He really doesn’t deserve the stuff he goes through, to me at least
Why does Rick (and by extension, the fans) hate him?
I dont really get it either.
He's just an ordinary man forced to coexist along side a manic super genius.
I'm not sympathetic to well meaning mediocre people
>I'm not sympathetic to well meaning mediocre people
How are you any better than him?
because rick hates him, and his fans must hate him as well
but really because hes part of the worst aspect of the show. the jerry and beth shit is fucking terrible. and rewatching season one its hard to watch. when he finds out his father is a literal cuckhold and they bring the other man to christmas dinner is bad enough, but him being pissed off about that and beth talking about she doesnt know if their relationship is gonna work? bitch do you have a hard time empathising with your husband?
It's the Meg effect. No one hates him because of the actions he commits on or off screen, almost all negative emotions are from the main character saying on repeat "I hate you, therefore this will become the funny." It's the same concept as "Shut up meg."
Rick fucking spells it out in The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, you fucking imbecile
You know how the fans like to self insert as one of the manic sociopath family members, especially Rick?
That selfinsertion goes further and people who selfinsert as le superior scienceman see Jerry as the embodiment of le gullible normies they can look down on.
But in the end that is just kind of a mantle for the deeper insecurity, no one wants to admit it but 99% of people can relate to Jerry in some way and that scares them. Because today's agenda taught people to hate being "regular", mediocre and average joes and that's Jerrys whole shtick, at least until later eps.
No one wants to be a boring loser, but most of us are
I know
Maybe I’m missing something, but he never really acts like a “parasite”, as Rick describes him as
that whole speech was reflective. rick was talking about himself
Rick hates him because the way he sees it, Jerry crippled Beth's potential by getting her knocked up when they were teenagers.
he's simply butthurt at Jerry getting his way (getting his daughter or later on getting the sympathy of the family) despite not being as "great" and on top of things as him so he makes up a halftruth to pretend he has a standard to hate him.
Watching the show from season one to three without expectations you're initially meant to see Jerry as kind of a pathetic manipulative schmuck with an air of unwarranted self importance. Then come season 3 the perspective changes and you realize that Rick is a bigger asshole than you were lead to believe and that all of Rick's previous sympathetic moments were all carefully crafted ploys to make the rest of the family trust him more. So suddenly you feel bad about hating Jerry earlier even if he still does dumb shit to get out of trouble.
>because rick hates him, and his fans must hate him as well
>You know how the fans like to self insert as one of the manic sociopath family members, especially Rick?
>That selfinsertion goes further and people who selfinsert as le superior scienceman see Jerry as the embodiment of le gullible normies they can look down on.
>But in the end that is just kind of a mantle for the deeper insecurity, no one wants to admit it but 99% of people can relate to Jerry in some way and that scares them. Because today's agenda taught people to hate being "regular", mediocre and average joes and that's Jerrys whole shtick, at least until later eps.
>No one wants to be a boring loser, but most of us are
>It's the Meg effect. No one hates him because of the actions he commits on or off screen, almost all negative emotions are from the main character saying on repeat "I hate you, therefore this will become the funny." It's the same concept as "Shut up meg."
Basically these. It isn't rocket science.
>Rick fucking spells it out in The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, you fucking imbecile
This is exactly what those guys meant.
Oof okay I understand now
>Maybe I’m missing something, but he never really acts like a “parasite”, as Rick describes him as
Maybe because Rick is an angry asshole that just wants to find another bullshit reason to hate Jerry besides holding his daughter back.
except that without jerry her potential still doesnt add up to much. shes a lonely drunk without him. except shes a human doctor
Rick doesn't see it that way. The evidence might be against his point of view, but he doesn't see it that way.
Why doesn’t Rick go on adventures with Beth
Probably her brainwaves aren't suitable for use as camouflage
I always figured that he was the most stand up guy there was compared to everyone else in this disfunctional family. He has the balls to stand his ground when he faces Rick. Yeah, he's not the brightest, but thats because when you watch a manic supet intelligent uncle for 3 seasons you tend to see Jerry as the dipshit of the group, when in reality he hasn't gone through a single adventure of his (unless he was a side character in a earth-changing threat), so he just doesn't grasp the situation. Best part was the ultimatum. Rick or him. He dodged a fuckin bullet if the crazy bitch is just gonna drink her problems away while her kids are fucking aliens.
then if he was so concerned about her potential you would think that he would have stayed for her instead of becoming a space/time rogue
because her instablility isnt good for his missions. doesnt help that she doesnt listen to people when wrong. its like having two ricks around
Didn't Roiland actually state it's because he's totally normal?
