Anyone else feel sorry for Julia Vickerman?

She didn't even do anything, she made a few blog posts and tweets a decade ago and now her life, reputation, and career in animation is ruined.

Attached: Julia-Vickerman.jpg (1280x853, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She got a nice bush.

The bitch openly talked about how fucking hot fourteen year old boys were. It's her fault for not hiding her power level and assuming having a vagina would get her off scott free.

Didn't she stalk a kid and reffered to herself as a pedophile?

She looks like a feminist bitch.

Did something happen?

can you blame her tho

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i bet she gets off to the idea of teen boys fapping to her pics

Fucking this. It's like feeling bad for Thad getting v&, when he fucking bragged about his cheese pizza collection on FACEBOOK.

Thad bragged about crimes, Julia never committed nor admitted to any crimes. She just mentioned being infatuated with teen emo boys in what seemed to be a harmless way.

Jokingly, yes
But lets face it, the boy wouldn't have turned her down if she'd ask

Imagine the smell of the room.

No, now post more nudes

Where was Julia when I was growing up?
I could have used a pink-haired woman sucking my dick when I hit puberty.

>Harmless way.
Nigga you for real right now?
She wasn't even born yet probably.

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All I could find.

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Funny how SJW Tumblr leftists and anti-SJW youtubers jumped on this bandwagon.

>Nigga you for real right now?
Where are the victims?

>She wasn't even born yet probably.
Pic Related is from Google; she'd have been 18 when I was 11.

It's because it's always a bad look to defend pedophilia no matter who you are.

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>Hey there baby boy, want some candy?

Funny how most people draw the line at "finds people under 18 to be cute in any way regardless of whether they act upon it"

I would go back in time to let Julia sit on my prepubescent face.

No no no no, you don't get to backpedal that fucking quickly you little shit. We weren't talking about victims, we were discussing how this shit isn't harmless. The bitch outright states that if the mom hadn't been there she'd have been all up in that emo trap boi pussy. She's literally creeping on some kid and the only thing stopping her from asking if he'd like to see her van full of Avenge Sevenfold cd's is the fact that his mom is there.
Also think about this, if this is the shit she was comfortable posting, what kind of fucked up shit did she keep to herself?

Why the fuck would I feel bad for a woman?

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>Julia will never be that hot babysitter who molests you and gives you candy so you don't tell anyone

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Honestly though so the fuck what? Its not like she was lusting after toddlers or some shit the whole 'sanctity of children' thing in western society is completely insane if human beings weren't meant to have sex as teens they wouldn't go through puberty at that time, puberty = ready for sex, nature shows it, we all know it but the west loves to deny reality and live in fear.

>9 years ago
>I wouldve been 15 at the time

>Puberty=Ready for sex
>The hell do you mean psychologically and mentally unready? That pussy is bleeding and I'm going in!
You aren't allowed around children are you user.

She's a creeper? Aw, man.
>So we back at the park
>With our eyes avertin' from side to side
>Side, side to side
>Thank God the school year's done
>Hope to find some shotas tonight, night, night
>Shotas tonight
>Hold up
>Some emo boys over by this one shrub
>No control of my body
>Hope I'd see you again
>I know I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes
>Eyes, eyes, eyes
>Cause baby tonight
>The creepers tryna to fuck all your kids again
>Kids again
>Yeah baby tonight
>You grab your kid's arm and bolt again
>Bolt again, gain
>And run, run
>Until she's gone, gone
>Until you're home
>Don't be left alone
>Cause baby tonight
>The creepers tryna to fuck all your kids again
>Keep baiting kids like there's no tomorrow
>There's just right now, now, now
>Now, now, now, now
>Catch one and take him home
>Make that motherfucker go down, down, down
>Down, down, down, down
>Head up
>When he goes down hard and makes you jolt your head up
>Put your hands on my body
>The night's still goin' strong
>Make him put it in, but don't cry, cry, cry
>Cry, cry, cry
>Cause baby tonight
>The creepers tryna to fuck all your kids again
>Kids again
>Yeah, baby tonight
>You grab your kid's arm and bolt again
>Bolt again
>What fun, fun
>Until you're done, done
>Make sure she cums, cums
>Life just begun
>Cause baby tonight
>The creepers tryna to fuck all your kids again
>You're mine, haha

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I myself consider stalking to be acting upon it. Hell, stalking by itself would probably get you in some shit.

