"I would say Superman was basically created for, like, 7 year-olds. It's a concept that appeals to children. I mean...

>"I would say Superman was basically created for, like, 7 year-olds. It's a concept that appeals to children. I mean, Batman I can see how you can make that work for adults because it's fairly gothic, a guy that dresses like a bat... Superman's concept is basically what they call a "power fantasy", it means "you can't make me go to bed". It's geared for little kids."

Do you think he's got a point?

Attached: Rich Evans.jpg (316x312, 12K)

Again, Rich is a casual that’s only read 90s Spider-Man and maybe a bit of Batman

Can you stop, man? Every day with this shit.

These guys are just miserable old nerds who hate anything that isn't Star Trek and half of Star Trek. They bitch about soulless Hollywood studio shit while worshiping the studio model as the only entertainment worth a damn.

But does he Believe In Steven?

Of course he's wrong. Jack is /ourguy/

He's not wrong, comics are meant for kids. You can still have good, mature stories that kids can appreciate. Superman is a good guy, he's a power fantasy in that he was made to deal with rampant city-wide corruption. He tackled real issues with the same attitude any small town boyscout would if he was plopped into a big corrupt city. Charles Bronson movies are power fantasies. Dirty Harry is a power fantasy. Power fantasies come about because people are looking for answers and feel stuck. That happens a lot to kids and superman is a good way of showing kids that you can be an adult and powerful and make a difference by being a good person.

Attached: SCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOP.jpg (588x391, 74K)


Marvel's characters=new hotness
DC's big characters=old and busted overpowered dinosaurs from a bygone era that should be put out to pasture

Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are cultural icons in North America up there with Santa, Jesus and Dracula. People might not know much about them, but they'll know who they are. Their movies and comics will generally make some money, but that doesn't mean they have a good chance of being universally praised or even well liked.

Dracula is a great example comparison, movies with him don't make lots of money just because people know who the character is. There's a difference between saying everybody knows who it is, and everybody cares, and people who defend Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman seem to often confuse the two. I mean just think when was the last time you saw someone wearing a t-shirt with Batman or Superman or Dracula compared to the last time you saw someone wearing a Captain America or Iron Man or many Marvel characters on a t-shirt. It's way more often for the latter especially among young kids. DC characters' popularity and knowledge of them are pretty much dead among children and therefore the future of DC in media is pretty much dead unlike Marvel which is alive and strong.

The big DC characters almost all come from a time when people didn't care about making good characters just beings with powers, origins, and costumes that seemed neato. Stan Lee came along with Marvel comics and was able to learn from their past mistakes and make better characters that can be better adapted for tv and movies and be able to more easily create good stories, comics, movies, and tv shows.

DC characters are only better known in the West due to having a head start. Marvel characters were carefully and fundamentally constructed by Stan Lee to be more amenable to being a part of great storytelling unlike DC.

>when was the last time you saw someone wearing a t-shirt with Batman
Literally today. I'd be surprised if Batman didnt own a 40-50% share of the cape tee market.

Didn't we just have one of these

>muh, capes are for kids
Yes. AND ALSO there has been and can be and will be superhero media designed specifically for the "mature" market. Also, the Young Adult market and "all-ages/everyone" market. Sure, there are lots of superman stuff that is made specifically for kids; yes, even the original Action comics Siegel and Shuster run. However, the fact of the matter is nothing is stopping an adult from reading and getting enjoyment from it.

Hell, an argument could be made that only adults and scholars would be able to choke down those golden age strips because the context and the language and the art design sensibilities are so desperate from what a modern kid would ever want to read.

He looks like he has no teeth. I bet he give good head.

Why did he Shill for The Last Jedi so hard?

>while worshipping the studio model as the only entertainment worth a damn.

Did he? I thought he was generally down on both. Mike and Jay were the ones who was okay with TFA and I don't get the feeling that any of them liked TLJ but were trying to be nice about it in the Half in the Bag.

He didn't.

>a mature concept

He strawmanned anyone that dared to criticize the movie as manchildren and did a voice mocking them.

Superman and Batman are fundamentally the same, the human fantasy. We all wish we had the power (superman) or the means (batman) to make the world (superman) or our world (batman) a better place.
There is no real difference between the underlying idea just the execution, even heroes like the Punisher fall under this umbrella because ultimately people read it because they want to or want someone to do what a hero does.

>Dracula is a great example comparison, movies with him don't make lots of money just because people know who the character is.

The difference is that Dracula is a public domain character so anyone could use him. Superman and Batman are owned by Warner Brothers who have a history of fucking up their superhero film projects in the last three decades with a lot of bad decisions.

>Superman's first story is fighting political corruption.