>(and by extension, the fans) hate him?
I don't think most fans hate him. I mean, some probably have him as a pet-peeve, but overall fans are lukewarm about him to actually liking him.
I mean, in the end he win at the end of season 3.
Rick hates him because he knocked up his daughter when she was 18 and cosnider him a parasite.
More open minded, more intelligent, more honest.
Jerry's fine but that's literally all he is. Fine. Mediocre. Middle of the road. Complacent and okay with that.
I don't like Jerry because Jerry is normal and he's okay with being normal and that's not okay, that's not how life works, that's not how success works.
He represents the dark age before the current year (if Rick didn't exist, he'd be the main character)
Bullshit. A huge glaring flaw in Rick is his refusal to admit weakness or ask for help. He's convinced he's Atlas and he refuses to let himself think otherwise. He refuses to tolerate others thinking otherwise.
He's a loser and it's fun to watch the show punch down on him, but the show would be less fun if he wasn't there. He's honestly one of the most consistently funny characters in the show.
for examples see
This. By god this. This is an underrated post. It's literally "Homer's Enemy" the 3 season and still going story arc.
A combination of complacency and how Jerry is manipulative. But he's not manipulative in the puppetmaster, malicious sense. He's one of the legions of people out there who have learned to get by off of others' pity, and likely aren't even aware they're doing it. He's also empathetic, flawed in very basic, very human ways, and is something approaching satisfied with his life.
Rick dislikes him because he's kind of pathetic, but he dislikes him even more for being capable of being content. Jerry is, for better and worse, normal.
if you think life is all about actively trying to be better than the norm you're exactly like most normalfags
I disagree. The episode about subjective toxicity and his staying with the same family at the end of season 3 all point to Rick being, to some extent, attached despite himself.
Manipulative? Yeah. Controlling, definitely. But you're trying to peg him as a chess master that refuses to lose. I'd propose he's more like a chess master not necessarily consciously aware he's playing and afraid to truly win.
What's so bad about not trying too hard to be succesful mr. success chadman?
There's not really a point to it and people can chose if they want or not. That's how life actually works
Rick wasn't talking about himself. I think the whole point of the speech is that Rick just outright can't comprehend why someone as great as HIS daughter would bother with someone like Jerry. The only rationalization he can come up with is that he acted so pathetic that Beth felt sorry for him. At the end of the season, it was made clear that she just likes the stability Jerry provides in her life. Unlike her father, he's not a chaotic madman with a disregard for everyone around him who could easily disappear again one day.
rick hates him cus he's a jew
>Mediocre. Middle of the road. Complacent and okay with that.
Hueh. Most people today cant even manage mediocre.
he is a spineless kind of a dude. His ambition is gone.
how succesful are you?
It's not that I feel life is about trying to be better than "the norm".
It's that "the norm" is complacency.
"The norm" is the path of least resistance.
And Jerry is committed to that path. Asleep in that complacency.
Which is frustrating to people that actively try to better themselves.
For people committed to building positive habits, educating themselves, and advancing their career Jerry is a painful example of friends, coworkers, and acquaintances we left behind. People that, with minimal effort, create garbage like "Got Apples?" at their job and cry pathetically when the lackluster work performance has a negative influence on their lives.
Jerry is the individual that accepts a dystopian world around him because he's been fooled into accepting his place in it.
Jerry is, at once, familiar and tragic. As a viewer hoping to distance myself from him, he is immediately a character I despise.
This thread is filled with comments stating we're all more like Jerry than anyone else in the show. I hate Jerry.... I hate Jerry because I agree with that assertion. I'm more like Jerry than Rick and I'm deeply uncomfortable with that fact. I don't think that's a negative mindset and I don't think anyone should be faulted or degraded for wanting to rise above the Jerry they could be if they just stopped trying.
