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>I'm you, but with superpowers
Oh I'm fucking mad

MCU version

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this reminds me that peter was created to be an alternative to robin because stan thought robin and batman had creepy implications in their relationship and he want a young superhero that was a badass.

this comic is right but not for the reasons the author was thinking. It will age well.

How does it feel knowing that the reverse will NEVER be made?

He's a smart young jokester with no parents, got great detective skills. And wear in red.

Also a chick magnet.

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>Spider-Man is just Iron Man's sidekick for a generation of people.
This enrages me to no end.

If it makes you feel better, that generation is roughly just casual teenagers who won't really give a fuck in a year or so.

eh, better than selling his marriage(again) to Satan for some delicious Hostess™Pies.


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>Spider-Man is now Iron Man's Robin
Oh dear

>Spider-Man is just Iron Man's sidekick for a generation of people.
Well maybe Sony might fix that.......................maybe

In the MCU it's absolutely true. Is it infuriating? Absolutely. But it's true.

People thought Horsey was trying to insult them. In actual fact, he's a closeted homosexual like every other fucking fossil in his line of work and he just wanted to fuck them.

Is Tony really smarter? It feels like Bruce gets jerked off in that area more even if Tony has better tech.

Not to be a pedant, but there are different types of intelligence. Tony's clearly smarter than Bruce as an engineer and tech guy, but Bruce has him beat in other areas, like tactics and strategy.

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He'll end up being a sidekick to Hardy's Venom.

How the fuck did Venom end up making a billion dollars?

>equating MCU Stark to Wayne

Ehhh... not really. MCU stark literally had to reset a bunch of times to understand where he was fucking up and was always blindside. When Batman is blindsided by a new villian or something that's big, it actually feels big.

But Stark MCU's getting blown up is literally just watching his ass 101 and making sure shit don't get too crazy by having others help him.



Bats definitely is more street smart than Tony and can read people better.

Batman should easily be able to spot a Deathstroke ripoff

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No it isn't
Constantine isn't fucking House

>Tony smarter than Bruce
That's not right, right?

It is, Batman is well-versed in a lot of things but there are a bunch of people who are much smarter than him in one or more areas. Tony has him flat out beat in science and engineering.

>no Rob Liefeld edit

Is this meant to be an insult? If it is, it's doing completely opposire.


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Masculinity is considered a birth defect amongst leftist

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We just had an entire generation that thought that wolverine was tall.

And an entire generation before that who thought Superman was american asian.


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>MCU Spider-man is a sidekick, a complete 180 of the character
>Sony's Spider-man is mostly shit, the raimi where a fluke
at this point i just hope they stop making Spider-man movies for the next 10 years

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No. Absolutely not. Batman is fantasy level brilliant. Tony is just a rich asshole who builds robot suits. People are doing that shit now. Nobody in real life resembles Batman though. I mean that's why there's a term "Batman Prepared".

Seriously, this is wrong on like 20 different levels. First of all John Constantine is literally ALWAYS wrong. Secondly, literally every single problem that he has ever "solved" comes at such a high price he may as well be a demon lord himself. Thirdly, literally everyone around him dies.

Wrong. Tony is a brainlet next to Batman.

It didn't

Is the joke that iron man and Batman are different characters and Deadpool is vulgar?

Batman is preptime in comics, but mentally retarded in movies.

it's thinly veiled company war bullshit

Movie batman is just kung-fu bat. Not faithful to the character in the slightest.

>man of few words
>stoic personality
>deadly serious all the time

>watch justice league
>Batman’s a quipping retard

Fuck joss whedon

The joke is that Batman aka DC's only popular character is shit compared to Iron Man

99% of the time, he fights like a retard as well.
One single CGI warehouse scene doesn't make up for the other 50 retard-fight scenes.
He's too imbecilic to figure out ANYTHING, he's right up there with Legendary As Fuck Hellboy.

>company war bullshit
user, pls

What about Ms. Joker?
"I thought she was with you."
DCEU Batman has been utter shit from the beginning.

Honestly comics batman is basically defined by four things:

1: He's absurdly, comically prepared for the most far-fetched and nonsensical eventualities. This is actually what drives his character in good adaptations of him.
2: Punch! Kick! Hah!
3: He's an actual bad person
4: NOOOOOO! You can't just kill people!! You have to just let evil people live and escape prison a bunch of times and let THEM kill a bunch of people. That's the correct way to do it.

