Could Steven redeem her?

Could Steven redeem her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

nah he hates her too

No. Greg already did it.

Could you redeem yourself?

Bit too late for that.


No, because she's GONEEEE.

I hope not and we'll get good endgame of this series

A janitor or whatever should just pin a Steven universe general and delete any other Steven themed threads.

Steven is the redemption.

/sug/ was banished

Generals are fucking garbage and you faggots did nothing but complain about them anyway, better to have a bunch of threads that aren't circlejerking faggots than to have one thread when you sniveling bitches will complain anyway

no, that's the point of her character

>Better to have the board be spammed than have one thread to be used as a dumping ground
Great thinking.

But can be recovered to defaults so fuck u

Yes, it WOULD be nice to have a general for SU, and we used to be allowed to have those...


[glares at janny]

This is the future you chose.

And you faggots will start bitching about the one thread being used as a dumping ground anyway. Fuck generals, Samurai Jack deserved multiple threads, as did Gravity Falls, and Korra, and Avatar, and SU, and every popular show. Mods made the right decision by banning those shitheaps and not catering to you pansy-ass whiners.

The gem reset to episode 1 Steven when it got hit. Pink is gone.

What's wrong with generals

Redeem this!

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She did get redeemed.
The entire series has pretty much been a look into her redemption process.
We're just seeing in reverse, with every new thing we learn about her being further and further back in time.

based and towniefagpilled

Final last boss vomfirmed

She is the final boss, the only one that cant fall to the high charisma build.

>Take care of them Steven
Pretty much this. We don't know if she was just tired and running away from the past or if she just wanted to create the type of life that she had grown to admire and envy, but she gave everything up to create someone special with the hope that her child would be more than she was.

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No. Only Pink can redeem herself. Steven is his own person & Pink cannot piggyback on Steven's purity.

For Pink to redeem herself, she needs to learn to love herself. Steven is not the vessel for that.

Yeah, that's fair. I think Pink did eventually grow as a person as Rose in comparison to who she was on Homeworld, but she can't take credit for the person that Steven has become.

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I want him to use the Glass of Time to meet her just once so badly.

I can't stand that they never even got to hug.

Part of it. Half of him is her, after all.

Nah, Steven is his own person. He only has Pink's gem powers. Everything Steven does is entirely Steven's will. Pink is just along for the ride.

So this is just a rip off of Metroid

She's not really bad. She's just a flawed character that had a lot of influence. Her strengths led to amazing things and her flaws lead to shattered lives. She doesn't need redeeming.

Her power now falls on Steven, who is much much more capable than Pink was at using Pink's power for good. H,FY! and all that jazz.

Don't you remember the season 5 finale? She is inside him, watching everything he does, avoiding responsibility.
If you don't believe me, watch the scene again, and listen for Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz's laugh when they're hugging and spinning.
This is why the Crystal Gems almost never shit talk her in Steven's presence, and also probably why she can never be forgiven.

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>The one villain Steven actually killed


The thing about Pink Diamond is we're learning about her in reverse.

I think this is triggering some weird instinct in a lot of people. USUALLY when "character starts as good but then we learn tons and tons of FUCKED UP stuff about them" it's because they were never good and were putting up a facade of being good.

With Pink Diamond her good moments were legitimate and she almost certainly felt horrible after the war when it all came into perspective for her, but by that point it was too late to do anything to fix her mistakes.

Everything we learn about her is fresh in our minds and the "good Rose" stuff is super old news. I legitimately think this is making people instinctively consider the new stuff we're learning as being "new behavior" instead of thinking about it in terms of it being super, super far in the past.

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I miss when Rose was all powerful and all knowing and all compassionate

She doesn't deserve a steven redemption at this point.

Eh, you miss a made-up story.

Steven IS her redemption, you goober.

I think the time-travel episode was written before they had a solid idea of what gem tech was supposed to be and everything was a little more fantastical. It's a funny little standalone story, but probably shouldn't be taken seriously in the long run.

