I did not care for Steven Universe
I did not care for Steven Universe
Believe In Steven.
He insists upon himself.
So do you
>but Greg...Peridot...SPINELL
Fine, fine characters. Didn't care for the show.
The whole thing is too fucking gay for me. At least the Godfather isn't gay. It is one of the least gay movies ever made. I cannot relate to Steven Universe and its themes and stories whatsoever. I seriously believe Steven is a kid who could use a good ass whooping. Leather belt, the end with the buckle, on his bare pussy bitch ass. Fuck this gay ass faggot bullshit.
Nice poorly-cloaked Steven Universe thread. Next time say you did not care for Over the Garden Wall.
Shallow and pedantic
The sequel was a little gay.
Mah nigga
how do you get off being so based all the time?
most based post on the board. fuck SU
Steven could literally RIP your head off with his bare hands.
Based. Steven is the kind of little faggot who cries anytime the world acts a little unfair.
I love SU, and I kinda agree?
It'd be satisfying in a way to see Steven get his ass dragged because "we don't have to fight" and realizing not all villains can be reasoned with.
>Leather belt, the end with the buckle, on his bare pussy bitch ass
No sir, nothing gay detected here.
To be fair he has a longtime girlfriend and hangs out with nothing but alien women who worry about him.
Doesnt sound very gay to me
>actual father lives in a van
>lives with only women who tell him that crying obsessively is perfectly "human" and "natural"
Almost none of those things have anything to do with being gay.
Alright, boys, pull out the walking webm.
You know the one.
all of those things have to do with being gay
>>Almost none of those things have anything to do with being gay.
A lamest cartoon for mentally weak late millennials and zoomers.
You’re kind of bitching, that make you gay?
>>>>Obsessively cries
You forgot the most important one
I'm just reiterating user. If you can't tell the difference, you're one of the listed traits.
Woah fellas we got a badass here
I'm all of those traits because I'm gay.
That explains it then.
Upon himself, yes.
Based and, dare I say, redpilled?
Fucking based. Fuck SU and fuck this board.
Thats fair, its not for everyone. At least you gave it a chance.
Everytime, and i mean EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. i come to Yea Forums to chill and see what's going on i see atleast 7 fucking Steven Universe threads
What is it that a single cartoon attracts so many autistic manchildren? What does that cartoon have that makes it stand out?
It's just a stupid cartoon made for little kids who don't know shit about what makes a cartoon good, and for retarded pedophile trannies who won't stop gobbling on cartoon networks corporate cock.
Seriously, you fucking tranny SU-fags make me sick. You will never be loved and/or needed by anyone in your entire NEET life. You're all human waste.
Please do us all a favor and do the following:
1.- Go to your nearest grocery store
2.- Buy a deodorant
3.- Apply it on your diabetic, greasy-ass stinky armpits
4.- After that, take both joycons and shove them up your fat ass as deep as you can while screaming "WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS!"
5.- Finally, grab a rope, make a hangman's knot and neck yourself so that you stop stealing my precious oxygen
This is the most love and support I've ever had on this website, and it's all thanks to my irrational hatred of progressive social politics shamelessly promoted by stupid cartoons made by lesbians. I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay, lesbian, or nonviolent, but this show presents an unrealistic view of the world I find utterly alien and honestly insulting. I'm more comfortable with toxic masculinity because I was born in it, molded by it, and this show does not gratify my needs for entertainment.
You know what will? Fucking Primal. That shit looks dank as fuck. No dialogue? A caveman and his dinosaur killing and eating other dinosaurs? Blood and dismemberment? Breaking bones, tearing of flesh, the truth and purity of survival? YES. This is the shit.
*Deoxys noises*
Keep that gorilla.
>my precious oxygen
christ. get help, incel
I do, and can't believe we went from 6 months hiatuses to get to this point. Way to make time go by even faster fucking Sugar!
Jasper, we know its you. Stop posting and get a job.
>nonono im not gay i watch MANLY moves like GODFATHER. I do MANLY things like WHIP KIDS. I am NOT GAY
go back to Yea Forums with your shit meme.
Could Steven talk Dutch out of Tahiti?