Have you ever had a delicious Hostess™ Pie? I'd sell my soul and yours just for one more.

Batman builds mech suits on the regular. He could easily fight crime as Iron Bat. In fact that's what Jim Gordon did when he was Batman for a while. But editorial standards require Bruce to maintain his non-armored fighting tactics. Casuals assume that just because he doesn't use armor all the time, he doesn't know how to make armored suits like Tony.

Also this. Batman probably has as many mech suits as Iron Man.

>gets punched by Superman and thrown into a car
>owwwie zowie thats gonna hurt in the morning!

Yes, and they are all Mark 1-tier exosuits, except for his one Magic Bat-Armor.

>slight change in appearance
>betraying the core of the story that gave the character uniqueness and longevity in the first place

or the Hellbat

Tony fucks models on the daily and Batman is some loser that lives alone with an old man who's obligated to work for him out of guilt. He designs his weapons and tools after bats. Who does that? That's fucking autistic.

What happens when it gets to P?

Nobody ever said Batman wasn't an autist.

Is this achievable natty

>He'll end up being a sidekick to Hardy's Venom.

Spiderman becoming the sidekick is a result of abandoning Spiderchad and going full awkward millennial Spidey.
Blame Bendis

>Tony fucks models on the daily
You know that Bruce Wayne is an infamous playboy that consistently fuck models and actresses every week right?


But that's wrong, Pajeet.

who the hell is Bruce Wayne?


They can both be somewhat partners, Venom has their own brand of humour that can stand alongside with Spidey.

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Some guy Batman pretends to be.

Based Stonetoss poster

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He has this reversed. I'm not sure how many extremely vocal anti-gays have to be exposed as actually having been homos the entire time before people just understand it's pretty much all of them.

That's the joke

No it isn't. He's claiming all gays are closet nazis. And while that's not far from the truth when it comes to white gay men, they're typically openly reactionary. They don't hide it at all.

I think that's a bridge we'd rather burn.

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In terms of what, detective work? He puts his shit through a computer, gadget, or someone like Oracle to do the work for him most of time. Tony can make something like that in an afternoon, hell, there was that time Captain America was able to deduce Spider-Man's background simply by how Peter carried himself and spoke, Batman's detective "skills" are nothing of note.

>if you hate gays you must secretly be gay
is like saying
>if you hate nazis you must secretly be a nazi
This isn't complicated humor; it's fucking Stonetoss.

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No it isn't. And the reason is all the fucking homos who've been exposed after ranting for 20+ years about how gays are evil. We don't have a 10 mile long list of people who hate nazis being exposed as nazis.

As smart as Bruce is, it's going to be difficult one-up timetravel.

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You might be surprised how many of us homos are nazi fetishists.

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Yeah haha... what kind of gay guy would want men to act masculine....
especially blond haired, muscular, blue eyed fair skinned guys haha, who'd want that haha
and see how sharply nazi's dress? definitely not a gay thing to dress in cool uniforms haha

Most of the people I know who absolutely loved MCU Spider-Man were only a few years younger than me, and I'm almost 30.
But, yeah, most of them will move on once Disney comes up with a new flagship for the MCU

I have never given blood. Isnt your sexual preference on a questionnaire they give you or something?

Explains how Hitler was so easily able to get Roehm and his harem boys into such a concentrated enough position to destroy the SA so easily once he was done with them, promise them men in uniforms.

MCUcks are so thin skinned. Also, when did Tony fuck any models in the MCU? All I ever saw him do was awkwardly try to win over Pepper.

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So this is what Liefeld’s been up to these days.

I thought I already made it clear that many white gay men are fascistic.

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>blond haired
Dropped. Kind of amazing how it's 2019 and blonds still think their hair color is the most desired. This isn't fucking 1930s Germany.

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Whats the best hair color then, if not pure gold?

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Dark brown or black.

>Literally THE default generic haircolor
i will accept brown

It's red you blithering idiot.

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Actually dark brown is. Black is rare.


>an old man whos obligated to work out of guilt
>dissing the best character in DC universe

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Anime hair. All other hair colors gtfo

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Nobody said this. You literally couldn't pass a turing test.

