What street level hero could take him? He still has bullet time.
What street level hero could take him? He still has bullet time
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Daredevil. He'd smell Max's breath half a block away, before finding a good place to get the drop on him.
Chokehold until Max passes out.
Much as I love Max, most of them. Max is good pointed at armed goons who think they can put the pissed off drunk down but get a nasty surprise. He's the ultimate goon grinder. Then someone else can step in and handle the big bad.
Max is borderline Yea Forums. Even has an actual comic book but art's not as good as Max Payne 2.
Also, if we're talking peak Max, I'd say he's Punisher tier and can easily get ganged on by agile heroes like Daredevil, Moonknight and so on.
Punished Drunk Max on the other hand is a complete mess, and for some reason he has better aim in the game than in Max Payne 1. He's durable but he's about as good as TDKR's Green Arrow.
>I had a dream of my wife. She was dead. But it was alright.
Drunk Max wiped out so many Brazilians the remaining cartel members staged a full on assault on the office building his employer owned just to kill him, only to be killed by him.
I also like the fact that Max gets hurt and takes shots but he's too doped up on painkillers to feel it. He only really gets fucked up when he takes a 50 cal to the shoulder.
>ten years later
t-thanks Dan Houser
I'm actually surprised they didn't incorporate his drunkeness into the gameplay. Like alcohol and painkillers combined make for hard sleeping pills.
>Going in redemption mode and going back sober
>Decides to shave off hair instead of beard
Weird decision.
Honestly a game has never got me more pumped than that segment. Holy fuck it was glorious.
I like to think the Valkyr injection he got in Max Payne 1 has a lot to do with that.
>remembering being in the fandom inbetween Max Payne 2 and 3
A long decade of mods and speculation.
>Trust us now
>It's time to let me go
>Give up on us
>Follow what you want
>Stealth Yea Forums thread
You people never learn.
Let's fix that
>Passos starts interrogating a goon
>You can put a bullet in his head right away
>"Or we can do it your way"
>"Just find me some goddamn painkillers"
Max is a charmer
Based story time user
Hmm, good take
So glad they modelled Max's face after his voice actor in 3.
Last page. I was gonna post the entire thing but I have a train to jump on to.
Honestly that makes a lot of sense.
>street level
Luke Cage
>I'd been sitting at the bar for about 3 hours or 5 years depending on you look at things
The writing in 3 may have been weaker, but it wasn't bad
Could see Luke Cage Noir be a nice associate of his.
Monologues were good. The actual story was rather weak and echoed Man on Fire.
There was no way to continue the mafia or Inner Circle arcs. Everyone involved except Max and Bravura died.
>All this unfinished business and all I can think about is my unfinished scotch
I read it on a TV Tropes headscratchers page. It doesn't seem to be that popular of a theory.
I know, but they could have had better stories. Amusingly, I thought it had a good chance of going the strong female spinoff route and continue on with a Mona prequel or a companion story for Max Payne 1.
Bullet time just means he has reflexes bordering on the supernatural, but it's still a game mechanic.
He's probably on Frank Castle's level at best, except Frank doesn't take painkillers so he'll be sharper.
I'll throw you a bone and say there's a chance Max beats any of the Robins and/or Nightwing if he's lucky.
The guy has the durability of Netflix Matt Murdock. he gets shot at, dropped at construction sites and got blueballed by cleaners.
> Mona prequel
That could be neat.
>echoed Man on Fire.
I adore Max Payne 3 but you're right. Hell the video effects were straight up ripped from it. They could have been a nice visual representation of Max's fucked up perception due to alcohol and drug abuse BUT that would only work if after he got sober the effects slowly diminished and then went away. They were there for the whole game though. The fuck's up with that?
> Nightwing.
Nah. Maybe Dick in year one or two of being Robin.
At best: Max could take such a beating he'll astound Nightwing.
>He's probably on Frank Castle's level at best, except Frank doesn't take painkillers so he'll be sharper.
Frank is a scalpel, Max is a sledgehammer. Frank could easily snipe Max, but in a straight up gun battle Max wins.
What's your stance on Max vs Moon Knight? Do you think the latter will close in the distance fast enough?