Figurative cuckold.
No really. Fair enough. Contentment and acceptance have their value in life.
Neither I nor any other "Mr. Success-Chadman" need to like or accept you in order for you to be comfortable in life. If I dislike Jerry and by extension you, that shouldn't ruin your quiet little life and I don't want it too.
Approaching my dream job now. One level under it.
Because Jerry is every loser Boomer father who led Millenials and Zoomers defenseless into Clownworld, he is the strawman that most people can easily comprehend and project their problems onto. We all know a Jerry, we all loath the idea of him, but ultimately, he's a victim, just like those who attack him.
I think he's a great character though, he's very funny, cares for his family and doesn't deserve all the shit he gets.
How's being 15 working out for you?
Your need to frame me as immature indicates (to me at least) that you are a developmentally stunted child yourself. At least emotionally.
Why do you hate losers then? You wouldn't be successful if they didn't exist.
Except that he's very much driven towards success. Remember that his big dream is hitting it off incredibly well with his bosses and going right up the ladder.
Just because your ambitions are mundane doesn't mean they're not ambitions.
You didn't get the post.
I just stated that your ambition isn't the universal law.
There really is no point to existence and self improvement is a made up standard. You can follow that mindset but treating it like the law and to look down on others for not following your view is a sign of some serious elitist complexes.
I hang out all day like a NEET, and you're exactly the kind of person that will try and argue I'm a bad person for just existing as I please
>he's okay with being normal and that's not okay, that's not how life works
Mate, your the developmentally stunted one, or maybe psychopathic. You think the meaning to life is busting your ass to prove yourself? What are your goals? How are you planning to change the world with your success? Are you putting that much effort into relationships? Because they're more important.
Yes, being okay with being mediocre is not a good thing, but you're trying real hard to paint yourself in a good light while analyzing a cartoon character. Excuse me for thinking you're a bit up yourself. Narcissists are immature and a blight on society.
Your use of the word "loser" here is indicative of the core issue in this thread that fosters divisiveness and hateful rhetoric.
Jerry is not a loser.
He's a lot of things but in his own way he has certainly gained more than he has lost. A wife he doesn't deserve, children with far more potential than himself, and a life filled with a great deal more wonder and excitement than he might of wanted but also far more than he rightfully should ever have.
And the thing is no one who hates Jerry will admit they're envious of him. Why? Because Jerry doesn't value what he has.
Jerry isn't a loser. The middle of the road is not a path that wears on those walking it. The complacent are content for a reason.
"Normal people" aren't losers. Nor do I feel they should be.
And if you define "hate" as wishing they didn't exist then maybe a different phrase should be used here. It's not that I wish Jerry didn't exist. It's that I am repulsed by Jerry and what he represents. I wish to distance myself from Jerry but I recognize the key role he plays in the show and I realize how the series would suffer with his absence.
Holy shit, you write like a faggot, if I worked with you we would not be friends.
>It's that "the norm" is complacency.
it really isn't. The norm is all about pushing and selfimprovement and being ambitious towards life like getting a job or climbing up some shitty ladder. And you're exactly like jerry or most normalfags in that aspect.
You're totally in the system and the worst part of it; the tool that thinks he stands above it all, a typical normalfag in the modern age.
Don't give speeches about rising above the garbage if you are the garbage. I bet you're an ex-STEM and work at google now and consider that succesful.
So you're almost a manager at McDonalds now. Proud of you boy.
>I'm a mediocre person who hates being mediocre so therefore I'm better than all the other mediocre people
made me smirk
> you're trying real hard to paint yourself in a good light while analyzing a cartoon character
I laughed reading this. Maybe you're right. I certainly wasn't doing so purposefully or with intent. I was being honest and just offering my subjective and anecdotal point of view.
If you're not comfortable considering my point or find me disingenuous feel free to ignore me.
You're really exposing how pathetic you are if you think he's in any way the kind of person you should aspire to share any commonality with.
He's cowardly, sexist, gaslighting, unemployable and weak.
I considered your point dude, you seem to have decent enough intent just you have an interesting self-absorbed way of expressing yourself.
