Channel Spinel thread. Continue to make this waifu shine

Channel Spinel thread. Continue to make this waifu shine.

Attached: file.png (1178x846, 446K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Make_A_Comic!

Why did you idiots bother creating Channel? You're just gonna abandon her like Pink Diamond abandoned Spinel.

i've never been to 2chan
what's it like?

This will be fun! Aren't We the lucky ones?
Her cut is perfect and she's green, as well
She'll bring us endless entertainment, our new best friend:


Attached: 1567819153524.png (1920x1080, 663K)

I will literally edit every single fucking frame Spinel is on screen in the movie before I give up on Channel

Attached: 1567821567927.png (1920x1080, 904K)

Attached: 1567819373397.png (1920x1080, 815K)

then do it

Perfect, that’s basically animating for us

Both ourselves and Pink Diamond might be autistic, but I'm not giving up this. Others won't either. I love this god damn creature of the night.
fug, 1 off of

Attached: file.png (1000x1115, 201K)

We'll do it for her

I’ve been writing a really shitty and faggy greentext where Steven forces Spinel to live with user so they can both become friends and learn to be better people through each other.

And we'll do it again


>user edits every single frame of Spinel into Channel
>Also edits Steven into user
>Those frames are inserted into the actual movie
>The whole movie is re-dubbed so everyone is appropriately in-character
>The songs are re-written
>Every character is re-written and re-dubbed
>Channel the Movie releases
>Advertised with Femanon's hit song, "New Kinda Fag"
This will be Yea Forums's first truly successful project.

I will when my brainlet ass figures out how to turn a huge mkv file into an mp4 file.

Attached: 1567816897154.png (1280x1343, 229K)

I would laugh my fucking ass off

If we ignored the 4chin aspect, what would Channels (Green Spinels) story be in the world of Stephen Galaxy?

You do it for him, that is to say
You'll do it for her

Attached: 1505554511549.png (916x882, 671K)

If that was a thing I'd fucking love every aspect of it. Even if the results were dogshit in edits and the voice work was basically a potato, the pure drive to make something like that is wholesome as fuck.

It could be like that fandub of the chink bootleg of Star Wars episode 3

What are we, some sort of suicide squad?

>normally hate the influx of SU threads with a passion because I haven't enjoyed the show since the Peridot mech fight episode
>actually on board with these because I loved Spinel and find the salt funny

Feels good to be on the winner's side of history for once boys

Attached: 1542843595408.png (1200x937, 1.06M)

Most green gems we see are used for tactical, combat reasons. Like Peridot for invasion and cleanup missions, or Emerald as a fleet general. Maybe she'd be entertainment for soldiers who need a small break?

As long as we don't forget about Spinel, I don't have a problem with Channel: The Movie.

That sounds lewd

Shit man, I was gonna do that.

don't lewd my rubber pink/green waifus

unless it's tasteful

Information Warfare, Entertainment, Shitposting, there's a lot of things a Channel could do.

It'd probably be more like when moderately famous comedians and musicians get shipped over to some military base to entertain some troops.

Channel being smug and shitposting with Emerald yelling at her to get out and do her job, all the while she's stretching her noodle arm back to flip her off.

I personally never understood why anons get in a huff when there's a influx of threads, I just go into the threads I wanna be in and go about my business.

>pic related
Who the fuck is Endeavor?

Based Endeavor chad

Attached: wGBqzJR.png (864x975, 254K)

I wish mods would do their jobs

I believe it's ecause they come here and saw people get in a huff about certain IPs where their thread influxes ruined boards every time an episode came out (Zim, ATLA, MLP specifically for Yea Forums) so they assume it's common for all with an upturn in thread volume.

Jannel is blue with and holds a broom as her weapon, but she's too lazy to do any work.

Oh fuck, that's perfect for the dark blue spades-spinel

Is anyone going to do an edit of this where Channel is bullying Reddet?

Attached: 1597cda504e5a78bb64e49e51a09128e.png (753x569, 436K)

That's right I read the shitposts, they're posted like they're on repeat
Gee it's swell to finally meet the shit OP!
That's right I read the shitposts, not really my cup of tea
Gee it's swell to finally meet the shit OP!

What spam was posted today? Posted today?
Will mods ban this fuckin' dude? This fuckin' duuude!
Oh are you really this gay? This fuckin' gay?
Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out you're a jew?

That's right I read the shitposts, they're posted like they're on repeat
Gee it's swell to finally meet the shit OP!

"She's running circles around us!"
"I'm a newfag. Give me a break!"
"It really is her, but she can't be serious!"
"You know this oldfag, OP? Can you tell us who she is?"

Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying?
I'm the poster in the threads you didn't know you were making!
Let's make another thread this time take the bait
Posts on the line
OP takes all
Ready or not
You're too late!

That's right I read the shitposts, they're posted like they're on repeat
Gee it's swell to finally beat the shit OP!
That's right I read the shitposts, not really my cup of tea
Gee it's swell to finally beat the shit O..
Shit O...
Shit OP.

Attached: file.png (681x692, 433K)

'My Hero Academia' side character, people dislike him because he screwed up his son.

Reposting for posterity, with some minor edits to better stick to the meter

>Here in the Yea Forums, let's play a game, I'll show how to check em
>Here in the post number, see the three exes, "Did I finally GET em?"
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>And then moot posted! That's what I planned!
>To see His red tripcode and USER WAS BANNED
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>Happily posting, all on my own
>spamming /con/rad and Zone
>Counting the seconds, all a quiver, will OP finally deliver?
>Happily posting, night after night. Will thread 404, am I gonna get MOAR?
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>You keep on spamming waifus, to faggots who don't like her! Faggots who don't like your waifu.
>And still it takes you ages to see your really shit taste, really shit taste, your really shit taste. Your really shitty taste in waifus.

>Finally something. Finally news. About how moot's story ends.
>Now he hates you, working for Google, and all of his luggage friends.
>Isn't that retarded, isn't he a nigger? So why am I TRIGGERED and where is my liquor?>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching hiro ruin
>ruuuuin the site

Attached: 1567619987911.jpg (1080x686, 32K)

truly best girl

when is the Yea Forums musical happening?

Attached: blackpilled channel.png (1000x1115, 172K)

It's Yea Forums not channel.

Attached: Jannel.png (380x571, 67K)

The green Spinel recolor to fit Yea Forums is nicknamed "Channel." Alternatively, "Chan" for the red boards.


>Yea Forums has half a dozen fucking musicals
>Yea Forums doesn't even have one even though we have way more material to make one out of and it's more fitting given our subject matter

We seriously need to get it together, fuck Yea Forums. I want my Yea Forums: The Musical and I want it NOW

Attached: 1544503291895.gif (384x206, 2.17M)


Do not fucking make me need a Jannel folder. Also amazing work user

Attached: 1567822395543.png (1135x747, 434K)

>Yea Forums even uses Yea Forumsntent to make their musicals, like Aladdin

Oh that's fucking beautiful. Bless drawfrens. Gem Yea Forums is scary but cool thought.

