Instead of having a meeting let’s get out our computers and have fun while on the Leigon of Doom’s Minecraft...

Instead of having a meeting let’s get out our computers and have fun while on the Leigon of Doom’s Minecraft survival server...

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[Knifepal11 has joined the game]

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Looks like the computer arrived early.

Alright let's install the usual Legion Stuff an-

Oh come on!! You're playing Minecraft... now of all times?!

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What is this curious 'minecraft' you speak of?
You will explain it to Skeksil, yes?

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I'm gonna grief your shit.

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It’s a game in a cube world where you do whatever you want. You can build, grief, play games, fight, or my personal favorite... transform villages into massive death camps

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Why would we want to play Minecraft? We’re all ready made of Legos apparently

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Hey black manta, you were on the news recently, so you finally got aquaman huh, damn thats brutal, especially you severing his own leg. Apparently they took the pic sideways.

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wwould you rather play troll ovverwwatch or troll fortnite then

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Mein frau, did you just say "death camps?" Ich will need to try this game.
Is it true that die Dorfbewohner have incredibly große nasen, much like der Jude?

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So are we just gonna ignore my Halo forge world?

Rey those are action figures.

I mean I appreciate the thought but still. Azula and I have yet to wreck the place.

It'sjustsomerandomguy's action figures just posing for some reason.

Mincecraft is boring. There is literally nothing to do. If I wanted to play a game that's just a farming simulator I would play Harvest Moon.

Nah. Overwatch has charm but that fanbase is toxic as fuck. I can't plsy a goof game without people screaming at each other.

Fortnite was tradh in the beginning and was made even worse when Thanos started playing. Fucktard kept snapping anyone who killed him in the game.

I'm more into League. Yeah it's just as salty as Overwatch but hey at least Riot balances it's shit together.

I also enjoy playing Virtual Poker as well. Especially with my group. Brock Samson and Ashe Williams are always fun to tick off when I beat them.

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wwhen league players enter a tournament

do they also get culled and killed for losing each round

or is there less death for humans

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I find smite to be fun

I wish that would make it more interesting

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So, are we to play games?
I came here to cause doom, that is what legion does, yes?
...but perhaps Emperor would forgive Chamberlain if only play little

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Hmph. I never thought you would have such a shit taste in gaming Manta. I on the other hand play DOOM on my PC and occasionally in my mech.

Also computer poker? With only men? Why not play Strip Poker with actual girls instead?

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games are wworth it wwhen there are high risks or challenges invvolvved to test yourselvves

treasure and rewwards are another

but i care for riches only after i showwn my abilities to my rivvals

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DOOM is a good game and you have earned my respect

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I found Smite to OK myself but I like watching pros play it.

Everyone here has played DOOM. Everyone here loves DOOM. And I'm pretty sure everyone here is waiting for DOOM guy to be a playable character in either Smash or Mortal Kombat. You're not special for liking a well loved PC game.

As for playing Online Strip Poker, have you seen the players on that site?! It looks like most of them are underage. I know Old Lotor's comment yesterday hurt your pride a bit being called gay. But honestly do you really want to prove yourself as straight fapping to underage girls?

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>Westernize Japan early
>Oceania is my playground
>Fought off the United Kingdom and Chinese Empire for Indochina and Korea
>Colonizing Africa
>Liquor factories are running smoothly
Ahhhh, Victoria 2. A true gentlemen's game.

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Fuck you I am special!

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But what about Großdeutschland?

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Yeah I know about the figures I was just trying to make you feel good for the initial invasion thats all. Of course its your other look.

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Fun at first, but I enjoyed making Greece into the Byzantine Empire more because it was more challenging. When Germany is formed it's hard to lose the game, even getting into a war with France, Russia, and the United Kingdom at the same time.

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>Fun at first, but I enjoyed making Greece into the Byzantine Empire more because it was more challenging
I take it you play vanilla? I only play with HPM. It lets you answer the Judenfrage, with a final solution.
>When Germany is formed it's hard to lose the game, even getting into a war with France, Russia, and the United Kingdom at the same time.
Ah, but the challenge is not to defeat the agents of the international Jewry in war. The challenge is to create a purely Aryan Großdeutsches Reich, preferably with an eastern border at the A-A line.

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[666HyperG0DofDeath666 has joined the game]

What's DOOM?

Also Manta those girls were nice. They played fair when I beat them. You shouldn't be rude to them.

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You seem young and full of vigor, yes?

We already said that nobody touches the k-...

Kid did you just admit you go on a porn site, wins games of virtual poker, and watch girls strip off their clothes?

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[666HyperG0DofDeath666 has left the game]

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Ah forge, now that's a map creator

Please forgive!
It is habit learned from bad company, yes?
It would not do for Skeksil to join legion only to cause internal conflict

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ahhhh flarping

noww thats a true game to play

being dualscar to go against foes like the dreaded mindfang on the seas wwith our creww

strife and riches wwere all around

its been so long since ivve been in a campaign

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Goddammit, Asriel.

Anyway, my preferred game is a good ol' fashioned session of what people call "Paranoia."

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Well I guess that helps him with his Evil points I suppose.

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Well yes, Chamberlain not know of these "computer games"
But game I love most is the game of skeksis court!
Most fun, yes?

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