So who in Adult swim was pissed off enough to end Metalocalypse? what are your theories to how it would've ended...

so who in Adult swim was pissed off enough to end Metalocalypse? what are your theories to how it would've ended? how would you end it?

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The last galaktikon album is how it would've ended

Short answer: It was a perfect storm of corporate suits being greedy, Brendon Smalls being a talentless cunt who pushed his luck one time too many, and one of the rare cases where Lazzo's meddling IMPROVED a show.

Long answer:

Brendon Small never intended the show to have character arcs and toss about a TON of plot points that he had NO intention to pay off, and were there to string fans along while they suffered through 2-3 minutes of ultra-violence, 4-5 minutes of lame pre-school jokes run into the ground, 1 minute of exposition from the Tribunal, and a 1-2 minute song at the end of the episode.

Fans however WANTED to see how these plot coupons would be paid off and Lazzo pushed Small (who just wanted to coast and use the show to go on tour and pretend to be a rock star and not a failed animator leeching off of Adult Swim for hipster welfare gigs) to advance and pay off his plots. Small did so but but only with a gun against his head.

Then Superjail happend and Lazzo decide to be cute when Smalls said season three would not advance the plot: Lazzo used his executive veto to force Smalls to cut 99% of the violence (because Superjail was also violent and Lazzo didn't want fans to negatively accuse Superjail of ripping Metalocalypse off) and demanded character-driven 30 minute episodes exploring the characters, their backstories, and heads. Small agreed so long as he got a theatrical film for the show; a movie about the band on tour that was 90 minutes of pre-school jokes run into the ground.

Then corporate brass found out where Lazzo fucked up: he let Smalls keep ALL of the money he made touring on the show's name AND kept all of the money for the album sales. Season four meanwhile was arc driven but because Aqua Teen's movie flop and because Lazzo sided with Small over the music money, the suits killed any talk of a Metalocalypse theatrical movie.

Even though Lazzo came to Small's defense, Small was pissy as fuck he wasn't getting his movie. As season four ended on a HUGE cliffhanger, Lazzo agreed to give Small an hour (roughly 4 episodes) to finish the story as a "TV movie". Small turned in a special that shitted all over the cliffhanger and resolved only one plot thread (rescuing Toki) and answered NO questions about the main plot and actively shitted on the big cliffhanger (Nathan having to write a song that will inspire the world to rebel against the impending takeover by Seletcia and the Tribunal).

Lazzo was needless to say, pissed and the final straw had been broken. Lazzo killed the show, refusing to allow a fifth season and activating a clause in Small's contract that basically kept him from taking the show to another network or streaming website (as Smalls was in talks about Hulu bankrolling a fifth season).

This sounds like nonsense

It's true though.

Lazzo wanted a myth story driven show. Small wanted silly jokes, gore, and a TV commercial for his musical act.

And the suits were OK with it until they realized that Lazzo signed a deal that let Small keep all of the music money and Small was an ungrateful brat who pissed off Lazzo to the point that he said "fuck it" and ended the show/kept it from being taken to another network.

you're gonna need to post some kind of proof.


You're making shit up. Lazzo cancelled Metalocalypse because it wasn't funny enough in Season 4. Small was too up his own ass with all the lore shit. I agree he should have wrapped it up in the musical but he didn't and expected to coast on the show's success forever. Both parties were in the wrong. Lazzo for not getting royalties off the Dethalbums and Small for being petty. Season 5 shouldn't have been a problem.

Imagine being someone who thought this bands music was actual Death Metal

Its Death Metal, you just have shit taste

3 best selling metal albums ever, Dethalbum 3 even broke into the billboard top 10, something no ever metal act has done before or since

It's technically melodeath, which can sound considerably different to pure death

Nobody was 'pissed off'. It was just a bad show only liked by edge lords

Wasn't it that the guy in charge just didn't give a fuck about everything he'd set up?

Should've just ended at episode 1. Faggots thought this show was funny and the songs were kewl. It was just another normie attempt at humor.

Hmm, I think your right about that. Maybe you can help me with this. What exactly does make melodeath? Deathklok sounds like pure death, maybe my ears are missing something.

>Death Metal: heavy screams, deep voices, music sounds like 5-year-olds playing professional instruments (fast-pace, very frenetic count)
>Melodeath: same singing as Death Metal, but with Classically-trained musicians on the instruments (pacing is applied better, often changes from fast to slow)

Personally I like Fantasy Metal.

>Deathklok sounds like pure death
I'm guessing you haven't really heard pure death. Death metal (generally) does not have clear melody. It can be hard to follow with constantly shifting tone and rhythms compared to melodeath, which has more harmony and...synchronicity I guess? I'm no musician so I struggle to find the words to describe it.

This is death metal:

This is melodeath:

Personally I'm more a fan of melodeath than pure death, though I do really enjoy techdeath, which is like death metal on steroids; everything is faster, more complex and all over the place. I suppose pure death is closer to it's thrash metal roots and I just never really got into that, while techdeath leans into progrock/jazziness.

Here's techdeath:

>Fantasy Metal
That's not a thing

I've heard Dethklok referred to as harmonic death metal which I think was cute. I would still put them under the melodic death metal umbrella but the sound is definitely beyond the typical In Flames/A The Gates sound that makes up the extreme majority of the genre.

Gloryhammer would like a word.

So power metal with costumes then?

What's even the difference between harmony and melody?

melodeath likes to have a large sounding presence while punching you in the face with riffing and change ups.
pure death metal just wants to punch you in the face with brutal riffing/speed and sweet solos.

Since people always died at a Dethklok concert, how about somebody launching an ICBM at the band while on stage?

It'd somehow get diverted and start a war in asia or something

I thought Adult Swim just got mad over constant begging to finish the show with a final season, and flatout refuses to sell?

Missed the point of Gloryhammer.

user, guys like them make up half the power metal genre

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What is the point exactly? Most power metal bands have some kind of gimmick.

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Nice fan theory, faggot

Hammerfall, Blind Guardian, Frost Giant, Tyr, ....

Go back to your shit taste, user.

Cryptopsy, Death, Deicide, and Vital Remains are shit? News to me pal

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You're naming power metal bands user. Also:

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Metalfags are the most obnoxious music subculture in the world. They're always so fucking particular and anal about what is and is not "true metal."

>X fags are the most obnoxious X subculture in the world. They're always so fucking particular and anal about what is and is not "true X."
Hot take

Welcome to metal. Now get out.

I thought the main singer died. The voice actor

>Lazzo wanted a myth story driven show. Small wanted silly jokes, gore, and a TV commercial for his musical act.

Absolutely untrue. Brendon Small was literally going to be done with Metalocalypse in a 5-6 episode mini-series. It was Lazzo who wanted to make Metalocalypse nothing but silly jokes and gore. Galaktikon II proves this since it's literally the end to Metalocalypse. Stop spreading fake news.

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Brendan Small did every voice but Murderface's, and the music was all him.


Harmony is the relationship between two or more notes played on top of each other whereas melody is notes in a sequence.