I'd bust out my drawing tablet but I don't wanna restart my PC for my drivers [\spoiler]


Attached: thats_the_joke.jpg (452x339, 19K)

Fuck off Hiro I will never accept your bullshit and I will hate all newfags who genuinely don't know what we used to be before this shit owner took over.

Attached: 1567513481296.png (832x662, 694K)

It's cause an influx of threads mean that a dying thread is much more likely to get bumped off.
The issue then becomes how they don't realize that the thread may have been dying/dead for a reason and would've been bumped off by anything, but that forces the user to acknowledge a couple of things: that the thing they actually wanted to talk about might not be popular to other people, and that people care about things that they do not.

Attached: 1567475988010.png (257x369, 128K)

>That's what I'm after
>Her smug smile and laughter
>Slowly watching it driiiiift away.

Attached: Channel's old friend 2.png (1360x768, 273K)

Like pottery
but hopefully not

Attached: Sad channel.png (1920x1071, 649K)

Should channel have a slightly different body shape? Just to have her stand out a bit more.

Yea Forums's problems existed long before moot left.

Just a different shape of her dress will do

Who is he?

Sounds like something is clearly wrong with those anons!

Attached: 1548261661372.gif (271x233, 194K)


Attached: HE.jpg (480x360, 12K)

She's fine as is. No need to go overboard with the changes, stick to the fourleaf hair poofs/ponytails, fourcleaf gem, // board streaks, and maybe the circular dress to finish it off.

OP's Channel is perfect. I still like her with the poofy shorts, however.


Attached: 1567812245189.png (418x368, 151K)

Yea Forumss and 4channels gem OC

>Yea Forums makes a OC donut steel based on an SU character
You faggots became what you used to make fun of.
A shallow parody of what you once were.
I wish you all to burn.

I set you up, and you let me down.

That's nice

Awwwwww, don't be like that user. Sounds like someone neeeeds a new best friend, a new best friend, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND CHANNEL!

Attached: Your New Best Friend CHANNEL.png (1360x768, 697K)

Yea Forums's better at it. You guys suck and flake a whole lot to be honest.

Attached: 1530749257024.jpg (477x561, 59K)

Damn, I'm sorry user..

She is cute and thats all that matters

I mean you're not wrong but still fuck Yea Forums, i want some Yea Forums pride for once

Attached: 1534527702561.webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Damn, really redpilled the thread

Why is that anyways? I guess different userbases is probably a big factor.

This is what you've become.
I hope someday you are able to reflect on your sins.

Attached: 1440950362.fenrisfang_crystal_gem_oc_aquamarine_copy.jpg (986x1280, 187K)

Remember Boph?

Attached: 1247775598309.png (250x250, 5K)

That's a bit extra.
This is just simple edits of a pre existing character for the sole purpose of shits and giggles
That right there is....a mess.

Yea Forums's been making OC waifus since this place was still love. Learn your damn history.

>one mediocre drawing is Yea Forums

Alright dude see you tomorrow

Attached: 1546973031628.png (923x999, 453K)

>grabs some random suckers shit fan character to own some basket weavers on a chinese cartoon board
Suck my cock

>dont check Yea Forums all day
>this happens
Not sure how to feel

Some of their song parodies are good. Yea Forums doesn't have much to be proud of dude, you can't talk about a lot of cartoons of comics on this board and if you do it becomes a shitshow of shitposting if it's something people think is cucked sjw trash here to make your kids transition while sucking a black dick and flamewars if it's made by DC or Marvel.

Attached: 1567486424737.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

I know it's cringe as fuck but I'm having fun for once so I'm not going to stop.

So Splash Woman as a gem?
Am I supposed to be mad at this?

I check Yea Forums on and off. I'm happy today was an on day.

So I'm just looking for the Spinel thread? Does this one count as that too?

Attached: 1566474012093.png (200x200, 48K)

Sad but true

Attached: 1563767669124.jpg (531x429, 76K)

Shhhh don't use historical facts, user, let that other user be pointlessly angry at things.

>I know it's cringe as fuck but I'm having fun for once so I'm not going to stop.

This is almost as sad as fun is just a buzzword.

Attached: 1567653862363.png (412x412, 192K)

There is no difference than where it originated from.

And all of those are trash too. Collette, golden girl, all of them.

Being forced to reflect on how far you've gone is painful, I know.

The origination isn't what matters. The content is.


>You guys suck and flake a whole lot to be honest.
Remember user's, we can make a Change.

Attached: Change.png (1360x768, 217K)

How about you go fuck yourself.

Attached: 1567495909324.jpg (1006x569, 71K)

>Yea Forums the musical 7 is only 8 days away
Well, hop to it Yea Forums. Some healthy competition might help Yea Forums the musical get back on its feet after that shitshow last year.

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Attached: 1333279364023.png (600x750, 101K)


SU actively gives anti-PC shitposters fuel for the fire and they never get much ground, I've been on Yea Forums for years and really haven't seen much else get brigaded to any notable degree on this board

Attached: Chabaited.png (1360x768, 510K)

You can, but you probably won't.
Let's just enjoy some cartoons!

Attached: 1556611655004.jpg (1280x720, 77K)


Attached: 1567835164197.png (593x667, 268K)

Honestly at the end of the day, a musical would be fun, but I just like making conversation about my moving drawings and funny hahas.

I was waiting for this edit

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I feel you very deeply.

Attached: 1463632954362.jpg (420x333, 28K)

I want art of Spinel wearing cute clothing. Dresses, causal etc.
Preferably without the shoulder guards

Attached: 1562266086727.png (764x1125, 290K)





>Yea Forums Spinel
>not a single image of her using her stretch powers to make a swastika

And the content is equal in it's autism.

>can't even quote properly

>preferably without the shoulder guards
pleb tier request tbqh

I think due to the nature of Yea Forums makes it fundamentally different for instance. Yea Forums thanks to being based on cartoons and comics makes a lot more drawfags develop while Yea Forums is better at audio and music stuff because some people like to make videos with video games,

Ultimately I think you shouldn't be discouraged that you don't do musicals, you have other talents to be proud of. If enough people are proud of that, maybe this place can be love again instead of the shithole it is now.

Attached: 1567492442085.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

>he thinks I don't know how to quote

Attached: 473fa1ab38ee4b267aa2e96daf8aa6b2.png (1029x842, 410K)

Just letting you guys know I'm using this for a thumbnail when I make a best of Yea Forums: 2010s thread in three months

Attached: co is still love.png (808x241, 31K)

/r/ing a Channel edit of this
maybe with a giant cock shadow over her face too?

I'm honored

Prove me wrong, newfag

>Implying it was really a mistake
I will admit, well crafted bait
I REALLY like the thought of a Yea Forums comic. Each panel is drawn by a different Yea Forums member with an overarching story of trying to be better than the other boards. At the end, they finally accept that they don't need to be tryhards and just enjoy themselves.

stop @ing me, madanon

That's heartwarming. You faggot...

