Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Other urls found in this thread:
>How does this work?
>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.
>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.
If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something during the weekdays:
Last time:
-Heroes responding to disasters
-Dial V for Villain leading to one shot characters
-"Limited Run" pastebin.com
-New pics and characters
-New Golden Girl comic in the works
-Other stuff I didn't mention
Ohhhhhhhh, so this is where i should belong!
Howdy, minty-green.
I'm that SU rework user
I made this as sort of a concept for Blue Diamond's palace on Neptune
I was going for a sort of "Middle Eastern Ocean" theme, with the whole structure made of water
What do you guys think?
> Oh hello what’s this?
> Goes on Yea Forumsnservatory wiki
> Stumbles across the hazel page
Oh fuck no, I’m not reading that. I’ve ruined my childhood enough already.
Too late, it's in your headspace.
This has been a busy week.
That's actually pretty wholesome.
Here is another for Mars
Is there new developments for Motion's character/storyline?
Also, how come the name for the hispanic fire rogue is Julio? And not Ignacio? His alter ego should be Ignición.
Not that I'm aware of.
And having a character's real name be the basis for their given power set can be fun, but it's mostly overdone.
Nice work.
Looking forward to seeing if that typesetting user will show up in this thread to finish the GG comic.
So I guess it’s anything goes here.
Here’s a pitch from before I joined the site: Cruella De Vil is added to BatMan’s rogues gallery. I kind of see something blending the fun of the late 90’s show with the social dilemmas of the Telltale games. Bruce is on some worldwide philanthropy tour or whatever, which conveniently gives him the time to investigate Gotham’s connections to whatever Cruella has named her underworld organization. Horace & Jasper were just nobodies needing the pay.
Here's the Dialog for those interested
The Minuscule Mentalist!
Panel One:
>Sveng: Aha!
>GG: huh?
>Narration Box: Golden Girl finds that big peril comes in small packages as she faces the Minuscule Mentalist, The Svenghoul!
Panel Two:
>Svenghoul: "I have you now Golden Girl! Once the weight of my mighty mind settles upon yours, no man can resist. What hope does a slip of a girl like you have?"
Panel Three:
>"You feel sleepy and dizzy. You can't remember what you were doing. You can barely stand up straight. You can't remember to look away."
Panel Four:
>GG: "What's going on? It's so hard to stay upright. I can't... resist this..."
Panel Five:
>GG: "...weight."
>Svenghoul: "Wait, wait, stay standing! Don't"
Between Panels sound effect: Whump!
Panel Six:
>GG: "Huh, did I just doze off?"
>someone actually saved that unfinished garbage
Now I feel guilty. Just for that, here's an updated Bunny Henchwoman. Hand Magician incoming.
Maybe the chainsaw is a bit much, but fuck it.
>Is there new developments for Motion's character/storyline?
What iteration of her storyline are you familiar with?
I like it.
I'm just surprised/delighted that my one-shot characters got any art at all.
Its actually pretty pure.
It was made out of anonymous's burning heartfelt desire to give the squirrel (and as a side-effect, Arthur himself compared to that featured in the legends) a Good End instead of dying alone from heartbreak.
He probably means Morgan's version, which is the best put together version since it also has Delta.
I finished these up during the week, Azul. Can change stuff if needed and can post a wordless version if someone wants to color it.
I cleaned the frames, standardized the spacing between them, added signatures and of course lettering and bubbles based on your sketch for positioning. Currently the pages are still huge.
and page 2
Forgot I was supposed to post this, sorry. Here's Hat Magician, I redesigned him complete because I really wasn't feeling it with the original look. I like this one because the gauntlets, huge hand sceptre and imposing physique imply a bruiser character when he turns out to be a pure trickster who hates dirtying his hands.
Looks cool. He could do so many things with that big hand staff, like grabbing the pages themselves.
I kind of imagine him with a Vincent Price mustache, but I guess that'd make him to similar to Andrew Wright.
Yeah, the one with Delta. I'm not familiar with a previous version, is it any good? Bad? Does it have anything you prefer over Morgan's version?
Unfinished or not, I think they are pretty fucking good. I dig both versions.
Do you have any other ideas for "Limited Run"? I was thinking a one-shot character trying to assassinate a main character, in hopes this would give him enough relevance to stay for more issues.
So, let's talk about the j/co/, and the jco, the comrades and the coalition. How do you think these 2 teams would interact with each other in the field?
Morgan's version is the version with no drama attached, the most development, an artist who actually wants to work on it and has written their own plot outline for it (although hasn't made much progress due to artists having self-worth issues), so Morgan's version is the best of all the versions and pretty much the definitive one that gets discussed.