Not at all.
Actually i need /ss/ supports to give me opinion about the ages of my characters in a novel, considering that the protagonist is 15 years old and one of the lovers is 35 years old.
And no, isn't a fetish or possibly i'm a retarded fucker. I have to know if it's necessary to change the ages, assuming that the protagonist isn't even considered human in the novel.

when did she stalk anybody

user. user, do you know how to read?

yes i read the whole post multiple times didn't see any stalking

What does that even mean? You understand humans have been around hundreds of thousands of years before our current Christian inspired morality existed right? Less I remind you teens having children was extremely common in ancient times especially since lifespans were much shorter then its only a fairly recent phenomenon in western society where children have been reified into some symbol of purity and innocence.

If I had a woman like that come onto me when I was 14 I would have been putty in her hands.

She literally states she followed the boy around, took pictures and didn't aproach only because his mom was there.

I think you would have been considerably stiffer

She's kinda hot

you have a very loose idea of what stalking entails

She definitely has some boy love CP stashed in her hard drive somewhere

>Julia will never drunkenly hit on you and molest you
feels bad

Shut up fempedo

Stop posting about it then you faggot

And? If a 13 year old orgasms from a 20 yr old dude dicking her does that still not make it a crime?

Fucking cumbrain retard

Julia, go get yourself a lawyer if you want to know what it entails.

Tumblr angle is whining about abuse and #metoo and playing the victim and throwing in other grievances like "buttwitch is transphobic".
Anti-SJW angle is "this would never be allowed if a man said it" ignoring it's not being allowed now either since it came to light, and implying you can just switch sexes and act like the scenario is still the same, which is basically a feminist approach (men and women are not the same).

>not human
Okay obviously there's context that you're not providing to us.

You're definitely going to want to change that. Regardless if people on this site give you encouragement, you're fucked if you publish a book where a young teen gets with a 35 year old man.

Hot people can't be pedoes, so even if she literally posted a video of her riding him like bull in a rodeo, she's still innocent and free of crime

>No no no no, you don't get to backpedal that fucking quickly you little shit. We weren't talking about victims, we were discussing how this shit isn't harmless.
By definition if it harmed someone, there was a victim. If it didn't, there wasn't. There was no harm done and no victims created. Julia did nothing wrong.

Lifetimes were shorter, but not by much. Childhood mortality was the real killer. Also most women didn't start their periods until later due to nutritional issues.

Yeah, there is a difference between "I found this 14yo boy super cute" and "I followed a 14yo boy around all day sneaking pictures of him because I think he's cute." Also who the fuck is this Tony guy who is apparently okay with this going down?

Stop spreading disinformation, teenagers are not fully developed, teenagers years is not an ideal time to get pregnet since due to underveloped tights the girls is far more likely to die than a fully developed female.

She is REALLY hot, but still a pervert.

Yeah, now i wanna talk about that.
He's a humanoid who shares angel & demon's blood because of a "gift" since the first "guardian" of the planet Earth. The lover is female, so don't worry about that.
I broke my head making a convincing character arc to make it closer to true love than a simple fetish.

That would be bad, but you're changing the subject. Boys and girls are not the same. If you're a guy, you know if some hot older woman came on to you when you were a teenage boy and you ended up agreeing to have sex with her it would not have been some life-ruining trauma. And no one has accused her of doing that, anyway. She just found some teen emo boys cute, big deal.

Also she's a woman.

She clearly wants to molest little boys, I thought she just made a bad joke but after soooo many tweets and that short she made about a woman wanting to molest a boy...she's a filthy shotacon

If she would have just told Poe Dameron about her plan he might have helped her hook up with the broom boy jedi at the casino. I don't know. I hardly remember that movie.

This but unironically.

Do we have any more receips like boys?

A 13 year old is not fully developed yet and is filled with hormones. They literally can't think straight like an adult. Is almost like fucking a drunk person.