What a family friendly saga

Rewatch the HiTB review, he mocked people that were bitching about TFA, not TLJ. He did like TFA, but he was the one that disliked TLJ right off the bat

>He did like TFA,

Did he? Because he was the only one of the three that was critical of it in the TFA HiTB.

Batman's just a power fantasy for teenagers. Which is way worse.

I'll tell you the real difference between Marvel and DC. DC heroes often strive for a better world and the greater good. Marvel "heroes" are a collection of assholes who fight over the pettiest goddamn shit in the moments a world crisis they created isn't happening (Save Spider-Man and Captain America, they're fine)


That doesn't mean he can't say whatever he wants.

It also doesn't mean RLM fans should be taking it as gospel either.

>e "celebs"


He just decked a corrupt governor on the schnoz. It's not like they went on a long and complex rant about the system is dirty and how the american dream was dying

Hulk too but thats more on the sense alot of it was Banner trying to prevent hulk from killing everyone

Nah Banner is a dick too.

>"I would say Batman was basically created for, like, 7 year-olds. It's a concept that appeals to children. I mean, Superman I can see how you can make that work for adults because it's fairly projective, a guy that wants to be like a superhero... Batman's concept is basically what they call a "power fantasy", it means "bed is for villain scum, I am the vengeance! I am the night! I AM BATMAN!". It's geared for little kids."

Do you think he's got a point?

Attached: ''NegaMan'' sworn to negate all things! He has many forms, but currently, he cho (316x312, 18K)

Ironically, Batman is much more of a power fantasy than Superman.
He's a billionaire, got a cool car, punches people to near death, bangs all the hot women, is handsome and smart and is also treated as more badass than all the superpowered people.
Superman is a faggot that works as a reporter, lives at a shitty apartment and is constantly cucked by fucking Lois Lane

The difference between Marvel and DC is that Marvel characters were carefully crafted as actual characters, with relatable struggles and distinguishable personalities. They deal with real life issues such as racism, social isolation, physical handcaps, bullying and politics

DC superheroes are cheap cardboard characters created as escapism for children that were losing their daddies during the wartime.

You're not even worth the (You), you desperate attention whore

>who hate anything that isn't Star Trek and half of Star Trek

here's your (You) :^)

They were both made for children, you dunce.

Faggot, you have no arguments because i'm spelling out FACTS.
If you don't think Marvel Heroes are way more layered than you're just a fucking retard. Even Captain America, that was also created in the 40s as wartime propaganda, is way more layered than Superman and WW. There's a reason why DC puts all their focus on Batman

This is coming from the fucking retard who in the past, and still keeps insisting that

>Star Wars is creatively dead and impossibly limited in scope, and never can be anything else besides, not because it's only what Disney will allow, but because it's literally impossible that you could ever make other stories in the setting
>And not only talking about movies either, but any material from the setting, as asked by both Mike and Jay overtime more than once, and Rich clarifying that he indeed meant Star Wars period

Completely handwaving the expanded universe, and even now stuff Disney is doing like Mandalorian

The Expanded Universe shit is boring and so are the new Disney cartoons. Do you really think people are invested into Star Wars lore? Do you think anyone but hardcore nerds give a damn about space politics?

Truth is that Lucas killed ST with the prequels and now Disney is just pissing on the corpse.

I'm gonna ruin your day, and tell you he is right.

>The point
>Your entire post

It doesn't matter if it's shit or not, as of yet, Rich stands by that it's impossible you could ever make a story AT ALL that isn't the original formula.

The point being wtf about that story was for kids?

Tbeir point is that you can't stray away from the "good vs evil", "light vs dark", "rebels vs. empire" formula. And, so far, they're right. There's no room for a grey area in the Star Wars universe, because the struggle between the "force" and the "dark side of the force" reeks of manicheism. If there is room for more grey, nobody has any ideas of how to work with it.

Says the coke baby while worshipping a man who obtained his powers by being bitten in the dick by a radioactive spider.

BTW the most iconic thing Spiderman has done is letting the green goblin kill his girlfriend.

Blah blah blah we all know what you're doing

And what is the most "iconic" thing that Superman has ever done? Having his ass kicked by Muhammad Ali?

>I get my comics information from clickbait articles!

Based, and asking the important questions

Can we see the desu links that prove it is, in fact, everyday?

Having his ass kicked by Muhammad Ali, having his ass kicked by Batman in the 4th chapter of "The Dark Knight Returns". Those are Superman's most iconic moments, unless you got an actual argument and not only dismissive shitposts to prove otherwise.

Go back to Hell, Stan Lee, you're shitting up the board.

>This pasta again

No, he doesn't, since he:
>Doesn't acknowledge that all superhero stories are inherently power fantasies
>Doesn't acknowledge Batman as a power fantasy
>Doesn't acknowledge Superman as an example of a positive power fantasy

He really does come off like an angry bitter nerd.

Also stop making this fucking thread.