Well we did do LMAC recently, that was a blast and the story actually came together pretty well despite also being a clusterfuck

Attached: 1552194297987.png (350x339, 48K)

Well if this is also the Spinel thread, it's ruined so far.
I just want my Spinel thread

Attached: 1566479483589.jpg (683x797, 175K)

LMAC was phenomenal, god bless those threads.

Time to dive the archive.

Attached: 1567806503903.png (646x492, 21K)

Man and I thought /vp/ was the cringiest board. .

>interesting, constructive meta discussion about the state of Yea Forums, pondering on doing a musical and discussing the state of the board among each other
>uhhhh not spinel thread RUINED

I love Spinel too user but come on

It's autism hour, where the lonely euros are awake to post their OCs

What about 16 hours ago, user? Who was awake then?

Fucking retard.

Make a Spinel thread on /c/ mate, it's much better suited for that kind of thing.

A spinel thread on /c/ would get spammed by REEing animetards's_Make_A_Comic!

Huh? That's kind of stupid, if non-anime dudes are allowed on it's brother board /cm/ with no problem I don't know what the harm is in doing the same for /c/

Just go to /aco/, because we all know you cumbrains will eventually start trying to make porn.

Attached: have_sex.png (1200x900, 54K)

Unsure if you're still here but here you go. Someone else can try if they're better with photoshop, I'm bad with the edge lines.

Attached: Channel smug.png (736x870, 482K)

and there's even more mess that i didn't see because i was rushing
i'm sorry user

You know not to defend cumbrains but if you make porn that knocks you off the list, because a cumbrain just sits around jacking off all day and someone who makes porn is technically being productive and making content.

That doesn't mean they aren't a fucking faggot pumping out vapid shit, but they're degenerates for different reasons than a cumbrain.

This is awful, fuck off

Because Rebecca THE SWEETS Sucrose made a void in my heart I must fill.

Making porn of an OC character from SU is peak cumbrain, dont try to be obtuse.

The last 10 years I never seen a Yea Forums project finish, the black tape and bimbo squad was the most cringe.

I will support you in spirit user.
The closest thing i seen finished was /k/fort. It didn’t end well.

That's a bit harsh about The background's not that bad... The gem...
user, at least you know you can do better, that's a good side to it.

I was working on fixing it but honestly I just need to get better with photoshop in general. I'm super rusty after not opening it after a year or so.

Attached: 326329867982376.png (954x621, 178K)

No, it's peak degenerate. A cumbrain sits around all day doing jackshit, laying in their bed and whacking off because they're too fried from their chemical imbalance to actually be productive and work at something.

It takes time to draw. If you're drawing porn of something, you're being productive, which is the opposite of being a cumbrain. You're still a fucking retard that has nothing better to do but make porn, but they're different beasts of dipshit is what I'm saying.



Attached: You dont poof do you Anon.png (1360x768, 547K)

I think you should put her lower pigtails a bit higher up on her head, maybe a bit under the first set?

>drawing porn of a SU OC is productive
Ok, semenskull, whatever you have to telk yourself to cope.

Alright friends, I'm real tired. I'll post some Channel's tomorrow. Have one last one before bed. Stay safe best friends!

Attached: Spinel until tomorrow.png (1360x768, 351K)

You're producing something that takes effort to make. It's productive. This isn't hard to understand.


I'm not usually the type to ask for stuff but a Channel edit of this would be great desu

Attached: Screenshot (2241).png (1465x961, 1.02M)

Drawing porn of a made up character based on a cartoon is not productive.
Slamming your head into a wall until you break through to the other side also takes effort but is not productive.


highest form of autism - user

Both of these are productive because you are achieving a significant result in doing so. The issue here is that you're getting the principle involved. Is it wrong to give yourself head trauma and make porn of an innocent cartoon character? Yes, but doing either is still productive in the most neutral sense of the word.

Please stop replying to bait

>not practicing design and general practice
I’m gonna use my for my own comic/show.

It's 6 and I'm tired but yeah good idea

Try them like this.

Attached: faggot.png (1360x768, 643K)

Exerting effort is not the same as being productive, youre a retard.

Indeed. In theory the less effort you have to exert to achieve a given goal, the more productive you are at it.

>making a piece of art, which when polished and detailed can take hours/days to do
>breaking a wall with your skull

These are both significant results, we're not talking about pouring yourself a cup of coffee

Just because they're both significant in achievement, doesn't make them equal

What's the diamond one? Moddel? Droogel?

Attached: 1567849994282.png (1465x961, 771K)

user, use ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -i movie.mkv movie.mp4

I created a discord for the movie editing project


>because it's Yea Forums not /pol/

well what the fuck do you want to use. I want my movie!

You magnificent bastards, I come back and it's still going on.


It might even happen at this rate.

I want to see a Channel version of Other Friends. Maybe with her calling Hiro and his group or Moot and his pals fags

to piggy back off of that, why not make her bottom ponytails behind her clothes? seems like she has a beard instead

All the musical shit is cringe anyways.

Instead of beat maybe use sage.

>he said
>he never came back

Good joke user. I'm always waiting. Channel won't let me sleep. Please send help.

Attached: 1567501396103.png (490x536, 198K)

did the best i could with photoshop

Attached: channel and reddet.png (753x569, 290K)

reuploaded cuz of a funky line

Attached: channel and reddet.png (753x569, 290K)

>Mad? Why would I be mad at my HUSBANDO!

Attached: Channel_explaining.png (407x407, 161K)

>i'm sorry, Channel, i can't believe Janny did that to you
>no, wait, actually, i can

These are great. Thanks, user.

I like this idea, Channel getting more independent from the original Spinel


could I please get a channel edit of this? bless all edit anons

Attached: bf5fa708e5acb23376c86c7ce186a1d8.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Attached: 1567868417277.png (1920x1080, 1000K)

>This will be fun...
Hell yes it will, Pearl

If you guys are going to do a "Channel the Movie", be realistic about it. Don't try to do the whole thing. Do the best scenes, the ones that we already have the lyrics for. I'd say, prioritize Other friends and Drift away over anything else, and then see how that works out. Actually, you don't NEED to do a full thing, just one of those 2 songs would be a lot.

user, I don't think you heard me before. EVERY! FRAME! OF! SPINEL! IS! GOING! TO BE! CHANNEL!

Attached: 1567619925701.png (1180x683, 561K)

Looks cool. Good job to the artist if he's reading this.

>Hate Steven Universe
>Love Spinel
>Love Channel
What do?

Attached: Bat think.gif (500x345, 408K)

What the fuck did you do to Yotsuba?

Attached: yotsuba-koiwai-bf02aae0-224e-4934-8584-5fffbd6abc3-resize-750.jpg (750x833, 77K)

You should ask ShindoL about that

We need a pic of this but with Chanel and Heaven & Earth Beetles.


Good luck then

Enjoy the spinels

They're friends!

Attached: friends.png (482x644, 118K)

>Spinel is (4)channel
>Steven is user
>Pink Diamond is moot
>the diamonds are the April fool's princesses(?)
Who else is what?

So Peanut Butter, Chocolate, and Cream?