>10 years ago
>I was 14


it's her fault for killing off shane


but in all seriousness, I kinda get why creepy shit getting posted should result in firing, even in situations like this
she makes childrens cartoons, this is another potential john k assuming she hasn't changed (and lets face it, do we really have any reason to believe that pedos just stop being attracted to children)

>half-angel, half-demon, half-human
Oh. It's shit. So it really doesn't matter WHAT happens.
But if you're concerned then, uh, yeah, it's still pedophilia. Whatever ancestral memory bullshit you've got going on, if his mind is that of a 15 year old boy then it's creepy. Look at like, Avatar the Last Airbender. Aang had been frozen for 100 years so he's technically 112, with hundreds of years of past lives tapping in a little, but still mentally 12. If some MILF comes along to fuck him, that's a crime.

God, how young was she willing to go?

From these tweets and other shit, it seems she was willing to go young as 11 years old.

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nah, it feels totally different.

>Oh. It's shit
It's that really neccesary? I know you're don't read the novel anyway, you dingo.
But thanks for the feedback

>He's a humanoid who shares angel & demon's blood because of a "gift" since the first "guardian" of the planet Earth.
Do you realize how fucking snowflake/mary sue your character sounds? Try making the character special by his feats through the story rather than his super duper background.

She is punished for her stupidity. Why the hell would you post shit like this unanimously on the intenet for everybody to see in the first place? And why wouldn’t you delete everything as soon you start getting fame? As soon as your name is attached to something and this something gets popular, people are going to snoop. And they are going to find every stupid fucking thing you said on the internet.

>I know you're don't read the novel anyway
Holy shit, and this is how you write?
But yeah, it's shit. There is no way that some idiot on Yea Forums writing Babby's First Le Epic Fantasy starring an edgy angsty tortured soul and writing in painfully obvious wish-fulfillment cougarfucking is going to be good. Ergo, it's shit.


he should make it so it has angel/demon/and dog blood. That way when you factor in dog years the pedo stuff won't matter.

I love when I only release details in general and you get that way. It's so predictable.
Because i'm not a english native speaker/writer, you fucking piece of shit dumbass.
This board isn't all USA/UK/Australia, you know?

the world is. You would know that if you were not some mud person

God, i wish I was 14 again.

It was a decade ago, she probably didn't consider at the time that she would ever be famous and just thought her friends who knew her sense of humor and knew that she was harmless would see it. Then when she got famous it was like a decade later and she had forgotten it.

>a english native speaker
"An" English, user. You use "an" before words that start with vowels. And uh, I can't help but notice what language we're using right now? You know the one that is the global default, that most civilized countries require their children to study because it's the one they're going to need?

yeah man... people grow up

grow up and get unattractive.

Soooo she is into shota looking guys?

>I love when I only release details in general and you get that way. It's so predictable.
>I love when I share the bare minimum of my concept, the bare minimum is incredible shit, people call me out on it being shit, and I can smugly retort "no it's way better in my head, lol btfo"


Oh god. Please conquer my ass, i beg you.
Really? I prefer put shit in my eyes. Keep comment.
Thanks for the bait. I really love it.

he eats bait. I am guessing he is Asian even though he comes off Arab.


I look like a teenager, will she fuck me if I commit to an emo boy look


>Have an aunt that had sex with a 12 year old boy and a 13 year old boy (who was my friend at the time)
>Gets charged
>some years later
>Aunt has sex with 13 year old, a two 12 year old and a 14 year old
>One of them tells (the 13 year old)
>She's sent to prison
>Gets out of prison years later
>The 12 year old is now 19 and dating her
>Family still fucking acts like she didn't do anything

I still don't know how she knew my friend but these shotacon women are some hungry monsters. Jesus fucking christ

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she's not hot.

Yeah, keep talking shit.
You making my night right now

>where a young teen gets with a 35 year old man.
Remember that thread, I do

I don't need your permission hop-sing.

>prefer put shit
Prefer TO put shit
>Keep comment
Keep commenting
See, I'd accuse you of baiting but I don't think your skill with English is good enough that you could intentionally fuck it up. I think you're just outright inept. And your novel is going to be the worse for it. You really think your Nephilim character is going to be in any way compelling or clever, when you haven't been able to consume the best literature in human history written in its original language to hone your proverbial blade?

What a weird cunt. Is this a tumblr post? Because that would be appropriate.


