Why are batman villains so popular with girls?

Why are batman villains so popular with girls?

Attached: black mask.png (1000x994, 586K)

Women are attracted to villains due to their intense drive for power, a characteristic women desire in men.
Batman is a very surface level hero with surface level villains, so it would make sense a lot of surface level fangirls would obsess over his villains.

Isn't that just Joker?
Does Red Hood/Jason count, too?

>Isn't that just Joker?
Oh, user...

Attached: riddler bodypillow.jpg (800x932, 286K)

Nevermind. Clearly, I don't go to DeviantArt enough.

Roman's just got a certain way with the ladies, y'know?

Attached: sweet nothings.jpg (897x382, 111K)

>he doesn't know about carl B. Gacono, PhD et al. (1995)

Attached: good personalities.png (435x586, 100K)

Because a lot of chicks dig bad boys and Batman has one of the most famous and extensive rogue's galleries in modern fiction.

internet husbando lesbos are extremely into troubled fucked up individuals with a tad bit of charisma, and that's pretty much every batman villain.
You got the deep gentle psychos (Freeze, Ras), the lolrandom psychos (Joker, Jervis, Riddler), the mysterious edgy psychos (Scarecrow), the masculine psychos (Twoface, black mask, penguin), buff psychos (bane, croc) etc. It's like a pallette of tumblr husbando tropes.

> lolrandom
> Riddler
Riddler may have a puzzle fetish, but I can't help but think that you mean the one from Batman Forever.

>internet husbando lesbos
>husbando lesbos

Attached: this guy is a fucking idiot.png (499x338, 38K)


I can make up phrases on the spot as I please, you just gotta have the brain capacity to get them

i think you mean chromosomes bud sorry i don't have as many as you

I found the Riddler in the Arkham series and some comics to be rather wacky too

In a "deteriorating mental health state as his unhealthy obsession with beating Batman gets worse" kind of way, yeah.

figures because you seem to lack one or two turnerfag

A bunch of muscular and toned men that are obsessed with each other dressed in tight costumes and hurting each other? Hmmm...

All I care is batcrow

>masculine psychos

I smell gordon up from here.

Because they are rich.

Girls have this fantasy of “fixing” hot villains because they’re just misunderstood victims of circumstance. It’s the same reason why they fawn over school shooters, especially Dylan Klebold.