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Water thread?
Yep , knowing the metric system can save your life ......
Seriously, tho, why do americans love their water imperial system so much?
1 kilometer would be like right there, there would not even need to be a sign pointing to it.
A whole mile for water?
You'd have to put some pokemon creatures at the end to make it worth it
Because... it might not be standardized, or practical or well though out, but is American.
Fellas, I think they're trying to plagiarize /ourboomer/
But Ben is /ourboomer/.
a klick is like 2.68 miles
why does he like jokers goo?
Fucking kek
You know why everyone likes to make fun of America for using imperial units but nobody makes fun of the British when they use stones as a unit of weight?
Because the British stopped being relevant 243 years ago.
>but is American.
I thought it was british.
TEENAGERS! Amirite, you guys?
Nobody is denying that, tho. In terms of relevance, I'd say UK and Senegal are about the same.
I'm Canadian but we still in all practical applications use imperial, metric is pretty much solely for government documentation.
The simple fact is we know it, it's what we grew up with. If someone says 6' or 3' or 3" you can immediately picture a rough estimate, but when someone says 182cm or 91cm or 8cm it's pretty much just a bunch of random numbers to you and you need to bust out the measuring tape to get a good idea of what you're looking at.
I mean sure, if one day everyone in Imperial using countries just threw up their hands and said "fuck it, no one is allowed to use imperial anymore, everyone uses metric!" in a generation the whole thing would shift, metric numbers easily visualized while imperial is just plain gibberish, but that's not gonna happen.
Why are webcomic artists always so passive aggressive towards anyone with a good physique?
They only use it for people's weight, much like people in countries with the metric system sometimes use feet and inches for people's height
Even in the US the imperial system is fucked. Some professions know how shitty it is and don't use inches and instead use tenths of feet. Creates so many problems.
Look, imagine the kind of person that ends up trying to make a hobby or a living out of making webcomics.
The 1 mile will be better for him as he would have earned it and got a good work out.
You want a water thread and don’t even start with H2Olga?
Because the standardized amounts are simply amounts that are easily encountered in everyday life.
A cup or a pint is an amount of liquid you might easily want to drink. A foot is small enough to give you a ballpark of how long most things you would need to know the length yet large enough that you would probably need just whole, single or digit numbers.
Do you want a half liter of beer, or a pint?
>hydrocephalic heads
>in a water thread
Hah, I get it.
I'd rather have a litre of beer if it's all the same to you
they think investing on your body instead of your mind is narcissistic even though they don't invest that much on their own minds
>Euros say 'the whole 8.3 metres'
>Euros say '182.9 centimetres under'
>Euros say '0.454 kilograms of flesh'
Choose a year between 1990 and 1999 and a month
But that's too much
I mean she's right. go to your library its a lot easier way to read a lot of comics.
It really isn't, libraries typically have a very poor selection and you can buy books/comics for e-reads at almost zero cost, or if you like paper books just buy them used on amazon for a fraction of the price any bookstore has them for.
Just like knowing the electric slide can really end your strife
The Imperial system fits in with the Golden Ratio.
October of 94, I want to see if Power Rangers pops up any.
Sorry, no Power Rangers
Someone shop his frown into a smile
Offering hydration is a good thing
Don't be a pussy user. Drink the liter.
They don't have Bart the General at the library. I checked.
Honestly not being afraid of imaginary monsters under the bad is a positive trait for kid
It's imperial that is garbage drunken arbitratrian gay numbers, 1076 to 1, 30.5 to a foot, 2.54 to an inch, .454grams to 1lb. Meanwhile metric is tidy, normalized, everything can be measured in thousandths. Eat a bag of dicks, cucknadian.
Get real. The only reason Canadians use imperial at all is because Americans do. You got to Quebec, they don't use that shit.
Is pic related accurate?
Wouldn't the child love to have Pokemon creatures under their bed?
But does your local library have stonetoss comics?
The idea of wild creatures with elemental powers is cool on paper but quite scary in real life
Who wants some John Trever?
>A Year between '81 and '99
>A Month
This is true though.
>It's an unironic /pol/ comic thread
>/pol/ isn't a blue board
Yes that's why they think that.
The classic Greek philosophers were natty as fuck.
And yes they did lift weights that practice is old as dirt.
You could probably just ignore a crude spill and wait for it to go away in Siberia.
"NASA lost its $125-million Mars Climate Orbiter because spacecraft engineers failed to convert from English to metric measurements when exchanging vital data before the craft was launched, space agency officials said Thursday. ... In a sense, the spacecraft was lost in translation"
That’s unironicaly funny, though.
They didn't want it anymore because it's stupid and useless. All yours now, m8.
