Also, re-design thread I guess.
Would you re-design her Yea Forums?
I would remove the tranny chin and other masculine features to make her resemble an actual biological female.
I know Land is a fucking hack, but his Quentin is cute! Much better than the Leonard Nimoy-looking fatso he's become in the modern time.
>posts the part of the issue that was not drawn by Land
Retarded fag or grill
The former. I'm new (thus the retardation) and only just now getting into comics, so I'm just reading all the Mysterio stuff I can find. This is probably a really retarded question, but how can you tell what parts of issues are drawn by whom?
I think the problem (is it really a problem?) with her design is that it looks good only in when done in Spider Verse style. The same goes for Prowler, without specific shading and body type the costume isn't that great
By the style, of course. If you've seen a Land, you know it looks quite stiff and plastic and recycled from porn photoshoots.
Yeah, I was wondering why the quality of faces fluctuated so much in this.
Yikes. They look like blow-up dolls.
It'd probably look okay in a comic depending on who's drawing.
> Parts
Do artists draw different parts? I mean if there are multiple artists I would think it's different pages. Unless that's what you meant?
She looks fine. Toddler faces with large eyes and pouting lips only exist in fiction because women can never be ugly in fiction
Just found this.
Also, it's kind of difficult to imagine her having a mask if her identity would be secret. One that's effective anyway.
Land as in "Tracing" Land?
I you were from
Where I was from
You'd be fucking dead!
Imagine a comic where she takes over Miles body haha. Wouldn't it be funny haha
she actually looks almost exactly like an old teacher of mine, down to the rat's nest of bad hair. She looks like a woman, just not an attractive one, her design fits a scientist type really well. She is unkempt, but wears mostly simple outfits and keeps her hair out of the way in practical fashions and isn't focused on looking very attractive
she just looks like the foreseeing teacher from Harry potter with exaggerated features and you're not gonna tell me emma thompson looks(or looked back then, having seen her current pics)like a man
>tranny chin
That's just a long chin, have you seen a women outside of an anime?
Why are you so obsessed
It's a chin
it's a good design
would be nice to see a wider version since doc ock is normally chonky
imagine being this fragile
get a load of this guy
Why would you redesign a redesign? Can't attach your gay fantasies to a female Ock? Most be a personal problem.
> Re-design a female character.
> Assumes I'm gay.
Not really, no.
>Also, re-design thread I guess.
Yes, she looks like the wizard of Oz
Animators and writers forget that in Marvel the villains are hot and beautiful, Veranke Queen Skrull and Emma Frost for example.
There are too many rules that they missed
No wonder the movie was a flop
There are basic rules that need to be followed
No one wants to see a skinny flat ass Gwen or a fat Peter Parker Spiderman
That was the most disappointing animation of these last years.
Amazing technique but with a bad script and it seems like an agenda, beautiful women never again in marvel
She wasn't the main villain though. I don't think she was even advertised. Her appearance was a complete surprise for obvious reasons.
> The Wizard of Oz
No, that's the Wicked Witch of the West.
>beautiful women never again in marvel
wtf you on about spiderverse MJ was top qt
>he posts here
>even greentexts like a fag
Do you think your grandmother is a tranny then? That's how many older women tend to look. But then again, your grandma probably is a tranny.
Tighter clothing. More latex.
just have her be barefoot.
A more verdant green
Shorter the length of the ribbed section on the thighs
Remove green lights from the black gloves
Change the shoulder, boot, and waist lights to yellow
Expand control belt into a backpack due to arms needing compressed air
Giant ass milf knockers
Verdant green for the arms too?
So, if Emma Frost was the Big Bad in an animated Spide rmovie or an X-Men movie of the same style, you think she'd be uglied up?
There are ugly women you know.
>muh ugly women ree
She is a doc oc, looking like a weird science nerd comes with the territory.
There is a plump version of Dr. Octopus. Couldn't find the image.
God no, she's perfect as is.
What about fan art?