Will the new Gamora get together with Quill or not?

Will the new Gamora get together with Quill or not?

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I hope not, what a shitty couple.

That pairing was shit. Hopefully she gets with either Nova or Warlock.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't unsee a blackchick painted green.

Quill warms Gamora's icy heart with a firey island song 2 electric boogaloo?
How exciting!

She'll get together with Mantis

Hope not, they felt kind of forced. Would prefer thew new Gamora stays new Gamora and that Quill should move on with his life.

Based. She was super tsundere to her in GoTG2 but maybe she'll warm up to her?

I can't stop seeing the chick from Avatar.

nope shes is gonna be a lesbian

Why didn't she fade with the Tony snap?

Shell be with Adam Warlock, and both will leave at the end

God I hope not. I hate that old Gamora was replaced by a new one. Fuck that shit.

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I hope she gets with Nebula and have some hot steamy alien sister /ss/.

Quill is for Rocket

Nope. She's going to get ADAMED.

>hot steamy alien sister straight shota
user I'm sorry but what?

I hope they do, bit because I want to see the internet complaining about this. An also because if they do, the wokes at Marvel would imply women are replaceable commodities.

It would be poetry.

Nah, mostly because Quill is a fucking white male, and as such he needs to die so the real heroes can take over, at least that is the vibes I am getting with these future movies.


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>Riri Williams and Kamala Khan confirmed
>still no Dick Rider

I hope she look more strong and hot like the comics and not like a Disney princess

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Who cares about tv shows? Dick is meant for the big screen. It's crazy we're getting Shang-Chi before him.

Shang-Chi has had way more comics to his name than Nova.

No, why would anything nice happen to peter quill

One character has been in demand for several years and is incredibly popular with more than enough reason to be given a movie at this point. The other is Shang-Chi.

Y-yeah but diversity tho...

Nah, the dumb "lesson" will be "let go of women who don't want you and don't pester them", which as true as it is, is a dumb premise for a character arc.

>has been in demand for several years and is incredibly popular

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anyone who doesn't think quill should end up with gamorra is a woman

A alien Red Sonja
They really fuck her badly

But gamora is dead, the one from endgame might as well be another person

My money is on no. She isn't the gamorra he fell in love with. Considering the running theme about being losers, I think he's going to have to accept that his Gamorra is gone and move on.

I hope they do introduce the otter love interest so I can stop seeing these posts

Her old costume is retarded and would look ridiculous in real life.

You need to escape your hugbox for a bit.

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His Gamora is dead. Any romantic relationship he tries to build with her younger self will be a glib facsimile. Peter will end up with Nebula.

Or does he cool her heart with a warm island song?

Nebula is best girl, other than mantis

Who knows it can happen either way, depends on what ending Gunn wants. I guess Saldanna will want out after vol. 3 and Pratt expressed a desire to keep going on as Star-Lord so they might go their separate waya.
They most likely will go for a young guy with Nova so if they have to give him a love interest it's going to be some other female character play by a younger actress. Rich has no shortage of women fawning over him.

Warlock is too autistic for Gamora, even in tje comics, he has little to no desire to be with her that way. If they go with a young actor they'll change their relationship too.

We most likely won't hear anything about him until after vol. 3 comes out. Vol. 3 is suppose to set up the new cosmic stuff.

Fucking hope so. Quill has nothing now.
>shit on by his "friends" constantly
>Thor constantly butting in to everything
>Yondu (surrogate father) dead
>Ego (real father) a psycho and dead
>mom dead
>prime girlfriend dead
Feel fucking sorry for him at this point. They'll probably kill him off next and it makes me sad. He better go out in a blaze of glory.

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He won't die, Pratt is up for more movies and it would be a very predictable move.

If they do in fact stop having Zaldana they could easily start introducing Nova, Warlock, and BRB. We got robbed by not having Warlock in IW, and we should’ve had Nova since the first guardians movie desu.

I like Gamora and like Zaldana, but I would also like to see a Rocket Raccoon half world movie

Shang-Chi's MoKF run was great and he is a character who can be a lot of fun done right

It sounds like they are gonna become friends at least too.

I suppose Nebula is actually in kind of the same position as Quill here, just she lost her sister instead of her lover.