I didn't see anyone story time the new Usagi so Im gonna do it.
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I didn't see anyone story time the new Usagi so Im gonna do it.
Please support the official release.
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Well this already escalated. The fuck you do now, Usagi?
Onimusha Usagi mod when?
I was going to storytime it but forgot
Classic Meddle-Man. Bumping for interest. Could Steven Talk no Jutsu war torn feudal Japan into a peaceful coexistence without any lingering blood feuds?
You can do the next one
oh shit, thanks op
That has never worked ever in the history of Japan and even suggesting it is shamefur.
>lingering blood feuds
speaking of which, are there lingering blood feuds in modern day japan?
There's gotta be some people still salty about the whole WW2 thing.
oh of course, but I mean blood feuds between feudal daimyos
>talk the demon king of japan into peaceful coexistence
>talk the God of War who's also very big on justice to let villains go unpunished
>talk the myriad of warlords to forgive the back stabbers and opportunists who murdered their families
Be honest do you actually think he can
Man ain't that just the luck. You got a cool position and everything but nobody to murd...I mean duel. Honorably. Yeah.
Good all status marriages.
You know Stan is old when the waifus are getting older too
And he's meddling again.
you think this is going to be another mayumi case?
I love when stan draws peasants doing their thing
meddling intensifies.
I forgot, remind me please
Also no disrespect meant to Stan of course
Jesus Christ, Usagi. They're just a couple of randos, you can tone it down a notch.
Bridge of Tears
Meddleman don't play
>beatings with sheathed katana: 1
Man I just murder all my problems.
I feel like there have to be a shit ton by this point
>your fujoshi wife won't stop writing her dumbass lewdfics about manly but pretty samurai heroes fighting zombies or some retarded contrived shit to save her Mari Susano self-insert OC
>when you try to reason with her she throws a tantrum and starts going off about how writing is her life and you're kinkshaming her or something (some gaijin term she learned from the kiristans, no doubt)
>AND she picks up a meddling mendicant on the road
Oh geez.
Uh oh, I've seen that look before. You got Chizu and Tomoe Usagi, you don't need any more of this.
>Usagi-sama is just tsundere for Sasuke-kun
Wood collector monkies! What's their cameo count at? really stupid high I bet.
uh oh looks like another snitch
Were pineapples in Japan at this time
Foreshadowing intensifies. Actually has anyone tried to suss out where Usagi is geographically? I never had a head for that kind of thing. I wonder if he's heading to where his Lord died.
Man Usagi has stayed in some shit holes.
Has Usagi ever found out that Hikiji killed his father? He's abandoned getting revenge on Hikiji for killing his lord but he might crack if he knew that too. "One cannot live under the same sky" etc.
Dun dun duuuuuuun
Anyways, that's the end of chapter one. Not a bad little story. I can see why IDW would start off with a more exciting Usagi one but it seems like we're falling back into formula.
Story notes.
Thank goodness usagi is awake
I think he knows he's at least somewhat responsible.
Not really. They’re kind of an incredibly passive culture.
Not so much, no. You can see hard-right conservatives whining about the good old days when Japan was a military power, but none of them remember that time and they hold no particular onus against the US.
No. There are no daimyos feud and haven’t been any for over 200 years now.
He spent most of the early volumes wandering around southern Honshu, occasionally going into the middle as I cannot remember if he ever visited Edo but certainly has visited Nagasaki and Kyōto (I think), certainly it snows in the central mountains.
I would love to ask Stan if there was a purposeful direction in the pilgrimage or if Usagi just goes where the plot demands.
>user stays up for the Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime by Dharmanon, feat. Meddle-Man and special guest star Drawfriend And His Amazing Waifu Poll
Usagi’s former lord was loosely based on Takeda Shingen, so he was born around the Kai Province of the modern-day Yamanashi Prefecture.
Lord Hikiji was based off of Masamune Date supposedly, so his lands are likely in the Tōhoku Region.
It's theoretically possible for them to have been introduced by the Portuguese Nanban traders, but it's almost certainly impossible that the Japanese would have figured out how to cultivate them.
