What the fuck is his problem?
Lisa is best girl, btw
What the fuck is his problem?
He's a neet
He's got NPD
Red pill is realizing Scott really was the hero all along.
The comic would've been better without ramona flowers
Based Lisabro
TRUE red pill is wanting to fuck Stacey
I really don't get the hate for Ramona that some people hold.
The idea is kinda stupid
>i cant date you till you defeat my ex boyfriends
Fuck that smell ya later roastie.
She's just as immature and selfish as Scott, but most people who read it are men, identify with Scott as a sort of a self-insert, and end up disliking her because of her selfish actions. She's basically female Scott.
It would have been better if it were written and drawn by someone else, and if they changed the story and characters.
Not Ramona's fault, that's Gideon bullshit.
She is better than Scott because she doesn't go there pretending to not been a bitch. Scott was an awful boyfriend to Kim and Knives and broke Lisa's heart and still pretends to be the good guy guilt of nothing.
I actually think they are both garabage human beings and didn't see the point of reading comic about them.
1. Kim
2. Lisa
3. Knives
4. Ramona
5. Envy
Honestly if there was just a page of her reacting to it as a normal human in the beginning as opposed to the detatched way she explained it in the beginning it'd have smoothed it over for a lot of people. Though I guess thats ramona's problem, expressing emotions.
My niggers.
Kim is bit too angsty for my tastes but my god those freckles.
wallace is best boy
Wallace a drunktard, Young Neil is real best.