this. It'll only continue to reinforce that it's good for employers to offer this to the rest of the world.
Even in most of the world starvation is much less common than literally any other point in human history, obviously it still exist, and obvious poverty is still a terrible thing, but pretending it's worse now is just wrong
Again, I'm saying poverty is increasing in magnitude, not in severity. Relax, you can still crack open a Monster and talk about how everything was much harder in your day.
>I'm saying poverty is increasing in magnitude
also not true
this image is great because both of them are being the complete opposite of how they usually are.
I wanna watch the episode but im only getting audio.
The mega didn't load for me, until I did a restart. Maybe try that.
For a cartoon made for adults, this episode is very kid-friendly. Like, if you change some minor things you could air this in Cartoon Network.
It was nice, but I didn´t like the VA for Gwen´s dad and it all felt very...basic.
Also, please don´t put your political viewpoints on this show. It doesn´t work.
>ON Cartoon Network
>IN this show
Doesnt seem to work.
It gets on her nerves all the time, she's gotta be used it by now.
>Also, please don't put your political viewpoints on this show. It doesn't work.
I can't tell if this is directed at us or the writers.
Bump, also Gwen's hair almost disappears into the wood cabin.
Frick, forgot pic
W-why is the dog giving her bedroom eyes?
>W-why is the dog giving her bedroom eyes?
they really miss the chance of naming the episode "party boomer"
Heh, although I couldn't help but think of this song everytime Gwen got called a party pooper
They should've at least tried to make Max hold back a bit with his glee. Felt like too much.
Like I said no episode is probably aimed at a very emotional episode for Max. Has to be parents, or maybe we find out his parents were abusive.
Kinda sad that TFS won't ever come up with a character as histerical as Lord Guru ever again
So is Sasha's rival just a female version of David? Its kind of refreshing to see really genuinely nice people no matter what the situation is. I kind of expect her to comeback and somehow turn it around to be a positive experience.
She seems to nice to survive in the cynical world of Camp Camp
She probably liberates that labor camp
We met plenty of people who are nice and out going. Its just the camp is a shit hole that makes it hard to really enjoy yourself. I do think there are people like David out there its just not very common.
Ehh, they got one saga in them left. I just want to see how the handle Video, then I'm out. I'll watch Boo, but I'm not going to wait around like what I did for Cell.
And yet David's gotten by just fine.
This is literally wrong
Waitress 2pure4thisworld
Nah, she flirts with underage boys
How the FUCK could rooster teeth think that's okay! That slut!
Yeah, it's almost as disgusting as that one-eyed freak at the Flower Scout camp
Who, Erin?
What episode are you on? Turns out she has heterochromia. And Freak isn't a nice word user.
No I meant the blonde womanlet psycho. I think freak is the perfect word to describe her, girl has serious issues!
I thought summer was over already! Go back to RWBY threads you tumblrfag. Tabbii is the best CC character.
Isn't it just 'Tabi' now that she has that disgusting eye patch? Why are you so invested in this user, it's a little strange...
No it's TWO I's! And that specific line of of eye patch was voted Vision Impaired Monthly magazine top eye patch!
I'm not invested, why would I care if some user has shit taste.
Honestly user, from the way you're acting it's almost as if YOU are Tabii yourself! But that's ridiculous of course haha
That's so stupid, Tabii doesn't even have a computer. She'd have to borrow Sasha laptop while she was out, idiot. I can't shit post all day, my roommate is looking for her laptop.
Pretty good episode. Nice to see that gwen's family isn't terrible and depressing. Her dad is pretty cool.
I have noticed parents are usually the opposite of what the kids generally are. Which is kind of interesting how some positive parents have depressing kids. While depressing parents have really upbeat kids.
So is Gwen half black or just very light skinned black?
Gap moe always gets me going.
Lamest episode in the entire series series. Doesn't help how out of character Max was. Gwen's Dad brings nothing interesting to the show dynamics. Waste of time.
I kinda felt the same. They were definitely pandering to the tumblr crowd who constantly squeal over 'my precious smol son Max uwu'
It's weird because the writer apparently put their own IRL dog into the episode just so Max could fawn over it
>"self inserting" your own dow in the show
That's next level shitty writing desu...
Also some dude straight up posting porn in the comments
I mean that is an adorable dog.
>max could just have two davids as his parents
Imagine the salt.
The way I see it, this episode shows how Max is overcoming his nihilism and cynical outlook on the world and learning to enjoy things unironically. Granted, the writers seem to be rushing this along a bit too quickly, which is weird given they have more episodes this season than usual.
Redpill me on this show
Camp Lazlo mixed with South Park (but good).
Crude humor mixed with the occasional sentimental episodes. Characters all get their chance to shine then being tied down to the main group. You get to see them somewhat change over the course of the seasons then staying stagnate. Of course is right as well. Probably the more professional looking RT show that you could almost picture to be on TV.
>Probably the more professional looking RT show that you could almost picture to be on TV.
God, you have no idea how well Camp Camp would fit on Adult Swim.
I think it would be fine except all the episodes having fucked up time lengths.
Her ethnicity is black-ish maybe.
College tuition shot up a bajillion percent after the 1960s. No one can work a single job and pay for college anymore. And you NEED a degree to have an iota of a chance of landing an annual $50,000+ job.
>Also, please don´t put your political viewpoints on this show
>And you NEED a degree to have an iota of a chance of landing an annual $50,000+ job.
This is also wrong
just like hitler
>didn´t force it like on that christmas episode where they stopped everything to talk about climate change.
it was a joke, every Christmas special did this
3/10 are you antisocial?
>this episode shows how Max is overcoming his nihilism and cynical outlook on the world and learning to enjoy things unironically.
like Hitler
fuck me a literal owo
I hope they fail that shit back
she's half-black, at least we know that.
I feel like Camp Camp works best when they don't give us the full answer. That if they were clear cut the joke would be dead.