Your honest thoughts?

your honest thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn... high octane autism!!

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I have more fun cutting myself, then I do discussing comics on Yea Forums.

Humans are annoying.

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I blame that site for creating a whole generation of storytelling hipsters.

It's worth something in the same way 1d4chan is- short, informal articles explaining things. Like, if I wanna explain to a kid why The UK Office has 2 seasons and the US has 9, I'll link them the article to British Brevity

Unfortunately, like 1d4chan, there's all the extreme autism and cringy bullshit plaguing the site.

tropes are such boring fucking people that they manage to turn what should be insane, laughable cringe into a snooze fest. how the fuck do they do it?

Full of a lot of shit, but also entertaining.
Seems to have created a lot of middle-brow trope-brains though who think identifying tropes and subversion's is great critique.

Yeah, pretty much. I also like to, when I'm done with/catch up to a series, see what other people think about it. Going to the tropes page for it tends to be a pretty condensed way to do that, even for (relatively speaking) more obscure ones that don't necessarily have any large centralized communities that talk about them.
However, its a product of its time, and that time is the Y2K aughts. The kind of people who are really frequenters of TVTropes are typically also the kind who really, really love Nostalgia Critic, and really love speaking in nothing but movie references. I'm sure a lot of you have had this kind of person in one of your highschool classes before.
They're kind of charming in their childlike obliviousness, but ultimately just annoying.

s'alright. People take it too seriously.

>trope happens
>aha this is a fine example of "playing it straight"
>trope doesn't happen
>aha this is a fine example of "lampshading", well-subverted my good sir!

If the setup is there for it to happen and it doesn't, you are subverting expectations though.

Went downhill after the removal of TroperTales.

>who really, really love Nostalgia Critic


I liked using it for when wikipedia doesn't have summaries on media I'm interested in.

Well, no, I'm 20, I think I was the only kid in High School who even knew the NC existed, he was long past his prime.

However, the reason I knew about him was because of the insane cult of personality around him on Tvtropes. It was fucking insane, you'd think he was a genre defining Ubermensh or some shit. The Channel Awesome wankery is painful to read.

>Entries under Mr Fanservice: Web Original
>The Nostalgia Critic will frequently get shirtless, is a Wholesome Crossdresser occasionally, be the Reluctant Fanservice Boy when he's made to by other people, has given blowjobs to joysticks and is the master of The Immodest Orgasm.
>Doug's other character, Ask That Guy with the Glasses, is just as fun. A Depraved Omnisexual who'll "go down on anyone and anything", does porn movies, will give blowjobs to his pipe, doesn't think het incest is kinky enough and practically embodies Evil Is Sexy.
>There were three in Suburban Knights; Critic was dressed as Link, with a short tunic, no tights or pants, and the camera focusing heavily on his long, pale legs. Benzaie, who was dressed as Conan the Barbarian, was walking around constantly shirtless and wearing a leather skirt.
>In his own videos and at cons, Doug Walker is the kind of guy who'll eagerly swirl his tongue around a lightsaber, striptease at panels, flirt with anyone who has a pulse, and regularly gets teased for his Oral Fixation.

Like, what the fuck.

Subversions are shit unless what it is subverting is replaced with something that is just as entertaining.

Oh yeah that's right, TVTropes worshiped Channel Awesome for god knows what reason.

How did they feel after the whole thing with Not So Awesome and the Jewwario leaks?

I'd say it's good if it's done in a way that makes you go "Oh, that makes sense."

Not "Oh yeah everything we set up in the last movie was nothing lol". You know what I'm talking about

I guess it can be interesting/useful sometimes to waste time on or get a bit more information about what a show etc. is like before checking it out, but yeah it's not great and the people that actually contribute to it/see it as gospel are annoying.

I always found the tone/"style" of a lot of the site's writing annoying, although I think within the last couple years they've dialed back on that somewhat, ironically making it slightly more encyclopedia-like when before they were trying to be 2kool4wikipedia or something.

True. They're just kinda pointless unless the writers can think of something clever to do instead. Especially when it's something lame like a reverse damsel-in-distress which doesn't affect the plot at all.

By that point, CA was a shell, TvTropes had nothing to talk about anyways. Basically like curbstomping a corpse

is this even a real trope or just autism?