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I'm kind of going through the same thing IRL, finding out fucked up stuff about someone I love as they confess to me.
Usually, I just take a breather and avoid them for a bit until I can get over it and try to recognize the good they've become since then (and are still trying to be).
It's a shame that the same can't be done with PD, considering she's already dead. Now, instead of "She's doing better", it's that our once-pristine view of her is breaking down more and more.

Did Jasper ever come to terms with the fact that her entire life of devotion to Pink Diamond was a lie?

Nah, Steven's a perminate fusion of an Earthling and a Gem.

It's rather unclear.

We don't know yet, we haven't even really seen her since her little bit in Change Your Mind.

What good things did Pink Diamond ever do for the sake of goodness, or in the interests of anyone besides herself?
The bad things are not overriding the good things, people aren't just ignoring them for no reason. Finding out the bad parts of her rewrites our entire understanding of her actions. She went from a heroic freedom fighter, risking herself to save to a planet out of pure appreciation for the life it sustained, to a selfish, careless, vain, childish psychopath whose actions directly or indirectly harmed literally everyone she ever knew, for which she never expressed any remorse for or even the understanding that she had something wrong.

Just about every problem she solved and every wound she healed would not have existed had she actually been as good and brave as Rose was portrayed as being.

The other diamonds committed genocide and shit. If they could be redeemed, Pink can.
Pink ditched Spinel. She started a misguided war while trying to SAVE all the life on Earth once she grew as a person and discovered its value.
She was a bratty kid, but she was abused pretty hard by the rest of the diamonds. She was taught to treat others poorly and she had to unlearn that. She did unlearn it eventually as she changed.

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The atrocities we know for sure the Diamonds committed were all to deal with the war Pink started.
Depending on whether or not the other colonies had intelligent life living on them, Pink has more to answer for than the other 3 do.

>Spinel got the injector, rejuvenator, and anti-org juice in under a few hours

Gems warps can teleport people and things across the galaxy near instantaneously. Just sayin.

I hate Pink, because she is an asshole we still are assumed to consider "good" in the long run.

Sugar in my opinion tried to create a "flawed" good guy with her, but in her attempt to do so went the complete extreme.
Pink is not an anti hero who had to do bad things for the greater good, she is a spoiled brat who got her own colony after whinning a lot, was bored with her assignment, then discovered humans are cute, staged a fake war by taking a page out of Emperor Palpatine's book not for some greater good, but to have an excuse to fuck off and have fun on another planet and by her actions caused the death of millions.

To quote Rick and Morty:
You are like Hitler, but at least Hitler cared for Germany or something.

And considering the track record of Sugar as a writer, the fact Spinel did not suck for the most part must have been an accident.

>pic related
Maybe that stuff was old things of Pink Diamond's? Bismuth talked about the Rejuvinator as if it was an ancient weapon and seeing how it was so easy to bring the gems back from having a complete memory wipe, maybe THAT'S why Homeworld discontinued it?

Cope harder

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they attract worse posters than spread out threads. if you notice, even though there's too many SU threads, there's actually a fair amount of decent discussion going on in many of them. Of course, school is back in too, that could have to do with it.

Generals concentrate problems and problem users, and also have the misfortune, if SU is any indication, of attracting people who want to actively attack the given subject too if it's hated enough. Remember that guy who won the lotto and decided to use it to pay people to spam the generals?

I found the screencap. Generals promote autism but anti-fandom autism is usually about as bad if not worse. Better not to have any generals at all.

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I mean half of his personality. Half of his DNA.

All of it served the survival of Earth.

What if you go back in time and hit a pregnant rose with the rejuvenater?

Fuck you.

How did she even know such things existed?

And fuck you, too, you horrible little shit.

If you do that, and you erase Steven from existence, what motivated you to travel back in time in the first place?

It's ALWAYS an information paradox.