Most places have restrictions on homosexuals giving blood. It's just more cost effective than testing every batch and then having to destroy so much of it.

Literally the only link is that he has a mentor hero.
>has an aunt who looks after him
>has superpowers
>came up with his suit and identity on his own
>never gets trained by Tony
>has never lived with Tony

Read a comic, Pedro.

Anime isn't a color

Niggas clearly burgundy is the best choice

What did he wish? Erase all males?

>Batman: "Who are you?"
>Iron Man: "I'm you, but i stuck out my contract."

Well we obviously need to genocide whites then. Being a nazi is not okay

Brown by any other name is still brown

That's the point nibba

It's almost funny how you tried to say this ironically. Yeah, that's correct. Being a nazi is bad.

Technically, they test every batch anyway, regardless of sexual preference.
But testing costs money, and it's an expensive waste to test every batch of AIDS-ridden fag blood who's only donating to try and infect others in the first place.

Black only works on people with pale skin. Add in clear blue eyes as well.

Models, never, but he did bang the Reporter THOT in the first movie.
Also Bruce never explicitly fucked the chicks, if he's like comics he usually just uses them for his persona then makes them sign an nda to both keep them quiet about not fucking but make himself look like a sketchy fuck for doing so.
In BvS however he bangs some random Supermodel because fuck everything.

>Only Pale White Skin
Basic ass goth fetishists can't appreciate real dark beauty.

Unironically brown eyes and dark brown hair are top tier. Blond hair, blue eyes is garbage dump tier.

*dark brown or black

This makes no sense. It's not just gays who have aids. They need to test every batch regardless.

>This makes no sense. It's not just gays who have aids.
They're hundreds of times more likely to have AIDS.
It's like the difference between eating at a place that gave you food poisoning once in the thousand times you've been there, and one that's given you food poisoning half the time in the ten times you went.
And those costs end up being more detrimental than the actual good it does "giving blood" if your a member of the AIDS-ridden alphabet people.

But it is mostly gays who have aids, same reason why they screen out people who were in problem areas, the tattooed, and junkies.

They test them anyway.
And all testing only has a certain level; I don't know what current AIDS testing confidence levels are, but if I had the choice between straight blood and fag blood, I'd still choose the straight blood, even if both were tested with 99.9% confidence.
And so would you, unless you're a filthy faggot bugchaser.

>keeps losing his company
>goes full nazi
Yay Iron Man.

If you're testing ALL the blood it doesn't matter anyway. Your costs are in the extraction of useless blood in that case. Which means you simply ban that individual. It also serves as hiv testing and prevention.

Yeah but I'm not taking blood from an org that says "oh don't worry, though we saved money by not testing we didn't take blood from any of" those people"'.

It doesn't really inspire confidence.

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Lol CalArts students

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>If you're testing ALL the blood it doesn't matter anyway.
I realize you haven't worked in any sort of lab before.
I really don't know how to state this any more clearly; any and all sort of laboratory testing costs money, and is incredibly costly at that. If you want to know exactly how expensive any lab work is, check out Fisher Chemical, Corning, or Agilent website. That will give you some sort of idea of how much the material requirements costs.
If you're that desperate to infect people with your fag AIDS, just stick to Craigslist. You'll have more luck.

You are an idiot

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How much money can you get doing art for "alt right" retards? I'm miles ahead a better artist than this fuck and feel like it is still an untapped market.

I don't think you would fit in real well.
They're mostly a wholesome group of friends having fun... you just sound angry and bitter.

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>People shouldn't have to provide goods or services to anyone they don't wa-

public square bitch

>Batman is some loser that lives alone with an old man who's obligated to work for him out of guilt. He designs his weapons and tools after bats. Who does that? That's fucking autistic.
Because Batman is already insane?
And Alfred is just his father?

Lucifer, you take blood from random assholes performing animal sacrifices, why are you acting like you're in a position to scrutinize?

Anywhere from 200k to millions of dollars.

Just no.

Quit bringing your stupid DC fanfiction into everything.

The joke works regardless are you actually retarded?


Twitter banning people for wrongthink I will accept as soon as you accept me banning people from my store for being a nigger

>fellate corporations because they're 'based'
>fellate measures to remove government involvement in anything because that's also 'based'
>call foul when a corporation that doesn't like your message fucking with their bottom line kicks you out and want the government to make sure that it can't happen again

Always found that hilarious, how's bitchute working out?