I simply wouldn't equate;
"I wish my manager(s) liked me so I can get promotion(s)."
"I'm actively working to be better at my job so I can EARN a higher position."
Both might be ambitions but one is productive and the other is.... Lackadaisical.
He's having sex with his daughter.
Its why ricks attitude changes post-divorce
Jerry isn't well-meaning, he's a parasite.
Jerry does deserve the stuff he goes through, the fact that he hasn't killed his entire psychotic family and participates in their crap shows he has no moral fiber, he's a weak leech of society who only blends in.
Am I?
Well then I apologize if I do exactly that. I'd hate to encourage negativity about the the nihilism you've made a commitment to.
That's being nice, Jerry is a piece of shit, just like all the other characters, only difference is he seems to make a pretense of something else.
I wont disagree and this is something I'm trying to improve at.
>having a family, a job, good work ethic and defending your loved ones from a powerful sociopath is bad.
Yeah, he's weak, but if you watch the show, you realize he gets slowly beaten down by Rick and his family over the season.
From episode 1, he's already insecure about his wife being smarter than him but they both had an agreed dynamic going on. Once Rick rocked up, then there's another man in the house, another breadwinner. Jerry feels threatened. He notices Rick is abusing Morty and when him and Beth try and put a stop to it, Rick gaslights Beth and degrades Jerry. In the Season 1 finale he gets raped by a woman and his wife has to save him. By Season 2, he's a broken shell of a man, having lost his job, lost control of his family and lost the support of his wife in a time where he's dealing with great trauma. And what does he do? He still supports his wife and still tries to be an active part in Morty's life.
It's fun to laugh at Jerry because he's a punching bag. But he's also a complicated character who is dealing with a lot of changes. Never forget, as obnoxious and toxic as Jerry and Beth get, Rick is the real villain of the show. Jerry should be relatable, that's why he works.
of course he cant, that doesnt mean he doesnt recognize the situation subconsciously. all the things he described of jerry interestingly describe him as well
Please site evidence.
Marrying Beth.
Good on you. Reach for the stars all you want. Just remember when talking to people (online or real life) people want to hear your perspective, but not everything about you. The more successful you become, the more modest you must be. People are jealous and can feel threatened by success, if you keep head on straight, allow yourself to be flawed and vulnerable around people and listen to their stories, they'll trust you.
I know a lot of rich narcissists and when things get rough, money doesn't do shit.
I sincerely never considered these points. This is all very valid. Jerry has suffered some severe trauma.
He's still lazy, complacent, and has shit taste in movies but he is a indeed a horribly beaten dog.
Except he is the latter. There's literally an entire episode where we see Jerry's perfect work day and it's him earning his way to the top.
>"I'm actively working to be better at my job so I can EARN a higher position."
Which is what Jerry was behaving as.
>only difference is he seems to make a pretense of something else.
the only character that doesnt is rick. all the other characters are shitty people deluded that they are good
Bullshit, money does everything, it gets you out of almost any jam, any time.
But i line jerry?
The only episode about him that i hate is when he gets sentó to pluto for saying its a planet
Yea, making Rick the most likable, but any remotely good characters wouldn't associate with Rick for very long at all, which is why his supporting cast is a bunch of whiny fags.
>earning his way to the top.
"Hungry for apples?"
"Hungry for apples?"
Somewhere in here there's a joke about how everyone that works in advertising is a lazy, no-talent sack of shit but let's focus on Jerry.
Jerry and his dead in job as an obscenely shitty advertiser-dude.
Retarded, lazy, complacent. One or more of these fit. Decide on your own which.
Jerry's the only one who doesn't put up with Rick's shit and calls him out though, he's bound to him because he's his father in law though. You have to understand he's in a difficult position. His family weren't even on his side until the very last episode.
That's true, but it only makes him marginally better.
That doesn't actually answer the question. Your job could be the guy who works under the guy who cleans toilets and be promoted to your dream job of actually cleaning the toilets.
>this is success in the eyes of the guy that looks down on "content conformists"
He's a male father in a western cartoon so he must be demonized
This user may actually be worse than Jerry
That’s the “joke”. Genius shitting on mediocre guy. It’s like asking why Homer goes DOH all the time in The Simpsons.