>Here he was, some kid in spandex, working me over like I just spilled his drink.
>I miss gangsters. They're easy to understand.
>Nightwing: [Internally] The hell is this geezer made out of!?
I am not very familiar with Moon Knight, user. Please tell me more.
Dan got lazy. During its release Max Payne 3 wasn't really getting much buzz amidst its poor representation of Brazil and the tacked on and humorous multiplayer mode (watch some vids online and you'll see people diving like dolphins). Overall, it tried to echo the events of Max Payne 2 while ignoring the development he had with that. Dan wanted to make a Man on Fire game with a brand and voice slapped on, and from what I remember from old Yea Forums threads, Sam Lake's distances himself with the Max Payne 3 questions.
If anything, Max Payne 3 is what Amazing Spider-Man is to the original trilogy.
This. Frank is sober and plans his gigs meticulously. Max is a wild card from the first two games and will easily plow through with luck.
> "I may not have been able to fight back. Even my prime days were probably this kid's beginner's level, but at least I wasn't scared of a gun."
Interesting, but like I said, I still love 3, but it could be better. Gunplay was extremely satisfying at least and Max lugging around a two-hander while holding a pistol was a nice touch in the weapon swap.
Crazy pain tolerance, but the point of recklessness (he often doesn't dodge hits purposefully). Largely bulletproof armor, although with decent hardware, I don't see it making much of a difference. Various long range throwing weapons.
Batman-tier martial arts knowledge, though not quite on the same level. His biggest advantage is his unpredictability and pain tolerance/durability.
I'm sure there are tons of other shooters that make better use of the bullet time genre, but it's just a shame that Max Payne's indefinitely shelved because of the rights. Remedy hasn't had a hit game since Alan Wake and they're still using Max as their poster boy. Rockstar doesn't want to do games without multiplayers to put credit cards in. The former can't make a Max Payne game and the latter doesn't want to.
I find that Max and Moon Knight aren't so different in the durability department. They''ll just keep going until they die. But Max has him beat in ranged weaponry.
Is there a oneshot series of Moon Knight I can get into? Something as short as the Ghost Rider oneshots or Marvel Max.
did they ever explain what passos and marcelo were doing on the boat? i just finished 3 and they basically just drop this after passos assures you he totally didndunuffin
Hm. Do you think he would go toe to toe with Max or get the drop and end it quickly? Because Max is extremely hard to put down when he's fighting you, and he's put down plenty that were armoured against bullets.
>Frank is a scalpel, Max is a sledgehammer.
Motherfucker that's just perfect.
Working out deals and all that. They pretty much left the people on the boat ripe for the picking. Passos's claims were weak but Max can't really fault him because he's too drunk or full of vengeance.
yea max just drops it because passos comes back to save his life and max has to go kill some other random guy the game introduced a mission back. seems like some relic of a story rework that just got left in for the sake of padding out the game or something
I don't think there is, granted I haven't read through all of his books.
If you want something more brutal like Punisher Max your best bet is Charlie Huston's run, starting from Vol. 1: The Bottom and making your way through the rest.
I'm satisfied with 3's ending. Max got a handle on things. He still beers it up but he's off the hard stuff and he's living for himself again. He literally walks off into the sunset and, given everything that happened in the trilogy, that's a fucking miracle.
I'll pretend that he simply got a gig as a bouncer, found a nice woman and had kids. I mean he might go alcoholic during the marriage but it beats moping around alone and going back to depression memories.
I like to imagine he stays away from any romance because he's utterly aware of anyone who enters his life ends up dead. But I like your bouncer idea.
Going by cliches, he'd likely
>Get drunk fuck and have a kid
>Kid becomes a shining beacon of hope that he won't end up like his dad or grandad
>Retires somewhere in Brazil and dies like Michael Corleone.
You can hear his daughter crying during the the graveyard level.
HEALTH knocked it out of the park.
I like to think he could stay off the pills and the hard liquor, but the unfortunate reality is addicts relapse all the fucking time. It's nice to think that he got a quiet job in a quiet place and got a dog to keep him company. I mean, that's the best you're gonna get with Max: Man Entirely Made Out of Tragedy
>His final dream is of his wife.