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This website is an absolute godsend. You could literally find cross reference all the tropes you like in a story/show and use it find the perfect fucking series for you. Pure fucking potential.

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It's basically to describe characters who are completely irredemable in every way, and don't have any legitimate excuses for it. This is one of the weirder tropes, because every single entry is a "mini-essay" of sorts

that's just bad writing.

>That tropes page made for a fanfic that is obviously written by the author.


Holy fucking shit why

Do I really need to explain to you why batshit insane villains can work just as well as legitimate ones?

>the tropes page for a failed forum RP where half of the posters can barely speak English

Do I need to explain to you why one-dimensional characters are an example of poor writing?

I remember Mr. Krabs being placed in this trope a long time ago.

I feel like this website would fulfill it's purpose without the 20 obscure anime references attached to every trope.

Okay, so the Emperor from Star Wars is badly written?

Yeah people on the site were REALLY mad about how fucked Spongebob got as the show went on. On one hand, yes, the show was terrible, but you, a grown adult, freaking the fuck out over a child's show doesn't help

it's just selective fanwank of something that's always up in the air though. Is Green Goblin 100% evil in general?

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TvTropes is useful when you are too lazy to read, watch, or play something and want to know all the spoilers and details that Wikipedia can't supply you with.

the emperor wasn't evil for the sake of being evil. he was the cruel, but effective leader of a massive galactic empire.

In 616? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Marvel has a rule that he's not supposed to be redeemable in any way. He's a complete monster in literally every story.

I enjoy it for what it's worth but I'm not a hardcore troper or anything.

That's what the trope refers to, people who are evil monsters. It doesn't mean they can't have motives, but the fact that the Emperor just wanted power places him in this category.

Fucking hell, stop making me defend Tvtropes

Isn't "Complete Monster" simply narrowed down to a character who kills a person and doesn't feel bad about it and it depends on if the troper likes to consider them super cool for it or a shitty character? Because that's how I remembered it.


TFW I debate WoW expansion quality with friends but I haven't actually played since I was a child

>They got rid of internet backdraft

They cracked down on it, which is why you have to effectively write a mini-essay listing their misdeeds if you want them counted. It's awkward as hell, but it stops people from listing any villain whatsoever as one/

Is this the ending of GoT?

just admit that the trope is stupid and you won't have to.
>there are bad guys and then there are REALLY REALLY bad guys
>[character] has always had a reputation as a bad guy in [show] since he's, well, the villain, but he crossed the line into complete monster territory when he said my favorite ice cream flavor is terrible in episode 237 of [show]!

I'm not defending the trope page you retard, I'm saying that, despite what "Ozymandias" memers might tell you, not ever villain needs to be 100% justified and/or have a tragic backstory.

It's like a wall of flesh that makes "ACTUALLY" statements. Pretty cool as long you don't touch it and get absorbed into it.

>Anime and manga are part of the same goddamn tab, even though those two alone dwarf comics and cartoons on their own in terms of examples.
>There are tropes that don't have tabs closed, so anime/manga is usually the first and longest entries
>There's an entire trope entry for people who are homophobic and countless other LGBTAQ+ articles that honestly don't need an entire page for it
>TVtropes still has a heavy bias towards social progressive values. It's acceptable to claim adherence to certain views, but it gets annoying when they have characters, real life people or even entire nations being demonized because they don't happen to agree with 21st century Western values of most tropers who are obsessed with feminism, racism, LGBTAQ+ rights, and some other perceived oppressed group
Even the reading the decades so goddamn cringey. These people have something against the 50s for some reason, while they attempt to glorify the 90s and forward as some gold age of progress. It's fucking ridiculous.

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Complete Monster is just code for Shitty One Dimensional Villain, thats the basis of my argument.

So we call all agree the pages about the Nostalgia Critic and ones about those mini-sized Equidaes are the epiphany of autism, right?

And the point of my argument is that "One-Dimensional" is not inherently shitty. Again, Sidious is a power hungry psycho. Nothing more. Doesn't make him a bad villain, because the story is about Vader and Luke.


Made for a fun read at the beginning of the decade. Became pretty boring and bland once it started to try to downplay its own autism. Which is a shame. It used to be a nice slice of early 10s nerd culture. Before it became a tiresome mess of political self promotion.