As for Limited Run, I was thinking last thread of a standard run-of-the-mill crook who gets caught and put in jail. Now usually that's where his role in the story ends and it focuses on who put him in jail, but instead the focus stays on him and he tries to figure out how to maintain that focus since characters who have the readers' attention tend to stick around.
So our average crook escapes the police station/jail when a supervillain makes his own exit and AC realizes that's where the attention is.
Take two: Put on a silly supersuit with a dumb name and see what that gets him. He gets a bit further, until a superhero shows up to beat him up.
In jail again, he thinks about what he did "wrong" when another villain makes another exit for him or some other plot contrivance gets him out. This leads him to the further realization that he needs powers.
Take three: Getting superpowers. All of the most ridiculous methods should fail (insect bites, lightening, etc.) Until he just flips a coin to see if it's worth continuing and it falls into maybe a magic wish granting manhole.
Haven't put more thought into it past that.
Going after a known cape could make for a big finale.
Probably amicably. I think they might have an exchange program even since keeping the world safe should never be a competition.
Is it kosher to produce comics on your own based on a dead project (or adapting a current project) for feedback? I feel there are ideas for chapters/story beats that are open to critique and expansion and revisions, but also some plot threads that I want to have the final say on
looking good
Kept them big in case someone had interest in coloring. I'm not that good at compression and seem to lose a lot of line quality when i try.
You mean like taking an idea from the thread/wherever, actualizing the idea in the form of a real comic with illustrated pages, keeping the parts you like, and either ditching or reworking the parts you personally don't like?
That's called editing. Anything that ever gets actualized is bound to go through a lot of that.
I don't see a problem with it.
Who owns this shark qt?
Mandingo created Shark Lass a number of years ago as well as the supporting characters, a handful of pics, one multi-page comic and a thread quest starring her.
I don't know if Mandingo even draws anymore.
So nothing you want changed?
I didn't want to nitpick since you were kind enough to do it at all, but since you asked there are some things i noticed looking it over a second time.
A few things coming to mind is maybe making the font and balloons bigger
It's particularly noticeable in the second page due to me leave too much open space in panels.
And if the Naration box was moved to the lower right of the 1st panel, the word balloon in the 2nd panel might have more room to work with, possibly a balloon for each sentence if that was needed.
Though i was debating with myself if the minuscule mentalist would have tiny word balloons to indicate a tiny voice.
Also, is it spelled miniscule or minuscule?
they are good, but there should be a unifying theme in the Diamond layers besides just corresponding colors. Maybe have each one be a different geometric shape like the Red Diamond Pyramid one, or else have them be styled after ancient civilizations since that's what they both remind me of right now
>And if the Naration box was moved to the lower right of the 1st panel, the word balloon in the 2nd panel might have more room to work with, possibly a balloon for each sentence if that was needed.
I originally had it in the lower right panel and it was so clutters with the other word balloon that I moved it to the left side of the second panel, but i can see about boosting the bubble sizes on the second page as you mentioned. Will have to do that late tonight though as I have another commitment I'm working on right now.
Minuscule. I'll recheck and change it. Didn't have PS try and spellcheck anything, just copy paste from the pastebin....my bad.
Minuscule is the proper spelling according to a google search.
No rush. It's just fun to see things like this come to life
I am a notoriously bad speller myself and wouldn't have noticed if spell check hadn't popped up when i was posting here
Dare we ask what other things you might be working on?
>wiggles eyebrows excitedly
Minuscule is the older spelling, where miniscule started coming into popularity more recently (last 100 years or so) and isn't as recognised. Some people still consider it to be a misspelling, and any dictionaries that have it refer to it as an alternate spelling of minuscule.
>No drama attached
A little drama is okay, but I haven't read it. Is there a link to read both versions?
I like your takes for the one-shot, Jailhouse Crook.
Nothing Golden Girl related. I'm imaging a CYOA (choose your own adventure) for a friend, so rather indepth work, though they're more writing/imagination prompts than a go to page 12 type thing.
I am trying to model them roughly to fit with the designs I came up for them with, or just to get across a point thematically about the diamond and their reign.
Red is orderly, yet not too grandiose
Blue is decadent, so her's is a magnificent yet costly to maintain palace
Green (pic related) is malevolent, so his is imposing and intimidating
I designed them all a few weekends ago, and while they are far from final designs (especially pale), I'm trying to sort of match both personality and the "theme" of that planet
The two takes aren't actually dissimilar, Morgan just streamlined what was already there and added to it. It's more like the idea just evolved naturally over time. The problem with Motion was this one guy who was in on her original creation who always got pissy about everything. Really soured the character for a few years, the less said the better and that guy isn't around anymore so it's not worth talking about.