I like these simple issues where nothing really happens. Just the art is enough to immerse at
Me too. Not everything needs to be a huge epic and just these quite walking issues really give the world life for when something big does happen. Stan got a good sense of narrative pacing.
always nice to catch an usagi thread.
thanks user
thanks user
Why is IDW insistent on ruining Usagi and TMNT with colors?
Sells easier to casuals
Are you high? TMNT had gone full color in 1993 during it's original Mirage run and Usagi had plenty of color specials through the years. All colorised either by Stan or by the same guy who does it now. Plus, the covers were always in color and the short lived Usagi Mirage run (as you may know, Mirage went bust) was originally also in full color.
While I love Usagi in B&W, this color run is actually very pleasant. It also got my brain to finally acknowledge Usagi's red bunny eyes.
Got me, totally thought we were going into another Sasuke story.
Since her father is still alive, she's probably not that much older than Usagi. She just looks older because of the bags under her eyes from stress; note that the creases on her nose pretty much go away whenever she isn't talking about her husband and she looks younger.
>Since her father is still alive,
at least so far.
If Usagi is in his thirties, she is in her forties.
>even love sucked in feudal Japan
Color me surprised.
Tomoe > Chizu
>>even love sucked in feudal Japan
>Color me surprised.
If you've been reading this series for any length of time you really shouldn't be by this point. This isn't our first loveless arranged marriage.
There are different levels when it comes to truth. Diffrent kinds of truth, if you prefer.
There's the whole truth, only truth, unspoken truth, half-truth, a lie and absolute fucking bullshit.
Let's just say that you'd need Heracles to fix the statement in your post.
This is what I've pieced together from references over the years.
Usagi likely refers to his home as being in the "northern province" not because it was the northernmost province but because its current name is Mutsu, the province of the usurping Hikiji clan and he can't quite bring himself to say that.
It's possible that Mifune held the northern part of Mutsu but his lands were probably originally near Sendai since that's where Katsuichi humiliated the Dogora School in front of Mifune according to some of the licensed material.
Adachigahara was probably roughly along between the two provinces as well.
Geishu is almost certainly Aki province since that's where Stan's family is from and one of the bordering provinces is the Suō province. One of Noriyuki's neighboring lords is Hirone, who is probably one of the dumbest nobles in the entire series, while the other is Sanada, who was Noriko's lord. It hasn't really been said which is which though.
Atsuta Shrine, where they took the original Kusanagi blade in Grasscutter II, is in Owari. The sword itself was originally lost in the straights near the Suō and Nagato provinces; Suō seems slightly more likely for where it was recovered since it directly borders the Geishu province.
>Wife is actually more popular and of higher social standing than you
>In feudal Japan
I get why the husbands a iffed about it all especially since he’s basically stuck at a great but dead end job. Still no excuse to be a dick when you're wives more popular than you
The meddling man, meddles again
Usagi is just used to shit holes since Inns are a luxury
Very fascinating
That's a 5 star post, my ronin.
Loving Usagi at the moment. I'd prefer it in black and white but its still one of the better comics to come out each month
Tell me about it, dude. I'm still torn whether to buy floppies from IDW, wait for TPBs or do both. But the hardest part will be convincing my wife that we need another shelf for my comics.
I buy the digitals through comixology just to support and then get the trades later.
Hey. That's actually a good idea. Thanks!
One more thing about the Geishu province being Aki that I didn't mention earlier is thar one of the clans from Aki wound up dominating that entire region of Japan, seen in the inset as Chūgoku, around the time Usagi was set.
The Mori clan's mon looks a bit familiar, right?
Who the hell stops reading st the climax of the climax?
People who got shit to be.
>Usagi volunteers to be your jimbo.
Dear god she should just kill herself right now.
Well, its kind of a fact that having it in color bumps up the sale numbers a bit.
Could be stress what with the drunken abusive husband who literally has men hunt her down.
She also could just not be a looker. Although its denied by the Japanese government I am confident there must be a woman in the country that is not a looker.
The only thing that didn't suck in feudal japan was the nighthawks. So everyond was unhappy!