Could Steven redeem him?

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Did you even watch “It Could Have Been Great” and “Off Colors”? Casual genocide of entire planets of organic life and execution of gems that stray too far outside perfection are pretty much expected as part of Homeworld Ideology

>for which she never expressed any remorse for or even the understanding that she had something wrong.
Rose mournfully: “We’re taking life and leaving nothing behind.”

You dumb fucking turd.

I hear people talking about this, but for me it wasn't even the most glaring issue with Spinel. I want to know how she only found out that Pink Diamond was gone from Steven's announcement. If she's getting news feeds from Homeworld, certainly they sent out a message about PD being shattered?

So what was your reaction to "Drift Away"?

>Ah shit, we Toy Story 5 now

Is good.
"Am I doing it right" was in the being of emotion inducing.
Ten democratic dictators out of ten.

>We'll never get this

It hurts, anons.

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to be fair if you know where your moms gun is you could just go get it, the severity of the situation doesn't change you knowing where it is

that's the post credits scene after their death in S6

Who's this man and why does he have boobs?

Can you image a big fan of the series hearing that song BEFORE knowing about the Rose is Pink reveal? Like they're far enough in to know Rose wasn't a saint, but not far enough in to suspect a connection.

The song would not actually spoil that reveal.

I'm still laughing at the fags who thought it would happen.

Hahaha holy shit what? I don't remember that please tell me about that

>Steven can "kill himself" to turn back into Pink just like Rose "died" to turn into Steven
>Pink learns all of the things Steven did and how he made amends with everyone, is redeemed, and rejoins the other diamonds as a happy family
>Series ends
Sugar/CN don't have the balls to do this

Steven can hug himself.

What if you remove the gem like in the finale, then hit that with the rejuvenater?

There's a screencap of it somewhere, but TLDR some faggot won the lotto and used it to hire people on a 3rd party site to spam the SU generals with all kinds of low-quality shit to make the generals look worse. The reason it's known is that he actively confessed to it and posted the site, wish I could find the cap.

If she ever did somehow come back now Steven would probably deck her out rather than hug her.

Thats hilarious

What a happy and well-adjusted person you must be.

That's Jared Fogle. He was a spokesperson for a fast food franchise, the gimmick being he lost weight by eating at their restaurants.
The campaign was halted when it turned out he liked little girls a little more than he should.

He is not his mother. Her message in the video was metaphorical.

But would he? Steven, who can forgive anything and anybody? To an outrageous degree?

You know when you think about it PD's reasons for having Steven really boil down to two possibilities, both bleak and depressing to consider

The first is that she was fed up with her life and the consequences she was looking at facing, and after finally being pushed to the brink she created an heir to deal with it all in her place, something she was only capable of doing by creating another life and dumping her powers into it before departing, just too tired to handle it all looming above her

And the second one is that she had so little regard/respect for her friends and then-husband that she was willing to leave them all not only to look after her child but to deal with the aforementioned problems she'd spent her life accumulating, all for the emotional gratification of contributing to the cycle of life she preemptively knew she'd be absent to impart any care or guidance upon; essentially, just to feel good

And then Steven had to go through his life watching his three foster moms internally resent him for not being the very person who instigated a bulk of his life's traumatic experiences, poor fucking kid

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gem abortion

yeah for real no wonder he cries every episode id be a mess too with all these unstable foids ruining my life from birth + the entire fate of the world on my shoulders

Greg as a parent can't even offer much help, because he lacks any understanding or perspective of alien biology, and is probably in general depressed by his wife dying through the birth. Steven is just left to three aliens of varying degrees of mental competency, all of whom can barely see over their own baggage, let alone help with his.
Why was Steven allowed to yell at Lars for commenting about PD, but not Pearl when she screamed at him over it? It should have been infinitely more hurtful coming from her, but instead he went to apologize to HER. Fuck that episode still triggers the shit out of me

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Greg, to his credit, did an amazing job raising Steven as best he could up to the point where the house he built for his son was finished so Steven could live there.
And even after that he still tried to support him however he could.

