African comics

Here are some Comics from Ivory coast in West Africa.

The general theme of these comics are infidelity, poverty, sex and the everyday life of poor people.

I saw a thread à while ago where shitty Nigerian comics were posted. Might as Well share these.
I took them from 2 magazines GBich(running Since 1998) and blatte(more recent)

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Other urls found in this thread:

thankyou user, I find these kinds of media fascinating. not only is it such a stark contrast to how I live, it's a unique outlook. take for example, uggojesse. he's actually quite spot on with a lot of his comics, needs a little work on the art side, but If you look at what he's saying it's all very sensible and good stuff to think about
I sometimes lurk nairaland forums as well, just to see what's up in their neck of the woods.

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dat ass tho

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Can anyone translate OP's comic?

I dig the artstyle.

UgoJesse is great

> salimata, your light makes the sun sour and the moon jealous
> ha, thanks?
> be careful, salimata. he said the same thing to tito's big sister!


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Any more comics from this artist op?

Aw, this is a great message.

>The general theme of these comics are infidelity, poverty, sex and the everyday life of poor people

Don't forget AIDS

Housemaid: Aunty im pregnant

Kid: Dad are you ok ?

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Guy: Hey beauty can I have your number

Thot: He says he wants my number, let him take care of my bill

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Woman 1: Roger I said, I love you. Awnser me I'm waiting.

Man: i... i... i...

Woman 2: You you you what ? End your sentence. Who are you speaking to anyways?

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I have an erection but I don't understand what's happening....

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That got a laugh, I also wish I knocked her up.

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Interesting how these Ivory Coast one-panels also follows the Franco-Belgian style. Is that style widespread in francophone Africa, or is it just this one artist?

Guy: Salimata if you marry me I'll get the sun and the moon for you

Girl: Get a job

(Untranslatable wordplay with the word "décrocher")
A bit of both

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>a bit of both, this one artist is responsible for the entire comic industry of francophone Africa's output?

Guy: better keep walking, that's way out of my lead.

Girl: what kind of nonsense is that, did I say No... at least try.
No what I mean is that the belgian style has inspired many West african comic artists.

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>the thickness of these females


Guy: what are you even selling?
Girl: (with a village accent) Mangoes

Guy: Keep it up, you'll sell them all in no time

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Girl: Dad, my friend Awa told me that her mom paid for all her school wares even her uniform.

Dad: is that so...her mom bought them all.
Repeat that again some people here need hear that.

Woman: tchuur*
Onomatopé/sound mostly made by african women To show displeasure/annoyance

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Post more, I love ugojesse threads and African comics in general

what a chad

>This thread

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>Salimata, if you marry me, I'll get you anything. I'll get you the sun, I'll get you the moon!
>How about you start by getting a job?
Is that the basic form of the pun? Or is it actually untranslatable?

This reminds me of the based UgoJesse
I think ancient whitey brought over the wrong Africans
Is it too late to trade up?

Décrocher means unhook literally, so your version is actually pretty on point
It certainly sounds better than "bring down", at least

It's actually the white genes that degraded the quality of the stock. Ancient whitey fucked you by fucking them.

Curse the Eternal Anglo!

Sorry english is not my fourth language
Yeah, décrocher can be get.

Woman: Digbeu, this doesn't add up. Oui want to pay this maid 200 000 cfa while you only get 150 000 cfa at the end of the month.

Man: Don't worry I'll take a loan. God's in control

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>ivory coast
>full of niggers

>no one there is green

what the FUCK

>the people aren't ice golems

I love this man so much.

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>Isle of Man
>there are men on the island

Color me impressed

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>those proportions


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UgoJesse is my shit

It's all good, just trying to help. Thanks for posting and translating these.

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These are weirdly sweet
And the occasional one just baffles me

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wholesome as fuck

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The way he drew the faces makes this scene more sinister than it should be.
Ugo seems like one of those "Conservative Romantics" like "It's a man's job to provide to the needs of his woman, but she's gotta be a lady"

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She looks like she's already got an eating disorder.

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These comics unnerve me

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Are you from Côte d'Ivoire

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Roastie absolutely btfo

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In this case he is using pidgen english slang chop which means to eat for example "I go chop em" would mean i am going to eat them and in the case of the comic chop knuckle means to eat a knuckle sandwich for acting disrespectful y towards his parents

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These aren't the good vibes I was looking for

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I guess he thinks some things just have to be said.

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I'm W. African, and it always warms my heart seeing that some Yea Forums anons from the rest of the world like West African comics (even Ugo Jesse).

jesus christ

I sense some bitterness

>Isla de fuego
>it's not made of fire
Imma calling the police

this killed me lmao

UgoJesse is as close to therapy as I can afford.


t. has never been to Isla del Fuego

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This one unexpectedly hit me in the feels out of nowhere

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Is this guy genuinely autistic?

No. These are important lessons for people living in Africa.