Now I'm imagining Hijiki's war room and they are tracking Usagi sitings. Sudden a scholar connects the line that points to their providence.
"He's headed right for us!" The man cries, "We have mere months to a year!" He shouts as he leaps through a paper wall and to the moat bellow.
I think she's rather pretty, just tired and middle aged.
Wait, was fellatio another thing brought to Japan by the white devils, like kissing?
these mother fuckers are lucky usagi ain't a psycho
wait, but shouldn't the geishu clan's province be close to hikiji's? since at one point usagi escapes from that forced labour mine into geishu lands?
Considering Usagis win to lose ratio by this point he’s probably one of the most successful swordsman in Japan by now
IIRC, that was on the border of Geishu lands and lands of some other lord who is "secretly" allied with Hikiji (because of course he is). The entire Geishu/Hikiji tension is more political than border based.
Bumping for honor.
I figure Kitsune would be a fujo if she could write.
that makes sense... but to be really pedantic, how come lord noriyuki marches against lord hikiji in senso if he is so far away?
Really hoping that the ending of this isn't too depressing. Damn shame about a husband with an inferiority complex needing to pick on someone who can't fight back. Aside from that, it seems that the common motif of these most recent arcs is that they revolve around some form of artistry.
What's that part of Japan called that's not labeled in the inset map? It's pretty jarring considering it's close to half of Japan.
With any luck hubby will die and waifu will live. But the odds of that are low.
Senso is not canon. Plus, there is no way the Shogun would allow for such big battle to occur anyway. At least not without openly supporting one side, making the other the loser by default.
The map probably only names major (larger and richer) regions, leaving many, many smaller ones unmarked.
No, but everyone would fuck up horribly with the best of intentions.
That _is_ Usagi toning it down.
She´s an older waifu, but she still checks out.
She is cute in a milftacular way and it breaks my heart that this story will almost certainly end in tragedy for her.
>Senso is not canon
unless stan draws the true ending, it's cannon enough for me. I like to think that since hikiji wants to become shogun, he managed to bribe half of the powerful lords around the capital, and so the shoguns army cannot come to noryukie's assistance
To soon user, to soon.
I know it's kinda weeb, but I love it when people beat the fuck out of enemies with only a sheathed sword.
Nothing weeb about that, user. Shit's just cool.
>Usagi reads intensely as the story shift gears from action adventure to hardcore erotica where the Hero makes sweet, sweet love to the bride for nine chapters straight
>He can’t help but think of Tomoe, Kitsune and even Chizu during his readings
Why Even Chizu? She'd be one of the top choices. Kitsune is the weird one. Also gross.
If you're talking about Mother of Mountains, that was actually in Geishu territory since Noriko was running a secret operation just outside of Sanada's own domain. That was in the southern part of the Geishu province so it's near either Iwami or Suō but we don't know which realm is Sanada's.
From what I can find, the blank region on the map is actually several different regions that were referred to by several different names.
One of them, which was basically just the provinces of Mutsu and Dewa, was called Tōhoku, Mutsu (which could be confusing), Ōu, or was subdivided into Dewa and Mutsu (or Michinoku or Ōshū) regions. Mutsu as a province is as large as some of those other regions already and Dewa not far off.
The area from Tajima/Harima to Echigo/Kōzuke is part of Chūbu, which also includes Tokai, Kantō, and Kinai, which are labelled.
The coastal area along the Sea of Japan between Tajima and Echigo was called Hokuriku. The central region of Hida, Shinano, and Mino doesn't seem to have a specific name from back then, at least, that I can find without having to really go digging for it.
Eh im playing to the joke of disgruntled and abused housewife using writing as an outlet so of course there would be a sex scene
bump for good comics.
Any news on Dharmanon, he is taking some sort of break after Moomins broke him ?
That is toning it down. Usagi's rammed the butt of his sword into a dude's throat before rather than cut him.
I have a strong suspicion she was planning on killing herself after visiting her father; the trip isn't just a way to see him one last time but to remove her manuscript from her husband's grasp. He might well have destroyed it out of spite if she did it at home.
Oh her "story" is definitely something more than just the lonely fiction of a depressed trophy wife.