Post photos of the aunt?

yes, but she also posted a lot about how hot skinny teenage boys are on her twitter.

For the longest time the legal penalties were much, much less severe for women. In many places they still are less severe.

But you gave me the (You).
Thanks, again.
You need to work tomorrow, man. Stop with the ironic shit.

>all my ideas come from JRPGs
Try to cram Goofy, Mickey and Donald in there while you're at it, maybe some epic JoJo references

t. jealous uggo

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I'm in a superior timezone speaking a superior language. You clearly don't need to work though, if you have time to waste on your pedophile novel.

For all the dumbasses thinking about how cool it would be to get laid as a young teen, keep in mind that male statutory rape victims still have to start paying child support when they reach 18 if the rapist gets knocked up.

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>Have an aunt that had sex with a 12 year old boy and a 13 year old boy (who was my friend at the time)
Damn son, you could have hit that too.

He no pedophile! He have angel demon dog blood and a huge blurry dong he put in old lady.

if it was sasha i would be ok with it

She's super hot

ATLA is inspired partially by FF in the first place, samefag.
You're literally a strange fucker who boast ATLA in the first answer.
Why should I take you seriously in the first place?
You already proved yourself an idiot and before all the waste of time.
And keep talking shit, I have things to do now unlike you. See you.

Oh hell no, all you need to know is, if I was a boy and my aunt seduced me, it would be hard to turn her down.

Oh here's the kicker with that. She's registered as a sex offender but still has a great office job and guess how?

The 12 year old's (now 19 year old) uncle.

Fuck no, dude. Yeah she got big knockers but she's still blood.

Why does Yea Forums keep trying to bring attention to this woman like she's a big deal? What in her career has she done that's so important other than create show and do storyboards? She's no Lauren Faust or Alex Hirsh. She's a nobody in this industry.

>stranger fucker who boast ATLA
I honestly don't even know what this is supposed to mean.
Why should I take you seriously?
Because of the two of us, I know what I'm talking about and I know how to convey it.

Make the dog Brian griffin and I'm sold

Propably. As everything in media sphere, it was blown out of proportion. But still, as soon as pilot was made, she should’ve gone through her social networks and wipe every questionable thing she said.
Because apparently we live in the world now, where a throwaway unsavory joke said a decade ago can come back and bite you in the ass and ruin your life.

I dont believe you. Provide a link with examples, user.

Where are all these women when I was a teenager/shota?

She created Twelve Forever, a great show about a girl trapped in prepubescence and the large-butted, large-breasted witch who pursues her.
She worked on nu Power Puff Girls. She also worked on Yo Gabba Gabba, a children's show.
And she worked with the infamous James Gunn on Movie 43 and Super.

you reap what you sow cancel culturists.

Oh, fuck this bitch.

>movie 43

On one hand, cancel culture is retarded and it's stupid she got fired over shit she said years ago on Twitter.

On the other hand, what she said was kind of fucked up and she would have been dog piled even harder had she been a man saying the same shit about 14 year old girls.

i'm not one for cancel culture, but if you're a grown woman tweeting about how you want to fuck young emo boys, that's natural selection at this point

You are implying Vickerman is part of the cancel culture and getting her just desserts? But what did she ever call for the cancellation of? She seems vaguely leftist if being pro-LGBT makes you leftist, etc., but doesn't seem to be a bitch about it. Tumblr leftists are some of the main people boycotting the show now.

So what? He's not hoing to get pregnant.

I'm generalizing. and celebrating the left eating one of their own. I'm not a fan of cancel culture, and I don't care what she did. People should be allowed to change. But the left doesn't care how long ago you sinned.

Lmao is this actually in the manga?
She wasn't charged then. But saying those things will rightly get you ostracized.

>And she worked with the infamous James Gunn on Movie 43 and Super.
I wonder if they collaborated on any other 'projects'.

no and im tired of seeing this thread

I'm shocked with the amount of effort you put into this dumb fucking joke.
Well done.

She never said she wanted to fuck them, did she?

>the left
dude, both sides do cancel culture. James Gunn was all the right.

>Less I remind you teens having children was extremely common in ancient times especially since lifespans were much shorter
Death in childbirth was also extremely common. Funny how you don't see the connection

I repeat, she's no Lauren Faust and she's no Alex Hirsh. She is a nobody in this industry.

