ITT: Redesigns/costumes/looks for established character that NOBODY will defend

ITT: Redesigns/costumes/looks for established character that NOBODY will defend.

I'll start.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I defend it

short hair is sex

Imagine being Vision in that show and having to be all like "damn, Wanda, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me."

No, this is the best version of her costume. The gloves are hot. Every girl should try to look at least a little like she moonlights as a fluffer.


as for the scarlet witches bathing suit it's made for fucking.

vision was in the iron man cartoon? i don't even think he's a member of force works.

>he doesn't know about The Test
LMAOing at your life, (you) fucking faggot.

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Fuck off, nobody ever liked this design

Fuck you she was hot like this

The heck is this? Same goes for The Riddler.

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It's retarded and nothing like Wanda

I defend it, it gave me one of my first boners

i think you mean THE CLUEMASTER

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Okay, I take my back my post. This takes the cake.

Cluemaster's design was supposed to be the Riddler initially until someone stepped in and decided it was fucking horrendous. Luckily Cluemaster exists as a budget Riddler so they could swap him without having to trash the episode. The pouches were originally question marks.

believ it or not it looked worse in the comics

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This fucking pussy.

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They tried to make her look better, but the people working on the Iron Man cartoon made a conscious decision to stay with the short hair.

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looks atrocious either way

This was cringe overload

I had thought the same when GotG went with Nebula's awful nineties design, but I was proven horribly wrong.

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Mullet Superman.

thicc nebula milkies

90s comic art is utterly hideous.

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he's pretty hot

There are better short haired scarlet witches

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Fan Thotstic Whore

>There are better short haired scarlet witches


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But people loved southern gothic Rogue?

Ah that's like one of the most popular versions of Rogue.

They did.

Interesting, because any post about her in a rogue thread gets shat on

the weak fear the strong

That's the one I was thinking of

What fucking threads you been in?

this is utter trash

It's a better show, but that was as much an in name only version of Wanda as in the Iron Man cartoon. Why redesign one of Marvel's most feminine characters, with a distinctive look, into something ugly, or a generic goth?

why did they try and make wanda into an ugly stripper?

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Costume is solid, give her long hair and its perfect.

This happened during one of the peak periods for cheesecake in comics. People decided Wanda's costume should be sexier and more revealing but she should also be uglier, have hair like a man, and be unrecognizable. Their editors approved this decision. The people working on the Iron Man cartoon then decided they also wanted to use this design. Nobody knows why this happened.

Holy shit, Reed that vest is gay as fuck. I can't defend that shit.

At least Riddler was voiced by Robert Englund?

This is actually super accurate to a Southern girl with body issues. They fucking ALL went goth when I was in highschool.

You need to fucking check yourself right now because you're about to catch these hands, nigger.

Thundercats Roar.

I like it fine. It's at least more interesting than her other outfits.


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This is legendary.

I want to remember yall that she already was a mom of two small children at the time.

I like the design on it's own.

As Lobo? Fuck off.

Speaking of The Riddler

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Obviously she was prettier with the blue hair but I liked this design and in the movie

I really despise trans Rogue

Ok you're retarded.

Get this man a sandwich
Defend this

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She has intense manjaw

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And proving my point

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TO BE FAIR, I like his slimmed down look. Should have stuck with this over that Rulk shit

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>Bane is a slender disciplined fighter
>Venom gives faster reflexes not brute strength
That does sound cooler.

This Joker is the best.

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Rasta Joker?

This wouldn't have been so bad for a different Czarnian.

Like it turns out that Lobo didn't actually destroy his home planet (or if he did, didn't wipe the Czarnians out) and this dude is just some typical Czarnian journeyman bounty hunter or whatever.

And he's basically just not very happy because Lobo is used as what the average Czarnian is and it turns out they aren't all Space Redneck Bikers.

I believe that hairstyle was briefly viewed as stylish at the time but went out of style a bit faster than most other hairstyles

>the episode where she gets hypnotized

haha yes time to cum

>As Lobo? Fuck off
Why, he's exactly what Lobo is, a hyperbolic parody of the popular protagonist archetype of the past decade.

>a hyperbolic parody
No he wasn't.

He looks liike the human equvilant to a hyena

What's wrong with this costume? It looks fine to me.

The best worst part of this is definitely the four boob window

I really hated these Shocker gauntlets.

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It's a perfectly fine update to how the Riddler was depicted for decades in comics, as a lanky nerd.