If by "autistic" you mean "committed to educating his peers about a variety of mental issues so they can better address them," then yes.

I think he's just an untalented "artist" who understands instalgorithms favor the prolific and aims to appeal to the "so relatable/so true" crowds.Also he's speaking a dialect that's essentially broken english created as a lingua franca.

These are quite sweet. I hope someday I can treat my wife this well.

Where are you getting these, OP? I wouldn't mind checking in more regularly.

Nobody knows, if only he had left some sort mark we could trace back to him.
Sadly, there's no such thing, especially not 3 different ones posted on each image.
3 different ones that all say @ugoJesse.
If only he did that would you be able to find more.
But he didn't.
He didn't do that.
Like fuck if he did though, you'd be an idiot not see it.
And I'd be an idiot for thinking he needed to do that.
But here we fucking are, UgoJesse proves me to be the moron I am by posting his instahandle 3 fucking times on everyone of his comics and still people fucking miss it.....if he did that.

>Blatte Magazine

Kinda hilarious, 'blatte' is a slur for arabs/africans in Sweden.

Why do africans dress more decent than amerikangs? Every black male above 20 in the US dresses like an attention starved teenager.


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Well, somebody had to catch and sell them in the first place- limey brits were far too gay to do it themselves.

why is she in full body cast/wheelchair though?

He tried it with gold bricks first.

how could you do brother Martin Luther King Jr. like that?

Fuck everyone. It's the only solution

That could mean two things.

Both interpretations are valid answers

They have no true culture and are used to poverty. I unfortunately grew up in an urban setting and inner city nigs will legit spend hundreds of dollars on shoes and clothes but not have any steady source of income, and live in filth. It's incredible.

>wholesome as fuck

yes he did you little shit

African girls I know tell me the beauty standards in africa is thicc girls. The thiccer your ass is, the more beautiful you are. Kinda agree on that. Those black girls at work have the most curvy bod o've seen holy shit

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This Jesse guy is uplifting.
And also odd.

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This is a really fucking weird comic

Is straight hair that common in that end of west africa?

I imagine they artificially straighten it like they do everywhere else

This has an important moral, you never score if you never try.

No, I want the "good" ones, supposedly from "blattemag," which is a dead website replaced by some sort of ware download shit now.

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Why have a dog and kick yourself?

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>someone already posted "basically, some people deserve each other.jpg"

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the moral is also that some women want to get hit on, so they can feel sexy, and so they can humble-brag by complaining about 'creeps' hitting on them.

In other news,
>Reflection-2006, by CanineHybrid
>This was meant as a serious piece, but of course no longer does this mirror reflect my true self (which is now Tusaris)
that's not how it works you little shit

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She simultaneously looks overweight and anorexic, that's impressive.

nice west africa propaganda spam i guess....

>In this case he is using pidgen english slang chop which means to eat for example "I go chop em" would mean i am going to eat them and in the case of the comic chop knuckle means to eat a knuckle sandwich for acting disrespectfuly towards his parents
Legit question for African anons: how good is Ugojesse's writing if you actually know pidgin english?

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the documentary isn't THAT interesting

Can I have one Yea Forums thread that isn't infested with horny manchildren?

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I'm really digging this style, it's pretty nice.

This on the other hand, kill it with fire. It's like one of those wikihow articles I can't stand.

How would you be in it?

If you read ugojesse you'd know not to judge a book by its cover.

Nah he's pretty spot on.
For every Ugojesse " Love your pregnant wife/hydro-cephalic children aren't demons" there's like ten "THOTS BGONE/CELLPHONES ARE A CANCER/BUY THESE DICK ENHANCEMENT PILLS" and it's all bad traces.

>this is your brain when you drizzle cum

I mean, he's right though.

That's a poor choice of words.

>Wow he's actually quite sensible for a nigger
lol I'm sure he would be thrilled to know

Funny how that works


Overpopulation is a thing

.... This is getting dark than the usual misogyny

And a dash of facts too

>nairaland forums
Holy shit, I think I recognize this place! I was reading a translated discussion, and my god, it felt like I stumbled upon some sort of viral marketing campaign/SCP style look into an alternate universe, complete with something oddly familiar for verisimilitude (you can tell the one who started the argument was clearly shitposting, even through the broken English) and someone going out of their way to say something completely ludicrous for the audience (everyone arguing with him having to admit that, yes, wearing a cross will deflect gunfire so they can lead into the points they want to make)

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>the CHAD Chadian comic book drawer: draws dad jokes with big booty bitches and doesn't afraid of anything
>the VIRGIN feelapino """""illustrator""""": whines about wypeepo brainwashing him in art school or some cuck shit
Africa is the motherland. Africa is the future.

>implying thots shouldn’t be gone


>2.1 people doomed
>just keepin it real

>t. not a credit to his race

Nobody likes whores unless they’re currently inside one, and even that vanishes post orgasm.