You're joking.
That is not easier by any stretch of the imagination. Not even if you live next door to the library and can factor out travel. It's a lot more fucking around. Print is dead and you should stay away from its zombie corpse.
fuck you dad
>And I'm proud to be an American
>Where at least one yard's three feet
>And I won't forget, the gallon size
>A 64 ounce gulpiee
>And I'd rather stand UP next to you
>I measure 'bout 5 foot 8
>'Cause there ain't no doubt, I love this land
>Put those centimeters awaaaaaaay
>tfw you drink a stone of water
October 1992. October 14th if you have them.
The Fahrenheit scale was specifically designed to measure the weather. 0 is "damn cold" 100 is "damn hot" and you never need to convert it because why would you?
November 1992
June '93
Helga is running for Governor?
Ah, those innocent days when plane hijackers just wanted to be taken somewhere.
The bigger question is why do Eurocucks care so much what america does
Because your media spams your terrible culture around the planet. It's literally impossible to avoid american crap telling us that violence is awesome but sex is evil.
Sometimes I just love Dobson. There's like, five layers of stupidity to this one.
I have a Scribd subscription that puts an entire library in my pocket and more.
well sex is evil because we already have overpopulation issues and dont need CERTAIN PEOPLE popping out babies like no tomorrow so violence is good so we can cut down population of humans. just one human can do so much to pollution. by certain people i think anybody reading this knows who i am talking about
Only slightly.
Americans are demented.
>by certain people i think anybody reading this knows who i am talking about
Edgy teens?
They're retarded for thinking the two are mutually exclusive in the first place
I wish he made more comics nowadays, though i heard he was working on some sort of big project so that could be SoP worthy
Britain still uses miles just like Americans
>people in countries with the metric system sometimes use feet and inches for people's height
people such as mexicans and black sand muslims who keep popping out babies way more compared to white people. seriously i knew people like you were not going to know what i mean
Because the world revolves around America and other countries are jealous so naturally they have to spend an unhealthy amount of time seething over it.
I am sure no one outside of anglosphere does.
Every country that ever amounted to anything regulated sex and used violence to achieve its goals. There's no surviving civilisation of peace-loving sluts.
quit anthropomorphizing the robot.
>be Ausfag
>be wagecuck at retail store
>customer comes in asking for some bullshit that is X long
>assume X is in centimetres because we are in Australia and why would anyone ever used imperial?
>show customer some bullshit that is approx X centimetres long
>”oh sorry I meant inches”
Why the fuck wouldn’t you either a) specify your retarded measurements to make both of our lives easier, or b) just use centimetres like everyone else? Working in retail has showed me that the average person is a completely useless numbskull
Retail is the epicenter of stupidity. People are dedicated to getting whatever they want to get and completely leave their brain at home.
>"i want a thing that's 3 long"
I don't know how you can omit the units of measurement and still form a coherent sentence.
Its fucking imperial. As in british empire. Using it is tantamount to admitting to being the limeys bitch
>recall the 2011 raids
well this one aged like wine
>get sent to mars on a mission to find water
>by the time you arrive nobody cares about crummy water anymore
The thing about the literal amoebas that are the public is that they are hopeless at describing the things that they want. They also don’t quite grasp the concept that the store literally cannot stock every item that is listed on the catalog, that would be insane. We have places where everything is stored, it’s called a warehouse. And they also have the cojones to get angry at me for their item not being in the store, as though it’s my fault management hasn’t placed an order or the supplier hasn’t gotten off their fat asses to deliver the product. Fucking Neanderthals, all of them.
It’s almost semi-coherent as metric is so universally used in Straya, I mean what kind of lunatic would use imperial units without giving any heads up amirite?
>The thing about the literal amoebas that are the public is that they are hopeless at describing the things that they want. They also don’t quite grasp the concept that the store literally cannot stock every item that is listed on the catalog, that would be insane. We have places where everything is stored, it’s called a warehouse. And they also have the cojones to get angry at me for their item not being in the store, as though it’s my fault management hasn’t placed an order or the supplier hasn’t gotten off their fat asses to deliver the product. Fucking Neanderthals, all of them.
I was a supervisor for customer service at a casino. We had lines and people would cut in front of each and would get mad. The shit I've seen is stuff that grade school children were taught not to do.
That's why I work in soft count
Base 10 is for brainlets who can't remember ratios.
Imperial as in Roman empire you moron.
Look at this opinionated neckbeard with a fedora, he is even worse than the guy in red.