The site's usually pretty good for getting short relaxed summaries about stuff. After reading or watching something I enjoyed, I think it's interesting to read their articles (especially the YMMV and Trivia tabs). They'll point out popular fan debates or flamewars about specific issues, or if there were any interesting references, foreshadowing, or other stuff that I might have missed out on. It's a decent way to get an idea of what the fandom is talking about, so you can catch up on your own and don't have to ask newfag questions on fan communities.

Still, I'm mildly annoyed when I hear people talk in TV Tropes lingo outside the site. You should be able to describe things by coming up with your own words. And I kinda hate it how some recent works have fans typing massively oversized entries for them.

I've looked up and enjoyed some franchises after noticing their popularity on TV Tropes or reading some interesting entries about them. All the fanfic recommendations on the site tend to be really awful and useless, though.

A side character that doesn't get much development and happens to be evil is different from the main villain of the story being badly written and only existing to be the bad guy in the story. Imagine if Vader was just a one dimensional heartless baddie like the Emperor. Star Wars would suffer for it.

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Like most websites in the past decade, it was a fun idea that was taken much too seriously by its userbase.

Believe it or not, it's getting cracked down on. The 100 page used to be "OMG, Lesbian girl died! Writers BAD!!!! OMG, White guy died! Writers GOOD!", and then all that shit got removed. Gives me hope for the future.

...No shit? This was literally never my argument.

>When they will never add tropes that shit on the Current Year.
Seriously, "Last Minute Lesbians" needs a tropes page so goddamn bad.

The Yea Forums page got locked, so now it's a time capsule. They still list Yea Forums as being "pretentious, Yea Forums for film buffs" as opposed to "shitposting central"

i remember just recently they unironically posted Stonetoss on their Facebook page for a while until they deleted it

You said earlier that Sidious being one-dimensional was tolerable because the story isn't about him.

>Before it became a tiresome mess of political self promotion.
That's basic nerd culture nowadays.

Yes, I'm fucking agreeing with you, you drooling retard

There was no call for that. Apologize.

Wasn't this site not allowed to be named at one point?

It still isn't, the Yea Forums page is just called "imageboards" and the writing clumsily steps around using the word Yea Forums.

Yes, that's what I mean. I miss when was just innocent autism

>Something Awful gets a page even though that site directly ripped them to shreds and made them a laughingstock across the net and caused the whole place to re-renovate itself.
But the chans, they BAD!

I like it.
Useful for finding decent fanfics, a weakness of mine.
Also good for putting a name to a concept that would take a paragraph to explain.

Fucking this. Many of whom frequent this very board. They even made an entire page dedicated to the idea that tropes are neither good nor bad, wholly dependent on how they're executed. Yet people still choose to pretend the subversion of tropes is the end all/be all of storytelling. Makes me sick sometimes.

Reminder when you finally make a show, it will 99% likely get a tropes page and you'll see things listed you probably didn't intent.

that Imageboards section is so informative and laid out in tracking every one out there it's pretty suspicious. Especially compared to Wikipedia's brief summaries. Do people using that site visit this one despite trying to be in denial over it?

I remember TvTropes exposing me to the concept of Bible yaoi.

I don't like how YMMV pages sometimes have tropers (but never having their name mentioned, using weasel words that pretend they're speaking for the fandom) accuse the author/writers having a problem against women or ethnic minorities or other disadvantage group because some one-note side character happened to be black/female/gay, but they died, so that's bad, and that means the writer somehow supports them dying collectively as a group because they gave off a bad impression. I mean, come on.

How else would I know when I've officially made it?

They put a step against this by putting a 6-month wait before any work can have a "Base-Breaker" section added to it. Still pretty fucking bad, though

When the fans start sending you porn or asking you to sign them at cons where you have to refuse for the sole sake of not being overrun by them in droves and be professional.

Redpill me on the "Time Lord" and "Cloudcuckoolander" tropes.

Incredibly autistic. ""Opinions"" thinly-veiled as facts. Absolutely cringe YMMV tropes like Unfortunate Implications and Stuffed in the Fridge.

>Joker has over twenty different complete monster entries fawning over his evilness
is Joker the most evil Yea Forums character or something

An immortal character who exists throughout time and a crazy person, respectively.