I am a pedofag myself but I would never do that kind of shit. She is a molestation waiting to happen.

>Lmao is this actually in the manga?
Namefags continue to be retarded.

She is not a nobody, she is not a top tier cartoonist like Lauren but working on several shows + your own cartoon is more than 99% of those in the industry.

>If you're a guy, you know if some hot older woman came on to you when you were a teenage boy and you ended up agreeing to have sex with her it would not have been some life-ruining trauma.
What exactly do you think is the difference? Do girls not also list after older men?

>she's still blood.
Yes and?
She is your aunt not your mom.

Well one thing is that I think it would physically hurt a teen male much less to be raped by an adult woman than vice versa. Nothing has to tear.

They do, but a girl who gets fucked young is seen as damaged goods, a guy who fucks young is seen as a chad. Girls are expected to be more submissive by society generally so the power dynamic is different. Also penetrating and being penetrated is very different, the whole dynamic is different.

sex on its own (as in just penis-in-vagina) cant be as painful, life-ruining, or violating for a male as it can be for a female.

>the pack of cigs next to him

What's the difference?

>Dude, it's okay. More Chromosomes make you better, right?

This too.

>u don reed the mango i reed reeeeeee
Just because it's not a school night, doesn't mean you should be here.

Just don't impregnate her dude, it's fine.

the connection isn't causal, so i'm not sure how funny that really is

she just has a reasonable, normal person's opinion on cool teenagers.

>she just has a reasonable, normal person's opinion on cool teenagers.
this but unironically.

But it is
underveloped pelvis = higher odds of death at childbirth

My aunt paid the girl she hired to babysit my cousin to fuck him and also to "date" him because he was a loser as a kid. Then he went emo for a while, then skater punk, then in to a stoner and is now pretty normal I guess.

Meanwhile I'm about 5 years shy of wizard status because i'm chronically depressed and battle suicide on a near daily basis and my only reason for living is literally shitty cartoons and tv series. Closest I ever got to getting any was a blowjob from my friends sister when I was like 10, but I was too young to pop a boner. Also got to touch some tits a few years prior because my babysitter let me feel her up in exchange for her seeing my dick.

>Also who the fuck is this Tony guy who is apparently okay with this going down?
Her boyfriend, which is how you know she wasn't too serious about the whole thing or I doubt he would be so cool with it.


Back to with you.

How long before the latest meme game "Six Degrees of James Gunn The Pedophile"?

She had already lost out on 12 Forever before it even went to Netflix.

>The hell do you mean psychologically and mentally unready?
Like how most adults are? Just because someone turned 18 doesn't make them magically smart and wise. In other words, it depends on each individual. And since she just lusted after their appearances, that becomes moot anyway.

When you look at a hot (legal) girl, do you really think about whether they are psychologically and mentally ready to be fucked in your imagination?

You guys realize she was already fired from 12F for sexual misconduct before any of this came out right? She didn't even write anything beyond the pilot.

We've done worse things to people for MUCH less.

Remember what happened with the PPG reboot?

>When you look at a hot (legal) girl, do you really think about whether they are psychologically and mentally ready to be fucked in your imagination?
Well my turn ons are milfs and sexually dominant women, so yes actually

I don't feel bad for Julia at all. In fact, I'm glad she got punished for her pedo ways. It's time to put more women on the MeToo list and show women can be just as sexually creepy as men.

Who's this girl? It better not be from this woman's terrible cartoon.

Exactly, it would have been good if based Julia wrote it. It would have had Shane who is her fetish in character form. Instead Netflix genocided him.

No, is from Amphibia another shitty cartoon about a stick figure being friends with cal arts frogs.

>My aunt paid the girl she hired to babysit my cousin to fuck him and also to "date" him because he was a loser as a kid. Then he went emo for a while, then skater punk, then in to a stoner and is now pretty normal I guess.
based, she probably saved his life.

>Not wanting women to be sexually creepy
Cringe and bluepilled.

She's not worth talking about on this board. She's as relevant as a one-hit wonder.

Not if they're going to berate men for having a libido and then turn around and talk about how they have the hots for teenagers, both real and fictional.

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It's almost like it's impossible to reform pedophiles or something.