Big Hero 6

Would Big Hero 6 have worked better if Hiro didn't exist and instead had Tadashi to fill in the shoes of being the main hero?

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Tadashi should have been the villain. It would have been a better twist.

Who was the villian and why were they evil and what was the twist of the movie?

No, Tadashi's death was a great compelling premise.
Sadly the writers pulled their punches for the kids too much. Stuff like telling Baymax to "destroy" instead of "kill", or that awkward exposition dialogue where Hiro seems to explain to his own brother how their parents are dead and Aunt Cass raised them.

It was the professor, and he killed Tadashi so that he could steal his nanites to get his daughter back from the quantum realm.
Actually wait he didn't need to kill Tadashi...fuck that guy.

Bob McScientist, the person who tought Tadashi, and the person Tadashi tried to save from a accident he created.

If I remember correctly, the villain was someone Tadashi and Hiro trusted but was interested in the microbot tech Hiro made, so he stole the technology by setting the building on fire, killing Tadashi in the process.

Tadashi was boring

Watch the movie

Hiro is troubled kid genius who is urged by his older brother Tadashi to use his smarts for good so sets him up to show an invention of his at an expo at the university. A fire starts in the building and Tadashi rushes back inside to save one of the university heads who is a cool guy and friend of Tadashi, and is killed when the building explodes
Hiro discovers his invention, small robots controlled with a telepathic headband interface survived the fire and concludes the fire was started so that asshole corporate CEO that wanted the technology could steal them and is using them as a masked villain with the interface in his mask to control the robots
Turns out the masked villain IS the cool university guy who started the fire himself because wanted the robots in his scheme to get revenge on corporate asshole, whose reckless experiments with portal technology seemingly killed his daughter

Honestly corporate supervillains have gotten pretty boring for being too safe.

I did watch the movie, but I haven’t interacted with any Big Hero 6 stuff since it aired. I just remember the scene where the kids are trying out their super suits in the rich kids courtyard. But I have been meaning to give this movie a rewatch in the present.

Not really, Hiro's concept of super heroes and his immaturity are a key part of the story.
Nice fanart though.

Yeah but there's also the trend of super teens in a super team. Hiro though stands out because he's the youngest who also happens to be the leader.

where's the new episodes?

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Do the LEAST bit of lurking faggot
There was a thread up until just earlier today with links

He didn't intentionally kill him. He set the fire as a cover to steal the nanobots and Tadashi unknowingly tried to save him and died when the place blew.

The Professor wasn't too broken up about it and was kind of a dick in that regard but he didn't kill or even want Tadashi to die. Just said he was stupid for taking such a blind risk to save someone.

>can't find shit in search

look either i'm a retard or it's not there anymore, but either way can't you just spoonfeed me a little. all i'm seeing is dumb tranny universe spam today

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But then we wouldn't have gotten all these incestuous fanart so no.

Will "WHERE IS KARMI?!" become the new "WHERE IS VARIAN?!"

You know, he could just faked a robbery in the middle of the night..

He could've just asked Tadashi for help.

Tadashi didn't have a lot of characterization outside of being a caring and friendly person. And Hiro's tech skills being greater than Tadashi's and the others are the only reason they were able to hero-mode anyway.

He actually thought his daughter was beyond saving, and he was just going to use the portal to kill Krei in the way he thought his daughter died.

So it was more for just extravagant revenge to make things worse.

Then the cops would be looking for it.
The fire covered up the theft.

Still seems overly complicated

Karmi's gone, user.

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For this season at least.

What happened to Karmi? D:

When are we going to get villain Fred? He obviously read lots of comics. I'm sure he can come up with an evil plan that would use his large amount of wealth.

As it turns out being a sixteen year old student at a college in a city where you can get turned into a monster has bad optics to your parental overlords.

I though Richardson was going to be that, but he's just a bratty kid.