Attached: Easter Princesses.png (2440x864, 90K)

Our autism is growing.

reminder that steven never hugged spinel

Attached: 1567631188367.png (1920x2157, 1.67M)

It feels more like Yotsuba turns into Channel. Back when Yea Forums was a cheerful sea of piss with soul and is corrupted with the death of moot, the mix of tumblr and reddit, and the split of of Chan and channel.

Attached: 504617-bigthumbnail.jpg (450x338, 26K)

No no no this is how it starts. This is how we get Channel-tans 2.0 and we all know how that ended up.

Connie is CN-tan.

Then lets shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 83K)


I just want green edits of Lion now.

Someday, somewhere, somehow

my take w/ the Yea Forums gem and extra heart

Attached: channel clap.png (1920x1080, 753K)

But channel is good girl.
It's chan who is blackpilled, know your lore!

Attached: 1567819153524 (1).png (1920x1080, 815K)

I like the idea of Alexandrite being a jannie myself

requesting an edit of this except steven is user and spinel is channel and the curtains are either transparent or chan background colored

Attached: 87ef02685368532dcac134d4c4f20fa7.png (1920x1080, 372K)

Greg is Yea Forumsnrad maybe

>Yea Forumsnrad and user fusion

Anyone have the unedited version of this picture? I need it.

Attached: 1567810408881.png (1280x1343, 200K)

Thanks, user!

Someone had asked for Channel reeeing last thread

Attached: CRYSTAL GEEEEEMS.png (655x555, 113K)

Attached: Black Channel vs W.T.Snacks.png (1129x616, 274K)

Requesting Channel edit of the scene where Spinel is reforming after being poofed. Where you see her gem and silhouette

Attached: 1567864720839.png (490x536, 170K)

>Oh you’re so protective of your subreddits but so CARELESS with your boards!
>Stop it!
>Then stop me! You WANNA shitpost. Just admit it! Or better yet, just try it!

This... I like this.

Attached: channel song.png (565x563, 77K)

Attached: channel song 2.png (959x427, 62K)

Anons I think this thread is missing something, so please enjoy some electric swing music

>Oh you're so protective of your real threads, and you're so careless with your bait ones!

>Stop it!

>Then stop me! You wanna ban me, just admit it - or better yet, just try it!

Attached: channel and anon go exploring to cursed depths.png (1920x1080, 262K)

Amazing work user



Attached: Channel+anon.png (1920x1080, 247K)


Man that is so fucking good and spot on.

channel showing user the wonders of dubs

Attached: 3163a878e5592d1582a2e4e2e97d3565.png (1124x842, 840K)

Attached: 1567829394702.png (631x1086, 173K)

>there are many doors ed boy

Attached: EDh2f8kU8AAMPHn.jpg (1200x928, 90K)

>"and this is Yea Forums now"

Requesting this but it’s channel looking at a shitpost

Attached: 1506CB81-BFF5-440A-AE04-650A9CC7E7C2.png (412x632, 212K)

Attached: 1567826041117.png (412x632, 191K)

Hnnnng my heartboner

Would a BEST BOARD edit of this scene be possible?

Attached: (You).png (1124x842, 595K)

Fucking. I forgot to make Steven user
I'm surprised Spinel did not wake up during this song, wasn't it painful for her to hear Not!PinkDiamond singing this about her other friend?

amateur hour


Attached: 1458428853727.jpg (502x596, 32K)

They can have mine.

Attached: 1567806490321.png (640x360, 191K)

Reset-Spinel doesn’t know who Pink Diamond is. She was imprinted on Steven, so he is her focus.

Attached: snacks.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

Oh man this takes me back

God I love chiptunes

Requesting this image with moot's laughing face in the sky above her.

Attached: moot grin.jpg (192x258, 12K)

I need to see her being hatefucked by everyone.

Attached: 1553113903829.jpg (680x682, 27K)


I want to ship Channel with Emerald now.

Did you forget about this wonderful disaster?

pic related is Yea Forums

Attached: 1539855562193.png (1920x1090, 1.17M)

Attached: MootworksatGooglenow.png (1357x763, 487K)

>Isn’t that retarded, isn’t he a nigger? So why am I TRIGGERED and where is my liquor

>Now he's at google, and isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't we the fool?

underrated song

Those extra hair buns look so out of place.

The one facing the camera looks wrong, fix that and it'd be okay.

can a niggy get a channel edit of this one too?

Attached: 8a2859b7db9decc8acdb254f39331c2e.png (464x853, 437K)

Because nobody will sing it to you?

Attached: 1567723765261.jpg (900x726, 145K)

The scene where Spinel has Garnet hostage and goading Steven to react violently is easily my favourite scene of her. And when she’s finally done with everything and just wants to kill Steven, her face is so fucking angry and hateful. I fucking love this gem.

That scene is fucking great cause it makes you feel a bit
Uncomfertable when she's talking about her past self, like she's talking about it like Steven wanted her in a sexual way. Gave me the heebie Jeebies

>Chan-nel, seconds before resetting her router

>You know this is a little twisted, but I'm kinda flattered you liked the old me

Attached: sweaty greg.jpg (306x306, 21K)

Last time I visited it there were drawthreads and season anime threads from 2017 with 15 replys at most in first page.


>tries to push his buttons with Garnet
>it works
>she jumps at the chance to mock him further when he gets defensive
Man, Spinel is great.

Yeah that made my peepee feel weird, I don't know why.

so, a little something I did for Spinel

Felt the same during the very end of Drift Away when she shapeshifts back and sorta flips her hair. It's mostly the delivery of the final word that did it.
I really should look into this VA to see what else she's done, she brought her fucking A-game to this movie.

Mine was when she starts to ask Steven what is going to happen to her now and wants to know if he only wanted her to shut down the injector.
Her mental breakdown as her fear of being abandoned overtakes her is just great to watch. Especially when she asks Steven why he has the rejuvinator, as you can really hear how her trust in Steven is shattered,

Requesting a smol Channel

Attached: JPEG_20190905_185615.png (343x304, 66K)

>Heyyyy user, you're not gonna forget me in a month are ya?

Attached: ChannelSus.png (461x852, 358K)

The stunned look on her face when asking "why do you have that" coupled with that delivery made it heart-breaking.

>Remember me, Pink?
>When we played in the garden...
>I talked just like THIS!

I haven't been on here a few days what's this green spinel I keep seeing and how did it come to be?

>Innocent, loving, stupid. If that's your thing, why don't you leave her like this?

An user started a thread with the text in and a green edit of Spinel, it all pretty much snowballed from there.

>Garnet is Reddit
>Amethyst is Tumblr
>Pearl is Twitter
Remember when those sites weren't fucking intolerable and instead just bad?

Who wins between pic related and channel?

Attached: 50a59af839f09b4bd47953b27ee72624f5fe583098b9d65b231bec4cfa052a5e.png (800x800, 85K)

So the SU fanbase has now officially her Derpy Hooves?

Derpy wound up being a real named character in the show though, Channel won't.