The wiki page for Motion has a good summary of the character and story (kind of), though I know Morgan has posted plot outlines and such in the threads over the years. I don't think those are anywhere other than the archives since they were just that, outlines.
In the Ladybug comic there's a superhero board, /su/, what about a massive superhero secret identity (and nudes) leak on that site?
I also made this
It's like a spaceship
There was a super leak in the 90s, both heroes and villains. It forced a bunch of villains to retire.
Those always seemed pretty complex
Built a small animated site around the idea
got a bit overwhelming rather quickly
Stuff is happening in the thread.
So here's a bump.
If you'd like to see the last one I did for my friend you can check it out at this imgur link. imgur.com
One last bump before bed.
If it's a dead project then I can't see anything wrong with it.
Some people will get upset if it's a project that still gets talked about, but I think you should do it anyway.
i got these characters
woopsy can post furry i guess
Why just villians?
Morgan also hinted at having a bunch of plans for things she deliberately didn't put in the outlines so as not to spoil them. Most of the Yea Forumsverse is completely open information, with everything that would be a plot twist already being known and planned out. That has to be one of the worst parts of Morgan not having published anything proper, knowing that there's actually some depth there we're not getting to see.
> mfw my potential Yea Forumsntribution is furry.
I was actually the user who wrote the greentext for this, I'm not even sure how long ago. It feels really good to see someone actually draw my silly idea.
Thank you.
The mods are really over-reactive when it comes to deleting 'furry' images while leaving all sorts of other much worse crap up.
Probably because the only character we've discussed who it had an effect on was Baron Waste.
I think it also had an effect on Harpoonist.
Silly ideas are my favorite kind
I’m new to this thread, and I’m already retroactively salty about the Leggy drama.
Thing is, that doesn't even break any of the rules. The rule was changed to furry porn not being allowed outside of Yea Forums and /trash/, but anything that falls under the possibility of being furry still gets deleted anyway.
But they can't actually ban you for it as far as I've found, they'll just delete it.
So what's the story with those characters?
You are new here if you think any of that matters.
roger that.
those girls are roomate, the goat-girl(in doubt about if i make her a satyr or anthro-goat girl with a grown problem), is a rich girl, her parents forced her to "leave the nest" and live a more mature life but her parents only helps her to pay a room, she's 29 years old but still with a body of a teenager and a slutty actitude, that's means a problem for her dream to be top model or have a decent, rich and handsome boyfriend. I descrive her as a thirsty, opportunist, bee queen wannabe but loyal to her friends.
post this "not so old draw" as a reference, hope mods not get mad at me.
i got a warning for another board so that's why i'm in fear lmao
oh sheez, lol i totally forget i change her age many times
She's so cute! I'd give her a hug and protect her from those wishing to do her dishonor.
These sorts of characters are becoming more common lately, or at least I've noticed them more often.
From that raunchy French webtoon with the Hello Kitty parody to the Spooktober take on Tanis the mummy.
cute and sexy
Who is the most powerful wizard of /coc/? Is someone able to match the illusion abilities of Utgarda?
Jetpack Valkyrie is proficient at spellcasting but isn't beyond what a single human could achieve (she just had more time to learn, being ~1000 years old).
I don't even know any other wizards. The seasons girls, I guess, but they are not godly tier either.
The most accomplished wizard is this guy.
He punches demons and takes spells from them.
Alan Moore or Jim Gordon
another one
this one is my personal baby, i better writte her apart
Just make sure she doesn't dump whale semen from the top of a tall building using that money.
Because that's been done before.
nah she would buy lots of fucking games stuff and chicken tenders and sport supplies, she's a total NEET, before and after being rich
>Just make sure she doesn't dump whale semen from the top of a tall building using that money.
Ohohoho, classic Yea Forums, at it again with the chucklesome fables-
>Because that's been done before.
I mean it's been done in another comic where someone suddenly has more money than god and starts doing stupid shit with it.
Though it wouldn't surprise me if someone has dumped a bucket of cum off of the edge of a condominium before.
I decided to take a break on my manga and focus on my origins; cartoons.
I've been having some ideas for this comic about moth hybrid children being farmed for their hair. I want it to be called Moth Children!
another one, sorry you feel that i'm spamming but i love drawing these characters.
she's a fan of comics, cartoons, anime, books and pop-culture, she loves doing reviews about everything she got her attention, she got and channel where make video-blogs talking about a cartoon show, comics, etc.