You don't actually own a store, but if you did you could kick anyone out of it for being obnoxious.

I didn't say being obnoxious, I said for being a nigger

But you're literally the only one sucking off corporations, as if you're not next on the chopping block.


He fucking did a time machine!

Funny how all rightwing sites advocate free speech, and all the leftwing ones are hyper-obsessed with purity-spiraling censorship.
It's not hard to predict what the end result of this will be.

>But you're literally the only one sucking off corporations

I'm not sucking off anything, I'm laughing at the retards that got chopping blocked and then couldn't stuff enough tampons in their sopping pussies when they cried that they got kicked out for being obnoxious twats, now they're on their hands and knees crying to have measures laid against companies to prevent that from happening.

>as if you're not next on the chopping block.

I'm not a "content creator", I don't give a fuck, go back to bitchute, retard.

If they are testing all blood anyway the costs are mostly in extracting bad blood, which would mean they ban that individual. The problem solves itself.
Not an argument
I'll have you know that we employ many rabbis to ensure that the blood is of the highest quality.

On top of the cost of testing there's also the cost of disposal. You can't just pour infected blood down the sink and rinse out the bag. The whole lot has to be contained and incinerated.

Interesting how every place that actually allows free speech in unanimously right wing

It's almost as if lefty ideas can't survive without censorship of all opposition and artificial social enforcement through a few powerful actors

Isn't he though?

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you should be legally declared brainless if you like this comic

>Funny how all rightwing sites advocate free speech
The rightwing sites regularly say all democrats should be in jail (or lynched) and are committing treason by not sucking off Trump, so, no, they really aren't.

>Funny how all rightwing sites advocate free speech, and all the leftwing ones are hyper-obsessed with purity-spiraling censorship.

Then make a service that's exclusively for free speech, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, boot.

>It's not hard to predict what the end result of this will be.

More crying from you lot until that happens, I suppose?

You can say whatever the fuck you want in real life, but you still have to deal with the consequences. Walking up to some guy and calling his woman ugly will probably get you punched, or worse, but hey, you're able to say it.

The biggest "unanimously right wing" internet community is the donald subreddit and that's pretty strictly moderated for any wrongthink.

>donald "we want the most immigrants in history and please give me more israeli cock" trump
>right wing

Good one

>You can say whatever the fuck you want in real life, but you still have to deal with the consequences

And I do, what is your point?

I really don't understand mindsets like this.
Are you so young that in ten years, you really think you won't be the new "obnoxious nazis" getting banned from everywhere?

>the costs are mostly in extracting bad blood
But that's wrong, you retard.
Sampling products, whether blood or otherwise, costs next to nothing compared to the analytical testing.
Why are you just spouting absolute ignorant bullshit to defend your obsession with bugchasing?

Great bait matey

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And on those same sites you're allowed to say they shouldn't be in jail, shouldn't be lynched, and are not committing treason.

You actually aren't, but whatever. Some of the sties you'll get banned if you're right wing but not right wing enough.

Calling people slurs on Counter-Strike from the safety of your room doesn't count.

>I really don't understand mindsets like this.

Sounds like a personal problem.

>Are you so young that in ten years, you really think you won't be the new "obnoxious nazis" getting banned from everywhere?

Nope, because I generally don't say or do anything that is outside the realm of basic human decency outside of his pisshole. It's easy to not be a shit and follow the rules on someone else's service. Don't like it? Make your own, boot.

that was great. 10/10

I've given blood many times. There's always a question about whether you've had a sexual encounter with a person of the same sex. That may only be for men, though

If they are testing it anyway, why would testing gay blood cost more?

I see you're not actually redheaded or related to redheads.

You cannot treat patients differently based on whether or not they potentially have HIV, it's a violation of their rights. You have to either test all blood, or no blood. It's why medicine has universal precautions now. In ye olden times when AIDS was new, people were trying to treat them basically in moon suits. They found this degrading and sued.

You didn't answer my question.

Because it's more risk potential, by screening out probable infected you save time and money.
Though you could just not bugger other men for a year.

>You actually aren't, but whatever.
You actually are, so fuck off with your "le horseshow" shit.