What's her gem

>Injects dip into your planet

Attached: 168423-1541611356-01.jpg (593x584, 73K)


Attached: 98983c5dca0b5166a47f95e98c3ade3f.jpg (1920x1080, 498K)

Do you think it's another metaphor for the unwanted friends she represents? Like, she used to be so innocent and never assumed malice, and she misses that part of herself? She misses being able to be mentally sound and take it that she's loved as a fact instead of second guessing it. She's flattered Steven liked the old her because it's ironic, as she wouldn't've changed into the troubled person she is now if he had been with her before. She's longing to have spent time with Steven but it hasn't clicked yet that his absence is what made her find him. It's strangely poetic.


I remember that. And then I remember all the bitching about ableism and accusations that the show was encouraging bullying. It was my first real experience of contemporary SJWs.

Yep and I miss it. I miss when tumblr was just edgy girls who touched themselves to tv shows and reddit was just edgelord atheists.

i gotta say, those moments where her eyes go wild reminded me of him

Attached: 1567471637664.gif (475x266, 2.45M)

Tsavorite, because she’s our favorite.

Ayy, that was me, thank you

user remembers, they even named her once then instnatly changed the line in subsequent airings after fags bitched that a mentally handicapped character was offensive to them, presumably because they too were mentally handicapped.

Attached: pearl gives the fuck up.jpg (687x503, 61K)

A channel edit of this is required, lads

Attached: 4b41323fc4c4abf2cc7d49fc59359a6b.png (1920x1080, 876K)

I feel for her because she hates herself She hates how she looks. But at the same time she doesn’t want to forget and doesn’t want to change. She wants to be accepted for who and what she is.

I wonder if she feels that way because of the “Through whoever you’ve been, to whoever you’ll be” lines from No Matter What.

Bonus points if she has a Jotaro hat

>yfw you have a talent for villainy

Attached: evileye.png (453x381, 222K)

Very nice

Attached: ayy.png (400x372, 173K)


I'm just gonna leave this here.

Attached: jester.jpg (900x1156, 92K)

Good villains know how to have a good time with it.

Attached: I WANT IT.gif (900x520, 1.79M)

My man

But Your New Friends is better than Ready as I'll ever Be

At first i came here to take out my anger on a bunch of strangers
But now that i know you
I wanna kill you even more

>she doesn’t want to forget and doesn’t want to change
Interesting how the whole movie was about remembering and how important experiences, even bad ones, are in forming our character. If only the actual writing in the movie was better. I can't seem to connect anything with the theme well enough. Spinel seems to understand subconsciously that forgetting means erasing a part of her personality, despite her arguably being happier if she did.

>She wants to be accepted for who and what she is
I didn't see that. She wants to be accepted yeah, but she also needed to understand that she had to change. Who someone is is constantly changing. You can never not change. What happened to Spinel was necessary, much like other gems who've had breakdowns in the series. We haven't seen humans have any breakdowns as severe as gems because they change gradually, unlike the stagnant nature that confines gem society. To me it seemed that she wanted to be accepted and didn't know how to make it so that she would be. She was another victim of gem society, or any environment that doesn't let people reevaluate, cope with, and overcome themselves. To be accepted by others she had to be accepted by herself, hence Steven's "only you can change how you feel".

So how’s “Found” gonna sound like with Channel and SteveON?

>I assume by accident
What, you think they specifically don't want the show to appeal to you? Also why do you hate Pink, because she's done fucked up shit? A character who behaves like an asshole doesn't equal a badly written character.

She was mad when she thought Steven was going to use the scythe on her again, doesn't that show that she wanted to be accepted for who she was, including the mistakes she had made?

You know, I often have "dirty" thoughts about some animated characters.

Spinel is someone I just want to give a hug and share ice cream with, while watching some old fashioned golden age cartoons and do karaoke. You know, just have a fun time and teach her how to be a friend without following a "programm"

>posting that forced discordfag oc meme
Channel, since she's not a spoony bar-err whore.

Attached: 15678426038052.png (1360x768, 627K)

Someday somewhere somehow
You'll post again
You just need a VPN
Someday somewhere somehow
You'll post again
You just need a VPN
A proxy to post from elsewhere
A proxy to post as user
Someday Somewhere somehow
You'll shitpost again
Today, right here, right now
I'll shitpost again

I hate Pink, because she is an asshole we still are assumed to consider "good" in the long run.

Sugar in my opinion tried to create a "flawed" good guy with her, but in her attempt to do so went the complete extreme.
Pink is not an anti hero who had to do bad things for the greater good, she is a spoiled brat who got her own colony after whinning a lot, was bored with her assignment, then discovered humans are cute, staged a fake war by taking a page out of Emperor Palpatine's book not for some greater good, but to have an excuse to fuck off and have fun on another planet and by her actions caused the death of millions.

To quote Rick and Morty:
You are like Hitler, but at least Hitler cared for Germany or something.

And considering the track record of Sugar as a writer, the fact Spinel did not suck for the most part must have been an accident.

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: 1565107120335.png (256x302, 158K)

What? It is an appropriate line in that situation.

Sorry I had to go for the show that everyone hates ever since that cancerous fanbase came along.

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: 1537823142701.jpg (1121x1004, 92K)

this is autistic

>doesn't that show that she wanted to be accepted for who she was, including the mistakes she had made?
I also think she wanted to just be accepted. She was mad at her old self because that was never good enough for Pink. Her new changed self is now "not good at all" and she hates herself for it, but it's not her fault. She wants to be told, through being accepted, that it's not her fault.

She needed video related.

I think the point is that Pink eventually had good intentions, but she still had no idea what she was doing, and her friends (who she lied to) deluded themselves into thinking she was amazing and perfect. Realizing her mistakes was part of Steven's development.

>To quote Rick and Morty

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: lookattheshelves.jpg (944x697, 345K)


I miss having breakfast with her bros

Attached: 1542029060035.png (496x559, 318K)

Welcome to Yea Forums.

>To quote Rick and Morty

This is a copypasta waiting to happen

>a scene on top of the Injector gem where SU pushes through her punches, saying "It's not your fault" while she shouts for him to get back.
>Every step he takes closer, her punches get weaker and she gets more upset
>eventually he makes it to her and hugs her
>she struggles but sinks into it
>then pic related

Attached: 1567788595691.jpg (1054x1438, 284K)

make it happen user, do it or ill die

Spinel goes also through at least three eotional major states in this movie if anyone asks me

First she is just this angry invader. I think that was just pure, suicidal rage that drove her then. After all, she just came fresh from learning that Pink abandoned her and was dead. This Spinel is in my opinion the most villainous version of herself, because she genuinely seems to get glee out of hurting the others.
Also, her alughing when she gets cut by the rejuvinator? Some tvtropes spergs argue this is becuase she plans on being reduced to her happy mode. I just thought she considered it funny, because at this point in her "life" she was suicidal and rage driven enugh, even death would have not bothered her as long as Steven and the others suffered.