Yes he was

isn't this exactly what they did? there were two lobos or something

The original Black Widow costume. Generic AND fugly

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that's what one writer wanted, but to push this new Version he was the REAL lobo instead. He then decapitated the old one to show how powerful he was.

I hate this stereotype that moms aren't allowed to be lewd. Of course, don't be lewd in front of the kids, but shit let moms show some skin if they look good.

I'd be 100% okay if this was Lobo's son.
But not the man himself

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the only defense for this is "B-but muh penis"

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The pink version was as bad as this, I can’t believe that she got her iconic outfit in a random Spider Man issue.

It looks okay in those panels where they couldn't be bothered to ink correctly so the fishnets are instead a blue bodysuit.

This design was amazing in JLU

t. homosexual

it's only in JLU because bruce timm is a thirsty nerd

I hate it because it makes her more of a rip off Zantanna. But its not that design or theme wise.

This could have been played so well if they just followed the same gimmick as the original Lobo.

Lobo was a parody of over the top, muscle bound action star biker punk themes from the 80s. So NuBo should have been a parody of the Twilight, pouty lipped, edgy prettyboy monster vampire.

He should have had some kind of sparkle power, had a moody teenage girlfriend sidekick, and only spoke in annoying overly dramatic, emo fueled one liners

It looks fine.

Why do you hate it?

So I take it Stephanie Brown wasn’t conceived in this universe.

Veends of destiny CHANGE.

YEAH I know it was a different cartoon but she had the same weird accent in both

Walker really screwed Nightshade.

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Etta Candy

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Crystal of Inhumans

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Reminder that she still looks far better with long hair.

Ultimate Toad

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lets get some real abominations in here

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I agree -- Ben definitely needs a vest and utility-belt, too.

She need those pom-poms, tha leather bikini, thigh-highs, and leather evening gloves.

Is this supposed to be bad?

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Compared to his previous BTAS costume, yes. It's horrendously bad.

That Lobo wasn't. He was exactly what Lobo was parodying, but played straight.

Ah fuck you. You're just some twat you tube watching millennial who's repeating a meme about a whole decade you never read book one from.

>I believe that hairstyle was briefly viewed as stylish at the time
For women? Straight women?

Looks fucking badass though. Badass and stripper are not mutually exclusive looks.

You have never experienced a woman exposing her neck to kiss i guess. It's kind of sad for you, really.

If it were someone else, okay, but they went with "this is real Lobo now, fuck you, everything you love and deal with it"
That pissed me off as a comic reader.

>she had the same weird accent in both
The first one put emphasis on weird, the second one made an effort at being sexier. It may even have been an influence on her accent in the MCU.

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seeing Kitty here reminds me: Anyone have a screenshot of Kitty in her bathing suit?

I swear X-Men Evolution was like Marvel's spin on Clueless

I really loved the cowboy features they gave him though. The accent and the hat he wears when he's out of costume

looks like something Grey Fox might wear, looks cool

Nigger, that right there is regarded as Rogue's second-best design, trailing behind only The One Good Design Jim Lee Ever Did, and even then only barely because Bomber Jacket Rogue has more nostalgia for it than Evo-Rogue. Speaking of which...

Drain Carol Again, Bomber rogue!

Looks like a monkey..

Ah yes, the budget saving redesigns (i think it was to save budget, I forgot.) Only good redesign was Scarecrow where he's a hanging judge with a fucking scythe.

The show itself is boring, the original at least tried.

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Ok so you're a faggot.

You only dislike this one if you are gay or feminist.
It is perfect.

Green Arrow in New 52 was dogshit.

Your baffling boyfriend is a leotard freak.

Deal with it.

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>In her 1st Solo Series!
That cover is such a deception, she was in two maxi series with the Vision years before that.

>with the Vision
You saw the part where it said solo series right?

No, I'm a otaku.

>Solo Series!
>with the Vision

Can user solve the mystery?

He looks like Xpac lol

I like short hair but the design in the OP's images if plain bad.

this is unironically Sue's best outfit she's ever had, anyone who says otherwise knows fuck all about the character and ya just dont know shit

Unrealted, but fuck anyone who shits on WW's 90's look too!

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>People posting The Batman
>Not posting Jailbait Ivy

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But she was actually cute as fuck tho?

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and I mean her pink one piece as I already have her later purple one piece

how is this short female hair possible?

was this a bizarro design?

Such a simple design yet mangled so badly.