>Not seeing the Joker as the ultimate agent of evil.

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>It's a "This show/game/book/tv is controversial amongst a vocal minority who hate women because [skewed reason that doesn't touch on the real issue], thankfully the majority often shut them down" episode.

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Shit got so ridiculous, with people listing characters like Mr. Krabs and The Big Bang Theory's version of Wil Wheaton, that they finally said fuck it and introduced some legislature for the Trope.

based and stonetosspilled

Does he have a page?

I doubt it.

>Absolutely cringe YMMV tropes like Unfortunate Implications

They eventually introduced a citation policy for that, but not a notability one, so any literal who blogger or vlogger can be used to back whatever someone feels is offensive about something.

The closest things that he had to good qualities (his love for his wife and maybe his grandchildren) got thrown out the window by Slott, so I guess so.

It's fun for the occasional distraction, and sometimes even provides some interesting info you might not otherwise find on wikis for certain subjects. However, the biggest problem is that the community there seems dead set on making EVERYTHING a damned trope, like a single notable line of dialogue or a situation's description going from say "this is an example of something scary" to having like 4 more tropes attached somehow. The wild guessing and theory pages are also annoying since it seems like people are even more determined on there to push their ideas of something and refuse to see reason for otherwise.

>it's a Yea Forums complains about another website thread

it's nice to get a pseudo-plot summary of things that wikipedia doesn't have, but whenever you get on the YMMV pages, you might as well shoot steam into your eyes, because that's almost always used for people to vent
site itself is horribly afraid of stepping on left-leaning toes, which i ascribe to anita sarkeesian using 'trope' as a bad word
all in all, interesting slice of autism, the nightmare fuel pages are good for finding spooky things, even if some of the writers are easily spooked
but it awakened a gender bending fetish in me, which makes it irredeemable and it can get fucked

Is this what you're looking for?

>Do people using that site visit this one despite trying to be in denial over it?
pretty sure most people wouldn't admit going on Yea Forums

Close enough.

It's like admitting you play in dumpsters.

Yea, because nobody does that elsewhere and complains about Yea Forums. Nope, sure don't. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure

At least they brought back Male gaze. I recall that was removed as a trope for a while because "muh sexism" or whatever.

I hate the trope names.

>Mr. Krabs being placed in this trope a long time ago

How does he fit within a trope that starts with a victory speech of pic-related?

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What ones in particular?

I find it neat in how you can sort of use how big an entry is to gauge how popular something is with autists. For long-spanning franchises like Star Wars or Batman it's understandable, but then you also have shit like MLP or Homestuck that aren't exactly household names, but have huge, extensive entries all the same

The baleeting of troper tales was the biggest loss of cringe comedy ever

It's single handily responsible for every douche bag armchair critic who thinks their genre savvy experts by over analyzing every trope as if it where an independent element and not the sum of a whole.

>trope pantheons

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I feel like a lot of it is just fanboys looking for any excuse to push in whatever they're a fanboy of it regardless of it fits. They also make up trope names for every inane little thing. Every action regardless of how small it is, is a trope.

Fun for a quick read, but you're fucking retarded if you use it as an actual source for how media should be.


Oh, I know what you mean. I recall reading a YMMV page of some old school (and quite influential) anime and Values Dissonance entry about the main character slapping a woman (the show was like around the 60's or 70's) and then it has "this scares away newcomers in favor of [some modern trash version of the anime]" and "didn't earn any favors from Western fandoms". It really feels like editorializing as if to say "this old shit is bad because of it has shit that was acceptable back in the day that would be too extreme to today's wilting flowers..err..sensibilities."


Not that guy but Stuffed in the Fridge's one of them. Fuck, the trope has been around for a long time (it's a villain killing someone close to the protag to unnerve said protag)

I use it because Wikipedia is fucking incompetent with their content management. Most of the time, the stuff I'm looking for on Wikipedia is barely there or removed and redirected to the main page with a one sentence summary.

What would be a better name for that? It's short and simple enough, and I don't particularly mind it.

I don't get what's the purpose of those pages and why they exist.

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i get it, nice
if it's unintentional, still: nice

jesus christ

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>your honest thoughts?
As far as large, non-Wikipedia wikis go, It's fine. Some people seem to make a hobby out of being mad about it, which seems kind of dumb.