She is another rich kid but actually she leave her parents to have a more independent life and make more time for her channel, her parents agreed with her and helped to find a good room with roomates, so she doesn't feel so alone. She's funny, totally open to talk about her own interest, but she is so childish and euphoric that others just run away from her, however she's a good friend and very respectful
ah yeah her name is Catherine
Poking in real fast before mods have a seizure over this.
Doesn't feel like spam at all to me.
So two rich "kids" and a girl who won the lotto?
yeah! i mean last time i was thinking, i want a comedy like "The Golden Girls" but this time will be like 3 dorks with a fuck ton of money trying to live a more mature life and still being friends in every problem they had, also, i want a male character but to be honest i'm out ideas about how create a male character, that will be their lesse guy that gives his apartment to these girls.
the guys that i'm talking about is that guy on the back
this drawing does not have nothing be in the history, it was made as reply for another drawing
>One guy
>Harem intensifies
oh shush! i never notice that, they have never seen him as a love/sexual interest, he neither, just a lesse with his clients, also he always refers to them like thots or idiots but a good and mature guy anyways.
ay lmao im just writting the character in fragments jaja
Is that him in the background?
To be honest, If I was the landlord of three girls who all watched porn with me RIGHT BEHIND THEM...
I’d be dead inside too.
So you're saying he's basically their landlord and they live in some kind of penthouse high-rise.
yep, i'm drunk right now so you could ask me anything you want
So, animal characters?
What is the lore on animal characters and human characters coexisting? Just different races like in fantasy? Does the existence of anthropomorphic animals actually serve a purpose or did you just do it because you wanted to? Will there be noticeable differences in class between the two already-rich girls and the commoner who just natural 100-ed her way into wealth? How big is drawanon benis?
yes it will be animals characters but with animal characters, but with animal characters i mean, it will be animal-characters with anthropormophic features and normal animals; why will be such a difference within normal and anthro, well the basics is just some animals just evolve from onther one of their species just to be as human,(in other words i just wanted to draw some furry shit i tried make an actually for why i did it)
some of them just evolve more than others to being similar to human beings and cooperate with other and even reproduce with each other's, some familys are richer than others and have other specific characterstics, one common characteristc is anthro-goats can sometimes have grown problems to their genetics with pygmy goats during their evolution period, bats are actually small but they can take long period awake than other species and have a nice
sense of hearing, so they are into policial or night business, other are just mafia members, i'm thinking about more anthro characters like dogs, cats, horses and etc. but i'll be in another time
>Will there be noticeable differences in class between the two already-rich girls and the commoner who just natural 100-ed her way into wealth?
nice question, yes it will be because eveyone have other interest about mens, foods, habits, way of thinking, goals and problems, practically their manner and the way everycharacter choose will trigger the whole history
>Just different races like in fantasy?
nope, i'm think it will be fantasy species like elfs, orcs, goblings... for now but it will be interesting
>How big is drawanon benis?
hmm like 17-18 Cm
It's just Dragon Ball people rules then.
>¿Qué verga les pasa?
¿Yucateco o Sinaloense? Cool art, my man. Keep it going.
Yucateco, my man, i'm still missing the old republic :(, nice thank dude hope you got a nice week bro, this is my last weekend of summer, it was the best for sure
Dragon Ball had animal people who were just regular folks walking around with the humans.
By DBZ that got dropped almost completely aside from the King of Earth, who is a dog man.
What would the leak be called? Secret Whores?
The Identity Crisis
Goddammit I have a vague memory of this.
For the love of god, we need a super Yea Forums. Incredifags would have a field day with it.
I am creating a comic book series called the Bug Warriors.
Which bugs are the warriors in it?
The Wasp, Ant and the Mantis.
It's a concept I'd love to see more of in /coc/ stuff. Alternate earth imageboards is a fun concept
Remember that special feature of a dozen other supers getting voice clips in the form of a database? That’s the first thing that came to mind when I came up with HeroChan.
Yeah exactly, sorry I didn't find a proper example of that but yours was the best of it
I think a leak storyline would be more applicable today than in the 90s.
Probably, but tabloids were a thing before the information age was in full swing.
Sure, not saying it wouldn't had been a big deal back then, but privacy and anonymity are a bigger topic of discussion now.
It could always happen more than once, or someone could try to make history repeat with someone else trying to stop them.
I feel the text on this image changes often.
i like her
I dont think tits and arms work this way. Only if they are real hangers!
The Unmaskening
I think I'm going to be surprised every time one of them gets art.
>tfw outdone
That's damn good, user! I might do another Hand Wizard in your style!
HM is the guy BH cares the most about, so that'd be nice.
I'm bumping this thread, with no survivors.
Bing bong