2. Her carton personality mode. I have to admit, at first I thought this one kinda sucked. Could even understand why someone as Pink would have considered it annoying, because she is just an inch too cheerful. You get that she is programmed to be this way. But by the time amethyst is back to her old self, I also think Spinel has "grown" a bit in her default mode. Acting a lot like a cheerful little sister.

3. The state when her memories come back and Steven convinces her to help him.
I think the best "mode", because she is not outright going back to be evil. She is just "hurt" and now had the time to process her emotions more. When she hits the pedestal only to go down on her knees? For me this is a sign the character is just tired now. tired of feeling angry and lonely. Tired in a depressed way. She is vulnerable and that is why Steven is also able to convince her that her situation can change. Because by this point, she wants to belong somewhere again.

Of course then bad communication happens and Steves fucks it up, making her believe she has been played and exploited again and that no one likes her, lashing out once more. But at the same time, compared to the first time she encountered the others...

Thank you user, I've wanted this since yesterday.

I think it is obvious that she is more emotional and vulnerable. As shown how defensive she gets the moment Steven tries to tell her she still can change.

God dang it, never thought I would talk this "passionately" about something related to Steven "on constant delay" universe.

well, at least something good will then come out of it.

>we still are assumed to consider "good" in the long run
we aren't though. she's a dumbass who killed herself after fucking up everyone. that doesn't mean she hasn't done good things too. but she's a dumbass nonetheless


Channel, come back and save Yea Forums with me, you can shitpost over there, youcanmake new threads.

You'll DUB again
You just need to find some GETS

>[Steven & Channel:]
You'll DUB again
(I'll DUB again)
You just need to find some GETS
(I just need to find some GETS)
ID numbers unique and rarer
GETS that will make you feel based
(GETS that will make me feel based)
You're gonna feel Based
(I’m gonna feel Based)

Right here
Right now
I already feel Based

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: Mayronigga.jpg (200x202, 6K)

The show was always great when it came to exploring feelings, which is what it was always truly about. Yea Forums is only figuring it out now because for the first time the show had a character you understand.

I had the same thought about the "3 Spinels"

Spinel 1, lasts for three minutes and is the best villain

Spinel 2, your new best friend, "that kid"

Spinel 3, has her memories but is kind of on-and-off the fence about killing everyone

Personally I prefer Spinel 1 the most, she's just the best. Just the best. "Life on the line, winner takes all, ready or not let's begin!!!" Pure, unadulterated villainy, right there. No talking it out, no information presented. No demands, no context. It's perfect. It's a shame this Spinel-state only lasts three minutes, but it's true that nothing gold can stay.

>All that's stuff's easy for (You) to say. When you GET, your post is based. When I GET, my post is CRINGE!

>It's a shame this Spinel-state only lasts three minutes
Considering this is SU, I'm glad we got any real threatening villain

I remember someone on twitter said what pink did to spinel was justified because spinel was made to be a toy. As if the entire point of the show is that noone is made to be one specific thing completely fucking alluded them.

would love an edit of this

>when user asks to go to Yea Forums

Attached: SU_Movie_839.png (185x104, 31K)

>Spinel: You know what, Steven?
I am going to get back to Homeworld without thinking of Pink. I am getting a new job without her, I'll make my new supervisors happy and I am having a whole bunch of friends. I will be a way better friend than she ever was. And I sure as hell don't need her for that, 'CAUSE AIN'T A DAMN THING SHE COULD EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW TO LOVE MY GEMS!

>Steven: (looks on in silence)

>Spinel: How come she didn't want me, Steven?

>what pink did to spinel was justified
>defending pink
>at all

Attached: cheeks.jpg (1080x1080, 168K)

bigger picture

Attached: SU_Movie_839 (1).png (1912x1072, 1.55M)

>no replies
>because the majority of people don't know= who snacks is anymore
I want to go back.

Attached: 1497415963871.jpg (460x276, 24K)

Maybe that's not why.


>when user asks to go to Yea Forums

Edit of this please.

Attached: Spinel Mad.png (1530x858, 1.53M)

This is the most cringe thing to come out of Yea Forums in years.

No. This show is not about exploring feelings.
It is about "showing" feelings. Primarily how miserable deep down everyone can be.
But actually exploring those feelings and trying to confront them in any meaningful way indicating characters change for the better instead of just "loving themselves"?
That is not the case with Steven Universe.

The movie even fucks it up with Spinel, who just goes now to live with the Diamond and fall back in her "default" jester mode, so the Diamonds can have a surrogate to project their feelings for Pink on something after Steven shows absolutely no interest to live with his jewish aunts.

Honestly, I agree that she was made to be a toy.
Doesn't change the fact she is a living being.
So the Diamonds create life only to be used as toys.
How are they not considered "slave owners" by some people? Cause that is shit that happened in the south at times, where farm owners forced the kids of black slaves to become "friends" for their own kids.

>The movie even fucks it up with Spinel, who just goes now to live with the Diamond and fall back in her "default" jester mode
We have to assume this, but I think Spinel has grown "older" and thus won't be sticking around with the diamonds for long. Notice how even when she tried to act like her usual peppy self, there was always a hint of nerves and sadness behind it.


Attached: The gaem.png (469x642, 165K)

>he says on 2019 Yea Forums, when 2016 Yea Forums happened with god emperor trump, wojak edits, pepe edits, and the faggy Yea Forums Ball with board tans
I'm LMAOing @ your life

Last thread had full of yous

oh, i missed the last thread.

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: 1567763599217.png (428x510, 136K)


>faggy Yea Forums Ball
Fuck off. And Spinel is going to the rooster.

/r/ing Yea Forumsnrad getting a hug from channel while he calls her autistic/cringey

>is an actual Yea Forums Ballfag
LMAO and you sit here bitching about cringe OC


So, to summarize
>Spinel is (4)Channel
>Steven is user
>Pink Diamond is moot
>The other diamonds are candy princesses
>Connie is CN-tan
>Greg is Yea Forumsnrad
>Alexandrite is a janny
>Pearl is Twitter
>Garnet is Reddit
>Amethyst is Tumblr
who else can we convert?

>Peridot is a newfag
>Bismutt and Lapis are oldfags

Jasper is Discord

We had ones from Frozen you newfag

>a bunch of young adult men singing Let It Go

Attached: HONK HONK LETTUCE.png (400x460, 216K)

Maybe the "no girls on the internet" meme will finally die in 2020

Attached: 1567170303171.png (500x586, 273K)

Peridot is a Tumblr Fag that came during the war on Yea Forums.
The Gembs are just Tumblr People.
Crystal Gems are just Yea Forums fags that were converted because Yea Forums wasn't shit.
White Diamond getting defeated was just porn getting banned on Tumblr.
Little Homeworld is just Tumblr Refugees that don't assimilate.
Townies are just Comic Posters and Namefags that are only related to Cartoon Posting due to proximity to cartoon posters.

Attached: GEM_AQUA_1.png (1168x1128, 144K)

What's really funny, if you actually watch all the scenes with Steven where she had her memories wiped, Steven only ever says she's not a threat anymore, but otherwise seemed indifferent to her or slightly annoyed. He only liked that she wasn't trying to kill him.