It's good. Probably the site I visit most.
I wouldn't recommend the forums, though.

Funnily enough, the SA page was deleted at some point and the site blocked from linking to TVTropes because the owner got so pissy at SA having a thread mocking TVTropes and discovering all sort of weird shit hosted on there. I think TVTropes eventually relented though but not before Google got on their case because of all the creepy shit they had on there served with their ads.

>this entire argument
good to know tvtropes threads keep the tvtropes spirit alive and well

God, I miss the This Troper videos

They're based and redpilled.

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I like to read what they have to say about my favorite shows when i'm bored

Mixed basket.

>tropes mentioning stuff that's not even true
>example: the Braceface page there mentioning a pool episode of the show that doesn't actually exist

The fact that they chose the unfunniest of his comics just adds to this

I love it because there some autists who make pages for really really niche fandoms and I can interact with them. I haven’t seen even one thread about the fandom I’m interested in on Yea Forums. Still waiting for that day.

Good way to waste time, and see things that make you think "huh, I never thought of it like that", while also being really cringey in certain spots.

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The comic's alright, but all the trannies flipping out in the comments was admittedly funnier.

post what you can find

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Trannies defend EA? I didn’t know I could hate them even more

I browse it regularly, and while I find it somewhat useful in identifying story elements, I mostly do it for fun.

>Go to Skeletor's part
>Former Allies
i've only been here for a fucking minute but i already love the autism

The comic is fucking shit, it's literally just "hurr EA overcharges u, GET IT!"

Have you never been to an arcade before?

The only good part of this website is the “trivia” section of each article
I won’t read anything else

As a writer, I would say it is very useful if you know how to use it. It's good for seeing how different media executes different tropes, and for giving you ideas on subverting/playing with tropes and whatnot.
It's absolutely bad if you rely on it for everything in writing, or see it as a strict guide that you can't write outside of its topics.
It's more like tropes should give a gentle starting push, and then you let your creativity do the real work.

don't get me started on how incomplete a lot of their pages are

Found the EA Tranny Shill.

I mean it's vaguely useful when I kind of remember a movie I want to find, but every time I describe it to someone they say it reminds them of a different one.

do you honestly think I didn't get the joke immediately and just think it's unfunny

I fucking hate EA, that's why I hate the comic, you can be so much more creative about it

TV Tropes could be good if it was a wikia with objective facts but sadly by no one fact checking their shit (or simply being read over) there is a ton of pointless subjective crap if not outright wrong information. Extremely unreliable and may as well just be opinions from Yea Forums or Yea Forums. No one fucking cares.

Yes, you clearly did miss the joke.

>Disproportionate Retribution: Fisk takes personal slights to a new degree. When a rookie waiter at his favorite restaurant handed him a check (unaware Fisk is never charged for his meals), the Kingpin tells an underling to hunt the guy down and make sure the hand that held the check is wrecked beyond repair.
they should provide links more often because I'm still wondering which story this is from

>/pol/tard infestation clings to most pitiful and uncreative bullshit because "kek, libruls will be so pissed if we keep gorging ourselves with crap!"

Did it hurt to lose all self-respect in one go? Or was it a slow and steady process?

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All the autism aside, I like it. It helps me better understand the general workings of fiction, and find stuff I'm interested in.

It's a random gag-a-day strip, you sperging tranny.
You smirk and move on.

am I the only one who noticed?

>It's a random gag-a-day strip

Oh, right, forgot that these never contained any humour whatsoever.

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Nightmare fuel shoudlnt be a thing

Why's the name marked out? Is stonetoss finally being hash filtered?

>Look through nightmare fuel on a franchise
>"this character made this super serious face at the camera and the music went quiet...this troper nearly shit himself!"
>"This character shouted loudly and was meaner than normal...hope you didnt want any sleep tonight"

>This episode broke the fourth wall one time. Wouldn't it be an existential NIGHTMARE to know you were in a TV show?

Are you really that upset that TVTropes turned out to be based, and they dont give a shit about your tranny whining? The strip isn't even new.
Its an antifa reddit thing.
They're not allowed to show Stonetoss' name, despite unironically doing the most to accidentally promote his comic.
Like right now.