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that would fun to see.
show him as a failed clone

here is the purple one

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Sergei, you look terrible

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what the fuck

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You can thank Byrne for the hairdo. He gave a lot of girls that haircut.

Dagger's outfit when Black Cat tried to give her a makeover

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This objectively incorrect

Most of the TNBA redesigns, especially Riddler, Mad Hatter, Catwoman and the Joker.

If you like those redesigns, actually hang yourself.

I did like Batman, Scarecrow and Poison Ivy's redesigns, however

Meth. Not even once.

Looks 'fine for the 80s'.

She isnt even wearing a thread of white on her though baka

Yeah, that takes it.

Any Catwoman with whiskers.

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What's wrong with that costume? That was the look I first knew Firestar in, and it's still my favorite

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I think is cute

Of all the people in the DCverse, I would never have guessed that was supposed to be Etta Candy.

I don't think I ever seen Firestar outside Maximum Carnage.

That's actually perfect.

Get it? In an alternate evil gauteeverse, Zatana wears pants but not a shirt.

I see Raven goes commando.

Catwoman looked fine. Bane was an improvement, though. Mad Hatter and the Ventriloquist became a lot more cartoony looking which I wasn’t a fan of.

That's her best costume tho.

THIS is the worst one by far.

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Can they be considered redesigns when they're meant to be descendants?

Anyone who thinks this outfit is bad is fucking gay

I'm guessing this recent story was set in the past.

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Would have been amusing to have her show up in the spin-off comic, which I remember being pretty good.

This was the best Joker design of the entire DCAU.

Would have been fine if that were like his overdose form when he goes overboard with the Venom, but as his form whenever he used it, yea, it was pretty dumb.

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I'll never understand what they were going for with this Sandman costume.

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Reed looks like an idiot with that vest and utility pouches. It'd be better as a lab coat.

It has the most graphic appeal of any of them, and communicates both the humor and evil of the character in one blow, but the realism fags hate it.

They literally still do.
And those people are defacto authorities on what's good and what isn't, according to who?.....

It's got nothing to do with realism, the original design was superior because he looked like a crazy man, not a mutated rat.

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The original was not superior. It didn't have half the character of the revamp. Literalism is garbage.

Gollum was really weird since he looked like a meth-addicted Mr. Toad.

This is a cool design but having it be Noble Kale is pretty retarded

Except it was, and it has a lot more character than the redesign, stop deluding yourself. You're alone in your belief that it was in any way better.

It did not have more character, not by a long shot. It was only more detailed, and more detailed. Aka boring.

Imagine fucking a skinhead. Couldn't be me.

Yes, it did. And your argument of it being boring for being more detailed literally makes no sense. Again, it wasn't about realism, stop misusing that fucking term.

a sword ready for the beheadings

Explain to me then why the original design is superior.

>stop misusing that fucking term.

Only used it once, two posts ago.

imagine dating a super cute skinhead like that and see her hair growing and becoming prettier and prettier with every inch

I already have, it had more character, better expressions, and looked like a crazed person, not a deranged mutant rat.

No. TAS, BB:ROTJ and JL had better Joker designs than TNBA. TAS Joker looks like a silly but crazy man, while the ROTJ and JL version make him intimidating and batshit insane looking. TNBA isn't dogshit, but it still sucks - especially compared with the prior and following designs. Murakami fucked up.

>more character


>better expressions


>looked like a crazed person, not a deranged mutant rat.

This makes it worse, not better. Joker shouldn't look human.

Yes. Saying no to something is not an argument.
Yes again.
Based on what? He's literally a man dressed as a deranged clown. You have no basis or anything to suggest he should look completely inhuman.

Aaaaand he's voiced by one too!



>Saying no to something is not an argument.

Neither is saying yes to something.

Revamp Joker has fewer lines and communicates character and expression through form, shape and color.

>He's literally a man dressed as a deranged clown. He's literally a man dressed as a deranged clown. You have no basis or anything to suggest he should look completely inhuman.

Literalism is boring and a cancer to animation. Character design should reflect what the character is, not just what they literally look like. A Joker that just looks like a clown is an uninspired drawing, it might as well be colored with paints right out of the tube. The drawing should reflect what the character represents. The takeaway of Joker isn't that he's a nutter in a clown suit, it's that he's the embodiment of evil. That's why the Joker image to come out of the DCAU is the one that best represents the character, and is also the one where he looks the least human (pic related).