>tfw your brother with autism beat both Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country Before you did and countless times has glitched and exploited the shit out of both games.

Weaves, wigs and other straightn8jg methods are common. That deaw8ng style could also be a stand in for braids tho

Im fucking weak

Is no one going to post the Pokemon creatures edit?

I didn't need this at 1:30am

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Can you find it? I need to know.

Man, John Stewart is pissed.

Can't find it- I don't remember any keywords, I must have read it 3 years ago at least, and the search function isn't very good. The whole website does have that dystopic cyberpunk vibe but honestly it's not fun to laugh at when you realize all this crazy Antistasi shit is happening to real people.

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The virgin "Trust nobody, not even yourself" vs the chad "Love everyone, including yourself"

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sometimes I like to browse nairaland for the anime/cartoon reviews and gaming sections. they got a lot of good reviews mixed in with a bunch of advertisements for hacking ps3's and stuff like that.

this one is kinda funny in a fucked up way

That's not what it means. "Chop knuckle" means to fist bump someone. He's saying if she cannot greet his parents properly, her family shouldn't expect him to pay the traditional dowry.

It's accurate, just pretty decreolized. The Pidgin the average Nigerian speaks would be much harder for non-West Africans to understand.

Poor fool, nipples are worth more

wait you didnt translate what the cashier said

ok betaboy


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Do you think they've got to the latest scooby doo in Africa?

is this really an actual social problem in africa


Oh no I mean how good is the writing? The comics usually end with one character delivering a very complex smackdown but it's hard to figure out how good it is when the syntax is all fucked

Are there any comics made of Uncle Benon?

Oh okay

Well I've never struggled to understand any of his comics because of his writting. Sometime I don't understand because I generally don't know what the hell is supposed to be going on.

He's alright, he's no Chimamanda or Chinua Achebe but anyone who knows pidgin should be able to understand these cartoons.

I guess, it's just that the art is really off-putting and that's a pretty big deal for comics.

What is it with the sun and moon thing? Aren't they all christians or muslims?

It used to be, until the spaniards killed the Selk'nam fire makers

What? It's a common metaphor for attaining something otherwise unattainable or fantastical, even in Western English. "I'll grab the stars and moon for you, honey", "Reach for the stars", "Fly me to the moon", etc etc etc.

His DARK Materials



Initially he was, but then he quit to become a wandering hippie.

They be gay but still in Narnia

Damn, Ugojeese doesn't pull any punches.

>jesus did not become carpenter
what's the point of referencing the bible if you didn't even read it

This one is great.

>no she doesn't want to kill her baby, she's just insane and want to kill her baby

not based at all

She's saying that shes's not going to give her daughter any food because she's not asking up front.

So the daughter is saying she's not going out so that they can fuck because she's not asking up front.

>I can't be the chairman of friendzone

What the acrual fuck?
This guy Jesse seems to have some serious issues

God, I wish that were me


Based and /biz/pilled

it's an actual social problem everywhere

post the toilet one


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fat ducky

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>At some point, the world shifted its attention from American cartoons like Superman, etc. to anime cartoons and it was all for a long time. In the next five years, I want to believe that Ugo Jesse would be a brand that would also be a hub where our kind of cartoon can be projected to the world.
That's actually an interesting thought. What advice would you give UgoJesse to get world-famous? Impression I got from these threads was that people genuinely like him in spite of the comic being a total trash fire.

Shit man, my wife had that. I took her to the hospital cause her hands and feet started to swell. The doctor said if we would have waited 2 more days like she wanted to she might have died.

>not my fourth language
You make me feel like a fucking retard ...

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We like him coz he seems genuine in his effort to improve his country. Otherwise pretty much all other appeal his comics might have is unintentionall.

You still have time to learn chinese.

Nice to see a quality thread for once

Reminds me of that fake article about Nigeria and how one guy defended it and another begged to be saved from this God forsaken hellhole.

Little faggot. It's like red data all over again.

Finally someone revealing black pedophilia.

I like him. Really comes across like a genuine kind of guy.

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Kind of delusional, though.

Some South Africans are killing Nigerians in the streets. Xenophobia with Bantus vs non-Bantu West Africans can be quite strong.q

That's the power of thicc.

>your erection should not determine your direction
someone post the one that goes something like "you can't choose not to be srupid but you can at least choose your words"

I know someone made a reaction image off of it.

did the left guy piss his pants

I was gonna make a Terminator reference but I had no clue how to make the "no fate but the one we make" line fit

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That kid is a little faggot.

>mfw that kid literally just called his thot of an aunt a toilet
absolutely based and red-pilled

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>80% of these comics are about men knocking up women or other woman-related scandalnanigans


>Nigerian male comic artist recognizes endo but most American women devalue stories about endo because they think periods are the same for everyone

Close relative suffers from this, Ugojesse is absolutely based, god bless him

Thots don't deserve love