God, I love stonetoss, he makes literally everyone butthurt with the most unimaginery, simplest, dumbest strips.

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He's too tall to be Robert.

>If they are testing it anyway, why would testing gay blood cost more?
Are you seriously this retarded?

"Thank you for volunteering to give blood. However, due to the statistically high chance of you having a bloodborne pathogen, we don't want to waste our time and money on taking your blood"

There's literally only one single reason why a faggot would be mad that they can't donate their diseased blood, and it has nothing to do with "being a good person".

based stonetoss psoter


If that were true reason, they'd exclude blacks as well.

>I'm not sure how many extremely vocal anti-gays have to be exposed as actually having been homos the entire time
relatively few
Retards just latch on to them because that's the only ground they have

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It's not an issue because the only way a nigger would ever contribute to society is if they're ordered to by a judge, and you can't order people to give blood.

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I'm sure Africa is a big part of the Problem Area list that can't donate either.

But you're probably not, and you're almost definitely not funny

Kill yourself racist scum.


this has nothing to do with policies of sites that receive blood from donors
if it was actually about minimising risk, they'd exclude blacks and latinos instead of just gays
it's just that racism is worse PR crime than homophobia

No, but they do ask if you are a virgin

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honestly dont understand how people killing themselves is so amusing to you autists.

i'm talking about us

1. They bring it on themselves.
2. Try to manipulate others into doing the same.
Trannies are a cancer, and the less the better.

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>Tinfoil hats are the same as something multiple people have been literally found guilty of
Okay then.

But...I laughing at the joke...I like this type of humor.

>Fuck off back to r3ddit,you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

>based retard not understanding why people kill themselves
also thats not how cancer works

Uhm, excuse me, this is 4channel, you cannot say the nigger word here.

>they bring it on themselves
>literally being bullied and shamed to suicide
>bought on themselves

Speak for yourself

>A perfectly shitty Company Wars thread further devolves into a /pol/ thread.

Welp, you guys have at it, I literally have half a dozen better things to do than argue social behavior with 14 yr olds.

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They kill themselves regardless how much you pay pretend with their delusions.
At some point they have a moment of lucidity where they realized that they're irreparably butchered their body into an abomination, and join the 40%.

The 40% is not about the post surgery ones, is all transexuals, a big part of them in the closet for most people.

I have given blood in four states, and that has never been on the questionairre. They have asked, every time, if you have had gay sex or lived in certain countries.

>i need skydaddy to hate homos

Bruh it’s got nothing to do with bullying, just the realization that they will never become their preferred sex

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Giving blood is a good litmus test to eliminate degenerates from your life. People who give blood genuinely want to help people and don't participate in degenerate behaviors. The homo's don't think of helping others, they are only concerned with what back alley they will solicit some large membered youth of color the ram their prostate that night.

maybe it's different in different States/country's, or maybe they changed their policy since I gave blood last, (14 years ago)
They asked me when was the last time you have had Sexual Intercourse

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Cry more faggot

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>i need the government to let me molest children

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what does it have to do with my post?
you can REEEEEEEE at homos without thinking invisible skyfairy is real

The joke was "I would rather support any given religious group than continue to allow trannies to teach children how to twerk during library storytimes."

ok, but this isn't an alternative, you don't have to support delusions just to screech at men in dresses
supporting groups that mutilate infants for their desert deity is especially stupid if your main cry is "think about children!!!"

>and then suddenly with no reason at all Hitler was reelected chancellor

Drag queens aren't trannies.

The former is preferable to the later.
He's an atheist, as evidenced by the first panel; that's the joke.
This isn't complicated humor.

I thought it was supposed to be positive

but he doesn't have to choose, the whole premise is retarded

Well we don't see atheists doing anything to stop it, now do we?


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atheists aren't an unified group just like "people not liking caramel" aren't one
you can yell at trannies without joining forces with old men sucking newborn penises

Did jannies flush /pol/ out of the thread?

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No, they flushed the Yea Forums out.
We Reddit now.
>And that's a good thing! Here's why:

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i'm glad you're angry about this

I just The (((them))) to stop indoctrinating kids into this incredibly harmful lifestyle is that so much to ask

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Yes, you bigot.

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I’m not attractive to Transvestites
What can I say?
Chick with dicks that put mine to shame does not turn me on

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I don't get it