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By far, the worst thing Wyatt drew. I can get that he was putting his own spin on the Saturdays, but this looks like a completely different character. Fiskerston at least looked the same, and it made sense that Zak was now a teen and wouldn't be the little shrimp he was. Even fucking Doc looked relatively the same, even if he was a shade darker than he was in the original show. This seemed like a rejected design for a "sisterly" character.

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I like that a lot, maybe enhanced strength for enhanced speed? Making him more a nimble guy instead of a brute

doy I just wonder what the ISIS CN censored with it's terrorist-tier censorship

I've said more than yes, unlike you. And no, redesign Joker was just as talkative as the original, but his expressions weren't nearly as great as they were before. Your image is of his proper design, which actually conveyed the mania Joker exuded, and he was still clearly human. And no, literalism is not a bad thing, much less to animation. Even then, it doesn't apply here because Batman wasn't entirely realistic you imbecile. Joker's initial design actually conveyed his character fine, and much better than the redesign where he just looked like some kind of animal, not even remotely clownish. Maybe Mime-ish, but not a clown.

>Not liking pixie cut
Someone call the local asylum. THIS user IS INSANE!!!

Thankfully he only wore this for about 3 or so issues. He just ran around shirtless through most of the ordeal.

Costume designs were never George Perez' strongest suit.

Good thing Return of The Joker came and fixed this by combining classic TAS Joker with this one. It actually worked out so well.

Yeah. And they also made her a bitch.

and by ISIS CN I mean Arabian CN

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you're right..
liked it better with booty shorts

What exactly did they use from the TNBA design for the movie design?

I never realized Sandman was Kermit the Frog fan

>Hi ho, Flint Marko here. Today's letter is B, for burial! YAAAAAAAAAY!

There is a difference between a lanky nerd and Marilyn Manson

Spectacular Shocker is one of his most popular redesigns

That costume is kino, what are you, a faggot?

his original was better

your loss

And yet it is immortalized forever in Marvel vs. DC. That book is a funny 90s snapshot.

It's drawn by Larsen who was clearly invited to come in as a means to attract an audience, he gets to get away with whatever he wants

I thought Blossom looked good as a blond.

The costume was the problem was nobody besides Caselli could make the hair look good.

>his original was better
It really wasn't.
Knowing Static's original costume was basically a Malcolm X hat and a raincoat I can really see why everything people remember about comes exclusively from the cartoon.
It basically did for Static what Spiderverse did for Miles, except I'm betting unlike Miles Static actually had fans before his series

Attached: static2.jpg (456x379, 79K)

I maintain to this day that Nubo could have worked if he didn't try to replace Lobo and he was a parody of edgy pretty boy antiheroes. Too bad they played him straight without any sense of irony.

>random straps on the arms that aren't connected to anything
>ab window
>pilgrim collar
>boob window that ruins the cleavage because 4 is a stupid shape for that
>looks like a bathing suit that Edward Scissorhands made
>antithesis of the uniform look of the FF
It was an atrocious look, you boomers need to get better taste if you think just because an outfit shows some skin that makes it 10/10.

What the fuck is Thing wearing, damn you are right.

Agreed. But we got Crush and I'm more than fine with that.

I know that was intentional. He even fough kung fu monkey style.

THIS. I assumed that was the direction they were going for when I saw it.

anons queer as fuck for cocks up their ass with demands of women being forced to cover up their skin
>oh no no no not sexiness! mommy sue cover up! nooooooooooooo, where's her full body spandex-suit like almost all of the women in the MCU wear?

honestly, one of the worst designs/representations I've ever seen. what the fuck were the casting director and fashion designer smoking? they should be both fired. the entire show should be canned. these constant atrocities produced by hollywood with their little gay ass spin on them should be rejected at all angles. it's not that hard to be faithful to a source.

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It's literally a "muh diversity" stunt. And while it would be fine if Star were played by a chick with an olive or somewhat dark complexion, they went full on with this literal prostitute looking chick. She legitimately looks like she's about to say "$30 for anal and some freaky stuff, double if you got any friends or want full-access service"
Instead of aiming for exotic, they went with gutter trash.

She looks better with the 2nd season

Beast Machines had a lot of crappy redesigns but this takes the cake

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BM was so unnecessarily ugly

Still looks nothing like Starfire.

Seriously. It was like they wanted to put people off of the techno-organic theme by making everyone goddamn hideous. Optimus wasn't too bad, but that's not saying much when everyone else was ghastly.

reminder that this is didio's fault and has been a plague upon Yea Forums for decades

literally who?