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I love it, mainly because I'd like to make my own stories some day and knowing how they work is incredibly helpful.
I hate the retards who just assume trope = bad and go out of their way to make a unique OC Donut Steel though.

I mean he's one of the most visible ones. For like the past two decades Joker has been the most dangerous serial killer in the DC Universe.

I don't understand, is this one about killing the Jews, the niggers, or the trannies?

there are more autistic things on the internet than this

>Holocaust denial is based and every redpilled white straight male should spread it around!
>WAAAAAH! Fucking kikes are oppressing us for no reason by having admins and mods block our shit!

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unironically who are you quoting

Arguably wikis are better at that but I know some series don't have them or they update slowly so I guess that's fair.

complete shit and people start to push their own ideas into the shows they've seen and present them as if they were always there

Ruined all media for me.

>denying the thing that can get you imprisoned, unlike those other things like vietnam war casualities
just give up goy.

There's a lot you can do and learn on the shoulders of autism. TVTropes can be entertainment or a tool if used correctly. I do see how some cringe is inevitable, though, simply due to internet culture and a lack of a filter. But you could arguably use that too as tags of which fandoms and series to avoid as well as a way to know how to create a massive shitstorm if you're actually a content creator.

>Check out Nightmare Fuel, Crowning Moment of Funny/Awesome etc for a franchise.
>The examples are so benign that you're forced to wonder if the writer is still 10.

They did warn you about tv tropes ruining your life

Some series pages are well detailed

Some series barely get any content

Then theres some series that essentially have 1000 pages

The Mary Sue page is pretty well written, one of my favorites. Especially enjoy the list of various permutations.

Mary Tzu fucking kek.

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>I don't get what's the purpose of those pages and why they exist.
Most things on TVT I understand, even if I don't agree with the reasoning it exists. But the Trope Pantheon is just a bizarre, bizarre thing to me.

i think it's like "what if tropes were like greek gods that spawned new sub-tropes like a god spawns planets, people, and things?"

what are you people teaching the AI

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fucking hell

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While I don't have a clear solution in mind I really dislike how every other trope is titled as a sentence from some obscure anime, it's hard so search one other than finding a show you hope has the "thing" you're looking for and having to carefully read 100+ entries of literally every single obscure "thing" that happens in the entire show until you stumble across the one you want

>it's real
absolutely would hook her up to an automatic milking machine though

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You weren't kidding. So much projection, baseless accusations, reaching in a single paragraph. Holy shit. Can you imagine if they someone described their generation as being selfish, narcissistic, social media-obsessed, materialistic, and generally without any consistent moral frame work at all?

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Is the day your story gets a TV tropes page the day you know you've finally made it?

Wow that is so fucking funny I am literally shitting myself while also pissing and vomitting from laughter, it is turning into a vortex of funny bodily fluids up in here. CHRIST I could just drop dead at this absolute height of comedy.

Me too.
Wormwood's pretty based.

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so by that logic if I turned the back of the comic itself I would see a picture of cancer

That's definitely a good indicator, because that means that people give enough of a shit about it to cover it and dissect it.

Reading Martian Magazine is an effective cancer treatment.

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Yes that makes sense, but what if it's one of those small modest pages only? I can't tell if I've truly "made it" with what's there for my thing, there's no good point of comparison but I am happy with whatever's there.

Okay, this is the first good one you've posted

Welcome to the slippery slope.
Your inevitable conversion into a KKK hitlernazi has started, all because you laughed at a web comic.

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if holocaust denial could get you in jail, millions of teenagers would be in prison.

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It does, if you live in Europe.

Yeah, I can bore my tumor to death reading the same joke twice in a row.
also wait since when was promoting war a leftist thing

haha, ain't my problem, eurofag. how's article 13 treatin' ya?

I mean, if you really want it to be bigger you could always expand it yourself. TVtropes is a wiki.
Having a bigger page might help attract more people to your work too. Just try not to make it obvious that you're shilling your own work.

Congrats on getting anything at all, that must feel super affirming. A modest page is probably for the best anyway. I wouldn't want to have to deal with a large core audience of tropers.


I unironically miss Troper Tales, it was hilarious for all the wrong reasons and weirdly fun to read.

They swept it under the rug as per their "No negativity EVER" rule.