On the other hand when Amethyst recovered her memories she didn't seem to remember the time she spent with amnesia, otherwise she would have known Spinel was reset too. Or maybe it's just bad writing.

Attached: 1420144998338.png (487x345, 118K)

The "no girls on the internet" meme was a pretty good rule until we got too many normies.

None of the others reacted with amnesia. I think it was just Amethyst who reacted that way and it was played as a gag but also another "oh btw there's still the giant metal bacteriophage thing injecting aids into the earth"

I mean, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a vocaroo for the same reason I don't post my face on Yea Forums.
It would just be saved and jacked off to until the end of time

It's surprising how this thread somehow got more autistic than the OP image.

Hijacking this thread with this wonderful fanart of Spinel

Attached: Spinel.jpg (2597x4000, 3.51M)

So what occupation would fit best? Morale booster, shitposter, information warmongering?

I think it got better.

kek, you're a smart cookie

You're extremely autistic then

>indicating characters change for the better instead of just "loving themselves"
But we do see characters change for the better (yes, even Pink changed for the better, even if not by much, since her character obviously stopped developing the moment she killed herself, which was still extremely dumb). Learning to love themselves is part of that. Actually, this theme wasn't present in the movie, Spinel didn't need to learn to love herself. Maybe it will come later on if we see her again, but it was never even addressed in the movie because other things were prioritized.

>who just goes now to live with the Diamond and fall back in her "default" jester mode
She doesn't go back to default and she doesn't want to. Going back to default would have been her asking to hit her with the scythe to forget everything. She doesn't want to pretend the past never happened. She was mad when Steven said he wanted to pretend everything was the way it was before she came around, because keeping her around would obviously remind him of all the bad things she had done. She wanted to be accepted as someone who calmed down, without pretending that her mistakes didn't happen. She didn't go back to default at all.

>How are they not considered "slave owners" by some people?
She was. But now she's not anymore. The diamonds at the very least know Steven doesn't want them to consider her inferior.

go post more marvel vs DC ebin maymays, faggot

>tfw I know what they're talking about

Attached: 1543287187876.jpg (560x510, 106K)

Imagine thinking your better than comicfags when you're making steven universe fanfiction based on webpages.

>To quote Rick and Morty
put me in the screencap please

Attached: 1567880837324.jpg (297x320, 16K)

I don't think I am better than you, I just want you to go away and do the thing you enjoy, so I can carry on doing the thing I enjoy.

stop replying

Great idea for a 30th SU thread to clutter this board.
Femanons, let's hear your best Spinel impressions!

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: 154797320384.png (648x577, 100K)

Dude this spate of Spinelfagging barely qualifies as clutter. You have no idea what real clutter is. Lurk more.

Did Amethyst not remember Spinel? Or are you saying that because she didn't comment on her? Or I don't know what you're referring to, is confusing me even more.

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: Pink Goku.png (1920x1080, 872K)

Her doing her old antics in her last story was pure kino for me. In the end she is still gonna try.

Channel shitposting

>To quote Rick and Morty:

Attached: 1567819348734.png (442x354, 209K)

If you ignore cancer, you die.
This is cancer.
Hopefully the jannies will banish you to /trash/ like they have before.

>Spinel seems to understand subconsciously that forgetting means erasing a part of her personality, despite her arguably being happier if she did.
But she can't escape her past anyway. Hell Steven wasn't even trying to revive her memories and she still got it back pretty quickly

>To quote Rick and Morty
Everyday anti-SUfags are proving themselves to be the worst

Attached: 01daed088770c5afe1c27284eabeff08cb049753e135ccb34fb43976bf88c4dd.jpg (335x315, 15K)

>Did Amethyst not remember Spinel?
She remembered Spinel attacking them, but did not remember all the gems being reset by the scythe.

Amethyst is the only one that experiences reset-amnesia (as in she remembers nothing of the period she was reset). Pearl remembers, so does Garnet, and Spinel especially seems to remember. She even uses their friendly experiences against him. She remembers how he didn't give her much attention and kind of brushed her aside, but she also remembers he was kind to her, sometimes.

So, how's that going?

Attached: 23602806599326.png (597x1033, 181K)

Is that a bad thing you dumbass? Why don't you have sex with your good old Wojaks then?

Maybe it's because Amethyst is defective. Notice how different her behavior was when she was reset. Other freshly emerged Amethysts didn't behave like that at all.

Her gem was cracked in the show. It's possible that this is somehow a symptom of the permanent damage?


very nice art, my friend

Worldt is that you?

Autism confirmed.
>y-you're a wojak poster!
Cope harder.

>If I do an inb4 I'll be safe
No way, wojakposter.

>is shitposting in a thread that he can't ignore because he can't cope
>c-cope harder!
laffin @ u

Most of the attention is currently going towards the edits

Wojak poster detected.


Attached: I SEE EVERYTHING. I KNOW EVERYTHING..png (531x437, 113K)

It's a good image, I just didn't have much to say about it.

Attached: 5568543d79fdcf5391780ff83bb6fcf5.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)

easier to just watch the cartoon people do the changing




>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: yn3GqMbt.jpg (240x240, 8K)

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: gonna be a long one today.jpg (348x409, 30K)

I promise not to save it and jack off to it until the end of time btw

>To quote Rick and Morty:

Attached: 1566444857316.jpg (543x532, 59K)

>he dosent know
The /k/ tunnel complexs are a thing user... cant say where though.

See you at nuggfest

Attached: Homeland.jpg (1024x768, 67K)

you cope and leave this board Wojak.

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: CR1567480593817.png (500x472, 427K)

>To quote Rick and Morty:

Attached: 1567825935969.png (555x555, 166K)

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: 1469375627710.gif (500x273, 1.22M)

>To quote Rick and Morty

Attached: EVER.png (1920x1025, 1.51M)

"I'll be right back Channel, I'm gonna go visit Tumblr"

Attached: ChannelMad.png (1430x858, 1.11M)

>all these le ebin replies to that R&M post
yes we know you want to be in the screencap, you fags


On one hand, I fucking love Channel and Jannel and everything that's coming out of thiS.

On the other hand, however, other than the movie which was surprisingly great (not judging based on waifufagging) I despised what Steven Universe turned into after the first season, and the idea of us having some major mascots being Steven-Universe based gives me a slight amount of cringe.

Attached: 1458423721780.png (717x472, 214K)

Had lunch

Put this fag in the screencap

Maybe most of us are just reacting to the purest form of autism in the most appropriate way for Yea Forums

Attached: 1457491480955.png (190x282, 91K)

make it happen

of all the rick & morty quotes to use, that one's actually not bad. It could've been way way worse.

ok, now just replace the scythe with the ban hammer

god damn i wish we had guns and tunnels in my country

>waiting for season 6 just like spinel
please CN give us some of season 6 or at least a date

>only 39 posts to bump limit
anons, i'm scared

Attached: 1567783591902.png (284x322, 114K)

Caring about whether something is cringe or not is the cringiest thing you could do to be honest


There will be another thread, user. Rest easy.

i saved the image, not sure what I was supposed to say about it

t. man on the internet

My friend, there are some edit requests that got missed up there. Please assist!