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Thought this was pretty gay. Don’t get me wrong Danny’s a twink, but this made him look like he belonged a top a pride parade float.

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i dont mind this

while i absolutely hate the look, the actress herself grew on me

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I'm all for making Wanda not wear pants

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Respect to the man in the ice cream van.

The lips and eyes.

Go dilate

It's like they just decided which parts of the costume to cut out at random. It doesn't look cool.

Kitty was goddamn QT in Evolution.

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You first, you envious shemale.

>I'm all for making Wanda not wear pants
It worked better the second time

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I dunno, I kinda dig it.

Fucking kek

>the only defense for this is "B-but muh penis"
Sometimes that's always been the point of a character. Huntress isn't for you.

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Yeah man, that was a werid time for Johnny

Where have I seen this design before?

Jacket over a bodysuit... did one of the Phoenixes wear it?

>The accent and the hat he wears when he's out of costume
Because they combined Shocker with Montana

Oh wait, duh, Rogue.

This is a redesign thread

This far in and no commentary on how much worse new She-ra is than old She-Ra, Jesus

>This far in and people kept from being faggots for this long.
Hmm they maybe hop for Yea Forums after all.

There's no need to discuss the sky being blue if we're not talking about the sky user.

Didn't she wear that one like once and complain about it the whole time?

She wore it for two panels then they covered her up because Busiek told Perez that costume was very out of character for Firestar

That time they tried to copy the Flash's original CW suit for synergy, but made it even worse.

Attached: Flash-New-52-Costume-2.jpg (658x1036, 317K)

I think they were going for a sort of Mr. Hyde look. He proceeded to be a really fun Joker so it helped the design grow on me.

Looks fine to me.

I think it's fine. Would look better without the midriff slit, but I just like one-piece swimsuits/leotards.

>Bruce... our daughter is a slut!

Can't believe nobody has mentioned 2016 Vampirella...

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...or 2017-2018 Vampirella. Like, if there wasn't any text on this page, would you be able to guess that this was her?

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What a Bastage

At least this is kinda cute

This however is utter garbage

Eh she's not cheesecake, but she is a QT.

wasn’t he supposed to be voiced by Marilyn Manson and that’s why he looks like a shitty bootleg of Manson’s Mechanical Animals look?

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looks more like his ACSS look actually

which is silly, (spooky kids era) Manson ought to voice the Joker

same thing

Looks like a mix between Judy Jetson and Ponytail Gwen

He was Kraven it.

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

based pastaanon

>leaving out her 80s costume

It was like the 90s came early

Based Chinspiker.
What's the current status of all those Wildstorm characters? Is Grifter still running around?

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People only like this design because the characterization is so good

God damn, in terms of design she goes from Black Catwoman to I dunno post Apocalypse survivor(only thing that comes to mind) with shitty hair.

>I know! Let's make our most popular character, the one all the fans have been known to love and identify with, an actual animal!

>Wasn't the point of his character that he wanted to be a man more than a monster?

>Well let's make him a monster anyway! An ANIMAL monster!

Marvel was weird during the late 90s early 2000s.

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Wakey wakey...

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>Optimus wasn't too bad
His robot mode face looked like a negro.

you're right, they should have made her black

Don't even joke about that, Tumblrs have been pushing for Wanda and Pietro to be brown for years.

Making them black opens them up to way too many potential criticisms of the characters. Black Pietro is an arrogant black guy who runs fast and has issues stemming from his absent, criminal father. Black Wanda is mentally unstable, dates outside her race, and her association with the Avengers over mutants can be seen as an analogy for respectability politics or self-hate.

>tfw the song Phat Planet will forever be tainted by this series



He is the one that killed Lobo. Not the real Lobo

No, you have just a shit taste

Look like Ace from the PowerPuff Girl

Why is this art so static and boring?

At least there is not the cape

Ugh.....What the fuck were they thinkibg?

What the fuck is wrong with Neil Gaiman?
Why couldn't make his own character instead of stoling a Golden and Silver Age classic?

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She looks cute. The gem-belt should be smaller tho

No, he looked like those weird drawings of a protohuman

The absolute worst 90s redesign will forever be Dani Moonstar.

I mean just look at it.

This beats slut Sue, cocktail dress Wanda, midriff Huntress and all the others by a mile

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All of those costumes have at least one user who loves them. Even that one.