Buh user didn't you learn in school that the imperial system was based off the Monarch's feet
>understanding what young people like
Based and boomer pilled
Why not? It is of a primitive intelligence is it not? Why not lavish every bot. It was made for a singular cause, it was given purpose and went beyond what was expected of it. We would be poor stewards not to praise this.
I worked with someone that said they couldn't work in cage. Because they loved money so much that after being around it for so long that they'd be desensitized to it.
Not sure about the pool temperature one, and work generally wants metric. But this is fairly accurate
Even if robot is intelligent, doesn't mean it would have the same drive as human. Humans want what they want, because our ancestors wanted it and passed their genes onto us, and those who didn't want it aren't anyone's ancestors. Artificially designed mind will want whatever creator puts in it. Robot built to explore Mars will enjoy being stuck on Mars forever.
Cause it's more important to know if we need to put down anti freeze and salt rather than not have a negative sign installed on our thermostat?
You let your Jews shit all over the world, just shut down Hollywood and we can leave you in peace
Because we're all used to it and it is difficult to change a system a country the size of the European Continent all uses.
Has someone a water idea for this?
How is this even true when in science and engineering you ONLY use metric. Even if you're a shitty car monkey your tools are metric
how fucked up do you get if you drink four bottles of wine at once?
They're obsessed with us. They hate us because they ain't us.
That's the problem with metric fags, give them 2.54 centimetres and they'll take 1.609 kilometres.
And they ALWAYS do the "america is super important" defense. No we're not. Stop making excuses to turn a blind eye to your own shitty could try. Focus on bettering yourselves instead of overblowing america so you can justify ignoring your downfall just to cope by shitting on america.
Leave us alone and worry about yourselves, eurocucks. You take such pride in knowing so much a out america whilst Americans dont even know your country exists. Maybe you should be ashamed that you're so concerned over some place else other than yourselves. We do well by being focused on ourselves and caring about what's going on inside our own country, even if that concern is false or wrong, it's still concern. We would turn to shit even faster if as a whole we decided the UK was super important and focused on shitting on it instead of worrying about what the politicians and big corporations are doing
Depending on weight and tolerance, but pretty fucked up, close to black-out.
America is literally the center of all trade in the world. China is just now starting to ween off of American trade, but their currency and all others are still based around the American Dollar.
>be me, a scientist
>dabs on metric nerds by using light-years like a boss
Why are all these comics NOT ABOUT WATER!?
>not even a scientist
>uses Kelvin like a madlad
>watch both Fucks and Cucks seethe
BASED haunter
You missed the entire point of the post.
Literally who cares if everything is in neat, orderly tens?
If they didn't grow up with it, they don't find it practical for everyday use.
English is the least-practical, most fucked-up language on the planet, but what the fuck are you speaking right now, huh? You're used to it.
October 1998
I'm speaking American, you filthy redcoat.
>boomer thread
>posts a millennial
There is not really anything wrong with it. Even if we changed the measurements would still be relevant because they’ve already been converted over.
this thread is so derivative that no one I know, literally no one I know or ever could know in real life will understand any of it
I do not care for water.
>W A T E R
>"That is crummy Johnny"
>Shoop Pokemon go onto the poster
>Blue streams straight outta the ass
"Quit anthropomorphizing natural forces and universal concepts as deities Titus"
Fuck off and let people have fun. Humans have been doing this shit for ages to explore concepts and learn.
>Captain Marvel was made to be explicitly better than everybody else in the MCU wihout really working for it, or deserving it.
>Furthermore, her main conflict was an external one which she could easily solve with her powers and which involved little planning/wits
>Superman on the other hand has grown in the DCU, and has been a benchmark for other characters.
>Most of his conflicts are internal and involve about doing the right thing even when there doesn't seem to be one.
Are you implying you’d be playing Pokémon GO in the desert?
>Free market
Wait, is this serious?
Most of the movie problems are just things he can punch though.
people who eat fast food are the lowest of the low
i guess you're genetically right but still
Someone redpill me on these water edits and where I can find more
Unironically it is because boomers in the 1970’s were too retarded for Metric. That being said you’ll often see Imperial used for every day purposes and Metric used for other.
Not going to lie, I would rather dig ditches all day instead of stepping foot into another restaurant or retail/service job.
Those massive retail stores have massively spoiled the populace, which wasn’t exactly very bright to begin with. Add in catalogues and internet shopping and it only gets worse. Makes you wonder how these people manage to remember how to breathe.
>Man this strawman sure is stupid, right?
We don't adopt the metric system because nobody wants to change all those goddamn roadsigns. We still teach it in schools alongside the imperial system.
maybe you guys could make some of your own media
can't be that hard, right?
>no AR-15
There are plenty of justifications, most already listed but honestly? Fuck you, that's why. That's really all there is to it. We're America and we do things how we want.