Thank you, Satan.

Here you go.

Attached: To Quote Rick And Morty.png (1920x1200, 639K)

Attached: Snacks spinel 2.png (1920x1080, 929K)

fuck off

Buts it's your baby, Yea Forums!

Holy shit nice, you got the perspective/angle down properly on the hammer too.

t.the guy who quoted rick and morty

This one's just a finishing touch

Attached: Snacks spinel 2.1.png (1920x1080, 930K)

Thought I would post it here from
> Forums

Attached: 523.png (1000x984, 1.07M)

This is easily the best edit we've have and I cannot see any way we go up from here.

Brilliant work

There's an extra Channel in there, but who would complain about extra Channels.

that singer is terrible

I'm sorry mate but that voice is very ESL-esque.

Bretty sweet

Doesn't sound pathetic enough


I am bad at singing.
First time I have ever done it.

How do you people manage to get more autistic every day

You ban evade, don't you? Figured as much.

It's alright, your effort is appreciated

Attached: 1469941372036.jpg (300x300, 17K)

>You know this is pretty twisted, but I'm a little flattered that you liked the old chan
>Underage, lulzy, Cancerous
>If that's your thing why don't you leave shitposts like this in the screencaps?

Attached: CNNEL.png (1006x678, 546K)

Is that the Pool's Closed man?

Attached: 92ZoPaU.jpg (710x520, 85K)

JUST WAIT! Your cheese pizza won't stand a chance against my new code!

Who dis?

Ruber got a small cover

>Oh you're so protective of your REAL memes, and you're so CARELESS with your REDDIT ones!

Full Lyrics:

>Here in Yea Forums
>let's play a game
>I'll show how to check em
>Here in the post number
>see the three nubers
>"Did I finally GET em?"

>And then I bumped
>For thatI'm after
>A smile in anons eyes
>The sound of his laughter-

>Happily posting,
>happy to troll,
>happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

Happily posting,
all on my own
>spamming /con/rad and Zone
>Counting the seconds,
>all a quiver,
>Will OP deliver?

>Happily posting,
>night after night.
>Will thread 404,
>am I gonna get MOAR?

>Happily posting,
>happy to troll,
>happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>You keep on spamming waifus,
>for faggots who hate her!
>Faggots who hate your waifu.

>And still it takes you ages to see your really shit taste,
>really shit taste,
>your really shit taste.
>Your really shitty taste in waifus.

>Finally something
>Finally news
>About how about how moot's story ends.

>He hates you,
>working for Google,
>and all of his luggage friends.

>Isn't that retarded,
>isn't he a nigger?
>and where is my liquor?

>Happily posting,
>happy to troll, happily
>watching hiroyuki ruin
>ruuuuin the site

thats terrible, dont post anymore

We actually really need to change the lyrics. A lot of the lines have too many syllables or not enough.


how is this cringe? It's great seeing shitty OC again

You ruined the lyrics. The original's lyrics were mostly perfect, especially since they hark back to an older time (which is precisely the theme of the song).

Based "To quote Rick and Morty"poster.

The pool has aids.

I just took most of the ones that another user posted, had a lot of problems with singing the lyrics. Please, someone, rework them.


I do agree but it seemed like a fun project.

What am I even doing on Yea Forums? Why do I want to stay a virgin so bad? I'm supposed to be a chad.... I just want to be a chad.

Sorry couldn't find a heart to fit in

Attached: YOURE_GAY.png (1916x1067, 685K)

To be honest Yotsuba ain't that great either

Attached: 1567822810808.png (500x375, 124K)

Annnd this too

Attached: SmolChannel.png (343x304, 68K)


Attached: Channel needs some bait.png (525x637, 235K)

Is it weird I like her more than I like the Crystal Gems?

>The floor underneath user begins glowing red, the sinister red light eventually focuses into words
>Channel and Stevnon exchange a glance

cue giant explosion

Shut your pig mouth you fuck.

Attached: 1326104289987.png (250x293, 33K)

Attached: 32690329086236.png (455x540, 63K)

newfag detected

thank you, based edit user

nah, it's more like
> eat fast food every night
>only form of entertainment is anime and cartoons
>never go outside
>rarely talk to anyone you know
>"What am I even doing on Yea Forums?"
>"Why do I want to hate myself so much?"
>"I just want to be normal..."

Attached: spinel crying 214455.png (461x380, 190K)

You mean S5 Channel


Put shit like MODSMODSMODS and THIS PLACE FUCKING SUCKS and burning threads behind her while she dozily sweeps up a very basic shitpost that nobody really cares about.

>want to be normal

I tried just to get the syllables to match

>Here in the Yea Forums, let's play a game, I'll show how it's done.
>Here in the Yea Forums, ask "Did I GET em?" This'll be so much fun.
>And then moot posted! That's what I planned!
>To see His red tripcode and USER WAS BANNED
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>Happily posting, all on my own
>spamming /con/rad and Zone
>Counting the seconds, all a quiver, will OP finally deliver?
>Happily wondering, night after night. Will thread 404, am I gonna get MOAR?
>Happily posting, happy to troll, happily watching him spaaaaaam duck roll.

>You keep on spamming waifus, to faggots who don't care! Faggots who don't care about you.
>And still it takes you ages to see that no-one shares, see that no-one shares, see that no-one shares, no-one shares your taste in waifus.

I'm pretty sure "all a quiver" is a reference to some oldfag thing I don't know about

Hehehehe hahahehehaha that's funny, right? At least you found my memes entertaining...
You actually liked me... didn't you?
What am I doing? Why do I wanna ban you so bad? I'm supposed to be your OC. I just wanna be your OC...

it's just an ez rhyme for "deliver"

Thing is, the syllables don't have to match perfectly to the original song if you adjust your vocal timings to match the bars. Obviously there's a limit.

For example, check'em can be said as almost one syllable. Same as GET em.
Check them, check em, check'm.
And this. All aquiver means "shaking with excitement" and it's a reference to people delivering, which never happens lmao, hence the joke.

I guess my limit is shorter than other people's then.

boy i hope someone screencaps this

Yeah, Spinel crammed tons of extra syllables into where they wouldn't normally fit. It's a stylistic choice by the writers. Makes her sound crazier

You just need a singer who can bend, hold notes or quickly sing those parts.

How did noone see this. This is gold.

Got overshadowed a little bit by the post directly underneath it.

you are alright user

sleep tight thread

Attached: channel (27).png (634x512, 136K)


Attached: tobefair.png (1748x1142, 599K)

whoa haha this is so fucking epic lmao


based screencapper
talk about shit taste desu

Attached: HfiPS36.jpg (1439x1053, 668K)

Straight into my based compilation.


Someday, somewhere, I'll love again..

corrupted form hair should be a swastika? would make edits harder.

Channel has a form for every board, that's just how she looks in her /pol/ form. Regular form is Yea Forums

Doubt it.

y-you too