Despite the autism of the thing, I really did like it when pages detailing real life events featured a list of tropes pertaining to the actual people and things involved. It was a surprisingly entertaining way to learn more about something. Now they're getting rid of that stuff to clear pages of any trope examples applied to real life. For what I mean, check out stuff like the Napoleonic Wars or American Civil War pages.

This. The 50s weren't the true American decade, but they weren't that bad.


It's a result of this trope being abused like crazy years back. It's good that they're actually trying to enforce a cold, clear definition with no room for abuse but it just leads to a bunch of incredibly sterile, clinical-looking entries. Though I'd argue that's a problem with the site in general these days: they went too far in squashing out Troper Tales style autism that they sucked out any semblance of fun or soul out of the site.

t. Current user

Attached: Comfy Stitch.jpg (639x512, 25K)

This shit helped fuel the wave of shit media critism like Mauler, Cinemasins and RLM

>also wait since when was promoting war a leftist thing
For a while now. The political wings are far different compared to what they were like even 20 years ago.

Sometimes a useful resource, do not ever engage with the management, who have long since gone off the deep end with their sliver of power.

>It's absolutely bad if you rely on it for everything in writing, or see it as a strict guide that you can't write outside of its topics.
I don't understand how anyone could see it that way. It's a list of things that exist, not a list of things that should exist.

The whole "Stepford Suburbia" Is so fucking overplayed, both in media and these people's imagination (People who love "Pleasantville" for example). There were some problems with the 50s but it was mostly to consumerism and de-territorialization destroying traditional values. People who love this trope act like perennial values like having stable families and safe communities is literally evil in of and itself and/or there's actually some evil and messed up thing below the surface. It reeks of Frankfurt school bullshit like "The Authoritarian Personality" which used all sorts of mental gymnastics and freudian bullshit explain why happy families are secretly messed up (Unironically read the culture of critique if you want to learn about it, it's in chapter 5)

The trope is mostly just a giant cope for people with dysfunctional meaningless degenerate lives to pretend that people whos lives aren't outwardly messed up as them are actually just as fucked up or worse.

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Pretty much since Trump wanted to withdraw troops from Iraq and everyone on the left said it would make a huge mess if he did.

Who the fuck actually thinks that? All I see is butthurt cucks calling everything they dislike "subversion".

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It has some great analysis!

Attached: spongebob deepest lore.png (883x405, 81K)

Every once in a while they post gold.

Attached: 2526025D-1525-440A-AEE9-DF69C2885965.jpg (750x195, 84K)

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I'm morbidly curious how long the MLP page is.
Is it shorter or longer than the Tranny Universe page?

Probably longer because the MLP has been around for longer, and SU's audience is mainly not manchild autismos but tumblr

Fun website, but it bugs me how the users act like it's some kind of authority on tropes.

>SU's audience is mainly not manchild autismos but tumblr
That's literally the same thing

>trope page
>X Averts this trope
Why the fuck would you even mention it if it doesn't fucking apply on the page you're posting it on?!

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>your honest thoughts?
I think I'm one of the few here who doesn't outright hate TVTropes. That said, I only like it as a billboard- a place you can check to get a more in depth feel for a story than a traditional summary would allow. Very useful for mediums like webcomics and indie shit where there's no one who talks about them.

I don't think I've ever interacted with the community and I don't like their outlook that stories are entirely made out of specific, inflexible building blocks and things happen because they happen.
Still hoping there's a big page of troper works listed somewhere- I want to see if it's all formulaic/anti-formulaic anime trash.

I haven't read the thread so I don't know if this has been expressed somewhere else, but

Tropes as a concept are fucking stupid, and direct anathema to both telling and enjoying stories.
The idea that storytelling is just a collection of Lego pieces you can put together, and the quality of a story is contingent on putting the pieces together in a specific order, or actively using or omitting specific pieces sight unseen based on their perceived value in a vacuum just makes my skin crawl.

It's like, you know the old adage
>Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog; you understand it better but it dies in the process
The basic concept of "tropes" kinda precludes this idea that you have to "dissect the frog" just as a basic method of understanding, or even experiencing a story.
It's missing the forest through the trees on the single most basic level you can imagine.

I know this word gets used around here a lot, but it is a cancer.