Dude is his boy's rock of stability. Ironic given the other parental figures are literally rocks.

It was love.

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Pink never apologized for anything so no.

Jesus Christ, user - they are MINERALS.

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"What a fucking cunt"

Angry at Pink.
Like sure we already knew she did a lot of dumb hurtful shit out of selfishness, but some of that was at least for eventual good causes. But straight up abandoning the person who's literal existence is to be her best friend alone for 6000 years while Pink went on to have a new happy life with new friends and her son is just a whole other level of scummy actions.

>I want to trigger all the people who actually lost the mother by magically bringing Steven's mother back.
What a happy and well-adjusted person you must be.

>But would he? Steven, who can forgive anything and anybody? To an outrageous degree?
He's already displayed a rather negative attitude regarding his mother. It's even right there in the movie when he mentions that he can totally believe that PD would do such a terrible thing. I doubt he would outright attack her like user suggests, but its unlikely he'd be looking to give her a hug and a kiss either.

He wouldn't straight up attack her, but we wouldn't want anything to do with her.
You can already see he's just done with having to deal with the leftovers of his mom's shit.

The time period where this happened in general was very strange. Some of you may remember the fake generals with the intentionally broken MEGA links and the sort of races between real and fake /sug/ threads, the spam, it was awful. Hatedoms are as bad as horrible fandoms when brought to bear.

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I remember with the mlp threads there were people waiting and spamming to steal the marker image used to keep the threads neatly organized, bizarrely counterproductive

I also recall some discord faggotry making things even worse. Something about a guy named Brad but that's all I really remember.

man, i thought the wumaos and .50centers on /k/ were the only paid shills here.

>You keep on turning pages
>for people who don't care, people who don't care
>about you

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How exactly were their hands forced to conduct some I Have No Mouth-tier shit when they made the cluster gems?

The diamonds were never "redeemed", why do people act like they are? None of the gems forgave them. Steven essentially just manipulated them to being on their side using his heritage of being Pink.


I started tearing up and just wanted to give her a hug

...Or maybe she just decided to an Hero when she saw that the hairless apes that she fought a war to save started to wage wars of their own against each others and commit unspeakable horrors on each other.

Blue did nothing wrong

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she abandoned the best waifu/gem in the universe

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>talking about a show with a obviously jewish shit skin lead with a obviously nod to the star of David on his shirt where gems aka money are valuable where pearl is a obvious reference to a golem a creature of jewish origin meant to protect Jews

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Really cemented Spinel as a yet another victim of PD

dude. is a copypasta

shes the only one steven could genuinely hate.

>listen for Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz's laugh
her VA wasnt credited for the episode, and the cast has confirmed that creating a hybrid kills the previous gem. any further arguments are delusional.

Sheer anger at Pink

you jest, but its honestly really disappointing that the show never explored something like that. the CGs seeing what humans have become since their tribal days and seeing their rebellion had no point since humans ended up being horrible beings anyways would have been a neat thing to see them explore and resolve.

disdain for pink and wondering why the diamonds even bothered with such a selfish, impulsive person. if she just abandons someone who kept her company for thousands of years then she'd make a shitty leader. and she was.

I've come to the conclusion that maybe the Time glass wasn't gem tech at all but something else. It was too early in the series for the writers to get a grasp on what they wanted to be and not be gem tech. It's just looking back, the design, it's properties and the implications of having such a powerful relic be on Earth of all places after everything we've seen just makes me believe it was left on Earth by something else

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just because a child has half of his parents DNA doesnt mean he can resurrect them

on the contrary. id like to see her meet him so steven can beat the shit out of her.

No gem powers, no talking, Steven just beats her to death his bare firsts for an hour

it would make for a great movie.

So you didn't actually watch the series then.

no, he got it kind of right.