I’m fairly certain it is well thought out
pull a Britain, switch to metric but keep the signs in miles.
>How dare modern kids have life-threatening allergies
Jesus Christ.
>science and engineering you ONLY use metric
Actually a lot of American machinists still use imperial, even for CNC machining.
0-100 temperature where water remains liquid
100= approximate human body temperature
0-100- survivable weather temperatures
one is convenient for science, the other is convenient for everyday life.
Is this on everyone's word calendar today or what?
The "One-Third-Pound" hamburger.
You're going to site there and tell me that that name rolls off the tongue? That THAT'S the name they went with for the sandwich they were pitting against mcdonalds? That NOBODY in the marketing team stopped for two seconds and said "Wait. That name is retarded and confusing and blatantly derivative of the sandwich we're trying to compete against, so in the best case scenario, customers will think we're taking a petty jab at Mcdonalds"
A quart is used all the time in food and baking. They see that word, and they get an idea of what their backing.
The "One-Third-pound" burger can't even be written attractively on it's own blog post.
Don't sit there and pretend this was ever at any point a problem about consumer stupidity. This is the stupidest fucking marketing decision I've fucking read.
This is also the reason McDonald's doesn't sell a Half-Pounder and just calls it a Double Quarter Pounder.
This is so farfetchd
Carlos you waterlover
post me the original
Pokemon and water? This is a rivalry?
Dumbass boomer
They get life threatening allergies from not being exposed as a kid
Why do Brits, Aussies and Canucks like to pretend they don't use imperial sometimes?
Because 10 is a strong number and mutts naturally fears them
Hahahaha I remember this one. I miss the /mlpol/
How do you get exposed to anaphylactic shock? Hang out around the kid with a peanut allergy until he makes a mistake then breathe in real hard once he starts convulsing?
convenience. we used it for so long that it's pretty much standard for us and not many wants to change all the roads signs and shit. Besides schools teach metric and any of the important shit uses metric already like scientific research .
Couple of years after and still feels like the first time.
No it isn't. Distance should be
>can i see it? Yes: imperial No: Time
>all this /pol/ comic shit
>barely any water-related Yea Forums screenshots or characters
jesus christ
what the hell is wrong with us? it's as if they were intentionally retarded
>it's unpleasant that means it must take less effort and be of less artistic worth than the pleasant music I enjoyed when I was a kid
Why do boomers always make this assumption? Proper screams, growls, and shouts, take just as much practice and technique and preparation as conventional singing. Not just to make sure they sound right, but also to minimize damage to the throat.
peanuts aren't something most people would say you can be "exposed" to
As a kid? yeah you can
>Even if you're a shitty car monkey your tools are metric
Guarantee this faggot has to pay someone to change his oil
More like
>What about that creepy ass doll on the nightstand?
How do you even drink when holding the glass backhanded like that.
That is the implication.
That's just Karl Pilkington on the right.
I want Shad versions of Pokemon creatures.
Firefest wasn't in Germany
This. Everyone loves muh people robots or whatever despite how inherently ridiculous the idea is.
I want to fuck a sentient android as much as the next guy but we're talking about a fucking RC car with a camera
Dobson's comics are very boomerish, tho. Pic related, for example, the structure of the comic reads exactly like Kelly's comics, only that played completely straight
Eurotrash: I think so poorly of you!
Americhad: I don't think of you at all.
The developed countries are responsible for 86% of global energy consumption, which could be significantly reduced in part by weatherproofing people's homes.
depends on the person and the ABV of the wine [alcohol by volume]. What's baffling is that she'd buy four bottles of wine instead of one or two liter bottles for maximum alcoholism.
Actually, let me rephrase because I know some pedantic dipshit is going to deliberately misinterpret me: the wealthiest 20% of the world population is responsible for 86% of energy consumption.
It's not just music. A lot of people have an idea that anything they don't like or think is important is easy. Notice how many people think being a pro athlete, an artist, a YouTuber or hell even a camgirl is easy.
Who said "pokemon creatures"?
imagine wasting all that energy crawling up the pit to read a sign and crawl back down
Karl has a gf, Suzanne.
The "double quarter-pounder" is a double cheeseburger, made with two 1/4lb patties. Obviously a "Half-pounder" burger if it existed would be made with a single 1/2lb patty.
>Trying to tell whiny entitled foreigners, "Why don't you just improve your own country?".
Who said anything about a "klick"?
A "klick" is a kilometer. Which means that that user is wrong, since a kilometer is just over 0.6 miles.
>where do you work out?
>under an xray machine
its okay user, i thought you were funny