>Opens his eyes and sees his wife, daughter, Mona, Balder as he goes with them to the light
>A bit closer to heaven
Holy fuck I never noticed that.
>HEALTH knocked it out of the park.
You're goddamn right. Combat Drugs still gets me pumped.
He quit drinking.
>Just tell me what I want to know, and you can walk away
>That's the thing, kid. You don't ever walk away. Not really.
> "Spare me the bar wisdom. You were already a mess when I saw you stumbling out. Don't make me turn you into a bigger mess."
"Panama" is my favorite not counting "TEARS".
>I'd heard it all before. The threats. The intimidation. Kid had no clue it was lost on me. He's trying to figure out the angle to grasp a fear that isn't there.
>"You're just making some poor janitor's day a bit harder, junior."
FINALE really doesn't get enough love.
> "It won't be a janitor cleaning you up, old man."
>Somewhere in all that grey matter a synapse fires and I realise this is probably what I sounded like as a rookie
>I start laughing. Really laughing. From the gut.
>He doesn't like that.
> "You think now's a time to laugh? We both want the same thing, but I can't work with you if you don't play by my rules. Especially if you keep treating this like a joke."
id call him honorary Yea Forums considering how much the games where inspired by both Sin City and The Punisher
>When the laughter subsides after a few stern clocks to the jaw I give the kid a reality check
>"Dead or alive, you won't get any answers here. You're punching the wrong bag, SPORT."
>There's that flinch again
>"But you're right, we both want the same thing. So cut me loose and stay away from the hell I'm about to walk into."
Max is way beyond Netflix Daredevil
he fucking assaulted Vlaimir mansion with a bullet lobbed in his head only to kill Vladimir after recieving a second bullet
>not as good as photos with some filters on top
how is it not?
when the 1st game came out I was sure the story is that max was an unaware test subject
Man that first game was so over the top cornball.
The second game had actual artwork.
You lads are making me want to go through the series again because I loved both the story and gameplay. Is Max always supposed to suffer?
Test subject? As in he escaped from Cold Steel before, and he has amnesia?
> "You're insane. You'll die. Just keep behind me for the rest of the night, and I'll handle the rough stuff."
>Is Max always supposed to suffer?
>Is Max always supposed to suffer?
His name is literally Max Payne bro
Just wish the dude could find some happiness in the hell he calls his life. The dude has gone through some serious shit and has ended up a broken shell running off booze and painkillers.
>Dumb kid. Never know what they're getting into. Maybe I should keep a tally like that Zsasz freak. How many people I've gotten killed just by being around them.
>To hell with it. This kid wants to come along, fine. I'll stop by his grave at some point.
>I hope you're an orphan, spandex boy, because losing a kid is a pain nothing dulls
Play 3. He walks away at the end. Not completely happy or whole, but there's peace there.
True, he does get some peace at the end, but knowing his life, it won't last long.
Off the top of my head
>Iron Fist
>Luke Cage
>(Possibly) Green Arrow
>(Possibly) Hawkeye
>Black Canary
>The Punisher
It's the tragic nature of addicts.
>Max can't take big bads
>who is Jack Lupino
Belongs in Arkham Asylum
True desu.
> "You don't need to know, Grizzly. You don't have my permission. Now if you don't mind: We have a drug ring to bust."
>After you
> "Thanks. Will I have to peek over my shoulder now and again?"
>Frank is a scalpel, Max is a sledgehammer.
If it was frank in MP3 last level he would've just sniped the big bad from the control tower or something
Max just goes in, Maximum Firepower and just annihilates a company of Brazilian special forces cops just to get to one guy
>"Not as long as the people in front of you are dropping"
>The gumption of this twerp.
Max Payne 3 and Dead Space 2 are my favourite games of "The protagonist is extremely, unstoppably pissed off"
Also Doom
But DC already has Tommy.
> "Noted, stinky."
Would he and Jessica Jones get along?
Max stays away from people so unless she hired him as a bodyguard I don't think they'd have interaction
Ellis' run is all oneshots.
Maybe. It'd be interesting to see them be bar buddies, and get into a shootout.