>Steven can "kill himself" to turn back into Pink
The pattern formed, brushed away like sand on stone.
Never seen again, not like it was,
Instead as something new.
Let go the pattern, and live again.
It's over.
She's gone.

Naw, but he might be understandably cautious.

It would have to come from Garnet, and she's usually not that verbose.
Pearl doesn't seem like she ever really respected humanity, and was mostly just fulfilling Rose's will. This is how she expects them to act.
And Amy was a post war baby, and almost seems more like she's grouped in with them. As an Earthling who acts the most human, their faults might be considered hers as well.

I also think for most gems, humans fighting and committing horrors against each other would just make them feel right at home.

i dont think pearl outright disliked humanity, but she was more apathetic, she didnt really seem to notice them. and when gems commit atrocities its normally for far less personal reasons. humans are far more emotional than gems, for better and for worse.

> also think for most gems, humans fighting and committing horrors against each other would just make them feel right at home.
This is a really good point, to the gems all the flaws of humanity are just normal and to be expected so they only really care about all the good things, maybe relative to all the other intelligent species in the universe humanity is very peaceful

Something something mothman, something something schizophrenia.


>Atrocities not that bad
Anyone have that Pearl Nazi image?

gem atrocities arent typically anything more extreme though. typically its just about getting punished if you step out of line. humans are far more unpredictable and varied in the shit they do. even roses rebellion seemed to be a pretty big deal before PD was even supposedly shattered, so internal conflict might not be all that common. which makes sense when your species is one that is made up of purpose built races to cater to a specific job. concepts like hatred and zealotry *should* be relatively foreign to them, in comparison with humans.

its not an atrocity if its deserved

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>thinking she actually cared about the planet
This is a person who treated intelligent beings like pets on a routine basis for her entire life, thousands of years. She doesn't give a shit about "life", she just doesn't want HER colony being turned into a fucking Gem pitstop.
You notice how she qualifies it with "leaving nothing behind"? Do you not understand the implication that she would be okay with life on Earth dying if she thought it was being replaced with something better? She saw Earth as her property, and the Homeworld operations there like pollution. That's literally the only reason she cared.

Not an argument.

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>Pic Very Related
Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it lying upside down
When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter when you turn it around

Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays

Go down to the ocean
The crystal tide is rising
The waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out
Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'
The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown

Everything stays, right where you've left it
Everything stays, but it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

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It would be extremely painful.

Anyone got a Mega link for the movie?

In all honesty I think SU did a much better job of having their emotional setups have payoff than AT's.
In AT it just felt like they were things that were happening, in SU they were moving the story forward and the characters had to deal with all the feelings that came with it.

I guess that's one of the benefits of being an animated soap opera.

here, user:


That would be some bullshit. Also I bet she'd scoop him up and hug him tight without him being able to stop her.

If that happens, it will prove Sucrose has some bad mommy issues.

Technically yes since dying and becoming Steven was her redemption.
Pink Diamond like Dream of the Endless realized the only way to become a better person was to kill herself and literally become a better person.

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You mean the soulless automaton that didn't do anything other than try to rejoin Steven and only began to emote once physically reconnected to him?
Pink/Rose is gone maybe not physically as her gem still exists but she basically gave herself a lobotomy.

It seems like even the crystal gems haven't
Pearl still acts like Pink ever cared about her as more than servant/source of amusement, Amethyst and Garnet seem to still think Rose was some well meaning revolutionary leader rather than some spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum while larping with people's lives on the line.

She also apparently underwent a regeneration in that time.

why fucking redeem her. for what fucking purpose. she's dead effectively. she wasn't even malicious just incredibly incredibly stupid. and spinel a compelling villain that she is should have gotten over pink, if she too didn't have issues

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Good god, when did I suggest that??

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Also, he would go down, and go down BADLY. She is bigger, stronger and has six thousand years of experience fighting any kind of monster.

