I liked the TV show, I thought “hey let’s read the comics, maybe it will be good”
and it’s an unreadable garbage
I am at issue 8, does it ever get better or is it always gonna be “haha superhero comics is stupid” and plot that drags forever
I liked the TV show, I thought “hey let’s read the comics, maybe it will be good”
and it’s an unreadable garbage
I am at issue 8, does it ever get better or is it always gonna be “haha superhero comics is stupid” and plot that drags forever
The pacing of the story is fucked for the first half of the book. But "unreadable garbage" just outs you as a low IQ faggot that should fuck off back to and resume your sneedposting
Yeah ok.
I will try few more issues and then give up. I don’t like “shock value” comics, like Mark Millar stuff, I have never had chance to read anything else from Ennis, but this one is really just either “in your face” shock or really shallow comics commentary. (which is ironic, since he seems to criticize superheroes for being too shallow)
I have not read even Preacher or his Punisher. But I hate Punisher in general, so I guess I will skip his writing in total
>But I hate Punisher in general
Do you have low t?
Shit what a fag
I'd say drop it already if you're not liking it. Life's too short to push through shit you don't like.
There's other Ennis comics that are much more restrained on the edge factor, and some where it doesn't factor at all. His War Comics series is pretty good, realistic stories taking place during or after real wars. Maybe check those out if you're curious about why he gets some respect as a writer.
thanks, that might be interesting
No it’s hot garbage from end to end.
Really? I’m reading it currently and I’m liking it so far. I started reading it after I finish the tv show.
And so far imo, I like both in their own unique ways. I don’t say it that often with most adaptations compared to say the MCU films where I usually just preferred the original interpretations of the heroes/characters.
>MCU films
I enjoy MCU films more when I stop thinking of them as adaptations. I do autistic rants when I compare MCU to the comics.
Gotta look past the gore side of the comics to get to the true meat of the comics which was about brotherly bonding between the group like most of Ennises work.
i second this
Just skip to like chapter 50.
>I enjoy MCU films more when I stop thinking of them as adaptations.
Even when I try watching them on their own, I still finding myself disliking or hating the films because of stuff they try to force in them that makes them unbearable to watch (like their cringed humor or irony). I like adaptations better when they either: try to capture what made the source material good in a different medium, or try to be their own thing but also include genuine creativity and new ideas that make it stand out from all the rest.
Issue 14 they blow up a midget with a dildo
>I hate Punisher in general
Post it
ok I decided to read preacher instead and that shit is actually good.
all the violence and the occasional mean spiritedness is still there, but it’s at least a well told story. at least the start
>brotherly bonding
But The Boys is about the influence of father figures.
I agree man. Boys is fun sometimes but it’s mostly just gross and dumb. Nobody has an actual character beyond “superheroes are dumb”, the shows way better than the comic. They actually made something worthwhile out of this garbage pile.
Didnt like the show, thought it was too #metoo aligned.
Yea how dare women want rapists be put in jail
The whole character arc for The Deep is anti-#metoo because it portrays a man who uses his position to extort sex as a man who can also have legitimate desires to help the world.
Try out Hitman if you don't like The Boys, it's Ennis' best work and should be required Yea Forums reading.
Yeah, I ain't reading this shit.
This is great advice, Hitman is very flawed and yet is one of his very best stories. The Boys really didn't do it for me, and I love Ennis.
>liked the TV show
its time to kys queer
>is very flawed
you should also kys fucking redditnigger, just fuck off already pansy
I really recommend the first Punisher he wrote, a 4 issue called something like Born. The rest of his run is very good, but this mini story is great.
I don't get what you're trying to say? Are you saying Hitman isn't flawed?
Not that user but I'm interested in what you think it's flaws are
No, that's pretty much it. Unreadable garbage.
Read Preacher instead (although do note that the main character himself never develops and him being a preacher is barely a plot point).
Well if you're interested in what I think it's flaws are, you should have some manners. Think of this conversation as if we were across a table. In any case watch this and Garth explains the flaws himself www.youtube.com/results?search_query=garth+ennis+hitman
The Deep is played as 100% sympathetic. He undergoes his own trouble with being sexually assaulted, and throughout the entire series he's attempting to do good for abused marine life.
Its, not it's, apologies.
So you're a faggot
Do you find yourself alone and isolated and not understood at school? If so, it's probably because you carry this attitude and it shows in your posture, facial expressions and interactions with people. Do everyone and especially yourself, a favour, and lose that attitude. Be interested in others and their opinions and don't use terms just to get a reaction. Life will get immeasurably better, I assure you because I was once like you.
>Thought the Boys was a great if slightly different adaptation from the Comic
>Remember that Disney is to pussy to ever give us a My War Gone By miniseries
Anyone read Adventures in the Bollock Brigade?
>if slightly different
There's no if about it, it's a completely seperate entity and the boys in name only.
People will love it because nerds fucking love feeling better than other nerds by talking shit.
Ennis took "The CIA versus the Justice League" and did nothing but masturbate with it.
how is there no normielivesmatter movement in this universe
A guy takes a shit on the floor of Iron Man's Batcave. It has zero relevance to anything. It's garbage and you might be an actual child if you disagree.
Doubt he'll bother to outline it, because this is Yea Forums and people will defend what they like to the death, refusing to admit what they like is less than complete perfection.
>I don’t like “shock value” comics
>Chooses to watch a "shock value" show
Whatever your shit taste says you can just realize that Billy in the comics is actually better than tv show.
In the comic he is a badass that want to kill Homelander because he (think because Noir shit) raped his wife and killed her by a super fetus.
Comic Billy >>>>> tv Billy
Read his Hellblazer, his Demon and his Hitman runs. Top tier Ennis without being /especially/ edgy.
>I don’t like “shock value” comics
its not even that shocking. wtf when and how was this board pussified?
>its not even that shocking
>"Issue 14 they blow up a midget with a dildo"
The fuck are you on about? They actually tried to make the Deep a complicated character rather than a one-note evil abuser like most people would do.