No, not really. You won't easily find tumblrites amongst bronies. They are separate demographics.

It makes sense if the trope is expected to appear in a work, but that's just meta subversion then.

>implying EA doesn't encompass all 3

So any analysis of media is stupid, let's just discuss our emotions?
>lol that explosion was pretty epic
>yeah and I lol'd at that quip
>guise do you remember when the other guy farted?

The pantheon shit they god is legendary

Attached: Moses.png (928x857, 256K)


My most vivid memory of the site is that every fucking page seemed to mention some Haruhi fanfic. Since I don't give a shit about fanfiction, I just assumed it was some really popular one or something. One day I finally got curious enough to click on the link to see what is was. It turned out to just be some autist spamming his "Haruhi and TVtropes crossover".

Howdy pard.

The most bizarre shit I've found in the internet was some female troper claiming that she was turned on by the hospital scene of EoE and self-insert as Asuka. Until now I can't find any logic explanation for that shit and I can get why women want to be raped by handsome assholes and all that shit. This is just bizarre

Attached: Eoe hospital scene.png (600x342, 212K)

See, this is the shit I'm talking about.

You think story composition is how you describe or analyze all media. It's not.

>let's just discuss our emotions?
That's the entire point of storytelling; to incite emotion or provoke thought through the use of fictional or dramatized accounting of events.
Trying to label every single combination and permutation of circumstances, character types, and events reduces every story to a rote checklist, utterly devoid of meaning and nuance. It's completely missing the point.

>Having someone care about you, both in terms of your wellbeing, and in terms of your sexual desirability
>Having that expressed in such a way as to reduce the guy to a vulnerable state while still maintaining physical boundaries, AND you don't have any agency in the situation, and therefore no way or means, or even reason to object to maintain face

Yeah, I can see it.

It's fun to analyze these combinations and permutations. It's not like you can just write them all down, there are millions of them, plus tropes and archetypes evolve all the time. You can still feel emotion and understand why you feel this emotion at the same time. Plus it's not enough to just use a trope, at the end of the day it all comes down to execution and your subjective perception of said execution. If you can pinpoint than the author, in fact, uses a metaphor, it doesn't prevent you from liking that metaphor. Don't be autistic about this.

>It's not like you can just write them all down, there are millions of them
And yet, there's an entire website all about doing exactly that, somehow. Seems kinda stupid, doesn't it?

You can always try. It only cathegorizes various tropes in a vacuum, not how they all come together to form a story.

>May be incorrect, but Braceface has a couple. Examples include "The Coolest", "Up in Smoke", "Second Thoughts", and an episode with Sharon, her friends, and her class fighting British rival girls to win back the school pool.

Attached: but we sang the fun song.png (480x368, 260K)

Yea, the Pantheon thing is the weirdest addition. Like, what is even the point? Is it like the least nerdy way to measure the power levels of the cast of any medium? Is it just for fun?

>and an episode with Sharon, her friends, and her class fighting British rival girls to win back the school pool.

Attached: 185.png (480x368, 96K)

I think maybe it's jerking off to how popular and important your favorite characters are, and, by virtue feeling popular and important as well

>D&D are Tropers
It makes too much sense actually

>Lesser god
>Enemies: YHVH
Do these people have any self awareness?

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That's a subversion user. Not a straight aversion

So power level bullshit?

am I the only one who noticed?

You get contributions from actually knowledgeable people mixed with unsourced hearsay bullshit and secondaries trying to mold articles to their personal opinions. It's like Wikis, but worse.

Attached: dem1.png (356x488, 16K)

There are a lot of amateur writers who are unfortunately like that. They are the kind of people not used to writing from nothing, so they hesitate working on ideas that are completely their own. Usually you see them asking "am I allowed to write about [topic]" to other writers because of these hesitations, so they'll regard TV tropes as an absolute guide.

What's the issue here

Is this real?

the episode mentioned here is not even real

Autism is a strange sword. If there's something geeky and I want to know about it, I go there. If I want cringe, I also go there.

>character gets annoyed at some point by something
>Berserk Button: Do NOT do X to character. Just DON'T. Seriously. You will REGRET it. Character will make you wish you'd never been born...

like seriously I have every episode downloaded and not one was exactly like that