>Halfway through the battle, Steven suddenly desintegrates as his actions ensured Pink decides to never have children and his timeline is erased
>Rose Quartz and Greg still meet and have a happy life together which is regrettably cut short as the Earth is destroyed when the Cluster is born
>Most Gems on Earth survive, although floating in space, but Homeworld does not fare that well, since Pink Diamond, mad with grief, takes control of the Cluster and razes her former homeworld
>The Diamond War that follows leaves hundreds of planets in ruins and kills better than nine tenths of all Gems, including three of the Diamonds
>It does not matter who the survivor is, even after the war ends, the species is on an inevitable decline
>After twenty thousand agonizing years of a ruinous, stumbling existence, the last gems blink out, just lay down and die
>The final Diamond has cast itself into a star centuries before
>It leaves behind it a Local Cluster of ashes and ruins, bereft of any life more complex than a microbe
>There is only darkness

There. Happy now?

Well, SOMEBODY must have tried to stop her from taking those items from storage...

>She is poofed by a guard
>Who is woefully unprepared for her to reform in .3 of a second, propelled by furious rage
>It's her first fight ever and boy oh boy, it turns out she has a talent

He can't turn into Rose/Pink he could in theory become someone else I suppose but that would be an entirely new being.

I hold to the idea that she was just a hedonistic sociopath she recognized this in herself and decided that since she couldn't change this she created someone better than herself while also indulging in the two life experiences she had never had before pregnancy and death.

did you look for the authors intent in that scene for the express purpose of concluding the opposite. it very literally ,as in the crewniverse couldn't make it less subtle, says "steven was steven all this time". he is his own person. not rose. not pink. this is exactly what the diamonds were proven wrong about in batlle of heart and mind.

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where is this from?
It sounds like "Drifting" but the lyrics are different.

Re-read your post a few times until you understand why it makes no sense.

Also you meant 'psychopath' which is the exact same mistake I made for years and it doesn't even matter because both terms are obsolete.

Mind you.

(...) The triarchic model suggests that different conceptions of psychopathy emphasize three observable characteristics to various degrees. Analyses have been made with respect to the applicability of measurement tools such as the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL, PCL-R) and Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) to this model.

- Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. The PCL-R measures this relatively poorly and mainly through Facet 1 of Factor 1. Similar to PPI Fearless dominance. May correspond to differences in the amygdala and other neurological systems associated with fear.

- Disinhibition. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. Similar to PCL-R Factor 2 and PPI Impulsive antisociality. May correspond to impairments in frontal lobe systems that are involved in such control.

- Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. The PCL-R in general is related to this but in particular some elements in Factor 1. Similar to PPI, but also includes elements of subscales in Impulsive antisociality.


user, im not good with tech but if you upgrade your XP to Vista and did a reset, do you still have windows XP or is it Vista?

Don’t forget Rose and Steven can both exist at the same time but Rose just chose to know how it feels like to be a human for once based on the Guide to the Crystal Gems book. Overall, Steven’s greatest quality, his ability to change was also her worst attribute, she wanted to change just like a human that she would just forget anything she left behind to be happy about something she’ ll also eventually leave.

>mfw Spinel doubted herself

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Bro. Trump is Steven universe. Trying to create peace and redeem N. Korea and talk it out with the Taliban.


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last one I got

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Oh wait no I still had this.

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Fuck off back to /pol/.
This is not the board for you.

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IMO SU is the best example of a hatedom being worse than a fandom. I can't tell you how often I see normal discussion going on only for it to suddenly be interspersed with TRANNY SHOW SJW GET THE FUCK YOU YOU'RE NOT WELCOME kinds of posts. People might go overboard with liking the show, because honestly it does have a shitload of flaws, but the degree to which people hate it is actually fucking lunacy.

He's a big guy.

Is this fucking show worth watching even if you know major spoilers?

For my money yes. It's cute.

It might even make it more enjoyable because you're 'in on the joke'.

...No he's not.