But the eyes were the biggest thing wrong about TNBA Joker, they looked unnatural and completely cartoony, they went back to being normal eyes with the other DCAU shows. And he didn't even have lips in the redesign, just a white mouth.

I liked it largely cause of the contrast between him using venom vs not

10/10 slut outfit tho

only real issue with this is the stupid red mask

the mask is literally the only okay part because it's done to look like a native american mask

His story was that Czarnians went crazy and died due to poison the king put into the planet's sacred spring. He was part of the royal guard and dated the princess, so he blamed himself for not noticing that and the death of his race, wanting to pursue the "fake" Lobo because he thought by his claim of having killed the Czarnians he was stealing his responsibility over the tragedy.

But, yeah, due to how everything was handled (Lobo seemingly killed in issue 1, then new Lobo later was captured and left rotting in space when Lobo returned with no real interaction between them again) they haven't really dealt with that backstory since then.

The only time they used him as a parody was in his Batman/Superman appearance. Otherwise he was played straight all the time.

No attempt to change Vampi's look has worked. None.

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>His story was that Czarnians went crazy and died due to poison the king put into the planet's sacred spring. He was part of the royal guard and dated the princess, so he blamed himself for not noticing that and the death of his race, wanting to pursue the "fake" Lobo because he thought by his claim of having killed the Czarnians he was stealing his responsibility over the tragedy.
I loved that Lobo back then

I get the point that he was played like a Jester, all his antics are overly comedic and energetic.

you know what's sad? That's actually not a bad design, even if it is to heavily animu inspired.
If they hadn't tried to push this as Vampirella, it might have been recieved better

It was a nice little change of pace from how he had been. It was unique enough to not feel like they were completely aping the 90s incarnation that had just bowed out with that show (even though we would see DCAU Joker a fair bit afterwards), but also different enough from the other previous versions by making him more and act more erratically. It also helped that KMR really gave his own touch to the role, given that quite a few VAs over the years seem to either try and ape Hamill's mannerisms, or Ledger's.

That's the core problem with a lot of redesigns. They'd be fine on an OC, some may even be memorable, but they don't fit an established character, and are worse than the costumes they replaced.

fucking gross lmao. I sincerely hope that this isn't you, user. For your sake.

It's not even the "muh diversity" that's the problem, though. Anyone's gonna look like an idiot in that outfit, I don't care what color they are.

eh, it was an one-line throwaway joke.

Well of course, it's literally a hooker's outfit. It bare no semblance to any of Starfire's actual costumes.

>They'd be fine on an OC, some may even be memorable, but they don't fit an established character, and are worse than the costumes they replaced.
Why is that a problem?
Literally all the past redesigns were just ocs.
Neil Gaiman's Sandman is just his oc instead of being the actual Jack Kirby's Sandman or the Golden Age Sandman

I never could look at this without seeing the Monster energy drink logo on his chest.

IIRC they came up with this as a soft pitch to WB's movie division, with the basic idea being to Nu52 specific comics to be movie-friendly, which is where Donte Lobo comes in.

You're missing the point. New costumes that would be fine on an OC, even an OC using an older character's name (like your Sandman example), can often be rejected if they're used on an existing character, and replacing a costume people like. New 52 Lobo is the only example in this thread of a disliked OC design using the name of an older character.
The main lessons to learn are firstly, do not mess with people's waifus, especially in ways that make them uglier, too slutty, or not slutty enough, depending on the original design. Secondly, do not mess with the Joker.

>The main lessons to learn are firstly, do not mess with people's waifus, especially in ways that make them uglier, too slutty, or not slutty enough, depending on the original design. Secondly, do not mess with the Joker.
But Gaiman destroyed Jack Kirby's Sandman for his over religious metaphysical shitfest fetish...

>But Gaiman destroyed Jack Kirby's Sandman for his over religious metaphysical shitfest fetish...

Bro, Roy Thomas was the one who had Garret Sanford KILL HIMSELF because he went mad in the dream dimension and then had his own character Silver Scarab/Hector Hall put his soul in Sanford's body.

That all happened before gaiman's sandman even started and that's the version that appears in Gaiman's run. So if you wanna complain about anyone killing Kirbys Sandman you can blame Roy Thomas.

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Not going to lie - I actually kinda liked this costume at the time.
>Just remove the red things on the neck and abs and it's fine.
Also, how has no one not mentioned New53 PeeGee?

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What does this entail, practically speaking? Whining about shows you don't like while misusing terms like "sakuga" and "superflat"?